User:Gurgum/sandbox/duty list

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 Has canonical nameHas duty typeHas duty level requirementHas duty level syncHas party sizeHas duty time limitHas duty ilevel requirement
A Chorus SlimeA Chorus SlimeMasked Carnivale50
A Golden Opportunity (duty)A Golden OpportunityMasked Carnivale80
A Little Knight MusicA Little Knight MusicMasked Carnivale50
A Relic Reborn: The ChimeraA Relic Reborn: The ChimeraTrial5050Full6052
A Relic Reborn: The HydraA Relic Reborn: The HydraTrial5050Full6052
AAC Light-heavyweight M1AAC Light-heavyweight M1Raid100100Full90685
AAC Light-heavyweight M1 (Savage)AAC Light-heavyweight M1 (Savage)Raid100100Full90700
AAC Light-heavyweight M2AAC Light-heavyweight M2Raid100100Full90685
AAC Light-heavyweight M2 (Savage)AAC Light-heavyweight M2 (Savage)Raid100100Full90705
AAC Light-heavyweight M3AAC Light-heavyweight M3Raid100100Full90685
AAC Light-heavyweight M3 (Savage)AAC Light-heavyweight M3 (Savage)Raid100100Full90710
AAC Light-heavyweight M4AAC Light-heavyweight M4Raid100100Full90685
AAC Light-heavyweight M4 (Savage)AAC Light-heavyweight M4 (Savage)Raid100100Full120710
Abyssos: The Eighth CircleAbyssos: The Eighth CircleRaid9090Full90585
Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage)Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage)Raid9090Full120610
Abyssos: The Fifth CircleAbyssos: The Fifth CircleRaid9090Full90585
Abyssos: The Fifth Circle (Savage)Abyssos: The Fifth Circle (Savage)Raid9090Full90600
Abyssos: The Seventh CircleAbyssos: The Seventh CircleRaid9090Full90585
Abyssos: The Seventh Circle (Savage)Abyssos: The Seventh Circle (Savage)Raid9090Full90610
Abyssos: The Sixth CircleAbyssos: The Sixth CircleRaid9090Full90585
Abyssos: The Sixth Circle (Savage)Abyssos: The Sixth Circle (Savage)Raid9090Full90605
Akadaemia AnyderAkadaemia AnyderDungeon8080Light90410
Ala Mhigo (Duty)Ala MhigoDungeon7070Light90280
Alexander - The Arm of the FatherAlexander - The Arm of the FatherRaid6060Full90170
Alexander - The Arm of the Father (Savage)Alexander - The Arm of the Father (Savage)Raid6060Full90200
Alexander - The Arm of the SonAlexander - The Arm of the SonRaid6060Full90200
Alexander - The Arm of the Son (Savage)Alexander - The Arm of the Son (Savage)Raid6060Full90225
Alexander - The Breath of the CreatorAlexander - The Breath of the CreatorRaid6060Full90230
Alexander - The Breath of the Creator (Savage)Alexander - The Breath of the Creator (Savage)Raid6060Full90250
Alexander - The Burden of the FatherAlexander - The Burden of the FatherRaid6060Full90170
Alexander - The Burden of the Father (Savage)Alexander - The Burden of the Father (Savage)Raid6060Full90205
Alexander - The Burden of the SonAlexander - The Burden of the SonRaid6060Full90200
Alexander - The Burden of the Son (Savage)Alexander - The Burden of the Son (Savage)Raid6060Full90225
Alexander - The Cuff of the FatherAlexander - The Cuff of the FatherRaid6060Full90170
Alexander - The Cuff of the Father (Savage)Alexander - The Cuff of the Father (Savage)Raid6060Full90195
Alexander - The Cuff of the SonAlexander - The Cuff of the SonRaid6060Full90200
Alexander - The Cuff of the Son (Savage)Alexander - The Cuff of the Son (Savage)Raid6060Full90220
Alexander - The Eyes of the CreatorAlexander - The Eyes of the CreatorRaid6060Full90230
Alexander - The Eyes of the Creator (Savage)Alexander - The Eyes of the Creator (Savage)Raid6060Full90245
Alexander - The Fist of the FatherAlexander - The Fist of the FatherRaid6060Full90170
Alexander - The Fist of the Father (Savage)Alexander - The Fist of the Father (Savage)Raid6060Full90190
Alexander - The Fist of the SonAlexander - The Fist of the SonRaid6060Full90200
Alexander - The Fist of the Son (Savage)Alexander - The Fist of the Son (Savage)Raid6060Full90215
Alexander - The Heart of the CreatorAlexander - The Heart of the CreatorRaid6060Full90230
Alexander - The Heart of the Creator (Savage)Alexander - The Heart of the Creator (Savage)Raid6060Full90255
Alexander - The Soul of the CreatorAlexander - The Soul of the CreatorRaid6060Full90230
Alexander - The Soul of the Creator (Savage)Alexander - The Soul of the Creator (Savage)Raid6060Full90255
All's Well That Starts WellAll's Well That Starts WellMasked Carnivale50
All's Well that Ends in the WellAll's Well that Ends in the WellGuildhest2526Light30
Aloalo IslandAloalo IslandVariant Dungeon9090Flexible90605
Alphascape V1.0Alphascape V1.0Raid7070Full90355
Alphascape V1.0 (Savage)Alphascape V1.0 (Savage)Raid7070Full90370
Alphascape V2.0Alphascape V2.0Raid7070Full90355
Alphascape V2.0 (Savage)Alphascape V2.0 (Savage)Raid7070Full90375
Alphascape V3.0Alphascape V3.0Raid7070Full90355
Alphascape V3.0 (Savage)Alphascape V3.0 (Savage)Raid7070Full90380
Alphascape V4.0Alphascape V4.0Raid7070Full90355
Alphascape V4.0 (Savage)Alphascape V4.0 (Savage)Raid7070Full120380
Alzadaal's Legacy (Duty)Alzadaal's LegacyDungeon9090Light90560
Amazing Technicolor Pit FiendsAmazing Technicolor Pit FiendsMasked Carnivale50
Amdapor KeepAmdapor KeepDungeon5050Light9045
Amdapor Keep (Hard)Amdapor Keep (Hard)Dungeon5050Light9090
Anabaseios: The Eleventh CircleAnabaseios: The Eleventh CircleRaid9090Full90615
Anabaseios: The Eleventh Circle (Savage)Anabaseios: The Eleventh Circle (Savage)Raid9090Full90640
Anabaseios: The Ninth CircleAnabaseios: The Ninth CircleRaid9090Full90615
Anabaseios: The Ninth Circle (Savage)Anabaseios: The Ninth Circle (Savage)Raid9090Full90630
Anabaseios: The Tenth CircleAnabaseios: The Tenth CircleRaid9090Full90615
Anabaseios: The Tenth Circle (Savage)Anabaseios: The Tenth Circle (Savage)Raid9090Full90635
Anabaseios: The Twelfth CircleAnabaseios: The Twelfth CircleRaid9090Full90615
Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle (Savage)Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle (Savage)Raid9090Full120640
Anamnesis AnyderAnamnesis AnyderDungeon8080Light90440
Annoy the VoidAnnoy the VoidGuildhest3031Light30
Another Aloalo IslandAnother Aloalo IslandCriterion Dungeon9090Light90640
Another Aloalo Island (Savage)Another Aloalo Island (Savage)Criterion Dungeon9090Light90665
Another Mount RokkonAnother Mount RokkonCriterion Dungeon9090Light90640
Another Mount Rokkon (Savage)Another Mount Rokkon (Savage)Criterion Dungeon9090Light90665
Another Sil'dihn SubterraneAnother Sil'dihn SubterraneCriterion Dungeon9090Light90610
Another Sil'dihn Subterrane (Savage)Another Sil'dihn Subterrane (Savage)Criterion Dungeon9090Light120635
Anything Gogo'sAnything Gogo'sMasked Carnivale70
Asphodelos: The First CircleAsphodelos: The First CircleRaid9090Full90565
Asphodelos: The First Circle (Savage)Asphodelos: The First Circle (Savage)Raid9090Full90570
Asphodelos: The Fourth CircleAsphodelos: The Fourth CircleRaid9090Full90565
Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage)Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage)Raid9090Full120580
Asphodelos: The Second CircleAsphodelos: The Second CircleRaid9090Full90565
Asphodelos: The Second Circle (Savage)Asphodelos: The Second Circle (Savage)Raid9090Full90575
Asphodelos: The Third CircleAsphodelos: The Third CircleRaid9090Full90565
Asphodelos: The Third Circle (Savage)Asphodelos: The Third Circle (Savage)Raid9090Full90580
Baelsar's WallBaelsar's WallDungeon6060Light90230
Bardam's MettleBardam's MettleDungeon6566Light90250
Basic Training: Enemy PartiesBasic Training: Enemy PartiesGuildhest1011Light30
Basic Training: Enemy StrongholdsBasic Training: Enemy StrongholdsGuildhest1516Light30
Battle in the Big KeepBattle in the Big KeepTrial5050Full6090
Battle on the Big BridgeBattle on the Big BridgeTrial5050Full6050
Beauty and a BeastBeauty and a BeastMasked Carnivale50
Behemoths and BroomsticksBehemoths and BroomsticksMasked Carnivale50
Blobs in the WoodsBlobs in the WoodsMasked Carnivale50
Bomb-edy of ErrorsBomb-edy of ErrorsMasked Carnivale50
Brayflox's LongstopBrayflox's LongstopDungeon3234Light90
Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)Dungeon5050Light9055
Cape Westwind (Duty)Cape WestwindTrial4950Full60
Castrum AbaniaCastrum AbaniaDungeon6970Light90260
Castrum FluminisCastrum FluminisTrial7070Full60335
Castrum MarinumCastrum MarinumTrial8080Full60485
Castrum Marinum (Extreme)Castrum Marinum (Extreme)Trial8080Full60500
Castrum MeridianumCastrum MeridianumDungeon5050Light9042
Chimera on a Hot Tin RoofChimera on a Hot Tin RoofMasked Carnivale50
Cinder DriftCinder DriftTrial8080Full60455
Cinder Drift (Extreme)Cinder Drift (Extreme)Trial8080Full60470
Containment Bay P1T6Containment Bay P1T6Trial6060Full60220
Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme)Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme)Trial6060Full60235
Containment Bay P1T6 (Unreal)Containment Bay P1T6 (Unreal)Trial9090Full60560
Containment Bay S1T7Containment Bay S1T7Trial6060Full60190
Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme)Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme)Trial6060Full60205
Containment Bay S1T7 (Unreal)Containment Bay S1T7 (Unreal)Trial9090Full60560
Containment Bay Z1T9Containment Bay Z1T9Trial6060Full60235
Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme)Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme)Trial6060Full60250
Containment Bay Z1T9 (Unreal)Containment Bay Z1T9 (Unreal)Trial9090Full60560
Copperbell MinesCopperbell MinesDungeon1720Light90
Copperbell Mines (Hard)Copperbell Mines (Hard)Dungeon5050Light9048
Crystalline ConflictCrystalline ConflictPvP30305
Cutter's CryCutter's CryDungeon3840Light90
DPS Training - Exercise 1: Avoid Area of Effect AttacksDPS Training - Exercise 1: Avoid Area of Effect AttacksHall of the Novice1515Solo30
DPS Training - Exercise 2: Assist Allies in Defeating a TargetDPS Training - Exercise 2: Assist Allies in Defeating a TargetHall of the Novice1515Solo30
DPS Training - Exercise 3: Defeat an Occupied TargetDPS Training - Exercise 3: Defeat an Occupied TargetHall of the Novice1515Solo30
DPS Training - Exercise 4: Avoid Engaged TargetsDPS Training - Exercise 4: Avoid Engaged TargetsHall of the Novice1515Solo30
DPS Training - Exercise 5: Engage Enemy ReinforcementsDPS Training - Exercise 5: Engage Enemy ReinforcementsHall of the Novice1515Solo30
DPS Training - Exercise 6: Interact with the BattlefieldDPS Training - Exercise 6: Interact with the BattlefieldHall of the Novice1515Solo30
DPS Training - Exercise 7: Final ExerciseDPS Training - Exercise 7: Final ExerciseHall of the Novice1515Solo30
Dangerous When DeadDangerous When DeadMasked Carnivale60
Deltascape V1.0Deltascape V1.0Raid7070Full90295
Deltascape V1.0 (Savage)Deltascape V1.0 (Savage)Raid7070Full90310
Deltascape V2.0Deltascape V2.0Raid7070Full90295
Deltascape V2.0 (Savage)Deltascape V2.0 (Savage)Raid7070Full90315
Deltascape V3.0Deltascape V3.0Raid7070Full90295
Deltascape V3.0 (Savage)Deltascape V3.0 (Savage)Raid7070Full90320
Deltascape V4.0Deltascape V4.0Raid7070Full90295
Deltascape V4.0 (Savage)Deltascape V4.0 (Savage)Raid7070Full120320
Delubrum ReginaeDelubrum ReginaeBSF8080Flexible180430
Delubrum Reginae (Savage)Delubrum Reginae (Savage)BSF8080180430
Dirty Rotten AzulmagiaDirty Rotten AzulmagiaMasked Carnivale50
Dohn MhegDohn MhegDungeon7374Light90375
Doma CastleDoma CastleDungeon6768Light90255
Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate)Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate)Ultimate Raid9090Full120605
Dun ScaithDun ScaithRaid6060Alliance120235
Dzemael DarkholdDzemael DarkholdDungeon4446Light90
Eden's Gate: DescentEden's Gate: DescentRaid8080Full90425
Eden's Gate: Descent (Savage)Eden's Gate: Descent (Savage)Raid8080Full90445
Eden's Gate: InundationEden's Gate: InundationRaid8080Full90425
Eden's Gate: Inundation (Savage)Eden's Gate: Inundation (Savage)Raid8080Full90450
Eden's Gate: ResurrectionEden's Gate: ResurrectionRaid8080Full90425
Eden's Gate: Resurrection (Savage)Eden's Gate: Resurrection (Savage)Raid8080Full90440
Eden's Gate: SepultureEden's Gate: SepultureRaid8080Full90425
Eden's Gate: Sepulture (Savage)Eden's Gate: Sepulture (Savage)Raid8080Full120450
Eden's Promise: AnamorphosisEden's Promise: AnamorphosisRaid8080Full90485
Eden's Promise: Anamorphosis (Savage)Eden's Promise: Anamorphosis (Savage)Raid8080Full90510
Eden's Promise: EternityEden's Promise: EternityRaid8080Full90485
Eden's Promise: Eternity (Savage)Eden's Promise: Eternity (Savage)Raid8080Full120510
Eden's Promise: LitanyEden's Promise: LitanyRaid8080Full90485
Eden's Promise: Litany (Savage)Eden's Promise: Litany (Savage)Raid8080Full90505
Eden's Promise: UmbraEden's Promise: UmbraRaid8080Full90485
Eden's Promise: Umbra (Savage)Eden's Promise: Umbra (Savage)Raid8080Full90500
Eden's Verse: FulminationEden's Verse: FulminationRaid8080Full90455
Eden's Verse: Fulmination (Savage)Eden's Verse: Fulmination (Savage)Raid8080Full90470
Eden's Verse: FurorEden's Verse: FurorRaid8080Full90455
Eden's Verse: Furor (Savage)Eden's Verse: Furor (Savage)Raid8080Full90475
Eden's Verse: IconoclasmEden's Verse: IconoclasmRaid8080Full90455
Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm (Savage)Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm (Savage)Raid8080Full90480
Eden's Verse: RefulgenceEden's Verse: RefulgenceRaid8080Full90455
Eden's Verse: Refulgence (Savage)Eden's Verse: Refulgence (Savage)Raid8080Full120480
Emanation (Extreme)Emanation (Extreme)Trial7070Full60300
Eureka OrthosEureka OrthosDeep Dungeon8190Flexible60
Eureka Orthos (Floors 1-10)Eureka Orthos (Floors 1-10)Deep Dungeon8190Flexible60
Eureka Orthos (Floors 11-20)Eureka Orthos (Floors 11-20)Deep Dungeon8690Flexible60
Eureka Orthos (Floors 21-30)Eureka Orthos (Floors 21-30)Deep Dungeon9090Flexible60
Eureka Orthos (Floors 31-40)Eureka Orthos (Floors 31-40)Deep Dungeon9090Flexible60
Eureka Orthos (Floors 41-50)Eureka Orthos (Floors 41-50)Deep Dungeon9090Flexible60
Eureka Orthos (Floors 51-60)Eureka Orthos (Floors 51-60)Deep Dungeon9090Flexible60
Eureka Orthos (Floors 61-70)Eureka Orthos (Floors 61-70)Deep Dungeon9090Flexible60
Eureka Orthos (Floors 71-80)Eureka Orthos (Floors 71-80)Deep Dungeon9090Flexible60
Eureka Orthos (Floors 81-90)Eureka Orthos (Floors 81-90)Deep Dungeon9090Flexible60
Eureka Orthos (Floors 91-100)Eureka Orthos (Floors 91-100)Deep Dungeon9090Flexible60
Everkeep (Extreme)Everkeep (Extreme)Trial100Full60690
Eye SocietyEye SocietyMasked Carnivale50
Flicking Sticks and Taking NamesFlicking Sticks and Taking NamesGuildhest2526Light30
Futures Rewritten (Ultimate)Futures Rewritten (Ultimate)Ultimate Raid100100Full120735
Gentlemen Prefer SwordsGentlemen Prefer SwordsMasked Carnivale50
Halatali (Hard)Halatali (Hard)Dungeon5050Light9055
Haukke ManorHaukke ManorDungeon2831Light90
Haukke Manor (Hard)Haukke Manor (Hard)Dungeon5050Light9048
Healer Training - Exercise 1: Avoid Area of Effect AttacksHealer Training - Exercise 1: Avoid Area of Effect AttacksHall of the Novice1515Solo30
Healer Training - Exercise 2: Heal an AllyHealer Training - Exercise 2: Heal an AllyHall of the Novice1515Solo30
Healer Training - Exercise 3: Heal Multiple AlliesHealer Training - Exercise 3: Heal Multiple AlliesHall of the Novice1515Solo30
Healer Training - Exercise 4: Avoid Engaged TargetsHealer Training - Exercise 4: Avoid Engaged TargetsHall of the Novice1515Solo30
Healer Training - Exercise 5: Final ExerciseHealer Training - Exercise 5: Final ExerciseHall of the Novice1515Solo30
Heaven-on-HighHeaven-on-HighDeep Dungeon6170Flexible60
Heaven-on-High (Floors 1-10)Heaven-on-High (Floors 1-10)Deep Dungeon6170Flexible60
Heaven-on-High (Floors 11-20)Heaven-on-High (Floors 11-20)Deep Dungeon6570Flexible60
Heaven-on-High (Floors 21-30)Heaven-on-High (Floors 21-30)Deep Dungeon7070Flexible60
Heaven-on-High (Floors 31-40)Heaven-on-High (Floors 31-40)Deep Dungeon7070Flexible60
Heaven-on-High (Floors 41-50)Heaven-on-High (Floors 41-50)Deep Dungeon7070Flexible60
Heaven-on-High (Floors 51-60)Heaven-on-High (Floors 51-60)Deep Dungeon7070Flexible60
Heaven-on-High (Floors 61-70)Heaven-on-High (Floors 61-70)Deep Dungeon7070Flexible60
Heaven-on-High (Floors 71-80)Heaven-on-High (Floors 71-80)Deep Dungeon7070Flexible60
Heaven-on-High (Floors 81-90)Heaven-on-High (Floors 81-90)Deep Dungeon7070Flexible60
Heaven-on-High (Floors 91-100)Heaven-on-High (Floors 91-100)Deep Dungeon7070Flexible60
Hells' KierHells' KierTrial7070Full60355
Hells' Kier (Extreme)Hells' Kier (Extreme)Trial7070Full60370
Hells' LidHells' LidDungeon7070Light90310
Here Comes the BoomHere Comes the BoomMasked Carnivale50
Hero on the HalfshellHero on the HalfshellGuildhest1516Light30
Hidden GorgeHidden GorgePvP3015
Holminster SwitchHolminster SwitchDungeon7172Light90370
Hullbreaker IsleHullbreaker IsleDungeon5050Light9070
Hullbreaker Isle (Hard)Hullbreaker Isle (Hard)Dungeon6060Light90200
Jeuno: The First WalkJeuno: The First WalkRaid100100Alliance120695
Ktisis HyperboreiaKtisis HyperboreiaDungeon8788Light90515
Kugane CastleKugane CastleDungeon7070Light90280
Kugane OhashiKugane OhashiTrial7070Full60365
Lapis ManalisLapis ManalisDungeon9090Light90590
Lock up Your SnortersLock up Your SnortersMasked Carnivale60
Long Live the QueenLong Live the QueenGuildhest3536Light30
Malikah's WellMalikah's WellDungeon7778Light90385
Matoya's RelictMatoya's RelictDungeon8080Light90470
Memoria Misera (Extreme)Memoria Misera (Extreme)Trial8080Full60470
Midsummer Night's ExplosionMidsummer Night's ExplosionMasked Carnivale50
Miss TyphonMiss TyphonMasked Carnivale50
More than a FeelerMore than a FeelerGuildhest3031Light30
Mount OrdealsMount OrdealsTrial9090Full60595
Mount Ordeals (Extreme)Mount Ordeals (Extreme)Trial9090Full60610
Mount RokkonMount RokkonVariant Dungeon9090Flexible90605
Mt. GulgMt. GulgDungeon7980Light90390
Much Ado About PuddingMuch Ado About PuddingMasked Carnivale50
On a Clear Day You Can Smell ForeverOn a Clear Day You Can Smell ForeverMasked Carnivale50
Onsal Hakair (Danshig Naadam)Onsal Hakair (Danshig Naadam)PvP3020
Palace of the DeadPalace of the DeadDeep Dungeon160Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 1-10)Palace of the Dead (Floors 1-10)Deep Dungeon160Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 101-110)Palace of the Dead (Floors 101-110)Deep Dungeon6060Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 11-20)Palace of the Dead (Floors 11-20)Deep Dungeon1860Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 111-120)Palace of the Dead (Floors 111-120)Deep Dungeon6060Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 121-130)Palace of the Dead (Floors 121-130)Deep Dungeon6060Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 131-140)Palace of the Dead (Floors 131-140)Deep Dungeon6060Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 141-150)Palace of the Dead (Floors 141-150)Deep Dungeon6060Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 151-160)Palace of the Dead (Floors 151-160)Deep Dungeon6060Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 161-170)Palace of the Dead (Floors 161-170)Deep Dungeon6060Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 171-180)Palace of the Dead (Floors 171-180)Deep Dungeon6060Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 181-190)Palace of the Dead (Floors 181-190)Deep Dungeon6060Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 191-200)Palace of the Dead (Floors 191-200)Deep Dungeon6060Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 21-30)Palace of the Dead (Floors 21-30)Deep Dungeon3360Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 31-40)Palace of the Dead (Floors 31-40)Deep Dungeon4860Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 41-50)Palace of the Dead (Floors 41-50)Deep Dungeon5760Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 51-60)Palace of the Dead (Floors 51-60)Deep Dungeon6060Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 61-70)Palace of the Dead (Floors 61-70)Deep Dungeon6060Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 71-80)Palace of the Dead (Floors 71-80)Deep Dungeon6060Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 81-90)Palace of the Dead (Floors 81-90)Deep Dungeon6060Flexible60
Palace of the Dead (Floors 91-100)Palace of the Dead (Floors 91-100)Deep Dungeon6060Flexible60
Papa MiaPapa MiaMasked Carnivale60
Pharos SiriusPharos SiriusDungeon5050Light9048
Pharos Sirius (Hard)Pharos Sirius (Hard)Dungeon6060Light90170
Pulling Poison PosiesPulling Poison PosiesGuildhest2021Light30
Recollection (Extreme)Recollection (Extreme)Trial100Full60
Red, Fraught, and BlueRed, Fraught, and BlueMasked Carnivale60
Saint Mocianne's ArboretumSaint Mocianne's ArboretumDungeon6060Light90170
Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard)Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard)Dungeon7070Light90340
Sastasha (Hard)Sastasha (Hard)Dungeon5050Light9080
Seal Rock (Seize)Seal Rock (Seize)PvP3020
Shadow and ClawShadow and ClawGuildhest3536Light30
Shisui of the Violet TidesShisui of the Violet TidesDungeon6364Light90245
Sigmascape V1.0Sigmascape V1.0Raid7070Full90325
Sigmascape V1.0 (Savage)Sigmascape V1.0 (Savage)Raid7070Full90340
Sigmascape V2.0Sigmascape V2.0Raid7070Full90325
Sigmascape V2.0 (Savage)Sigmascape V2.0 (Savage)Raid7070Full90345
Sigmascape V3.0Sigmascape V3.0Raid7070Full90325
Sigmascape V3.0 (Savage)Sigmascape V3.0 (Savage)Raid7070Full90350
Sigmascape V4.0Sigmascape V4.0Raid7070Full90325
Sigmascape V4.0 (Savage)Sigmascape V4.0 (Savage)Raid7070Full120350
Sohm AlSohm AlDungeon5354Light90105
Sohm Al (Hard)Sohm Al (Hard)Dungeon6060Light90230
Sohr KhaiSohr KhaiDungeon6060Light90200
Solemn TrinitySolemn TrinityGuildhest4041Full30
Some Like It Excruciatingly HotSome Like It Excruciatingly HotMasked Carnivale50
Stinging BackStinging BackGuildhest2021Light30
Stone, Sky, Sea - AAC LHW M1 (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - AAC LHW M1 (Savage)SSS100Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - AAC LHW M2 (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - AAC LHW M2 (Savage)SSS100Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - AAC LHW M3 (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - AAC LHW M3 (Savage)SSS100Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - AAC LHW M4 (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - AAC LHW M4 (Savage)SSS100Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - AAC Light-heavyweightStone, Sky, Sea - AAC Light-heavyweightSSS100Solo30
Stone, Sky, Sea - Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage)SSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Abyssos: The Fifth Circle (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Abyssos: The Fifth Circle (Savage)SSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Abyssos: The Seventh Circle (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Abyssos: The Seventh Circle (Savage)SSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Abyssos: The Sixth Circle (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Abyssos: The Sixth Circle (Savage)SSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Alexander: GordiasStone, Sky, Sea - Alexander: GordiasSSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Alexander: MidasStone, Sky, Sea - Alexander: MidasSSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Alexander: The CreatorStone, Sky, Sea - Alexander: The CreatorSSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Alphascape V1.0 (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Alphascape V1.0 (Savage)SSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Alphascape V2.0 (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Alphascape V2.0 (Savage)SSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Alphascape V3.0 (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Alphascape V3.0 (Savage)SSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Alphascape V4.0 (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Alphascape V4.0 (Savage)SSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Anabaseios: The Eleventh Circle (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Anabaseios: The Eleventh Circle (Savage)SSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Anabaseios: The Ninth Circle (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Anabaseios: The Ninth Circle (Savage)SSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Anabaseios: The Tenth Circle (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Anabaseios: The Tenth Circle (Savage)SSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle (Savage)SSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Asphodelos: The First Circle (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Asphodelos: The First Circle (Savage)SSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage)SSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Asphodelos: The Second Circle (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Asphodelos: The Second Circle (Savage)SSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Asphodelos: The Third Circle (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Asphodelos: The Third Circle (Savage)SSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Basic TrainingStone, Sky, Sea - Basic TrainingSSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Castrum Marinum (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - Castrum Marinum (Extreme)SSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Cinder Drift (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - Cinder Drift (Extreme)SSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic)Stone, Sky, Sea - Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic)SSS100Solo30
Stone, Sky, Sea - Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme)SSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme)SSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme)SSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Deltascape V1.0 (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Deltascape V1.0 (Savage)SSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Deltascape V2.0 (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Deltascape V2.0 (Savage)SSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Deltascape V3.0 (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Deltascape V3.0 (Savage)SSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Deltascape V4.0 (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Deltascape V4.0 (Savage)SSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's GateStone, Sky, Sea - Eden's GateSSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Gate: Descent (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Gate: Descent (Savage)SSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Gate: Inundation (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Gate: Inundation (Savage)SSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Gate: Resurrection (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Gate: Resurrection (Savage)SSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Gate: Sepulture (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Gate: Sepulture (Savage)SSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's PromiseStone, Sky, Sea - Eden's PromiseSSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Promise: Anamorphosis (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Promise: Anamorphosis (Savage)SSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Promise: Eternity (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Promise: Eternity (Savage)SSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Promise: Litany (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Promise: Litany (Savage)SSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Promise: Umbra (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Promise: Umbra (Savage)SSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's VerseStone, Sky, Sea - Eden's VerseSSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Verse: Fulmination (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Verse: Fulmination (Savage)SSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Verse: Furor (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Verse: Furor (Savage)SSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm (Savage)SSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Verse: Refulgence (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Eden's Verse: Refulgence (Savage)SSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Emanation (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - Emanation (Extreme)SSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Everkeep (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - Everkeep (Extreme)SSS100Solo30
Stone, Sky, Sea - Hells' Kier (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - Hells' Kier (Extreme)SSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Level 100Stone, Sky, Sea - Level 100SSS100100Solo30
Stone, Sky, Sea - Level 60Stone, Sky, Sea - Level 60SSS6060Solo30
Stone, Sky, Sea - Level 70Stone, Sky, Sea - Level 70SSS7070Solo30
Stone, Sky, Sea - Level 80Stone, Sky, Sea - Level 80SSS8080Solo30
Stone, Sky, Sea - Level 90Stone, Sky, Sea - Level 90SSS9090Solo30
Stone, Sky, Sea - Mount Ordeals (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - Mount Ordeals (Extreme)SSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Omega: AlphascapeStone, Sky, Sea - Omega: AlphascapeSSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Omega: DeltascapeStone, Sky, Sea - Omega: DeltascapeSSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Omega: SigmascapeStone, Sky, Sea - Omega: SigmascapeSSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Pandæmonium: AbyssosStone, Sky, Sea - Pandæmonium: AbyssosSSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Pandæmonium: AnabaseiosStone, Sky, Sea - Pandæmonium: AnabaseiosSSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Pandæmonium: AsphodelosStone, Sky, Sea - Pandæmonium: AsphodelosSSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Queen EternalStone, Sky, Sea - Queen EternalSSS100Solo30
Stone, Sky, Sea - Sigmascape V1.0 (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Sigmascape V1.0 (Savage)SSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Sigmascape V2.0 (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Sigmascape V2.0 (Savage)SSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Sigmascape V3.0 (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Sigmascape V3.0 (Savage)SSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Sigmascape V4.0 (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - Sigmascape V4.0 (Savage)SSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Storm's Crown (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - Storm's Crown (Extreme)SSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Abyssal Fracture (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Abyssal Fracture (Extreme)SSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Arm of the Father (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Arm of the Father (Savage)SSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Arm of the Son (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Arm of the Son (Savage)SSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Breath of the Creator (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Breath of the Creator (Savage)SSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Burden of the Father (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Burden of the Father (Savage)SSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Burden of the Son (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Burden of the Son (Savage)SSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Cloud Deck (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Cloud Deck (Extreme)SSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Crown of the Immaculate (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Crown of the Immaculate (Extreme)SSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Cuff of the Father (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Cuff of the Father (Savage)SSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Cuff of the Son (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Cuff of the Son (Savage)SSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Dancing Plague (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Dancing Plague (Extreme)SSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Dying GaspStone, Sky, Sea - The Dying GaspSSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Eyes of the Creator (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Eyes of the Creator (Savage)SSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Final DayStone, Sky, Sea - The Final DaySSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Fist of the Father (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Fist of the Father (Savage)SSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Fist of the Son (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Fist of the Son (Savage)SSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Heart of the Creator (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Heart of the Creator (Savage)SSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Jade Stoa (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Jade Stoa (Extreme)SSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Limitless Blue (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Limitless Blue (Extreme)SSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Minstrel's Ballad: Endsinger's AriaStone, Sky, Sea - The Minstrel's Ballad: Endsinger's AriaSSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's ElegyStone, Sky, Sea - The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's ElegySSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Minstrel's Ballad: Hydaelyn's CallStone, Sky, Sea - The Minstrel's Ballad: Hydaelyn's CallSSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's RageStone, Sky, Sea - The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's RageSSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's DomainStone, Sky, Sea - The Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's DomainSSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Minstrel's Ballad: Sphene's BurdenStone, Sky, Sea - The Minstrel's Ballad: Sphene's BurdenSSS100Solo30
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's ReignStone, Sky, Sea - The Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's ReignSSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's PainStone, Sky, Sea - The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's PainSSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Minstrel's Ballad: Zodiark's FallStone, Sky, Sea - The Minstrel's Ballad: Zodiark's FallSSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Pool of Tribute (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Pool of Tribute (Extreme)SSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Royal MenagerieStone, Sky, Sea - The Royal MenagerieSSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Seat of Sacrifice (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Seat of Sacrifice (Extreme)SSS80Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Soul of the Creator (Savage)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Soul of the Creator (Savage)SSS60Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Voidcast Dais (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Voidcast Dais (Extreme)SSS90Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme)SSS70Solo3
Stone, Sky, Sea - Worqor Lar Dor (Extreme)Stone, Sky, Sea - Worqor Lar Dor (Extreme)SSS100Solo30
Storm's CrownStorm's CrownTrial9090Full60585
Storm's Crown (Extreme)Storm's Crown (Extreme)Trial9090Full60600
Sunset Bull-evardSunset Bull-evardMasked Carnivale50
Syrcus TowerSyrcus TowerRaid5050Alliance12070
Tactical Training - Exercise 1: React to Attack MarkersTactical Training - Exercise 1: React to Attack MarkersHall of the Novice4949Solo30
Tactical Training - Exercise 2: React to Floor MarkersTactical Training - Exercise 2: React to Floor MarkersHall of the Novice4949Solo30
Tactical Training - Exercise 3: React to Advanced Visual IndicatorsTactical Training - Exercise 3: React to Advanced Visual IndicatorsHall of the Novice4949Solo30
Tank Training - Exercise 1: Avoid Area of Effect AttacksTank Training - Exercise 1: Avoid Area of Effect AttacksHall of the Novice1515Solo30
Tank Training - Exercise 2: Execute a Combo to Increase EnmityTank Training - Exercise 2: Execute a Combo to Increase EnmityHall of the Novice1515Solo30
Tank Training - Exercise 3: Execute a Combo in BattleTank Training - Exercise 3: Execute a Combo in BattleHall of the Novice1515Solo30
Tank Training - Exercise 4: Accrue Enmity from Multiple TargetsTank Training - Exercise 4: Accrue Enmity from Mulitple TargetsHall of the Novice1515Solo30
Tank Training - Exercise 5: Engage Multiple TargetsTank Training - Exercise 5: Engage Multiple TargetsHall of the Novice1515Solo30
Tank Training - Exercise 6: Execute a Ranged Attack to Increase EnmityTank Training - Exercise 6: Execute a Ranged Attack to Increase EnmityHall of the Novice1515Solo30
Tank Training - Exercise 7: Engage Enemy ReinforcementsTank Training - Exercise 7: Engage Enemy ReinforcementsHall of the Novice1515Solo30
Tank Training - Exercise 8: Final ExerciseTank Training - Exercise 8: Final ExerciseHall of the Novice1515Solo30
Tender ValleyTender ValleyDungeon100Light90670
The Abyssal FractureThe Abyssal FractureTrial9090Full60625
The Abyssal Fracture (Extreme)The Abyssal Fracture (Extreme)Trial9090Full60640
The AeryThe AeryDungeon5556Light90110
The AetherfontThe AetherfontDungeon9090Light90605
The Aetherochemical Research FacilityThe Aetherochemical Research FacilityDungeon6060Light90142
The AitiascopeThe AitiascopeDungeon8990Light90520
The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme)The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme)Trial5050Full6095
The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Hard)The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Hard)Trial5050Full6080
The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Unreal)The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Unreal)Trial8080Full60430
The AntitowerThe AntitowerDungeon6060Light90180
The Aurum ValeThe Aurum ValeDungeon4749Light90
The Baldesion ArsenalThe Baldesion ArsenalDuty7070250
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1Raid5050Full9070
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2Raid5050Full9073
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3Raid5050Full9070
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4Raid5050Full9077
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5Raid5050Full9082
The Borderland Ruins (Secure)The Borderland Ruins (Secure)PvP3020
The Bowl of EmbersThe Bowl of EmbersTrial2022Light60
The Bowl of Embers (Extreme)The Bowl of Embers (Extreme)Trial5050Full6070
The Bowl of Embers (Hard)The Bowl of Embers (Hard)Trial5050Full6049
The Bozjan Southern FrontThe Bozjan Southern Front7180Flexible1800
The BurnThe BurnDungeon7070Light90340
The Calamity RetoldThe Calamity RetoldDungeon150Full600
The Catch of the SiegfriedThe Catch of the SiegfriedMasked Carnivale60
The ChrysalisThe ChrysalisTrial5050Full6090
The Cloud DeckThe Cloud DeckTrial8080Full60495
The Cloud Deck (Extreme)The Cloud Deck (Extreme)Trial8080Full60510
The Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic)The Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic)100100Alliance90710
The Copied FactoryThe Copied FactoryRaid8080Alliance120435
The Crown of the ImmaculateThe Crown of the ImmaculateTrial7980Full600
The Crown of the Immaculate (Extreme)The Crown of the Immaculate (Extreme)Trial8080Full60430
The Dancing PlagueThe Dancing PlagueTrial7374Full60
The Dancing Plague (Extreme)The Dancing Plague (Extreme)Trial8080Full60430
The Dark InsideThe Dark InsideTrial8384Full60
The Dead EndsThe Dead EndsDungeon9090Light90540
The Dragon's NeckThe Dragon's NeckTrial5050Full6080
The Drowned City of SkallaThe Drowned City of SkallaDungeon7070Light90300
The Dusk VigilThe Dusk VigilDungeon5152Light90100
The Dying GaspThe Dying GaspTrial8080Full60410
The Epic of Alexander (Ultimate)The Epic of Alexander (Ultimate)Ultimate Raid8080Full120475
The Fell Court of Troia (Duty)The Fell Court of TroiaDungeon9090Light90575
The Fields of Glory (Shatter)The Fields of Glory (Shatter)PvP3020
The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1Raid5050Full90110
The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2Raid5050Full90115
The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3Raid5050Full90120
The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4Raid5050Full90123
The Final DayThe Final DayTrial9090Full60540
The Final Steps of FaithThe Final Steps of FaithTrial6060Full60205
The Forbidden Land, Eureka AnemosThe Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos7070Flexible1800
The Forbidden Land, Eureka HydatosThe Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos7070Flexible1800
The Forbidden Land, Eureka PagosThe Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos7070Flexible1800
The Forbidden Land, Eureka PyrosThe Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros7070Flexible1800
The Fractal ContinuumThe Fractal ContinuumDungeon6060Light90145
The Fractal Continuum (Hard)The Fractal Continuum (Hard)Dungeon7070Light90310
The Ghimlyt DarkThe Ghimlyt DarkDungeon7070Light90360
The Gilded ArayaThe Gilded ArayaTrial9090Full60625
The Grand CosmosThe Grand CosmosDungeon8080Light90430
The Great Gubal LibraryThe Great Gubal LibraryDungeon5960Light90120
The Great Gubal Library (Hard)The Great Gubal Library (Hard)Dungeon6060Light90210
The Great HuntThe Great HuntTrial7070Full60320
The Great Hunt (Extreme)The Great Hunt (Extreme)Trial7070Light60350
The Haunted Manor (Duty)The Haunted ManorDungeon1Light300
The Heroes' GauntletThe Heroes' GauntletDungeon8080Light90460
The Howling EyeThe Howling EyeTrial4446Light60
The Howling Eye (Extreme)The Howling Eye (Extreme)Trial5050Full6065
The Howling Eye (Hard)The Howling Eye (Hard)Trial5050Full6052
The InterphosThe InterphosTrial100Full60670
The Jade StoaThe Jade StoaTrial7070Full60325
The Jade Stoa (Extreme)The Jade Stoa (Extreme)Trial7070Full60340
The Jade Stoa (Unreal)The Jade Stoa (Unreal)Trial100100Full60690
The Keeper of the LakeThe Keeper of the LakeDungeon5050Light9090
The Labyrinth of the AncientsThe Labyrinth of the AncientsRaid5050Alliance12050
The Limitless Blue (Extreme)The Limitless Blue (Extreme)Trial6060Full60165
The Limitless Blue (Hard)The Limitless Blue (Hard)Trial5758Full60
The Lost City of AmdaporThe Lost City of AmdaporDungeon5050Light9055
The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard)The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard)Dungeon6060Light90180
The Lunar SubterraneThe Lunar SubterraneDungeon9090Light90620
... further results