Endwalker content

Ktisis Hyperboreia

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Ktisis Hyperboreia

Ktisis Hyperboreia.png
87 (Sync: 88)
Item Level
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Dungeons (Endwalker)
Req. quest
Main Scenario quest Caging the Messenger
Elpis (X:13.2, Y:6.1, Z:4.9)
Duty Support, Trust, Explorer
Trust EXP

The most extensive facility in Elpis, Ktisis Hyperboreia is a sprawling complex of magically simulated environs. Concepts awaiting evaluation are brought here for the last stages of observation, and, upon meeting the appropriate criteria, are finally released into the world at large. Determined not to surrender Meteion, it is within this facility that Hermes has taken refuge, and you and your companions must find and confront him if you are to shed light upon the truth of the Final Days.

— In-game description

Ktisis Hyperboreia is a level 87 dungeon introduced in patch 6.0 with Endwalker.

Duty Support

Venat Emet-Selch Hythlodaeus
DS Venat1.png DS Emet-Selch1.png DS Hythlodaeus1.png
Class Paladin frame icon.png White Mage frame icon.png Dancer frame icon1.png All-Rounder Dark Knight frame icon.png Black Mage frame icon.png The Third Seat Bard frame icon.png Soulseer
Role Any Tank or DPS DPS


  1. Arrive at the Frozen Sphere: 0/1
  2. Clear the Frozen Sphere: 0/1
  3. Arrive at the Concept Review: 0/1
  4. Clear the Concept Review: 0/1
  5. Arrive at the Celestial Sphere: 0/1
  6. Defeat Hermes: 0/1


Dungeon Guide by MTQcapture

Note that failing any mechanics in these fights will result in the player who failed them receiving a two minute stacking Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up debuff.

Aggressive difficulty r5.png Lyssa

  • Skull Dasher: Tank Buster
  • Frigid Stomp: Room-wide AOE
  • Frostbite and Seek: The boss returns to the center of the arena and shrouds it in a snowstorm, then disappears. Shortly after, the boss will emerge from one of the six craters around the arena and cover it in a massive AoE that can only be avoided by standing behind the boss. Players can determine which crater the boss will emerge from by looking for the crater with no tracks leading away from it. If hit by this, players will take heavy damage and a Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up debuff.
  • Icicall: Three icicles spawn around the arena and fire point-blank AoEs. Following this they will either fire a straight line AoE across the edges of the arena or directly through the center.
  • Heavy Smash: A random player receives a stack marker, requiring players to stack together to mitigate damage. This can occur during Icicall, and will resolve after the icicles have fired, so it is recommended to stack after the arena is clear.

Aggressive difficulty r5.png Ladon Lord

  • Scratch: Tank Buster.
  • Intimidation: Room-wide AOE.
  • Pyric Blast: Stack marker
  • Inhale: The boss will inhale Aether, after which one or two of its heads will grow large and flames will issue from its mouths. This indicates which heads will perform Pyric Breath.
  • Pyric Breath: The boss will leap to the center of the room, and once it begins casting, will face a direction and not turn. The heads that are swollen will cast a 120-degree fire AoE that fills an entire third of the room, with the normal heads indicating a safe zone to stand in. If the "side" heads are active (left and right head will fire), the spot in front of the boss is actually a safe area.
  • Pyric Spheres: Summons four Pyric Spheres around the arena. They will fire cross-line AoEs across the arena, so players must stand in the spaces between to avoid.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Winged Defiance: Hermes

After the boss's first Trismegistos, the edge of the arena will be covered in an AoE that inflicts a 15 second Windburn icon1.png Windburn debuff that deals Damage over Time.

  • Trismegistos: Room-wide AOE.
  • Double: Augments the next spell cast.
  • Quadruple: Augments the next two spells cast.
  • True Tornado: Tank Buster. If cast with Double, drops a circular AoE under the tank's feet after the cast, which should be dodged.
  • True Bravery: Interruptible - The boss receives a Damage up icon1.png Damage Up buff that lasts for 20 seconds.
  • True Aero: Each player will be marked by an unavoidable AoE line that must be spread out to avoid hitting other players. If the boss casts Double before this, after the lines fire, they will drop an additional line AoE that players can simply step out of to avoid.
  • True Aero II: Players will be marked with point-blank AoEs and must spread out to avoid overlapping damage. If the boss cast Quadruple before this, after the initial AoEs resolve, another AoE will spawn that players must step out of.
  • Meteor: 4 proximity markers around the edges of the arena. Run to the center to minimize damage from the meteors that will land. These meteors will block the damage from Hermetica.
  • Hermetica: Summon large green panels at the edges of the arena. After a moment, these will fire a large line AoE across the platform, knocking back anyone hit. The boss will summon these in one of four patterns:
    • Three sets of panels (a couple and two single ones) spawn at the edges of the arena and are offset so as not to fire through the centre of the arena. Simply stand in the center of the room to avoid.
    • Two panels per side on two sides that fire through the center of the arena.
    • (Double): Two sets of four panels. Players need to observe the order in which the sets are summoned, and break the Line of Sight of the panels in the order they were summoned. Players need to stand behind the meteor without the yellow cracks, as those meteors will shatter after the first attack, and players will not have enough time to move between the sets firing.
    • (Quadruple): Four sets of two panels on each edge of the arena. These will fire in the order they are summoned, and players will need to stand in the center and dodge towards the opening next to each set of panels to avoid each blast.

These mechanics will repeat until the boss is defeated.

For the Quadruple panels attack, imagine the arena divided in four parts by an imaginary cross. Each couple of panels will fire a shot that will hit: the left half, the right half, the upper half, the lower half (not in this order). The position of the first shot is random, but the next ones are mostly predictable. If the first shot covers the left half, the second shot will never cover the right half (therefore it can either hit the lower half, or the upper half). If the second shot covers the upper half, the third shot will always cover the right half (the half that was safe from the first shot) and the fourth shot will always cover the lower half (the half that was safe from the second shot). One possible way to avoid moving too much and dodge everything is therefore like this:

1) Identify which quadrant is safe from the first two shots (only one of the four sections of the imaginary "cross" will be safe from the first two shots). If, for example, the first panels hit the left half and the second panels hit the lower half, the safe quadrant will be the upper right quadrant. The closer you can stay to the center (where the boss is), the better.

2) Let the first two shots fly.

3) Move to the opposite quadrant (in the previous example, move to the lower left quadrant) for the next two shots. There is a rather generous delay between each shot, so you will have plenty of time to move the necessary distance (provided you are close to the center, where the boss is) between the second and third shot.


See also: Ktiseos Weapons, Ktiseos Armor and Ktiseos Accessories

Silver Coffer (small).png Lyssa

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Ktiseos boots of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Boots of Casting Feet 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos boots of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Boots of Healing Feet 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos bracelet of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos bracelet of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos bracelet of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos bracelet of slaying icon1.png  Ktiseos Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos greaves of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Greaves of Fending Feet 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos greaves of maiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Greaves of Maiming Feet 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos mask of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Mask of Aiming Head 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos mask of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Mask of Fending Head 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos mask of maiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Mask of Maiming Head 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos mask of scouting icon1.png  Ktiseos Mask of Scouting Head 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos mask of striking icon1.png  Ktiseos Mask of Striking Head 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos petasos of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Petasos of Casting Head 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos petasos of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Petasos of Healing Head 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos ring of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Ring of Aiming Ring 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos ring of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Ring of Casting Ring 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos ring of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Ring of Fending Ring 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos ring of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Ring of Healing Ring 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos ring of slaying icon1.png  Ktiseos Ring of Slaying Ring 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos sabatons of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Sabatons of Aiming Feet 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos sabatons of scouting icon1.png  Ktiseos Sabatons of Scouting Feet 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos sabatons of striking icon1.png  Ktiseos Sabatons of Striking Feet 542 BGreen 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Ladon Lord

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Ktiseos bottoms of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Bottoms of Casting Legs 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos bottoms of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Bottoms of Healing Legs 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos choker of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Choker of Aiming Necklace 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos choker of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Choker of Casting Necklace 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos choker of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Choker of Fending Necklace 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos choker of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Choker of Healing Necklace 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos choker of slaying icon1.png  Ktiseos Choker of Slaying Necklace 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos earring of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Earring of Aiming Earrings 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos earring of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Earring of Casting Earrings 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos earring of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Earring of Fending Earrings 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos earring of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Earring of Healing Earrings 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos earring of slaying icon1.png  Ktiseos Earring of Slaying Earrings 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos gloves of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Gloves of Aiming Hands 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos gloves of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Gloves of Casting Hands 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos gloves of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Gloves of Healing Hands 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos gloves of scouting icon1.png  Ktiseos Gloves of Scouting Hands 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos gloves of striking icon1.png  Ktiseos Gloves of Striking Hands 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos hose of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Hose of Aiming Legs 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos hose of scouting icon1.png  Ktiseos Hose of Scouting Legs 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos hose of striking icon1.png  Ktiseos Hose of Striking Legs 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos skirt of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Skirt of Fending Legs 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos trousers of maiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Trousers of Maiming Legs 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos vambraces of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Vambraces of Fending Hands 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos vambraces of maiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Vambraces of Maiming Hands 542 BGreen 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Hermes

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Caduceus icon2.png  Caduceus Minion N/A ABasic 1
Hyperboreia bench icon1.png  Hyperboreia Bench Other N/A ABasic 1
Ktiseos blade icon1.png  Ktiseos Blade Samurai's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos cane icon1.png  Ktiseos Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos chakrams icon1.png  Ktiseos Chakrams Dancer's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos coat of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Coat of Aiming Body 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos coat of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Coat of Fending Body 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos coat of maiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Coat of Maiming Body 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos coat of scouting icon1.png  Ktiseos Coat of Scouting Body 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos coat of striking icon1.png  Ktiseos Coat of Striking Body 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos codex icon1.png  Ktiseos Codex Scholar's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos compound bow icon1.png  Ktiseos Compound Bow Archer's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos fan brush icon1.png  Ktiseos Fan Brush Pictomancer's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos greatsword icon1.png  Ktiseos Greatsword Dark Knight's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos gunblade icon1.png  Ktiseos Gunblade Gunbreaker's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos index icon1.png  Ktiseos Index Arcanist's Grimoire 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos knuckles icon1.png  Ktiseos Knuckles Pugilist's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos main gauches icon1.png  Ktiseos Main Gauches Rogue's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos planisphere icon1.png  Ktiseos Planisphere Astrologian's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos revolver icon1.png  Ktiseos Revolver Machinist's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos robe of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Robe of Casting Body 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos robe of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Robe of Healing Body 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos rod icon1.png  Ktiseos Rod Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos smallsword icon1.png  Ktiseos Smallsword Red Mage's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos spear icon1.png  Ktiseos Spear Lancer's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos twinfangs icon1.png  Ktiseos Twinfangs Viper's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos war axe icon1.png  Ktiseos War Axe Marauder's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos wings icon1.png  Ktiseos Wings Sage's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos zaghnal icon1.png  Ktiseos Zaghnal Reaper's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Miracle works orchestrion roll icon1.png  Miracle Works Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1
Paladins ktiseos arms (il 542) icon1.png  Paladin's Ktiseos Arms (IL 542) Other N/A BGreen 1

Treasure Coffers

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1 (X:9.9 Y:12.2)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Ktiseos vambraces of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Vambraces of Fending Hands 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos vambraces of maiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Vambraces of Maiming Hands 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos gloves of striking icon1.png  Ktiseos Gloves of Striking Hands 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos gloves of scouting icon1.png  Ktiseos Gloves of Scouting Hands 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos gloves of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Gloves of Aiming Hands 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos gloves of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Gloves of Casting Hands 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos gloves of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Gloves of Healing Hands 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos greaves of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Greaves of Fending Feet 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos greaves of maiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Greaves of Maiming Feet 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos sabatons of striking icon1.png  Ktiseos Sabatons of Striking Feet 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos sabatons of scouting icon1.png  Ktiseos Sabatons of Scouting Feet 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos sabatons of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Sabatons of Aiming Feet 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos boots of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Boots of Casting Feet 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos boots of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Boots of Healing Feet 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos bracelet of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos bracelet of slaying icon1.png  Ktiseos Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos bracelet of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos bracelet of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos ring of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Ring of Aiming Ring 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos ring of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Ring of Casting Ring 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos ring of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Ring of Fending Ring 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos ring of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Ring of Healing Ring 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos ring of slaying icon1.png  Ktiseos Ring of Slaying Ring 542 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2 (X:12.1 Y:12.2)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Ktiseos mask of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Mask of Fending Head 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos mask of maiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Mask of Maiming Head 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos mask of striking icon1.png  Ktiseos Mask of Striking Head 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos mask of scouting icon1.png  Ktiseos Mask of Scouting Head 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos mask of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Mask of Aiming Head 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos petasos of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Petasos of Casting Head 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos petasos of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Petasos of Healing Head 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos skirt of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Skirt of Fending Legs 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos trousers of maiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Trousers of Maiming Legs 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos hose of striking icon1.png  Ktiseos Hose of Striking Legs 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos hose of scouting icon1.png  Ktiseos Hose of Scouting Legs 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos hose of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Hose of Aiming Legs 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos bottoms of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Bottoms of Casting Legs 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos bottoms of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Bottoms of Healing Legs 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos earring of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Earring of Fending Earrings 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos earring of slaying icon1.png  Ktiseos Earring of Slaying Earrings 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos earring of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Earring of Aiming Earrings 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos earring of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Earring of Casting Earrings 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos earring of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Earring of Healing Earrings 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos choker of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Choker of Aiming Necklace 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos choker of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Choker of Casting Necklace 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos choker of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Choker of Fending Necklace 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos choker of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Choker of Healing Necklace 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos choker of slaying icon1.png  Ktiseos Choker of Slaying Necklace 542 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 3 (X:11.5 Y:11.1)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Ktiseos coat of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Coat of Fending Body 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos coat of maiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Coat of Maiming Body 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos coat of striking icon1.png  Ktiseos Coat of Striking Body 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos coat of scouting icon1.png  Ktiseos Coat of Scouting Body 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos coat of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Coat of Aiming Body 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos robe of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Robe of Casting Body 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos robe of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Robe of Healing Body 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos bracelet of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos bracelet of slaying icon1.png  Ktiseos Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos bracelet of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos bracelet of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos ring of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Ring of Aiming Ring 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos ring of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Ring of Casting Ring 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos ring of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Ring of Fending Ring 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos ring of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Ring of Healing Ring 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos ring of slaying icon1.png  Ktiseos Ring of Slaying Ring 542 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 4 (X:10.9 Y:11.3)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Paladins ktiseos arms (il 542) icon1.png  Paladin's Ktiseos Arms (IL 542) Other N/A BGreen 1
Ktiseos war axe icon1.png  Ktiseos War Axe Marauder's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos greatsword icon1.png  Ktiseos Greatsword Dark Knight's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos gunblade icon1.png  Ktiseos Gunblade Gunbreaker's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos spear icon1.png  Ktiseos Spear Lancer's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos zaghnal icon1.png  Ktiseos Zaghnal Reaper's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos knuckles icon1.png  Ktiseos Knuckles Pugilist's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos blade icon1.png  Ktiseos Blade Samurai's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos main gauches icon1.png  Ktiseos Main Gauches Rogue's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos twinfangs icon1.png  Ktiseos Twinfangs Viper's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos compound bow icon1.png  Ktiseos Compound Bow Archer's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos revolver icon1.png  Ktiseos Revolver Machinist's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos chakrams icon1.png  Ktiseos Chakrams Dancer's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos rod icon1.png  Ktiseos Rod Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos index icon1.png  Ktiseos Index Arcanist's Grimoire 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos smallsword icon1.png  Ktiseos Smallsword Red Mage's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos fan brush icon1.png  Ktiseos Fan Brush Pictomancer's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos cane icon1.png  Ktiseos Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos codex icon1.png  Ktiseos Codex Scholar's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos planisphere icon1.png  Ktiseos Planisphere Astrologian's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos wings icon1.png  Ktiseos Wings Sage's Arm 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos earring of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Earring of Fending Earrings 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos earring of slaying icon1.png  Ktiseos Earring of Slaying Earrings 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos earring of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Earring of Aiming Earrings 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos earring of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Earring of Casting Earrings 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos earring of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Earring of Healing Earrings 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos choker of aiming icon1.png  Ktiseos Choker of Aiming Necklace 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos choker of casting icon1.png  Ktiseos Choker of Casting Necklace 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos choker of fending icon1.png  Ktiseos Choker of Fending Necklace 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos choker of healing icon1.png  Ktiseos Choker of Healing Necklace 542 BGreen 1
Ktiseos choker of slaying icon1.png  Ktiseos Choker of Slaying Necklace 542 BGreen 1


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Mapping the realm ktisis hyperboreia icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Ktisis Hyperboreia 10 Discover every location within Ktisis Hyperboreia. - 6.0


Gear Images

Dungeon Images

Other Images


Ktisis, in ancient Greek, means "creation". Hyperboreia is the mythical Greek name for the Arctic and its legendary inhabitants.

Papers scattered throughout the dungeon detail various aspects of its operation.

Guide to Ktisis Hyperboreia

Have you ever wondered whether your creation is a beneficial existence to the star? Wonder no more, for at Ktisis Hyperboreia, our mission is to determine the answer!
From temperate plains to tropical jungles, from smoldering volcanoes to frozen fields, we put creations to the proof in a wide range of meticulously recreated environments.
Will your creation be able to survive in the wider world? Or will it threaten the survival of other species? The answers to such questions and more, our highly trained staff will uncover!

— Guide to Ktisis Hyperboreia

Observation Journal

According to Mistress Lyssa, her creation is based on a concept for a bipedal wolf. And indeed, it is impressively manlike in its gait. It is also highly intelligent, as is evidenced by its ability to employ tools, while the gleam in its eyes gives the impression that it comprehends our words. If this proves to be the case, it would be a shame that its throat isn't designed for speech. I must make mention of this in the next report.

— Observation Journal

Flying Life-forms: An Introduction

The successful creation of migratory birds, which travel between continents with the seasons, came as a breath of fresh air to the long-stagnant realm of flying life-forms. In the end, it was a relatively simple thing to grant creatures the ability to navigate by celestial bodies, but this method lacked the precision needed to guide them to the same location each time, as would be vital to their survival. The breakthrough came in the form of magnetic fields, the use of which was discovered by the incumbent Fandaniel during his tenure as chief overseer of Elpis. A truly inspired idea that has brought lasting benefits to the star!

— Flying Life-forms: An Introduction