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Another Sil'dihn Subterrane (Savage)

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See also: The Sil'dihn Subterrane and Another Sil'dihn Subterrane

Criterion Dungeon.png

Another Sil'dihn Subterrane (Savage)

Another sil dihn subterrane (savage).png
90 (Sync: 90)
Item Level
635* (Sync: 635)
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Not Allowed
Time limit
120 minutes
Duty Finder
V&C Dungeon Finder
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 20 
Req. quest
Talk to Osmon after completing Criterion Dungeon Another Sil'dihn Subterrane

Building on the details of your expedition into the Sil'dihn Subterrane, Osmon has put quill to parchment and produced his ideal adventure novel. The pages fairly drip with evocative descriptions and breathtaking action, the epic dramatization putting you in mind of a certain wandering minstrel's compositions. And in similar fashion, you are drawn into a world that never was, yet feels so inexplicably real...

— In-game description

Another Sil'dihn Subterrane (Savage) is a level 90 criterion dungeon introduced in patch 6.25 with Endwalker.


  1. Clear the refuge of the wise: 0/1
  2. Defeat the silkie: 0/1
  3. Clear the refuge of the powerful: 0/1
  4. Defeat the gladiator of Sil'dih: 0/1
  5. Defeat Shadowcaster Zeless Gah: 0/1


Players have 24 minutes to complete the dungeon upon engaging the first enemy before all enemies in the dungeon receive the Sewer-dwelller icon1.png Sewer-dweller buff, which grants "Damage dealt is significantly increased, while damage taken is significantly decreased." This timer will reset and all defeated enemies will respawn if the party wipes.

If a player logs out or disconnects after the first enemy is engaged, they will be KO'd upon returning to the game.

All bosses and enemies have very similar battle mechanics to those in Another Sil'dihn Subterrane but with higher health and damage. Some, but not all AoE attack indicators from enemies have been removed.

Refuge of the Wise

One Aqueduct Belladonna and one Aqueduct Kaluk will be patrolling the center room. Two groups of three enemies will be in the side rooms. Most parties will pull the Belladonna first, then the Kaluk.

Aggressive difficulty r1.png Aqueduct Belladonna

  • Atropine Spore: A large donut AoE with the inside of the enemy's hitbox safe. Has no AoE telegraph.
  • Deracinator: Heavy-hitting tankbuster with no indicator. An invulnerability cooldown is highly recommended.
  • Frond Affront: An untelegraphed gaze attack that requires players to look away.

Aggressive difficulty r1.png Aqueduct Kaluk

  • Left/Right Sweep: A cleave to the left/right of the enemy, making the right/left safe. Has no AoE telegraph.
  • Creeping Ivy: A frontal cone AoE. Has no AoE telegraph.

Aggressive difficulty r1.png Aqueduct Udumbara and Aqueduct Sapria (x2)

  • Honeyed Left/Right/Front (Udumbara): Conal AoE in the direction of the attack name. Has no AoE telegraph. Players can remain in front of the boss to dodge two of these attacks. If Honeyed Front, move behind it.
  • Bloody Caress (Sapria): Telegraphed wide frontal cone AoE. May overlap with the Honeyed attacks from the other enemy, so be aware.

Aggressive difficulty r1.png Aqueduct Dryad and Aqueduct Odqan (x2)

  • Acorn Bomb (Dryad): Telegraphed circular AoE.
  • Arboreal Storm (Dryad): A large circular AoE around the enemy that requires players to move far away. Has no AoE telegraph.
  • Uproot (Odqan): Telegraphed circular AoE.
  • Gelid Gale (Odqan): Telegraphed circular AoE.

Refuge of the Powerful

Two Aqueduct Armors and two Sil'dihn Dullahans will be patrolling this room. Players should be careful to only engage one enemy at a time as fighting more than one can quickly lead to a wipe.

The tank should first pull the Aqueduct Armor patrolling north into just pass the northwest corner and defeat it. Afterwards, pull the Dullahan who will be nearing that part of the room. Then pull the second Armor either to the northwest corner or to the nook in the middle of the room. Finally, defeat the remaining Dullahan.

Aggressive difficulty r1.png Aqueduct Armor

  • Hells' Nebula: Reduces all players' HP to 1.
  • Infernal Weight: Moderate partywide damage and applies Heavy icon1.png Heavy, decreasing movement speed. Stack in front of the enemy to bait the next attack.
  • Dominion Slash: Turns to one random player and uses a late telegraphed frontal conal AoE.

Aggressive difficulty r1.png Sil'dihn Dullahan

  • Infernal Pain: Heavy partywide damage and applies Bleed icon1.png Bleeding, inflicting damage-over-time.
  • Blighted Gloom: A circular AoE around the enemy that requires players to move away. Has no AoE telegraph.
  • King's Will: Increases damage dealt for 12 seconds. Its buffed auto-attacks will deal tankbuster damage. Requires heavy mitigation or an invulnerability cooldown.


Failing any boss mechanic will result in a Damage Down icon1.png Damage Down debuff.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Silkie

Silkie animated guide by Hector Hectorson

Shortly after engaging the boss, the arena will be surrounded with a purple AoE that will inflict Bleed icon1.png bleed to players who stand in it. Each player should be assigned a cardinal position for a spread mechanic.

Throughout this battle, the boss will augment its tail with one of three elements (lightning, wind, or ice) determining the effects of several of its attacks.

  • Fizzling Suds: Fizzling suds icon1.png Augments tail with lightning (yellow).
  • Soap's Up: Triggers an attack from the boss depending on the imbued element. Since it always uses lightning first, it will initially release untelegraphed conal AoEs hitting the intercardinals from where the boss is facing, making the relative cardinals safe. This first usage mostly serves as a tutorial, as lightning was not present in variant mode.
  • Dust Bluster: Telegraphed knockback ability inflicting minor physical damage. Can be prevented with sufficient shields or knockback immunities.
  • Fresh Puff: Spawns three untargetable Silken Puff adds in a triangular formation. Two of them will be yellow (lightning) and one will be blue (ice).
    • Bracing Suds: Bracing suds icon1.png Augments tail with wind (green).
    • Squeaky Clean: The boss will cleave a 90 degree area in front of it two times, then cleave a 225 degree area, leaving around a third of the arena safe. The safe spot for all cleaves is on the same side as where the boss initially starts. All Silken Puffs that are hit by the cleaves will have their element changed into the one the boss is imbued with. In this case, two puffs will become green (wind), while the third that was not hit will remain yellow or blue.
    • Chilling Suds: Chilling suds icon1.png Augments tail with ice (blue).
    • Slippery Soap: The boss will target a random non-tank player with a line stack AoE marker and then charge at the targeted player. The remaining three players should be in front of the targeted player, or the targeted player will take lethal damage. Any Silken Puffs that are hit by the cleaves will have their element changed into the one the boss is imbued with. The stack AoE has additional effects depending on what element the boss is imbued with. Because ice is imbued, all players must be moving when they are hit by the stack, or they will be incapacitated for several seconds with Deep Freeze icon1.png Deep Freeze. After charging to its target, the boss will also release an untelegraphed plus-shaped AoE, making the relative intercardinals at max melee range safe.
    • Carpet Beater: Telegraphed heavy-hitting physical tankbuster. The boss will also jump to the targeted player.
    • Soaping Spree: Triggers the Soap's Up attack from the boss and all silken puffs depending on the imbued element(s).
      • Lightning will trigger untelegraphed conal AoEs hitting the intercardinals from where the enemy is facing, making the relative cardinals safe.
      • Wind will trigger an untelegraphed arena-wide donut AoE with a safe spot inside the hitbox of the enemy.
      • Ice will trigger an untelegraphed plus-shaped AoE hitting the cardinals from where the enemy is facing, making the relative intercardinals safe.
    • To solve, the party must position the line stack such that it hits the green puff that is in the path of the blue or yellow puff's AoE. For example, if yellow is southwest, and green is southeast and north, the line AoE should hit the north puff. Be sure to keep moving to avoid being frozen, and dodge the subsequent plus-shaped AoE from the boss. Afterwards, the tank should take the tankbuster at the remaining green puff's location. After the boss jumps, the party can stack inside the green puff to be safe from all AoEs.
  • Total Wash: Party-wide AoE inflicting heavy magical damage and a Bleed icon1.png bleed damage-over-time effect. Must be mitigated.
  • The boss will then use either Bracing Suds or Chilling Suds, imbuing its tail.
  • Fresh Puff: Spawns four Silken Puffs (two yellow and two blue) on all cardinals or all intercardinals. Opposite puffs will be the same color. The boss will remain in the middle for this mechanic.
    • Each puff will tether to one random player, which will also cause a marker to appear over their heads. When the marker disappears, the adds will briefly telegraph a circular AoE (Puff and Tumble) around two tiles towards where the player was located and jump to the AoE location. The adds will always travel a fixed distance. Adds that land too close to each other will tether and explode (Buffeted Puffs), wiping the party. Depending on how the add is moved, the direction it is facing (indicated by the orange arrow) after jumping will change.
    • There are four possible patterns (cardinal/intercardinal puffs and blue/green boss) that can be simplified into two main ways of solving based on the boss's color.
      • Boss is green: Move blue puffs to near the intercardinals and yellow puffs to the cardinals, then dodge inside the boss's hitbox. Note that the safe spot of the donut AoE is slightly smaller than its hitbox (within its inner red ring). Make sure not to move puffs diagonally or it will rotate their AoEs.
      • Boss is blue: If intercardinal spawns, move all puffs diagonally out to their corner. Then dodge the AoEs by being between the boss and either yellow puff at max melee range. If cardinal spawns, move all puffs straight out to their cardinal at the wall. Then dodge the AoEs by being to the sides of either yellow puff while not be in line with the boss or blue puffs.
  • Bracing Suds or Slippery Suds
  • Slippery Soap: A similar line stack as before, but the follow-up effect will be different.
    • Lightning: All players will receive Forked lightning icon1.png Forked Lightning, a debuff that will resolve in a medium-sized circular AoE after a few seconds, requiring players to be spread to their assigned cardinal while avoiding the four boss's conal AoEs. The debuff will inflict no damage if players are spread, but getting caught in another player's AoE will inflict heavy damage, Damage Down, and Paralysis icon1.png Paralysis.
    • Wind: Players will be knocked back a moderate distance from the direction the boss charges. Can be mitigated with knockback immunities. The party should move inside the boss's hitbox to dodge its follow-up donut AoE.
  • Total Wash
  • Fresh Puff: Spawns eight Silken Puffs in a 4x2 pattern. Each one will be imbued with a different element.
    • Eastern Ewers: Spawns three ewers, which will travel in a straight line, pouring water, and should be avoided. Any Silken Puffs in their path will have their imbued element removed. This leaves two remaining puffs that are still imbued.
    • The boss will cast Soaping Spree, so players must dodge both attacks from the two imbued puffs.
    • Chilling Suds
    • Carpet Beater: The tank should position at one long end of the formation of puffs. They should be halfway between the rows.
    • Slippery Soap: The targeted player should ensure that the boss will hit all 6 puffs. Keep moving and dodge the follow-up plus AoE.
    • The tank should then pull the boss to a corner, and the party should be inside its hitbox at the wall to dodge the next attacks.
    • Bracing Suds
    • Soaping Spree
  • Dust Bluster: The boss will jump to the north end of the arena and use a telegraphed knockback.
  • Bracing Suds
  • Fresh Puff: Now spawns four blue Silken Puffs in a column at the south of the room. Each one will tether to a player.
    • The boss will use Squeaky Clean. The goal is to move the Fresh Puffs so none of them will be hit by the boss. Otherwise, it will create multiple donut AoEs that cannot all be avoided.
    • The party should stack on the tile intersection at the edge of the boss's hitbox in the midline.
    • Once the boss tilts one direction, the party should immediately move the length of a tile to the direction the boss starts, then dodge the AoEs from the Fresh Puffs. Make sure to move quickly, or there is a risk that the puffs will end up too close and explode, or be hit by the boss's Squeaky Clean.
    • Afterwards, move to the north cardinal at the wall. There will be a very small safe spot from all Soaping Spree AoEs.
  • Total Wash
  • Fizzling Suds or Bracing Suds or Chilling Suds + Slippery Soap (used twice with random elements)
  • Total Wash (enrage): The boss must be defeated before this long cast finishes or the party will wipe.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Gladiator of Sil'dih

Gladiator animated guide by Hector Hectorson
  • Flash of Steel: High party-wide magical damage that should be mitigated.
  • Specter of Might: Summons two clones (Gladiator Mirage) in the northeast and northwest corners. Each clone will glow 1-3 times, with a red glow meaning that the clone will keep glowing, and a yellow glow meaning the clone has finished glowing. One clone will always glow one more time than the other. Once the glows are complete, each clone will then charge a certain distance based on how many times it glowed and use a 180 degree cleave in front of it after stopping (Rush of Might). Immediately after the first cleaves, each clone will use a backwards 180 degree cleave, requiring the party to dodge into the area that was initially hit by both cleaves. The charge distance will be indicated by the lines on the floor. This mechanic will then repeat, with the clones now spawning in the southeast and southwest corners.
    • Either one clone will glow once and the other twice, or one twice and other thrice. The first pattern can be dodged by starting at the tip of one of the lines on the floor. For the second pattern, waymarks can be placed to indicate where to start.
  • Sculptor's Passion: Telegraphed line stack AoE that deals heavy magical damage and should be mitigated. The tank must be in front, as they will take tankbuster-level damage.
  • Mighty Smite: High damage physical tankbuster.
  • Curse of the Fallen: Assigns various debuffs to players.
    • Echo of the fallen icon1.png Echo of the Fallen: Each player will receive this debuff. When the timer expires, they will emit a medium-sized AoE that deals moderate damage and requires players to be spread.
    • Lingering echoes icon1.png Lingering Echoes: One player will receive this debuff. When the timer expires, they will emit a medium-sized AoE that will pulse for a few seconds and should be avoided.
    • Thunderous echo icon1.png Thunderous Echo: One player will receive this debuff. When the timer expires, they will emit a medium-sized AoE dealing damage that should be shared among at least 2 players, or taken solo with mitigation.
    • Either Echo of the Fallen (spreads), or Lingering Echoes/Thunderous Echo (residual AoE/stack) will resolve first, which can be determined based on the debuff timers.
  • Ring of Might: The boss will spawn 3 concentric circles and then glow 1-3 times, indicating the size of a point-blank AoE attack it will perform, the range of which is indicated by the circles. Upon using the attack, it will follow up with a donut AoE that will hit the previously safe area.
    • To solve, each player should move to their assigned cardinal and be in the safe area from the point-blank AoE using the rings as a guide. The first set of debuffs will resolve with the point-blank AoE. Afterwards, move inwards and remain spread in assigned cardinals, as the second set of debuffs will resolve immediately after the donut AoE. The usual strategy is to take the stack solo with shields/mitigation. The player who was assigned the lingering AoEs debuff should immediately move out of them to avoid excess damage.
  • Flash of Steel
  • Hateful Visage: Spawns 8 untargetable Hateful Visage adds around the arena, 4 on the north-south axis and 4 on the east-west axis. Each add will cast Golden Flame or Silver Flame based on their orb color, which are line AoEs that should initially be avoided.
  • Wrath of Ruin: Spawns various white orbs (Regrets) at the edges of the arena, which will use telegraphed line AoEs (Rack and Ruin) that will crisscross the entire arena twice.
    • Nothing Beside Remains: The boss will mark each player with an orange marker and shortly after target them with a medium-sized AoE, requiring the party to be spread.
    • To solve, each player should go to their assigned quadrant and dodge all AoEs.
  • Flash of Steel
  • Accursed Visage: Will spawn Hateful Visage adds which function identically as before. Also assigns various stacking debuffs to players:
    • Gilded fate icon1.png Gilded Fate: Will kill the player if the debuff timer expires. One stack can be cleansed by being hit with a Silver Flame line AoE.
    • Silvered fate icon1.png Silvered Fate: Will kill the player if the debuff timer expires. One stack can be cleansed by being hit with a Golden Flame line AoE.
    • Two random players will receive one stack of Gilded Fate and one stack of Silvered Fate. One player will receive two stacks of Gilded Fate, while the remaining player will receive two stacks of Silvered Fate.
    • To solve, each player will need to go to the quadrant that will have the correct intersecting gold/silver line AoEs, allowing them to cleanse their debuffs. Be hit by both of the colored AoEs while dodging the telegraphed criss-crossing line AoEs, then remain spread for the spread markers. There are two possible quadrants for the 1 silver + 1 gold players to go to. If they end up on the same quadrant, they can use body language to indicate how they will spread.
  • Flash of Steel
  • Curse of the Monument: Assigns various debuffs to players while spawning nine sequential circular AoEs (Sundered Remains) that cover the entire arena. The first AoE will be in the middle, while the remaining AoEs will spiral out to opposite corners.
    • Chains of resentment icon1.png Chains of Resentment: Both DPS will be chained together, while the tank and healer are chained. The chain can be broken by running away from the tethered partner. Failing to break the chain in time will inflict high damage and Damage Down icon1.png Damage Down to both players.
    • Scream of the fallen icon1.png Scream of the Fallen: All four players receive this debuff, which will cause them to emit a large circular AoE when the timer resolves that inflicts Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up. Two players' debuffs will resolve first followed by the other two, which will be indicated by the First in line icon1.png First in Line or Second in line icon1.png Second in Line debuff.
    • Colossal Wreck: Spawns two towers at east/west or north/south, followed by two more towers in the previously empty spots. One player must soak each tower or they will explode and wipe the party (Explosion). Players who soak a tower with Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up will die. This mechanic occurs when Scream of the Fallen is resolving.
    • To solve, the party should stack middle when the debuffs assigned, then break their chains by running to opposite corners, which should be the last corners to be covered with an AoE. The tank and melee DPS can run north, while healer and ranged DPS run south. Afterwards, dodge the AoEs. The Second in line icon1.png Second in Line will then need to soak the towers that spawn near the center of the room, while the First in line icon1.png First in Line take their large defamation AoE on the other cardinals away from the towers. Afterwards, the players who soaked their towers can move to the wall on their cardinal to resolve their defamations, while the other two players move inwards to soak the second towers.
  • Flash of Steel
  • Specter of Might (x2)
  • Sculptor's Passion
  • Flash of Steel
  • Flash of Steel (enrage): The boss must be defeated before this long cast finishes or the party will wipe.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Shadowcaster Zeless Gah

Zeless Gah animated guide by Hector Hectorson

Waymarks should be placed according to this video to simplify one mechanic.

Shortly after engaging the boss, the arena will be surrounded by a border of fire that will inflict Burns icon1.png Burns to any player who steps in it, dealing heavy damage-over-time. The arena is a 3x4 arrangement of square tiles, which is important for resolving some mechanics.

  • Show of Strength: High party-wide magical damage that should be mitigated.
  • Infern Brand (first usage): Summons four Balls of Fire (two north and two south), each of which are on a purple teleporter set, consisting of an origin portal joined to a destination portal. The teleporters will form a plus pattern. The fireballs will later be teleported to the new locations and then explode in an untelegraped large circular AoE (Burn).
    • Cryptic Portal: Each purple teleporter will rotate either clockwise (orange arrows) or counterclockwise (blue arrows), which will change its destination portal position. Will also inflict each player with the Forbidden passage icon1.png Forbidden Passage debuff, preventing them from being transported by a teleporter.
    • Firesteel Strike: As the teleported fireball explosion resolve, the boss will jump on two random players, dealing damage in a large circular AoE and inflicting Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up. Any other players caught in the AoE will be knocked back into the wall. This knockback cannot be prevented with knockback immunities.
    • Blessed Beacon: The boss will then sequentially target two players with Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up with a line AoE that will kill them unless another player stands in front of them.
    • To solve, the party should split into two groups, with the tank and melee DPS going north and the healer and ranged DPS going south.
    • Designate one player in each pair to go to one of two fixed locations, while the other player adjusts to one of two locations on the same side of their partner.
    • When the teleporter rotation arrows occur, the fixed player will only need to look at which way the vertical teleporter is rotating and go to a fixed location that will be away from where the fireball ends up. This location will be on the corner of one of the four corner tiles that is against the wall and towards the equator of the arena.
    • The other player will go to the same side as the fixed player but will consider the rotation of the horizontal teleporter. They will then either go to the opposite corner of the fixed player still on the outer tile, or the middle of the intersection between the two middle rows of tiles.
    • If done correctly, all four players will dodge the teleporting fireball explosions while remaining safely spread out for Firesteel Strike.
    • Afterwards, the party will need to potentially reorganize into two new pairs to resolve Blessed Beacon. If the boss jumped on both DPS or both supports, then the party can use the same partners (melee DPS + tank and healer + ranged DPS). If the boss jumped on one DPS and one support, the party can use role groups (DPS + DPS and tank + healer). The players who do not have Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up will need to stand in front of their partner to prevent lethal damage. The AoEs are relatively wide, so both pairs should be spread far away and not be very deep inside the boss's hitbox.
    • It is also possible for all players to stack behind the tank and for them to take both hits using an invulnerability cooldown.
  • Firesteel Fracture: High damage tankbuster conal AoE.
    • The tank should immediately move the boss center for the next mechanic as it will not automatically re-center.
  • Infern Brand (second usage): Summons various objects on the arena and assigns debuffs to players.
    • Orange panels (Arcane Fonts) will spawn at the outside of the arena (three at the rows followed by two at the columns, or the other way around). After several seconds, each panel will enlarge and shoot a line AoE (Blazing Benefice) covering one row or column of the arena, leaving only one row or column safe.
    • Four orange wires and four blue wires will divide the arena into four quadrants. Orange wires travel north-south and blue wires travel east-west Each wire will be numbered 1-4.
    • First brand icon1.pngSecond brand icon1.pngThird brand icon1.pngFourth brand icon1.png First/Second/Third/Fourth Brand: Each player will receive a numbered debuff, indicating the order in which they must disable the wires by touching it.
    • Cryptic Flames: The boss activates the wires and converts each player's Brand debuffs into First flame icon1.pngSecond flame icon1.pngThird flame icon1.pngFourth flame icon1.png Flame debuffs, allowing them to disable the wires. Each player must disable both the orange and the blue wire corresponding to their number to cleanse their debuff. Disabling a wire will inflict magical damage and a short Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up debuff. Dying with a Brand/Flame debuff or failing to cleanse it in time will cause them to explode (Big Burst) and wipe the party. Attempting to disable a wire with a non-matching number or going out of order (e.g., touching wire 2 with Second Flame before wire 1 is disabled) will inflict Stun icon1.png Stun for several seconds, after which the player will explode and wipe the party.
    • Cast Shadow: Telegraphs 12 conal AoEs that cover the arena. Each conal section will fill with darkness at different rates (6 slowly and 6 quickly) in a alternating pattern, indicating the order in which they will resolve. The boss will recenter for this cast.
    • To solve, each player must pay attention to their numbered debuff and go to the quadrant of the arena that is closest to both of the wires corresponding to their number. The only correct quadrants are either southwest or northeast, although IV can go to any quadrant.
    • Players must then sequentially touch either the orange or blue wires, disarming all wires of a color. The correct color to disarm is the wire set that intersects with the first set of panels to spawn. For example, if the panels first appear on the north wall, then players should disarm the north-south orange wires. The I player can preposition on their wire to disarm.
    • Afterwards, move into the safe row or column to dodge the first set of Blazing Benefice AoEs. The boss will also use Cast Shadow, creating more AoEs that should be dodged. It is important to not be hit by any of these, as any lingering Magic Vulnerability Up debuffs will cause the AoE to deal lethal damage.
    • As soon as the I player's Magic Vulnerability debuff expires (which will occur during the Cast Shadow AoEs), the party can begin breaking the second set of colored wires.
    • Finally, move to the safe row or column for the second set of Blazing Benefice AoEs. The boss will also cast Firesteel Fracture during this, so the tank should point it away from the party.
  • Show of Strength
  • Infern Brand (third usage): Summons various objects on the arena.
    • Four teleporter sets, two at the north wall and two at the south wall.
    • Four inactive Infern Brand red lasers that will layer horizontally partition the arena into four rows.
    • Four inactive rods, one per row.
    • Infern Wave: Spawns a "bowtie" symbol on top of the rods. A rotating ray of blue light will appear beneath rods that will resolve soon. When they resolve, the rods will aim two 90 degree cleaves at the two nearest players that deal damage and inflict Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up, making overlapping damage lethal. Either the two inner rods or the two outer rods will resolve first, followed by the other two.
    • Banishment: Assigns various debuffs to players while assigning rotation telegraphs to the four teleporter sets spawned from Infern Brand.
      • Call of the portal icon1.png Call of the Portal: A debuff that will kill the player when the timer expires (Brandfire) unless if they stand in a teleporter portal and are transported.
      • Rite of passage icon1.png Rite of Passage: Spawns a purple teleporter set below each player which will follow them. When the timer expires, the player will be briefly inflicted with Stun icon1.png Stun, the destination portal will rotate in the direction of the arrows, and the player will then be teleported to the new location. All of the following sets will be assigned, one per player:
        • Teleport west / rotate clockwise (orange arrows)
        • Teleport west / rotate counterclockwise (blue arrows)
        • Teleport east / rotate clockwise
        • Teleport east / rotate counterclockwise
      • Call of the Portal will always resolve before Rite of Passage.
    • Infern Ward: Activates the red laser Infern Brands to fully partition the arena. Players who contact a laser will take heavy damage (Trespasser's Pyre) and be inflicted with Stun icon1.png Stun for several seconds. The lasers can be safely passed using teleporters. The lasers will eventually dissipate.
    • To solve, each player should start on one row of the arena based on which combination of teleporter starting direction and rotation they have.
      • Teleport west: Start on one of the outer two rows away from the equator of the room
      • Teleport east: Start on one of the inner two rows towards from the equator
      • Orange arrows: Start on one of the northern two rows
      • Blue arrows: Start on one of the southern two rows
      • For example, the player with teleport east and orange arrows would start on the second row from the north.
      • When in the correct starting rows, each player must identify and stand on the teleporter on their side that will allow them to travel to the other row on their side. Only one will be correct: the other teleporter will instead transport them into the wall.
      • After being teleported and cleansing their Call of the Portal debuff, each player must quickly run to the waymark in their row and bait the first set of Infern Wave AoEs. These will always be baited to avoid overlap regardless of which rods start glowing.
      • The Rite of Passage debuff will then resolve, and players will be safely teleported to the other row if they positioned correctly.
      • They will then run to the waymark on that row and bait the second set of Infern Wave AoEs. Using Sprint icon1.png  Sprint is recommended.
  • Firesteel Fracture
  • Infern Brand (fourth usage): Summons three Arcane Fonts on the arena (one on the left wall, one middle, and one on the right wall) each coupled to a teleporter set.
    • Each panel will be transported to a new location based on the teleporter rotation from Cryptic Portal and will then use Blazing Benefice line AoEs, leaving four tiles safe. The direction the panel is facing is not changed by the teleport, only its position.
    • Players will also be given the Forbidden passage icon1.png Forbidden Passage debuff, preventing them from being transported by a teleporter.
    • The boss will also use Firesteel Strike during panel AoEs, followed with Blessed Beacon.
    • To solve, each player should start at their assigned quadrant and then adjust based on where the panels will end up on. To simplify the rotations, if the middle portal's teleporter is initially east or west, then the middle column will always be unsafe.
    • Each player should spread to the outer corner of their safe tile to ensure there is no overlap when the boss jumps. Afterwards, position to resolve Blessed Beacon. Using a tank invulnerability is recommended to simplify this.
  • Show of Strength
  • Infern Brand (fifth usage): Summons various objects on the arena. Also assigns each player a numbered First brand icon1.pngSecond brand icon1.pngThird brand icon1.pngFourth brand icon1.png Brand debuff that functions as before.
    • Four red and four orange numbered wires will partition the arena into 9 sectors. Players must disable these according to their numbered Flame debuffs.
    • Four Infern Wave rods, one on each cardinal, which will sequentially resolve.
    • Cryptic Flames: Activates the wires and converts each player's debuff to allow them to disarm the wires.
    • There are two main ways of resolving this mechanic. The first method is a "cheese" strategy that ignores most of the mechanic and is recommended on normal mode (where the boss's HP is lower) if the party has high DPS in savage mode. Otherwise, the second method is the "intended" strategy.
    • Strategy 1 (cheese):
      • In this strategy, each player will move to their assigned corner and remain there for the rest of the fight. The Infern Wave AoEs will automatically bait to the two adjacent players and can be ignored.
      • Players will not disarm the wires.
      • The boss will cast Pure Fire, creating a baited circular AoE telegraph on each player that should be avoided. They should later then dodge Cast Shadow.
      • The party must defeat the boss before their numbered debuffs expire, or they will wipe.
    • Strategy 2:
      • The goal of this mechanic is to bait the Infern Wave rods in the order they resolve while disarming the colored wires in a way that will allow players to reach the next rods to bait.
      • The I/II players will start in the middle sector, while the III and IV players identify the rod that glows first, which they will bait away from the rest of the party. The numbered debuffs will then activate, preventing free movement.
      • Afterwards, the I and II players will need to disarm the wires between them and the III/IV players, allowing them to return to the middle.
      • The III/IV players will then disarm the wires and open the way to the second rod to glow (which will always be directly opposite the first), after which the I/II players will bait.
      • After baiting, the I/II players will remain in their outer sector, while the III/IV players return to the sector where they baited their first rod. The boss will cast Pure Fire, creating baited AoEs on each player's location. This placement will ensure the middle is kept safe, where the party can dodge into.
      • The I/II players will then break the next set of wires to open the way to the third rod to glow, which will be baited by the III/IV players.
      • The boss will use Cast Shadow, which must be dodged. During this, the III/IV players will break the remaining two wires and open the way to the fourth glowing rod, which will be baited by the I/II players.
      • The third and fourth baits resolve relatively quickly compared to the first set, so the party will need to be decisive with movement.
  • Firesteel Fracture
  • Show of Strength
  • Show of Strength (enrage): The boss must be defeated before this long cast finishes or the party will wipe.


Another Sil'dihn Subterrane (Savage) uses personal loot, so players have to be sure to click and loot the chest themselves.

Gold Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Sildihn manuscript icon1.png  Sil'dihn Manuscript Other N/A ABasic 1


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
The savage sands below icon1.png  The Savage Sands Below 20 Complete the criterion dungeon Another Sil'dihn Subterrane (Savage). Achievement title icon.png Infamy of Sil'dih 6.25
Criterion core icon1.png  Criterion Core 20 Obtain the achievements “The Savage Sands Below”, “Moving a Savage Mountain”, and “Charting the Savage Unknown”. Achievement title icon.png Epic Hero 6.51


Dungeon Images