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Eden's Verse: Refulgence (Savage)

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See also: Eden's Verse (Savage) and Eden's Verse: Refulgence


Eden's Verse: Refulgence (Savage)

Eden's Verse Refulgence (Savage).png
80 (Sync: 80)
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
120 minutes
Duty Finder
Savage Raids (Shadowbringers)
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 15 
Req. quest
Talk to Lewrey after completing Feature QuestLife Finds a Way
Great Glacier
Stone, Sky, Sea
The echo icon1.png The Echo
Permanent +20%

The discovery of a second crystal within Eden's core leads to more questions than answers, and yet again, your mind is assaulted with terrifying visions upon gazing inside. You see foes previously vanquished reborn, more brutal and unrelenting than even your wildest imagination, yet your unwavering resolve forbids you from tearing your eyes away...

— In-game description

Eden's Verse: Refulgence (Savage) is a level 80 raid introduced in patch 5.2 with Shadowbringers. The raid is also known as E8S.

Phases & Abilities

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Heritor of Frost: Shiva

NOTE: It is possible to fall off the edge of the arena to an early doom during the entire encounter. However, should any participant fall, they can be raised after a moderate delay.

Phase 1

  • Absolute Zero - blasts the raid with a high amount of unavoidable damage, immediately followed by Mirror, Mirror.
  • Mirror, Mirror summons multiple portal-like mirrors at cardinal positions around the platform which will unleash an attack depending on the next ability Shiva uses.

For future reference, keep in mind that summoned mirrors later in the battle will represent one of three different colours.

  • Blue - reflect Shiva's next ability at the same time it is cast.
  • Green - reflect Shiva's next ability after a short delay.
  • Red - reflect Shiva's next ability after a moderate delay.

The very first cast of Mirror, Mirror will always summon two Green mirrors and one Red mirror. However, their placement will be random, except for one factor - there will never be mirrors to the south of the platform at this time. Before the mirrors unleash their mechanics, all players must first react to the ability being cast by Shiva, which will either be:

  • Driving Frost - a vicious cone-attack against anyone directly behind Shiva.


  • Biting Frost - a fatal cone-attack against anyone directly in front of Shiva.

Unlike normal mode, neither of these mechanics will have an obvious telegraph, hence all players should learn which attack does what and move out of its way as soon as possible. Once Shiva's ability has been identified and players have reacted accordingly, the mirrors will use an ability based on which spell Shiva used.

If Shiva used Driving Frost (the backward AoE), each mirror will emit a cone-AoE across the platform, leaving safe spots directly in-between the mirror(s) themselves.

If Shiva used Biting Frost (the frontal AoE), each mirror will emit a large point-blank AoE across a majority of the platform. To avoid, players must move as far away from the mirror as possible (keeping in mind the order they are firing - Blue, then Green, then Red).

Seeing as each individual colour fires at different speeds to the rest, players must ensure they stand between mirrors of the same colour (if more than one of each colour exists), then move to the safe spots created by the next colour(s). For example, if there are two green mirrors and two red mirrors, players should first stand between the two green mirrors, then move between the two red mirrors, seeing as green mirrors always fire before red mirrors.

In summary, keep an eye on the colour of each mirror, then pay attention to the ability Shiva casts after portals have been summoned. Frontal AoE results in point-blank mirrors, and backward AoE results in cone-mirrors. Move away (or in-between) according to the order they are being fired (which is always Blue, then Green, then Red). With a little practice, Mirror, Mirror will become second nature.

Mini-Phase #1 - Diamond Frost

  • Diamond Frost causes Shiva to teleport to the arena centre and bombard the raid with unavoidable raid-wide damage, followed by multiple mechanical follow-ups.
  • Firstly, one Tank and one Healer will find themselves afflicted with a Freezing debuff which, if not dispelled with Esuna, will result in those players being frozen solid. Healers must be ready to dispel these debuffs as soon as possible, as both victims will be subject to a follow-up flare (proximity) marker shortly after. If left to freeze solid, the result will typically be fatal for the raid.
  • Secondly, the other tank, other healer, and two damage dealers will be targeted by Frigid Stone - AoE markers which will eventually inflict damage and heavy (slow). However, this version of heavy cannot be dispelled via Esuna and will persist for quite a while. After the AoE markers have detonated, star-like markers will be dropped at the locations of impact. After a brief delay, these markers explode, spewing straight-line AoE's in a star-like pattern.
  • Thirdly, the outer edges of the arena will be marked by eight large white-circle AoE markers, indicating where icicles will begin to drop into the arena (in the order they were spawned). Anyone standing within a circle at the time icicles are dropped will immediately be slain, essentially forcing the entire raid to utilize the inner circle of the arena for the majority of mechanical overlaps. Bear in mind that only six of the eight icicles will drop initially, with two persisting until the mechanic overlap is nearly concluded. Watch out!
  • While the mechanics are all close to resolving, Shiva will execute Heavenly Strike - a raid-wide knockback from the centre of the arena. Should anyone be standing near the outer edge of the arena at this time, they risk being punted off the platform to an early doom, or at risk of being slain by falling icicles.
  • Lastly, the two damage dealers who were completely unmarked during the ordeal will be marked with Frigid Eruption, causing three AoE circles to spawn underneath them, one after another.

To handle the overlapping mechanics, healers should first dispel the tank and healer affected by freezing so that are free to position their upcoming flare markers. If not dispelled, they will be frozen in place instead and likely perish during the overlaps or wipe the raid via proximity (flare) markers. Simultaneously, the tank, healer and two damage-dealers effected by Frigid Stone (AoE markers) should position themselves close to Shiva (without overlapping AoE's onto other marked players) to her north-east, north-west, south-east and south-west. This gives marked players enough room to avoid standing in the way of upcoming icicles, provides room in the very centre of the arena (under Shiva) for unmarked players to stand in while waiting for the Heavenly Strike knockback, and ensures that the resulting star-pattern markers are placed in a predictable pattern, making it easier for the entire raid to dodge the upcoming blasts.

Shortly after Frigid Stone detonates, the star-markers will appear, giving everyone time to position themselves so that they will be knocked back where icicles have already been dropped (leaving behind safe areas). If the star-patterns were dropped correctly, Heavenly Strike will also push players out of the path of the upcoming star-pattern explosions. However, the tank and healer originally marked with freezing will need to position themselves so that they are pushed away from the rest of the raid (and each-other) due to their flare (proximity) marker - and remember - two of the eight icicles will not have dropped yet, so do not get pushed into the remaining two icicle circles!

After Diamond Frost has concluded, all players should move to the centre of the arena, as Shiva will now execute either Driving Frost or Biting Frost depending on which she cast during the first Mirror, Mirror. For example, if Shiva used Driving Frost during the first Mirror, Mirror, she will now use Biting Frost as soon as all the above mechanics have concluded - or vice versa.

  • Double Slap - a vicious tank-buster against Shiva's primary target that also applies Physical Vulnerability. As a result, tanks should execute a tank-swap whilst Shiva is casting.
  • Redress (Holy Form) - causes Shiva to change from one form to another. During her transformation, any player who looks directly at Shiva will be stunned for a prolonged period. Unlike normal mode, there will be no visual eye-icon to indicate this attack, thus players must rely on either listening to Shiva's voice-lines or keeping an eye out for a very noticeable glowing effect around Shiva before she switches forms. Once you see the glowing effect or her hear usual transformation voice-line, all players should look away until she has changed into her new form. As soon as she has transformed into her new form, she will execute either Scythe Kick or Axe Kick.
  • (Holy Form) Axe Kick - a massive point blank AoE circle directly underneath Shiva that will cover 90% of the circular arena. Move away as quickly as possible to avoid damage and debuffs.


  • (Holy Form) Scythe Kick - a massive donut AoE from Shiva's hitbox. Players must move into her hitbox to avoid damage and debuffs.

NOTE: Unlike Normal mode, neither kick will display the usual orange-circular telegraphs. Instead, players must pay attention to which kick Shiva is executing and either move within her hitbox (Scythe) or move away from her (Axe) as soon as possible. There will be no other telegraphs to make it more obvious, so watch out!

Mini-Phase #2 - Light Rampant

  • Light Rampant - causes Shiva to teleport to the arena centre and bombard the raid with unavoidable raid-wide damage, followed by multiple mechanical follow-ups.
  • Firstly, all players will become afflicted with 0-2 stacks of Lightsteeped - a stackable debuff that will detonate any individual(s) that reach 5 stacks, unleashing massive raid-wide damage that will potentially slay the raid outright. Further stacks of Lightsteeped will be acquired by anyone who takes damage from mechanics during this mini-phase. As a result, all players must handle upcoming mechanics without anyone reaching 5 stacks.
  • Secondly, Refulgent Chains will tether one tank, one healer, and two damage dealers together. To complicate matters, one set of chains will detonate if the tethered players move too far away from each other, while another set of chains will detonate if the tethered pair moves too close to each other. The goal is to resolve upcoming mechanics whilst all four chained players remain as close/far from each other as needed. Eventually, Shiva (who is rooted in the centre of the arena during this mini-phase) will also cast Path of Light, causing her to shoot cone-AoE's at all four chained players.
  • Thirdly, four Meteor Towers will spawn around Shiva's hit-box - each containing orbs of light that begin to descend down toward the platform. Each tower will require one player to stand inside a circle to soak these falling orbs. Once the first four towers have been soaked, two more towers will spawn at the north or south (each requiring 2 players to soak them) - and once those two towers have been soaked, one final tower will spawn underneath Shiva herself that requirs 4 players to soak. If any meteor tower does not contain the required number of soakers by the time that meteor collides with the platform, the raid will be wiped. Remember - soaking a tower will add a stack of Lightsteeped!.

Lastly, four Bright Orbs will tether themselves to the unchained tank, healer, and damage-dealers. After a brief delay, each orb will begin to travel towards the player it is tethered to. Initially, all orbs are large in size, yet they will visibly shrink over time. If a Bright Orb collides with ANY player (tethered or not), the orb will explode, dealing damage to that player relative to the size of the orb. In summary, players tethered to Bright Orbs must kite them around the room (away from other players) until they visibly decrease in size (twice). At that point, colliding with the orb will inflict minimal damage. However, colliding with an orb will inflict a stack of Lightsteeped. As a result, orbs need to be popped by people who have less than 4 stacks, regardless of whether they are tethered to it or not.

There is a lot going on during this mini-phase, though there are also plenty of methods you can use to overcome them. Just remember - taking damage from mechanics during this mini-phase will apply a stack of Lightsteeped, and reaching 5 stacks will detonate you, inflicting tremendous damage to the raid. Keep this in mind when soaking meteor-towers or colliding with orbs, as doing so will apply a stack to all soakers or colliders. If you have 4 stacks, it is imperative that you avoid further mechanics.

In general, all players with Refulgent Chains should be soaking Meteor Towers (seeing as chained players will NOT be tethered to Bright Orbs and have no need to kite around the room). Meanwhile, players tethered to Bright Orbs will be free to kite them around the outer edge of the arena in a circle (in the same direction) away from all other players until they visibly shrink in size (twice). However, players kiting orbs must also be mindful of Path of Light, which causes Shiva to fire cone-AoE's towards chained players.

Assuming all mechanics are resolved and the raid survives, the fight resumes.

  • Mirror, Mirror - causes Shiva to summon four Green Mirrors at all inter-cardinal (or cardinal) positions around the arena. As explained before, these mirrors will unleash an ability depending on what spell Shiva executes after the mirrors have been summoned. From here, Shiva will cast either Axe Kick or Scythe Kick - whichever of the two kicks she 'didn't' use before the Light Rampant mini-phase.
  • If Shiva casts (Holy Form) Axe Kick (an un-telegraphed point blank AoE directly underneath Shiva), all players will need to run away from Shiva to avoid the AoE, then immediately rush back to the centre to avoid point-blank AoE's from all mirrors. Whilst moving back to Shiva to avoid the mirror attacks, Shiva will also cast Banish, marking all damage-dealers with stack-up markers. However, these stack-up markers can either be real or fake. If Shiva has one orb circling above her head whilst casting Banish, the stack-up markers are real. As a result, all four marked players will need to stack with one un-marked player each. Once the mirrors have unleashed their AoE, pairs can spread out to avoid overlapping with other marked players. If Shiva has four orbs above her head whilst casting Banish, the stack-up markers are fake, meaning ALL players must avoid each other entirely.


  • If Shiva casts (Holy Form) Scythe Kick (an un-telegraphed donut AoE from Shiva's hitbox), all players must avoid the attack by standing beneath Shiva, then move to towards a mirror - all of which will unleash a donut AoE of their own after a brief delay. However, Shiva will also cast Banish shortly after executing her own Scythe Kick, marking damage dealers with real or fake stack-up markers depending on whether Shiva has one orb above her head (real) or four orbs (fake) during the Banish cast. If the stack-up markers are real (one orb), then each marked player will need to stand underneath a mirror of their own along with a partner in order to soak the damage (without overlapping other marked players). If the stack-up markers are fake (four orbs), then all players must spread out as soon as mirrors have executed their donut-AoE's.

Seeing as the stack-up markers from Banish will ONLY affect damage-dealers, it is wise to pair each damage-dealer with one tank or healer before the battle (as well as a direction to move to). By doing so, the raid will be ready to move to a designate mirror and have an assigned partner on stand-by in-case Banish markers are real.

Mini-Phase #3 - Shattered World

Shiva will leap towards the northern edge of the arena and cast Shattered World, causing two circles to appear within the arena. Unlike normal mode (which divides the raid automatically), players will need to manually divide themselves into two groups - one group per circle. After a brief delay, Shiva leaps to the centre of the arena and shatters the platform, transitioning into an add-phase. Players within each circle will now be teleported to different platforms and will be unable to interact with each-other for the duration of the add phase. Any player not standing within a circle during the Shattered World cast will immediately be slain.

Once the transitional animation has completed, both groups will find themselves on their own individual platform, each with a large crystal in the centre, as well as a noticeable Flood Of Light gauge. Much like normal mode, the central crystal will periodically bombard the group with high volumes of unavoidable damage. At the same time, each group will be tasked with slaying waves adds that spawn at the outer edges of the platform and begin travelling towards the central crystal. If any add hits the central crystal, points will be added to the Flood of Light gauge. If the gauge reaches max, the raid will be wiped. However, if the raid successfully beats the add phase without any points being added to the Flood of Light gauge, the raid will be granted a damage-up buff!

Both platforms will need to deal with four waves of adds before the phase ends.

Unlike normal mode, each add now has their own unique effects.

  • Earthen Aether - will attempt to cast Stoneskin as soon as it spawns. If successful, the earthen add will become significantly harder to kill. As a result, players should interrupt Stoneskin as soon as an earthen add is spawned.
  • Lightning Aether - reflects damage back towards their attackers. Due to the frequent crystal AoE, players must be careful not to nuke themselves or overburden their healers via reflected damage.
  • Aqueous Aether - stunnable (and slowable) water adds with far more health than all the other adds. Due to being much beefier, players will need to stall the water add via stuns and slows for as long as possible whilst burning through its increased health-pool.
  • Crystalline Snowflake - an untargetable add that tethers itself to the central crystal and prepares to shoot light towards it. If the add remains tethered to the crystal, points will be added to the Flood Of Light gauge. To prevent this, one player must intercept the tether and take the hit instead. However, taking damage from this add will inflict Light Resistance Down. As a result, any player who intercepts a tether must avoid doing so again as they will take tremendous damage thanks to the debuff (unless they can utilize an immunity cooldown).

It is worth noting that each platform comes with its own pattern of adds to deal with. The only constant is that both platforms will always involve four tethers (one per wave), for a total of four tethers each. As a result, it is wise for each group to assign an intercept order due to the Light Resistance Down debuff inflicted upon tethered players.

Assuming both groups successfully defeat all four waves of adds without letting the Flood of Light gauge reach maximum, the battle will transition to the final phase.

Phase 2

After a transitional animation, showing Shiva merging with Hraesvelgr into a new form that is unique to savage mode, the final phase begins.

Shiva will continuously auto-attack the top two players in the enmity list during the entirety of phase 2 for considerable damage. Due to this fact, both the main and off-tank must ensure that they have more enmity (aggro) than everyone else in the group at all possible times. Just to be safe, all players should give both tanks the opportunity to generate enmity before nuking the boss. If someone other than a tank reaches number 1-2 on the enmity list, they risk taking tremendous (likely fatal) damage.

  • Akh Morn - causes Shiva to blast the top two players in the enmity list with a vicious triple-blast of shareable magic damage that will also apply a green or blue debuff to those hit by the blasts. For example, if both tanks are number 1 and 2 on the enmity list, one tank will be blasted with shareable damage that applies a green debuff, while the other tank will be blasted with shareable damage that applies a blue debuff. While these debuffs persist, any player being blasted by an opposite colour will immediately be slain. As a result of this mechanic, the raid must split into two groups and have each group stack with a tank (away from the other group), giving one half of the raid the green debuff and the other half the blue debuff. From this point onward, all casts of Akh Morn must be shared by the same groups/debuffs.
  • Morn Afah - causes Shiva to blast her primary target with a vicious blast of shareable damage. Morn Afah can either be shared by the entire raid to prevent fatal damage, or soaked by a lone tank via an invulnerability cooldown, such as Hallowed Ground or Superbolide.
  • Mirror, Mirror - causes Shiva to summon a Red Mirror in the east or west of the arena, a Blue Mirror in the remaining east or west spot, and a Green Mirror to the north of the arena.

As explained earlier, all mirrors will reflect/mimic Shiva's next ability and each reflected ability will be delayed depending on the colour of the mirror. As described earlier, Blue Mirrors will reflect Shiva's next ability as soon as it is cast, Green Mirrors will reflect Shiva's ability shortly after it has been cast, and Red Mirrors will reflect Shiva's next ability after a much longer delay. In short, Blue before Green before Red.

The inclusion of Blue Mirrors in this phase means that all players must react to Shiva's next ability AND the Blue Mirror ability at the same time, then position themselves to deal with the Green Mirror, and finally, the Red Mirror.

  • Hallowed Wing - causes Shiva to leap to the centre of the arena and stretch out her wings, with one of the two wings gaining a very noticeable effect. After Hallowed Wing has been fully cast, Shiva will blast tremendous AoE damage in the direction of the glowing wing, covering 50% of the arena. For example - if Shiva's left wing is glowing while Hallowed Wing is being cast, all players must move to the right side of the arena to avoid being blasted. To complicate matters further, the Blue Mirror will reflect this ability at the same time it is cast (and in the same direction). So, if Shiva's left-wing is glowing while Hallowed Wing, she will blast 50% of the arena to her left, and the Blue Mirror will blast 50% of the arena to its left as well, leaving only a quarter of the arena as a safe spot.

Players must quickly identify the safe side of Shiva and also the direction that the Blue Mirror will fire, then immediately move into the safe quadrant. Once the Blue Mirror has fired, the Green Mirror will reflect Hallowed Wing in the same direction (relative to where it is facing), and lastly, the Red Mirror will do the same.

NOTE: If you notice the Red Mirror to the west (or Blue Mirror to the east), then the reflected abilities will force the raid to move in a counter-clockwise motion. Vice-versa also applies. If you notice the Blue Mirror to the west (or Red Mirror to the east), players will need to move in a clockwise motion.

  • Wyrm's Lament - inflicts unavoidable raid-wide damage and brands all tanks and healers with a (Red) Wrymclaw debuff, and all damage-dealers with a (Blue) Wyrmclaw debuff. Debuffs of both colours will have set durations per player, ranging from 13s-38s (Red) and 20s-44s (Blue). Simultaneously, an ethereal Dragon Head will spawn at the north of the arena and begin to rotate around the platform in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation. This Dragon Head must be used by players to cleanse their debuffs.

If a debuff naturally expires (without being cleansed), that player will immediately be slain, and because every player will have a different duration, players with the lowest durations will need to cleanse themselves before those of higher durations.

  • Players with (Red) Wrymclaw can cleanse their debuff by touching the Dragon Head, which will inflict moderate damage on contact and cause that player to drop a small glowing puddle at their current location.
  • Players with (Blue) Wrymclaw can cleanse their debuff by touching one of the above-mentioned glowing puddles.

To complicate the process further, Shiva will periodically cast Hallowed Wing towards the side of the arena that the dragon is travelling, forcing the raid to cleanse themselves based on their debuff durations whilst avoiding fatal AoE blasts.

To combat the overlapped mechanics, players must quickly identify who has the shorted (Red) duration and have them immediately cleanse themselves as soon as the Dragon Head has spawned, then immediately move back to the centre to avoid upcoming Hallowed Wing blasts. Shortly afterwards, Shiva will blast 50% of the platform with Hallowed Wing (in the direction the Dragon Head is travelling), making cleansing unsafe. Once Hallowed Wing has resolved, the (Blue) player with the lowest duration must run into the glowing puddle to cleanse their own debuff, whilst the player with the lowest (Red) timer quickly touches the Dragon Head to cleanse themself before the next Hallowed Wing cast, and so on.

Once all debuffs have been resolved, Shiva will Redress. Before this happens, all players should make sure they are positioned in the centre of the arena very close to Shiva. If anyone died due to not cleansing the debuff, the party will wipe to Joyless Dragonsong as she does so.

  • Redress (Ice Form) - causes Shiva to transform into her original form and blanket the entire arena in thin ice. During this time, any player who moves will begin sliding uncontrollably in the direction they move. To combat the next wave of mechanics, the entire raid should have positioned themselves in the arena centre close to Shiva. However, this means that moving during Thin Ice will likely result in players slipping over the edge of the platform seeing as sliding distance is exceptionally long. Shortly after, Shiva will begin to cast one of two abilities at random. However, Thin Ice will resolve halfway through the cast of this ability. Due to this fact, players must avoid moving until the ice has disappeared, then immediately react to the upcoming ability as it will leave a very short window to react.
  • Twin Stillness - causes Shiva to aim a 270-degree cone attack directly in front of her for fatal damage, followed by a 90-degree cone attack directly behind her. Once Thin Ice has resolved, players will have a very short opportunity to move directly behind Shiva to avoid the frontal attack, then move in front of her to avoid the backward cone.


  • Twin Silence - is an inverse version, causing Shiva to unleash the 90-degree backward cone first, then slash in-front of her with the 270-degree cone. Once Thin Ice has resolved, players must move directly in front of Shiva to avoid the backward cone, then behind her to avoid the massive frontal attack.
  • Double Slap - Shiva executes a vicious tank-buster against her primary target, applying Physical Vulnerability, requiring an immediate tank-swap whilst Shiva is casting.
  • Redress (Hraesvelgr) - causes Shiva to Redress into her Hraesvelgr form and immediately begin casting Akh Ral. Once the cast is complete, multi-hitting AoE blasts will form at the location(s) where all players were standing at the time. Once the cast has completed, all players must immediately move away from where they were standing to avoid being blasted to death. To make the mechanic easier, the raid should split into two groups and stack together in order to bait the blasts into two locations (such as the east and west sides of Shiva's hitbox) and then immediately move to the north and south once Akh Ral has been cast.
  • Mirror, Mirror - causes Shiva to summon a Green Mirror and Red Mirror to the east and west of the platform in a random pattern. Once both mirrors are summoned, Shiva will leap to the northern or southern edge of the arena and begin channelling Hallowed Wings. Unlike previous versions of Hallowed Wings, both of Shiva's wings will glow this time, indicating that the left & right side of the arena will be blasted simultaneously. To avoid, players must position themselves directly behind Shiva as soon as possible.

Once Hallowed Wings has concluded, all participants should move directly in front of the Green Mirror, which will blast the raid with unavoidable damage, inflict Magic Vulnerability on the four closest players to the mirror, and knock-back the entire group a set distance across the platform. After a moderate delay, the Red Mirror will do the exact same thing. Players will have a brief opportunity to heal up from the Green Mirror blast and have the four players who are unaffected by the Magic Vulnerability Debuff stand close to the Red Mirror, as being blasted with a stack of Magic Vulnerability from the Green Mirror will likely be fatal.

  • Mirror, Mirror - summons two Blue Mirrors to the east and west, two Red Mirrors to the north and south, and four Green Mirrors in each inter-cardinal position (corners).
  • Redress (Holy Form) - causes Shiva to change clothes, forcing the raid to look away to avoid being stunned. At this point, all mirrors will also reflect the gaze attack. As explained before, Blue Mirrors reflect at the same time Shiva casts an ability, whereas Green Mirrors reflect after a short delay, and Red Mirrors reflect after a much longer delay.

The goal is to look away from Shiva (and the Blue Mirrors) at the same time, then avoid looking at Green Mirrors, and finally, avoid looking at Red Mirrors (in that order). This can easily be achieved by pulling Shiva directly in front of a Blue Mirror before she redresses and have the entire group look to the left or right when the gaze attack is about to go off. Once concluded, the Blue Mirrors will despawn. Players can then run through Shiva and turn to look in the direction of where their chosen Blue Mirror was previously located, which will cause everyone to avoid the gaze attack from the Green Mirrors.

NOTE: Before the Red Mirrors reflect their gaze attack, Shiva will cast Holy - spawning a proximity marker in the centre of the arena. To make matters worse, this proximity marker will either be real or fake depending on the amount of orbs hovering over Shiva's head while Holy was being cast. If Shiva has one orb circling her head while casting, the ability is real, forcing the raid to position themselves at the outer edge of the arena to avoid the central proximity marker (whilst also looking away from Red Mirrors). If Shiva has four orbs circling her head while casting Holy, the central proximity marker is a fake, so instead of moving to the outer-edges, players will need to position themselves in the centre of the arena to avoid cardinal and inter-cardinal markers around the outer-edges (and also look away from Red Mirrors).

As a rule of thumb - one orb equals one proximity marker (centre) and multiple orbs means multiple proximity markers (edges). No matter whether they are real or fake, proximity markers will detonate at the exact same time as Red Mirror gaze attacks, which will stun any player looking in the direction of a mirror.

Once Mirror, Mirror and Holy have concluded, Shiva will cast one of two abilities:

  • Embittered Dance - causes Shiva to unleash a Scythe Kick (un-telegraphed donut AoE at her current location), followed by an Axe Kick (an un-telegraphed point blank AoE directly underneath Shiva). In this case, players will need to move into her hitbox (or stand at max range) to avoid the donut attack, then run away from her to avoid the point-blank circle AoE.


  • Spiteful Dance - a reverse of the above. Shiva will first use her Axe Kick (un-telegraphed point blank AoE directly underneath herself), followed by the Scythe Kick (donut AoE from her hitbox). Players will need to move as far away from Shiva as possible at first, then move into her hit-box (or remain at max-range) to avoid the follow-up donut AoE.

  • Mirror, Mirror - summons a single Red Mirror to the north of the arena, followed by Redress (Hraesvelgr).
  • Akh Ral will start casting as soon as Shiva have transformed. Just like earlier, the raid should split into two groups and stack together in order to bait the blasts into two specific locations and then immediately move out of those locations once Akh Ral has been cast. However, the Red Mirror will reflect Akh Ral, forcing the raid to move once again to avoid another bout of blasts yet again. Simply split into two groups like before and bait Shiva's initial Akh Ral attacks to her north and south (or east and west if you prefer), and then have both groups rotate in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction to avoid it, and then rotate once again to avoid the reflected version from the Red Mirror.
  • Akh Morn - causes Shiva to blast one tank with shareable damage that applies a green debuff, while the other tank will be blasted with shareable damage that applies a blue debuff. The raid must split into two groups once again and have each group stack with a tank (away from the other group), giving one half of the raid the green debuff and the other half the blue debuff. Whilst the debuffs persist, all casts of Akh Morn must be shared by the same groups/colours.
  • Morn Afah - blasts her primary target with shareable damage. Once again, Morn Afah can either be shared by the entire raid to prevent fatal damage, or soaked by a lone tank via an invulnerability cooldown.

Mini-Phase #4 - Icelit Dragonsong

Shiva teleports to the centre of the arena and bombards the raid with a massive wave of overlapping mechanics.

Similar to the Light Rampant mini-phase earlier in the fight, players will have to contend with Lightsteeped debuffs (which will instantly slay anyone who acquires 5 stacks), Refulgent Chains (which will explode, killing any chained players who move too close or too far away from their partners), three waves of Meteor Towers (which will require a certain amount of players to stand within each tower to avoid meteor wipes), Frigid Stone AoE markers that will eventually drop exploding star-like markers at all victims locations, Freezing debuffs which can completely freeze people in place if not dispelled, and Heavenly Strike knockback from the centre of the arena..

Remember - being hit by certain mechanics during this mini-phase will apply a stack of Lightsteeped, thus they must all be resolved without any player acquiring 5 stacks, or the raid will very likely suffer a wipe.

  • Firstly, Freezing will be applied to 2 tanks and 2 damage-dealers. These can be dispelled via Esuna, but should be left on both tanks.
  • Secondly, four waves of Meteor Towers will spawn during the mini-phase. Don't forget that players soaking these towers will acquire a stack of Lightsteeped!
  • Thirdly, Refulgent Chains will connect all tanks and healers together, forcing them to remain at a set distance from one another to avoid detonation. As a result of Refulgent Chains, all tanks and healers will need to soak the first two waves of Meteor Towers - one player per tower.
  • Fourthly, all four damage-dealers will be afflicted with an AoE circle marker (Frigid Stone') that will eventually detonate for moderate damage and heavy debuffs, leaving behind a star-patterned AoE markers at their location, which will explode later, eventually spewing straight-line AoE's in 4x star-patterns across the arena that all players must avoid.
  • Fifthly, Shiva will also cast Heavenly Strike - a raid-wide knockback from the centre of the arena that all players must use to avoid the star-pattern explosions, followed by even more Meteor Towers.
  • Sixthly, damage dealers will also have to contend with Frigid Eruption, causing three AoE circles to spawn underneath them, one after another.
  • Seventhly, Shiva will eventually cast Banish at a random tank, which will either be real or fake depending on how many orbs are circling her head while it is being cast. Just like before, a single orb over her head means real, whereas four orbs over her head indicates fake. (Real) Banish results in a single stack-marker on the chosen tank, whereas (Fake) Banish causes stack-up markers on both tanks at once.
  • Lastly, the entire phase concludes with Shiva unleashing The House Of Light, causing her to aim conal attacks in the direction of ALL players, inflicting stacks of Lightsteeped to everyone caught in the blast. Due to overlap being unavoidable, all players must resolve this complex phase with every players having no more than 3 stacks of Lightsteeped, or the raid will wipe.

In summary, healers should immediately dispel Freezing from any non-tanks who have acquired it. Meanwhile, the tanks and healers (who will be chained together for the duration of the phase) should each move into the single-soak Meteor Towers, preferably with healers taking east and west towers, while tanks take the north and south towers. Simultaneously, all damage-dealers affected by Frigid Stone should move to the outer-edge of the arena, dropping their star-like markers at inter-cardinal positions (NE,NW,SE,SW). Once Frigid Stone detonates, all damage-dealers will be heavy, thus they must rush to the centre as soon as possible via sprint or gap-closers to avoid being knocked over the edge by the upcoming Heavenly Strike knockback, which Shiva will currently be casting.

Just before Heavenly Strike detonates, both tanks will be frozen solid due to the undispelled Freezing debuffs, rendering them immune to the knockback and rooting them in place. At the same time, two Meteor Towers will spawn at the outer-edge of the arena to the east and west, and the star-pattern explosions dropped by Frigid Stone will become telegraphed. If done correctly, both healers will be knocked into the east and west Meteor Towers (which will be safe from the star-explosions), both tanks will be frozen in a safe-spot from the star-explosions, and damage-dealers will be free to move to the north and south side of Shiva to be knocked into safe-spots. If damage-dealers get knocked into Meteor Towers (by standing to the east or west), they will acquire additional stacks of Lightsteeped and likely wipe the raid. If they remain in diagonal positions during Heavenly Strike, they will be knocked into star-pattern AoE's and likely perish.

As soon as the star-markers explode, Frigid Eruption will begin dropping three consecutive AoE circles underneath each damage dealer one after another, forcing them to rotate around the outer edge of the arena in a clockwise or counter-clockwise pattern to avoid overlapping other damage-dealers. Simultaneously, Shiva will begin to cast Banish on a random tank, which may be real or fake (depending on how many orbs are circling her head during the cast). At the same time, one final Meteor Tower will spawn within Shiva's hitbox. (Real) Banish results in a single stack-marker on the chosen tank, whereas (Fake) Banish causes stack-up markers on both tanks at once. While determining if Banish is real or fake, both tanks should move into the final Meteor Tower to prepare. If Banish is real, both tanks can soak the single stack-marker together and simultaneously satisfy the two-person tower requirement. If Banish is fake, both tanks will need to spread apart as soon as the two-person tower has been soaked.

If done correctly, four players will have 3 stacks of Lightsteeped, while the remaining four players only have 2 stacks. If so, all four players with 2 stacks of Lightsteeped must stand in the final 4-person Meteor Tower so that the entire raid ends up with 3 stacks of Lightsteeped each.

Finally, Shiva will begin to cast The House Of Light, which will eventually shoot a cone attack towards every single player in the group simultaneously. Once the final 4-person Meteor Tower has been soaked, all players must spread out around Shiva at cardinal and inter-cardinal positions so that only one person is hit per cone attack, resulting in the entire raid having exactly 4 stacks of Lighsteeped, which will eventually drop off. If any player for any reason acquires 5 stacks of Lightsteeped, the results will likely be fatal.

  • Mirror, Mirror - summons a single Red Mirror to the north of the arena, followed by Redress (Ice Form), blanketing the entire platform in Thin Ice. It is wise to pull Shiva to the north of the platform before Thin Ice lands. Once done, Shiva will begin to Redress (Hraesvelgr). As soon Shiva has sprouted her draconic wings, players should immediately slide to the south (behind Shiva) to avoid Akh Ral, which will AoE blast the locations that all players where standing in just before the slide.

  • Wyrm's Lament - inflicts unavoidable raid-wide damage and then brands two tanks and two damage dealers with the (Red) Wrymclaw debuff, whereas the two remaining damage-dealers (and both healers) will acquire the (Blue) Wyrmclaw debuff. This time, TWO ethereal Dragon Heads will spawn - one to the north and one to the south - which will both rotate in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise motion for the duration of the mechanic. Similar to before, Dragon Heads will be used by players to cleanse their (Red) debuffs, whilst the pools of light left behind by cleansed (Red) debuffs will be used to cleanse (Blue) debuffs. However, players will be able to cleanse themselves two at a time during this mini-phase.

Remember: If a debuff naturally expires (without being cleansed), that player will immediately be slain!

To complicate the cleansing process, Shiva will periodically bombard both tanks with Akh Morn - 5x consecutive blasts of shareable damage that also applies blue and green debuffs to those who share them. Much like every previous Akh Morn, any player sharing damage of the opposite colour once these debuffs have been assigned will be slain outright, thus the group must split in half and only soak damage with that same group - one group per tank-soak.

As soon as the first Akh Morn has concluded, Shiva will begin casting Morn Afah, the shareable tank-buster that can either be soaked by the whole raid (regardless of debuff/colour), or avoided using an Invulnerability Cooldown, which will make it infinitely easier for tanks to cleanse their debuffs. Once two (Red) debuffs have been cleansed by touching the Dragon Heads, two (Blue) players can remove their debuffs using the puddles that were left behind. Shortly afterward, Akh Morn will be cast once again, except it will now hit 6x times in succession, followed by another Morn Afah. If successfully soaked, two more players can cleanse their (Red) debuff, allowing two more (Blue) players to cleanse theirs via the puddles. Akh Morn will be cast once more for x7 consecutive blasts, followed by another Morn Afah and another opportunity for 2x (Red) and 2x (Blue) cleanses.

Having survived this healing-intensive onslaught, Shiva will summon Red Mirrors around the entire arena, then face north or south while casting Hallowed Wings (with both wings glowing). The entire raid must move behind Shiva to avoid this fatal attack. Now, all Red Mirrors will long-cast their reflection of Hallowed Wings, which will result in an unavoidable raid-wipe if Shiva is not defeated beforehand.


See also: Edenchoir Weapons

Treasure Coffer 1

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Paladins edenchoir arms (il 505) icon1.png  Paladin's Edenchoir Arms (IL 505) Other N/A CBlue 1
Edenchoir battleaxe icon1.png  Edenchoir Battleaxe Marauder's Arm 505 CBlue 1
Edenchoir greatsword icon1.png  Edenchoir Greatsword Dark Knight's Arm 505 CBlue 1
Edenchoir gunblade icon1.png  Edenchoir Gunblade Gunbreaker's Arm 505 CBlue 1
Edenchoir fork icon1.png  Edenchoir Fork Lancer's Arm 505 CBlue 1
Edenchoir jamadhars icon1.png  Edenchoir Jamadhars Pugilist's Arm 505 CBlue 1
Edenchoir samurai blade icon1.png  Edenchoir Samurai Blade Samurai's Arm 505 CBlue 1
Edenchoir daggers icon1.png  Edenchoir Daggers Rogue's Arm 505 CBlue 1
Edenchoir harp bow icon1.png  Edenchoir Harp Bow Archer's Arm 505 CBlue 1
Edenchoir arquebus icon1.png  Edenchoir Arquebus Machinist's Arm 505 CBlue 1
Edenchoir chakrams icon1.png  Edenchoir Chakrams Dancer's Arm 505 CBlue 1
Edenchoir rod icon1.png  Edenchoir Rod Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 505 CBlue 1
Edenchoir index icon1.png  Edenchoir Index Arcanist's Grimoire 505 CBlue 1
Edenchoir rapier icon1.png  Edenchoir Rapier Red Mage's Arm 505 CBlue 1
Edenchoir cane icon1.png  Edenchoir Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 505 CBlue 1
Edenchoir codex icon1.png  Edenchoir Codex Scholar's Arm 505 CBlue 1
Edenchoir torquetum icon1.png  Edenchoir Torquetum Astrologian's Arm 505 CBlue 1
Edenchoir chest gear coffer (il 500) icon1.png  Edenchoir Chest Gear Coffer (IL 500) Other N/A ABasic 1

Treasure Coffer 2

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Edenchoir weapon coffer (il 505) icon1.png  Edenchoir Weapon Coffer (IL 505) Other N/A ABasic 1
Wind-up ryne icon2.png  Wind-up Ryne Minion N/A ABasic 1
Ramuh crystal icon1.png  Ramuh Crystal Other N/A ABasic 1


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Savage trouble in paradise i icon1.png  Savage Trouble in Paradise I 5 Complete Eden's Verse (Savage). - 5.21
Savage trouble in paradise ii icon1.png  Savage Trouble in Paradise II 10 Complete Eden's Verse (Savage) 5 times. - 5.2
Savage trouble in paradise iii icon1.png  Savage Trouble in Paradise III 20 Complete Eden's Verse (Savage) 10 times. - 5.2
Mightier than the verse icon1.png  Mightier than the Verse 5 Complete Eden's Verse: Refulgence (Savage) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 6.45
