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Sigmascape V1.0 (Savage)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the (Savage) version. For the level 70 story-mode raid, see Sigmascape V1.0. For the second tier of Omega (Savage) in general, see Omega: Sigmascape (Savage).


Sigmascape V1.0 (Savage)

Sigmascape V1.0 (Savage).png
70 (Sync: 70)
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Savage Raids (Stormblood)
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 15 
Req. quest
Interact with the Magitek Terminal after completing Feature QuestTest World of Ruin
Phantom Forest, Sigmascape V1.0
Gyr Abania
Stone, Sky, Sea
The echo icon1.png The Echo
Permanent +20%

The urge to flip switches is almost irresistible...even when you know full well the consequences for doing so. Once more your finger moves as if of its own accord, and activates the second phase of the Savage Initiative. As the gentle arrangement drifts from the terminal, you are transported to a remembered vista of the Sigmascape, each lapping wave of the song swelling the boundary of your memories...

— In-game description

Sigmascape V1.0 (Savage) is a level 70 raid introduced in patch 4.2 with Stormblood. The raid is also known as O5S.


Aggressive difficulty r6.png Phantom Train

Unlike normal mode, the arena railing will be missing for the entire encounter, meaning players can walk, fall, or be pushed off the train to an early demise, though they can be raised after a moderate delay. Additionally, if the Ghost Train's primary target moves too far out of range for any reason, that target (typically the main-tank) will be periodically bombarded with Connectivity - a stacking debuff that increases in deadliness with each application. However, all Connectivity stacks will immediately disappear once the target re-enters melee range.

However, various aspects are almost identical to normal mode. For example, touching certain ghosts will result in players once again being teleported to a Passenger Car, where they are forced to deal with a spectral threat before they can exit their makeshift prison.

General Mechanics

  • Ghost Block - similarly to normal mode, squared telegraphs will appear through the center of the arena (initially two, unlike the four in normal mode) which will soon be inhabited by creepy ghosts. Once fully spawned, players will be unable to traverse through the squares, which will remain as impassable obstacles for as long as they persist. Keep in mind - any player who remains within a square once the ghosts have fully formed will immediately be slain.
  • Spotlights - three random players will find themselves being prey-marked while three circular spotlights materialize within the arena. After a brief delay, each circular spotlight will slowly chase after a marked player, following their movements for a brief period. After a few seconds, the spotlights will finally cease movement (giving players a brief moment to make their escape) and then detonate, inflicting massive damage upon anyone caught within them. Spotlights can be used to vanquish any ghosts within the arena. However, due to the missing railings (and the use of knockback mechanics later in the battle), it is wise to keep some Ghost Block's active to help with future mechanics.
  • Diabolical Whistle #1 - one of three ghost-related mechanics. The first Diabolical Whistle involves:
    • Knockback Ghost - a single specter appears on either the left or right side of the platform and begins to long-cast All In The Mind - a massive knockback towards the opposite side of the arena. Assuming you did not destroy all Ghost Blocks via Spotlights, players will be able to utilize the obstacles to prevent themselves from being thrown off the train. If all else fails, you can also use knockback immunity cooldowns.
  • Doom Strike - a vicious tank-buster against the Ghost Train's primary target which should be mitigated via cooldowns whenever possible.
  • Head-On Collision - creates a proximity marker at the front of the arena, encouraging players to retreat. After disappearing into the distance, the mysterious Ghost Train will violently ram the cart, inflicting unavoidable damage and knocking back the entire raid. All players will suffer damage relative to how close they were to the point of impact. Bear in mind that the first Head-On Collision will also involve Diabolical Wind (see below).
  • Diabolical Wind - marks two random players with moderate-sized green circles. After a delay, both players will be bombarded with gusts of wind, inflicting damage to the target and any other overlapped players. If marked, simply move away from the rest of the group to avoid inflicting unnecessary damage to your teammates. However, seeing as Diabolical Wind takes place at the same time as Head-On Collision (i.e., during a knockback mechanic), all participants will need to position themselves so that they are not knocked into players with Diabolical Wind. There are various methods of achieving this by using existing Ghost Blocks, or if all else fails, by having each marked player stand at opposite edges of the arena whilst everyone else stacks in the center.
  • Acid Rain - bombards the arena with, you guessed it, acid rain, inflicting unavoidable raid-wide damage.
  • Diabolical Whistle #2 - one of three ghost-related mechanics. The second Diabolical Whistle involves:
    • Grabby Ghosts - spawns numerous ghosts to the east and west of the platform that will eventually begin to travel towards the opposite side, forcing the raid to weave in-between them. Should any player collide with a ghost for any reason, they will immediately be whisked away to a Passenger Car (see below). Simultaneously, two players will also be marked for Spotlights, forcing them to not only avoid the ghosts but to also ensure their lights are placed in safe positions, especially if you wish to avoid destroying any Ghost Blocks.

  • Passenger Car - a micro-arena containing a ghostly threat. No matter what encounter awaits, players will be unable to exit the passenger car until the ghostly presence has been vanquished.

  • Diabolical Headlamp - marks a random player with a noticeable line-up marker. After a brief delay, the Ghost Train will emit a Saintly Beam.png  Saintly Beam of blinding light in the direction of the marked player that must be shared by the raid. Unlike regular stack-up markers, the damage will be shared so long as players are 'lined up', meaning anyone can help share the damage so long as they are within the line, no matter how far away they are from the initial target. In savage mode, Diabolical Headlamp will also inflict a knockback - beware.
  • Diabolical Whistle #3 - one of three ghost-related mechanics. The third Diabolical Whistle involves:
    • Stalker Ghosts - creates two new ghosts within the arena that immediately tether themselves to random players. After fully forming, the ghosts will slowly begin to chase their tethered victim around the arena. Simultaneously, two other players will be marked for Spotlights, which will also track their movement around the platform. All tethered and/or marked players will need to coordinate themselves so that the ghosts move inside the spotlight(s) as they detonate. If successful, the ghosts will be destroyed. If unsuccessful, the remaining ghost(s) will slowly begin to gather speed until it becomes impossible to avoid them. In such a case, the tethered victim(s) will eventually be caught and whisked away to a Passenger Car. Despite being identical to the mechanic encountered in normal mode, tethered ghosts will move a lot faster in savage, so be wary.
  • Diabolical Light - marks a tank and healer with large pulsating circles which, after a brief delay, cause said players to drop proximity markers at their current location. Once the proximity markers have dropped, the raid will have a brief moment to retreat away from their location. Once detonated, all players will suffer unavoidable damage (relative to how close they were to each marker). It is wise to have players drop their proximity markers to the far south, allowing the raid to maintain uptime on the Ghost Train to the far north. However, seeing as Diabolical Light always marks a tank and healer, and seeing as Connectivity will stack on the main-tank if they move out of melee range, it is wise for the off-tank to be ready for a tank-swap so that the main-tank can retreat safely. Finally, Doom Strike (tank-buster) will be used as soon as Diabolical Light has concluded, so be ready to utilize a defensive cooldown if necessary.

Add Phase

After disappearing into the distance, the Ghost Train will pull up alongside the cart via the side tracks. Once it has arrived, several putrid passengers (adds) will begin to leap from the Ghost Train and invade the arena. Whilst being invaded, Diabolical Wind (AoE circles) will be placed on all four damage-dealers, forcing them to split up and avoid overlapping other players. Later, all tanks and healers will also be marked instead.

After all passengers have been eliminated, an interactable object will appear which, once clicked, allows players to leap aboard the Ghost Train. Once there, everyone can make their way to the head of the train and destroy the Ghost Train's Doom Chimney. This is essentially a DPS check that provides bonus damage to the boss if done successfully. Once destroyed (or if too much time elapses), all players will be returned to the arena whilst the Ghost Train veers off into the distance, leaving behind unavoidable clouds of smog that will slowly begin to suffocate the entire raid (Throttle).

While asphyxiating, ghosts of varied sizes and colors will spawn within the arena periodically, moving from one end of the platform to the other before disappearing. Unlike previous mechanics, all players should now intentionally be caught by a ghost (before they disappear) to be teleported to the safety of a Passenger Car, allowing them to breathe again. However, in savage mode, each player (based on role) should be caught by a specific type of ghost (as opposed to the free-for-all version in normal mode), seeing as each type of ghost results in role-centric battles within the Passenger Car.

  • Tanks should collide with the the large / black-cloaked ghosts. Once inside the Passenger Car, they will need to mitigate True Agony whilst slaying the ghost.
  • Healers should collide with smaller sized / purple-cloaked ghosts. Once inside the Passenger Car, they will need to heal themselves through periodic damage whilst the ghost bleeds to death. Bear in mind that the debuff applied to healers can be dispelled with Esuna.
  • Damage Dealers should collide with the medium-sized / red-cloaked ghosts. Once inside the Passenger Car, they will need to quickly destroy the ghost before it enrages.

It is possible for certain roles to successfully win against mismatched ghosts, though it is still safer to ensure the right roles take on the right mechanics. In any case, players who successfully defeat their chosen ghost can now exit their makeshift prison by clicking on the object that spawns after their victory. After a set time, assuming some players survived the ordeal, the fight resumes as normal.

Mechanical Timeline: Post Add-Phase

Having successfully beaten the add phase, mechanics from earlier will now begin to loop in increased volumes and combinations. Below is a mechanical timeline of these events, keeping in mind that all mechanics listed here have already been witnessed in some capacity or other.

  • Ghost Block - creates obstacles to help with upcoming mechanics.
  • Diabolical Headlight + Diabolical Headlamp - marks two healers who will eventually drop proximity markers (preferably to the far south of the arena). Simultaneously, everyone else will need to share a line-up marker (preferably without being knocked back into the proximity explosions).
  • Spotlights - marks two players to be chased by spotlights as soon as Diabolical Headlamp has resolved. These will be used for an upcoming Diabolical Whistle #3.
  • Doom Strike - vicious tank-buster against Ghost Train's primary target.
  • Diabolical Whistle #3 - creates Stalker Ghosts that need to be destroyed via Spotlights.
  • Diabolical Whistle #1 + Diabolical Headlamp - creates Knockback Ghost at one side of the arena that will long-cast a knockback. Simultaneously, players will need to deal with the knockback whilst also soaking a line-up marker (which also knocks back). Simply stand beside a Ghost Block to avoid the ghostly knockback, then immediately move to the center so that the following line-up marker doesn't push you over the edge.
  • Head-On collision - arena is rammed by the Ghost Train, inflicting proximity damage.
  • Spotlights + Ghost Block - marks two players to be chased by spotlights at the same time as a fresh wave of Ghost Blocks appear on the platform. Be careful not to destroy them all as you'll still require them for upcoming mechanics.
  • Diabolical Whistle #2 + Diabolical Headlamp - creates a wave of Grabby Ghosts on both sides of the arena that will slowly move from one side to the other, taking anyone they touch to a Passenger Car (avoid). Simultaneously, players will need to deal with the line-up marker.
  • Diabolical Wind - marks four random players with moderate-sized green circles shortly after the headlamp (line-up) has concluded.
  • Diabolical Whistle #3 + Spotlights + Diabolical Wind - creates Stalker Ghosts that need to be destroyed via Spotlights, whilst also avoiding players marked with AoE circles. Bear in mind that single players can be marked with Diabolical Wind and a ghost or spotlight at the same time to complicate matters.
  • Diabolical Light - a tank and healer who will eventually drop proximity markers (preferably to the far south of the arena).
  • Doom Strike - vicious tank-buster against Ghost Train's primary target.
  • Acid Rain - inflicts unavoidable raid-wide damage.
  • Diabolical Headlamp + Spotlights + Acid Rain - another line-up mechanic with follow-up spotlights and a spray of unavoidable raid-wide damage.
  • Diabolical Whistle #3 + Diabolical Wind - creates Stalker Ghosts that need to be destroyed via Spotlights, whilst also avoiding players marked with AoE circles. As mentioned earlier, single players can be marked with Diabolical Wind and a ghost at the same time, so be extra careful. As always, spotlights should be used to destroy the ghosts.
  • Diabolical Light + Doom Strike + Acid Rain - a tank and healer will once again be forced to drop proximity markers (preferably to the far south), followed by a tank-buster and unavoidable raid-wide damage.
  • Diabolical Whistle #1 + Diabolical Headlamp - creates Knockback Ghost at one side of the arena that will long-cast a knockback. Simultaneously, players will need to deal with the knockback whilst also soaking a line-up marker (which also knocks back).
  • Head-On collision + Diabolical Wind + Acid Rain - arena is rammed by the Ghost Train, inflicting proximity damage and knockback. Simultaneously, players will have AoE circles, complicating matters, followed lastly by unavoidable raid-wide damage.
  • Diabolical Whistle #2 + Diabolical Headlamp - creates a wave of Grabby Ghosts on both sides of the arena that will slowly move from one side to the other, taking anyone they touch to a Passenger Car (avoid). Simultaneously, players will need to deal with the line-up marker and spreading apart four AoE circles.

Assuming the fight has persisted until this point, the Ghost Train will now hard-enrage, wiping anyone currently on the platform with a long-cast beam of destruction. If you happen to be inside a passenger car at this point, you will avoid the beam entirely and can exit the car to inflict more damage, though surviving further will be extremely difficult.


Gold Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Diamond earring coffer (il 370) icon1.png  Diamond Earring Coffer (IL 370) Other N/A ABasic 1
Diamond necklace coffer (il 370) icon1.png  Diamond Necklace Coffer (IL 370) Other N/A ABasic 1
Diamond bracelet coffer (il 370) icon1.png  Diamond Bracelet Coffer (IL 370) Other N/A ABasic 1
Diamond ring coffer (il 370) icon1.png  Diamond Ring Coffer (IL 370) Other N/A ABasic 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Diamond earring coffer (il 370) icon1.png  Diamond Earring Coffer (IL 370) Other N/A ABasic 1
Diamond necklace coffer (il 370) icon1.png  Diamond Necklace Coffer (IL 370) Other N/A ABasic 1
Diamond bracelet coffer (il 370) icon1.png  Diamond Bracelet Coffer (IL 370) Other N/A ABasic 1
Diamond ring coffer (il 370) icon1.png  Diamond Ring Coffer (IL 370) Other N/A ABasic 1