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Abyssos: The Seventh Circle (Savage)

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See also: Abyssos (Savage) and Abyssos: The Seventh Circle


Abyssos: The Seventh Circle (Savage)

Abyssos The Seventh Circle (Savage).png
90 (Sync: 90)
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Savage Raids (Endwalker)
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 15 
Req. quest
Talk to Nemjiji after completing Feature QuestTruth Imperfect
The Hollow Purgatory
The World Unsundered
Stone, Sky, Sea
The echo icon1.png The Echo
Permanent +20%

The story of Agdistis and her demise is the stuff of legends, and Nemjiji frantically makes notes in the margins of her records as you recount your tale. However, her scrawling makes it difficult to tell whether these are embellishments or scientific musings. Either way, ere your quest is through, parchment and ink may very well become a precious resource in Claudien's workshop.

— In-game description

Abyssos: The Seventh Circle (Savage) is a level 90 raid introduced in patch 6.2 with Endwalker. The raid is also known as P7S.

Phases & Abilities

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Hemitheos: Agdistis

Raid Guide by MTQcapture
Raid Guide by Hector Hectorson

Please note that the arena does not have a border, and players can fall/be knocked off to their death if they are not careful, although they will respawn after a short delay and can be resurrected. Before the fight, players should split into four pairs of two, with tanks and healers partnering with a DPS each, and then assigning spread positions on the intercardinals (IE northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast). Next, players should determine one of those pairs who will move inwards to the center of the spread groups for a later mechanic, as well as spread positions around a semicircle. Finally, players will need to create two light parties, with a tank, healer and two DPS. Most sources of avoidable damage will result in a Damage Down icon1.png Damage Down debuff, as well as other various effects. Most sources of unavoidable damage will result in a short Vulnerability Up icon2.png Vulnerability Up debuff that will cause lethal damage if players are hit by more than one mechanic at a time.


The boss's auto-attacks will target the first and second highest enmity players at the same time.

  • Spark of Life: Unavoidable raidwide AoE that deals high damage, requiring mitigation. Inflicts Bleed icon1.png Bleed.
  • Dispersed Aero II: Targets the first and second highest enmity players with a high damage tankbuster AoE. Inflicts a Windburn icon1.png Windburn debuff that deals damage over time.
  • Condensed Aero II: A shared tankbuster AoE that targets the highest enmity player. Inflicts a Windburn icon1.png Windburn debuff that deals damage over time.
  • Blades of Attis: Summons multiple medium-sized AoEs that move slowly in a straight line across the arena based on the arrow telegraph.
  • Immortal's Obol: Places a proximity damage marker in the center of the arena, and creates three safe areas for players to stand. When the attack finishes, the boss destroys the arena, and anyone not in a safe zone or too close to the center dies immediately.
  • Forbidden Fruit: Summons various yellow eggs to the arena, that transform into different adds, each with a different effect. Note that neither the eggs nor the adds can be targeted.
    • Egg with Teeth: Transforms into an Immature Minotaur, which will perform one of two attacks depending on whether it tethers players.
      • Bullish Swipe (no tether): Turns towards to the nearest player and telegraphs two wide conal AoE aimed at the two nearest players, which will shortly resolve.
      • Bullish Slash (tether): Will tether one player. The single tethered player will be hit with a wide conal AoE, dealing proximity-based damage as seen by the tether visual, and inflicting a Vulnerability Up icon2.png Vulnerability Up debuff.
    • Egg with Eyes: Transforms into an Immature Io, which will perform one of two attacks depending on whether it tethers players.
      • Static Moon (no tether): A circular AoE attack that fills one of the smaller platforms, making it unsafe to stand on.
      • Static Path (tethers): Will tether four players, either all DPS or all tanks and healers. Each tethered player will be hit with a large line AoE that inflicts high damage and a Vulnerability Up icon2.png Vulnerability Up debuff.
    • Egg with Scales: Transforms into an Immature Stymphalide, which will perform one of two attacks depending on whether it tethers players. The direction each add is facing is indicated by an orange marker.
      • Stymphalian Strike (no tether): The add will use a large line AoE attack in front of itself.
      • Bronze Bellows (tethers): Will tether one player. The add will dash in a straight line towards them, inflicting high damage, a knockback that can be mitigated with knockback immune abilities, and Vulnerability Up icon2.png Vulnerability Up.
  • Hemitheos's Holy III: targets both healers with a stack marker.
  • Bough of Attis: The boss hits either the front of the arena, dealing lethal damage, then slides one of its arms forward, knocking players from the arena, or the rear of the arena, dealing lethal damage. Both attacks debuff with Down for the count icon1.png Down for the Count, stunning any players hit.
  • Inviolate Bonds: All players will be inflicted with either Involate winds icon1.pngInvolate winds icon2.png Inviolate Winds, which drops a small AoE under the player, Holy bonds icon1.pngHoly bonds icon2.png Holy Bonds, a stack mechanic, or both. Both markers also have either a I or II, indicating what order they will resolve. Players will receive these debuffs based on role (tanks/ healers or DPS), so tanks and healers may receive Inviolate Winds with a I, meaning their debuffs will resolve first, while the DPS receive Inviolate Winds with a II, meaning they will spread out second. One player from both roles will also receive a Holy Bonds I and II, which work in the same way. The name of this debuff does not indicate its order, so players will have to check their debuff list.
  • Roots of Attis: A telegraphed AoE in which the boss will break one or multiple of the bridges connecting the smaller arenas. Standing on the bridge when this happens will kill the player.
  • Multicast: The boss will cast both Hemitheos's Aero IV, a massive knockback, and Hemitheos's Holy, a high damage AoE dropped on each player that also inflicts a short Vulnerability Up icon2.png Vulnerability Up debuff.
  • Burst (no castbar): The boss calls four meteor circles to the arena, which each require a player to stand in to mitigate damage. If a circle is empty, the raid will take massive damage (Big Burst).
  • Inviolate Purgation: All players will be debuffed with Purgatory winds icon1.pngPurgatory winds icon2.pngPurgatory winds icon3.pngPurgatory winds icon4.png Purgatory Winds, Holy purgation icon1.pngHoly purgation icon2.pngHoly purgation icon3.pngHoly purgation icon4.png Holy Purgation, or both. Each player will receive two differently numbered Purgatory Winds, while four players will each receive a differently numbered Holy Purgation. This attack functions the same as Inviolate Bonds, except each player will have two sets of Winds to handle, and two sets of Holy. The debuffs also drop massive circular AoEs (Hemitheos's Tornado) when they resolve that will detonate shortly afterwards. AoEs dropped by Hemitheos's Holy will be donut AoEs.
  • Light of Life: a high damage raidwide AoE, requiring mitigation. Later serves as the hard enrage cast.
  • Hemitheos's Glare: All players will be marked and be followed by a large AoE for a short time.
  • Famine's Harvest: Two eggs will spawn on each platform, and two off the edges. Players will have to handle the mechanics of the adds that spawn from the eggs (2 Immature Stymphalides without tethers, 2 Immature Minotaurs without tethers, 4 Immature Minotaurs with tethers).
  • Death's Harvest: Five eggs will spawn on the platforms and bridges, and players will need to handle the mechanics appropriately (2 Immature Stymphalides without tethers, 1 Immature Io without tethers, 2 Immature Io with tethers).
  • War's Harvest: Five eggs will spawn on the platforms and bridges, and players will need to position appropriately (2 Immature Minotaurs with tethers, 2 Immature Stymphalides with tethers, 1 Immature Io with tethers).


The boss will start with a strong raidwide AoE that deals a Bleed icon1.png Bleed debuff which needs to be mitigated and healed through. The boss will then use a tankbuster, either Dispersed Aero II, and AoE requiring the tanks to move away from each other and the party, or Condensed Aero II, requiring the tanks to share the attack. Both versions deal high damage and a Windburn icon1.png Windburn debuff. Which attack comes out is completely random, so tanks will have to be ready to move. Following this the boss will use Blades of Attis, calling three sets of moving AoEs to the outside of the platform. Players should identify which AoEs are moving across the arena on a diagonal and move into where they fired from after the AoE has fired twice. This will come along with Immortal's Obol, so players will need to move to one of the safe zones on the arena.

Once the arena reforms and the Blades have resolved, the boss will cast Forbidden Fruit, summoning two Immature Stymphalide and an Immature Io. At the same time the boss will cast Bough of Attis, targeting the south platform and Hemitheos's Holy III on the healers. Players need to identify where the Io is, as that platform is not safe to stand on. The Immature Stymphalide will both fire their AoEs through one of the platforms, so players will need to stand in the intercardinals of the platform in a tight grouping to avoid the attacks, while also standing stacked for the healers. The boss will use another tankbuster, then Spark of Life. Healers should be ready to take care of the main tank, as they can be taking a lot of damage.

The boss will then cast Inviolate Bonds, inflicting all players with debuffs. Players will need to check the order their Involate winds icon1.pngInvolate winds icon2.png Winds and Holy bonds icon1.pngHoly bonds icon2.png Holy debuffs fire in. Players who have a Ion their debuff will take their spread positions, while the rest of the group stacks in the middle to handle the Holy stack. Immediately after, the players with II on their debuff will swap places with them, handling the attacks the same way. Note that these debuffs are assigned by role: either the tanks/healers or all DPS will spread while the other role group spreads in the first debuff set, followed by the opposite in the second debuff set. The boss will also use Bough of Attis, attacking the front platforms then sliding its hand across them, so players will have to move to the new safe platform before the second set of debuffs fire. Following this, the boss will use Roots of Attis and destroy the northern bridge, so players will need to move to one of the other platforms. The boss will use another tankbuster, so tanks should break away from their group and head to the southern platform to handle the mechanics, then move back.

The boss will use another Forbidden Fruit while also casting Multicast. The three Immature Stymphalide will each fire over one of the bridges, so players simply need to avoid those attacks. For handling Multicast, players should be spread out to avoid the Hemitheos's Holy that drops a large AoE on each player, and pop knockback resistance to handle the Hemitheos's Aero IV. These attacks will resolve at roughly the same time, so positioning is key. The boss will use Roots of Attis once again, so players should move off the bridges and into their light parties on two separate platforms. The boss will use another Forbidden Fruit and summon three Immature Io's, while also marking healers for stacks. Players will need to wait by the edge of the platforms to move immediately on to the bridges that spawn to avoid the Io's attacks, staying in their groups to mitigate the stack.

The boss will use another Bough of Attis, and players will have to watch which hand will move forward. Another tankbuster, then Forbidden Fruit, summoning an Immature Io on one platform, and three Immature Minotaurs on the other two platforms and in the center of the bridge. Each player will tether to one of the ads. Players who tether to the Io must move to its platform and spread out in a semi-circle and face towards the center of the bridge to ensure the line AoE from the ad fires away from other players. The players who tether to the Minotaurs must move away until their tethers turn purple, and the untethered players must bait the conal AoE from the Minotaur in the center of the bridge to fire away from the other platforms, then move to the edge of the Io's platform to avoid the attacks from the other Minotaurs. If the tethers of the Minotaurs are not purple, the tethered players will take high damage and a massive knockback. Each attack also inflicts a short Vulnerability Up icon2.png Vulnerability Up, so getting hit by more than one attack will kill a player.

The boss will use another Blades of Attis, Hemitheos's Holy III and Hemitheos's Aero IV as the arena reforms. Players should return to near the middle, stand in their light parties directly to the left and right of the center, then allow the knockback to move them towards the Blades. Players should stay stacked to handle the Holy, then move into the Blades original starting position. The boss will follow up with another tankbuster, then cast Forbidden Fruit, summoning four Immature Stymphalide while also casting Burst and placing four markers on the intercardinals of the arena. The Immature Stymphalide will tether to a player, while the untethered players must stand in the circles. To handle this, tethered players should move to the opposite side of the arena from their Immature Stymphalide and use a knockback immunity skill as they see the orbs getting close to the circles to prevent other players from getting clipped by their attack. Once this resolves, the boss will use another Spark of Life, then another Immortal's Obol, transforming the arena once again.

The boss will cast another Forbidden Fruit, summoning two Immature Stymphalide and an Immature Io, as well as casting Inviolate Purgation, giving debuffs to players. To handle these mechanics, players will first identify which platform the Immature Io spawned on, as that platform cannot be used. Players will start at the northwest platform; if that is unsafe, they will go the northeast platform. The first set of debuffs will begin resolving. The player with Holy purgation icon1.png Holy I will go to one waymark, along with players with no I debuffs. Meanwhile, the four players with Purgatory winds icon1.png Aero I debuffs will spread to the other three waymarks and the center of the platform, to form a trapezoidal arrangement. Note that for each of the four debuff sets, only one role group (tanks/healers or all dps) will spread, while the other will stack. After the debuffs resolve, the party will move to the other (northwest or northeast) platform and repeat the stacks/spreads with the Holy purgation icon2.pngPurgatory winds icon2.png II debuffs. The boss will then finish casting Light of Life, an unavoidable raidwide AoE, so healers will need to be mitigating and healing while moving. This mechanic repeats for the Holy purgation icon3.pngPurgatory winds icon3.png III and Holy purgation icon4.pngPurgatory winds icon4.png IV debuffs, followed by a second Light of Life.

The boss will use another Forbidden Fruit, calling two Immature Stymphalide to the platforms, leaving one open. The boss will also cast Hemitheos's Glare, targeting all players with a large AoE that will follow them slowly, then use Roots of Attis to destroy the bridges. Players should stack on the edge of the empty platform out of the line AoE of the Immature Stymphalide to bait the AoEs, then move towards the platform with the Immature Stymphalide that isn't facing their platform. The bridges will reform in time for players to move across them. Players will simply move to the center of the other platform to avoid the AoEs.

The boss will then cast Famine's Harvest, summoning two Immature Stymphalide and six Immature Minotaurs to the platforms. The Immature Stymphalide will fire their line AoEs, while four of the Immature Minotaurs will tether to players, and the last two will turn towards players and fire a conal AoE. To handle these mechanics, players will determine which platform only has the Immature Minotaurs on it, as they are the ones who won't tether. Untethered players will move to that platform and bait the AoEs off the edge away from the other players while also standing in the safe zones from the Immature Stymphalide. The other players will move to the opposite platform to their tethered ads and spread to either side of the platforms to avoid overlapping their attacks. All attacks will fire at the same time. Each hit also debuffs with a short Vulnerability Up icon2.png Vulnerability Up, so overlapping attacks will kill players.

The boss will follow up with Death's Harvest, summoning three Immature Io's and two Immature Stymphalide. The Io's on the bridges will tether to players, while the Io on the platform will perform its AoE, and the Immature Stymphalide will fire line AoEs in the direction they are facing. To handle this, players tethered to the Immature Io on the southwestern bridge will move to the northwestern platform and spread in a semi-circle behind the Immature Stymphalide ad, while the players tethered to the Immature Io on the northern bridge will move to the northeastern platform behind the Immature Stymphalide. Again, players need to spread sufficiently to avoid overlap. All attacks will fire at the same time, and players should move to the northern bridge for healing.

The boss will cast War's Harvest, summoning two each of the Immature Minotaur and Immature Stymphalide, and one Immature Io. All ads will tether to players. The players tethered to the Immature Io should move to its platform and spread behind it as before, the players tethered to the Immature Stymphalide should move to the southern platform and spread apart to avoid overlapping, and the players tethered to the Immature Minotaursshould move to the opposite edge of the northwestern platform, spreading to avoid overlap. Though the tethers won't turn purple, players will survive as long as they have some form of mitigation. Once again, these attacks will all resolve at the same time. All players should then meet at the southern platform to heal and mitigate the Spark of Life that is coming.

Players will then break into their light parties to mitigate a Hemitheos's Holy III, then move to the platform opposite where the boss's Bough of Attis will cleave, then players simply need to burn the boss down before enrage, as it will cast two Spark of Life, then a slowcast Light of Life as the enrage. If players can't defeat the boss before the cast completes, they will wipe.


Treasure Coffer 1

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Abyssos leg gear coffer (il 630) icon1.png  Abyssos Leg Gear Coffer (IL 630) Other N/A ABasic 1

Treasure Coffer 2

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Abyssos head gear coffer (il 630) icon1.png  Abyssos Head Gear Coffer (IL 630) Other N/A ABasic 1
Abyssos hand gear coffer (il 630) icon1.png  Abyssos Hand Gear Coffer (IL 630) Other N/A ABasic 1
Abyssos foot gear coffer (il 630) icon1.png  Abyssos Foot Gear Coffer (IL 630) Other N/A ABasic 1



In Patch 6.25, the arena was changed to be enlarged after completing the duty, allowing players to place waymarks in areas that were previously inaccessible. This change was in response to a very popular set of waymarks used for Inviolate Purgation but were originally created using a third-party tool to allow waymark placement in areas not on solid ground. Specifically, the three-platform arena orientation extends outside the range of the large circular arena at the start of the battle, which prevented waymark placement on areas that would become the outside of the platforms.

The change also applies to the Normal mode.

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