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Eden's Promise: Eternity (Savage)

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See also: Eden's Promise (Savage) and Eden's Promise: Eternity


Eden's Promise: Eternity (Savage)

Eden's Promise Eternity (Savage).png
80 (Sync: 80)
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
120 minutes
Duty Finder
Savage Raids (Shadowbringers)
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 30 
Req. quest
Talk to Lewrey after completing Feature QuestWhere I Belong
The Garden of Nowhere
Stone, Sky, Sea
The echo icon1.png The Echo
Permanent +20%

Following your adventures in the Empty, a crystal has been found that bears distorted memories of your recent encounters. As if facing such nightmarish foes once was not enough, you now have the opportunity to experience these struggles anew, though far more perilous than you remember...

— In-game description

Eden's Promise: Eternity (Savage) is a level 80 raid introduced in patch 5.4 with Shadowbringers. The raid is also known as E12S.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Utopian Vision: Eden's Promise

Note: The battle takes place upon a large platform. Any player who jumps over the edge will fall to an early doom, though they may be raised by a healer after a moderate delay.

Before the fight, it is advised that each player is assigned a clock position for mechanics later in the fight, as well as place markers around the boss in clock positions. Players should also split into to light parties consisting of one tank, one healer and two DPS for later.

Similar to the Normal mode version of this fight, the boss will use attacks pulled from other primal bosses in the raid series. The attacks in this version of the fight have no telegraph outside of the tether to their specific crystal. The attacks are as follows:

  • Leviathan (Temporary Current): The attack will cover the east and west thirds of the platform, leaving only the center safe.
  • Garuda (Ferostorm): Four cones will fire out from the top, bottom, left and right of the hitbox of the boss. Move to the intercardinals to avoid.
  • Ramuh (Judgement Jolt): A point-blank AoE. Move away to avoid.
  • Ifrit (ConflagStrike): Two wide-angle conal attacks fire from the back and front of the boss, creating small safe zones on either side of the boss.

Two of these attacks will be randomly chosen and fired at the same time, overlapping. Players will need to pay attention to what attacks are selected by the boss and stand in the remaining safe zones. Players will also have to be aware of whether the boss is using Stock or Cast.

  • Stock: The boss will store the selected attacks, then use them later with Release.
  • Cast: The selected attacks will come out immediately.

The boss can also use Junction on either Shiva or Titan, adding additional mechanics to attacks.

  • Junction: Titan: Healers are targeted with stack markers. Players should split into their light parties and split damage.
  • Junction: Shiva: Players will be marked with AoEs. Separate to assigned positions to avoid overlap.

These attacks and effects will be randomly mixed together throughout the fight, so vigilance is key.

Phase 1

  • Maleficium: Unavoidable raid-wide damage. Mitigate and heal through.

The Primal crystals will appear outside of the arena at this point, allowing the boss to draw from them.

  • Junction (Random): The boss will junction either Shiva or Titan, adding their effects to the end of attacks.
  • Rapturous Reach: The boss will us a massive attack on the left or right side of the arena, depending on what side the glowing effect is happening on. The attack will take up slightly more than half the arena, so players should move further into the safe zone than normal. Following this, players will need to either stack or spread based on the Junction effect.
  • Cast: The boss will tether to two random crystals and combine their attacks. Move to the relevant safe zones, then stack or spread once again. The boss will drop the junction after this.
  • Formless Judgment: The top two highest enmity targets will be marked for a two-hit tankbuster. The targets will also be inflicted with either a Piercing Resistance Down or Slashing Resistance Down. The attacks deal massive damage, and without an invulnerability skill, tanks won't survive the second hit. Tanks should swap partway through the cast to avoid being hit by the same attack twice. Be sure to mitigate these attacks regardless, as they hit extremely hard.

The boss will follow up with another Maleficium, then move to the next phase.

Phase 2

  • Junction: Shiva: The boss will now be able to use abilities from the Shiva fight.
  • Diamond Dust: This attack deals high raid-wide damage and freezes the arena, causing players to slide around. Several AoE markers will spawn around the edge of the arena, leaving only two safe zones.
  • Ice Floe: Both healers will be targeted with stack markers. players should slide carefully into their light parties and slide into the safe zones to avoid the AoEs. The large AoEs will resolve at the same time as the markers on the healers. Two new AoEs will spawn in the previous safe zones that players will need to move out of.
  • Ice Pillar: All players will be targeted by markers that need to be spread out. Players should carefully slide out of safe zones and away from each other to avoid overlap and the new AoE circles. The markers and the AoEs will resolve at the same time, with the markers dropping large ice pillars where the player was standing, then tethering to the player that spawned them. The floor will return to normal at this point. Finally, the boss will cast more AoEs on the edge of the arena again, with a knockback in the center of the arena.

Players should move to the safe zones on the arena to avoid the AoEs, then once the new circles spawn in those safe zones, move to the center of the arena to be knocked away into the new safe zones and away from their ice pillars to avoid lethal damage. Players will know if they are far enough away because their tethers will become thin and purple. When they resolve, the pillars will fly across the arena to the player. If players overlap and get hit by more than one ice pillar, they will die. The boss will drop the junction after this and follow up with an Maleficium.

  • Junction Titan: The boss will be able to use abilities from the Titan fight.
  • Earthen Fury: High raid-wide damage. Mitigate and heal through.
  • Bomb Boulders (1): The arena will transform to have overlapping circle segments on the floor, while spawning bomb boulders around the edges that will tether to players as they get closer. Players will then be marked by three different markers:
    • Blue: Detonates the circle segment under the player as well as adjacent circle segments.
    • Yellow: Only detonates the segment the player is standing in. This attack can not be shared with other players.
    • Orange: Only detonates the segment the player is standing in. This attack must be split with others.
  • It should be noted the bomb boulders need to be hit by these detonations, otherwise they will explode on their own and deal high raid-wide damage.
  • For the first phase of this attack, one blue marker, three yellow markers and four orange markers will spawn. Players with yellow markers should move to the north, east and west segments, orange marked players should move between them at the northeast and northwest segments, and blue should move to the south segment. The markers will resolve, and players will be re-marked.
  • Bomb Boulders (2): Two blue markers will spawn with six orange markers. Blue markers should go to the east and west, while orange marked players should stack in the north and south.
  • Bomb Boulders (3): Two blue markers, two yellow and four orange markers will spawn this time. Blues should move to the southwest and southeast, all the orange marked players should move to the north, and yellow marked players should move to either side of them at the northwest and northeast.

Between each of these Bomb Boulders, players should move to the center so the healers can restore some of that lost health.

After this the boss will drop the junction and cast Maleficium.

Phase 3

  • Guardian of Eden: The boss will summon a massive clone at the south edge of the platform which will begin to cast Obliteration.
  • Cast: The boss will select two random attacks. Identify the safe zones and stack together, as the clone's Obliteration fires out as a laser and players must stack to mitigate damage. The boss will follow this up with yet another Maleficium. Healers should be prepared for this as the damage will come out very quickly.
  • Stock: The boss will select two random attacks and store them for later. Remember these attacks and identify their safe zones.
  • Classical Sculpture: The boss will mark both healers with stack markers. Players should group into their light parties and stack at the front and back of the boss. Two Chiseled Sculptures will drop where the healers were standing.
  • Chiseled Sculptures: Each statue will tether to four random players and number them 1-4. At the same time the boss will cast Rapturous Reach on one side of the arena. Players should move to the safe side of the arena, then move to another safe zone between the two statues. After the boss's attack resolves, players will move away from the group in the order they are numbered, as the statues will fire a line attack at the targeted player, then move back into the group and swap positions with the next player.
  • Palm of Temperance: While the statues are firing their attacks, the clone will begin charging its attack. Once the final laser resolves, the boss will attack a side of the stage, causing damage and knockback. To avoid being knocked off the arena, players should move to the edge of the arena the attack is originating from (either southwest or southeast) to be knocked back safely. Knockback resistance actions do not work.
  • Release: The boss will fire its two stored attacks, so players should quickly move into position to avoid damage. The boss will follow this with another Maleficium and a Formless Judgment. Healers should be prepared to heal through this, as a lot of damage comes out very quickly. Then the boss will Stock two random attacks for later.
  • Beastly Sculptures: Six lion sculptures will spawn, A large lion sculpture in the north and south, and four smaller lions, two on either side of the stage. The small lions will tether to either all four DPS or all the tanks and healers. They will perform a thin conal fire breath attack on the player they are tethered to, leaving a Fire resistance down icon1.png Fire Resistance Down debuff. The large lions will fire a thin conal fire breath attack at the closest player and drop a puddle underneath them that deals fire damage. Their breath attacks also leave a Fire resistance down icon1.png Fire Resistance Down debuff. These attacks cannot overlap, as being hit by more than one will deal too much damage to survive. These attacks need to be properly handled while dodging attacks from the boss. The most common strategy is as follows:
    • Tethered players will have to stand at a diagonal away from their small lion in a pre-marked position, so their attacks don't hit multiple players, while the non-tethered players are in charge of the large lions.
    • The boss will cast Rapturous Reach, players will dodge to the safe side, then quickly move to their positions to bait the conal breath attacks from the small lions. One of the players assigned to each large lion will stand in the lion’s hitbox, turning it away towards the outside of the arena, and drop the puddle on the edge. The second player assigned to each lion will simply dodge in the safe zones for now. The clone will fire off Laser Eye after this, dropping a radial knockback in the center of the arena. It is recommended that players use their knockback resistance here to not have their positioning thrown off for the next breath attack. Another round of breath attacks will go off, and the second player assigned to each large lion should move in to bait the second attack, while the first player who baited the large lion should stand in the safe zone. The boss will follow up with Release, so players should move to the safe zone closest to them, then back into position for a final breath attack, with the first player baiting the large lions should move back into position for their attack. Following this the boss will cast Rapturous Reach again, so move to the safe side of the arena. The lions and puddles will disappear after this, followed by Maleficium.

Phase 4

This is the final phase of the first half of the fight and is just a run through of the mechanics of the fight.

  • Stock: The boss will select two random attacks for later. Identify their safe zones.
  • Junction (Random): The boss will either junction either Titan or Shiva and add their effects to the end of attacks.
  • Cast: The boss will use two random attacks, followed by either the stack or spread mechanic of the Junction, then lose the junction, followed by Maleficium.
  • Junction: This will be the opposite of the previous Junction.
  • Release: The boss will use the previously saved attacks, followed by the stack or spread mechanic of the Junction. The Junction will then be dropped, and the boss will follow up with Formless Judgment, then two more Maleficiums.

After two more auto-attacks, the boss will become untargetable, and it and the Guardian of Eden will begin to cast Paradise Lost, wiping the party. If you beat the boss before it becomes untargetable, the boss will use a knockback, stunning players, and a cutscene will play, moving to the next half of the encounter.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Oracle of Darkness

Reaching this point in the fight acts as a checkpoint, so if the party wipes, they will restart from here. Note that leaving the instance and restarting will erase this checkpoint.

Phase 1

  • Hell’s Judgment: HP of all players is reduced to a single digit. Heal up for the next attack.
  • Shockwave Pulsar: High raid-wide damage. Mitigate and heal through.
  • Spell-in-Waiting: The boss receives a buff that delays the next spell cast.

The boss will follow this with either Dark Water III or Dark Eruption. This spell will be delayed for a moment.

    • Dark Water III: Both healers are targeted with split damage markers. Parties should break into light parties to soak damage.
    • Dark Eruption: Each player is marked with a large AoE. Players should spread out to pre-assigned clock locations.

The boss will then cast another Spell-in-Waiting followed by the opposite spell that was cast previously. Once the spell finishes casting, the first spell will go off, so players should be ready to stack or split.

  • Darkest Dance: The boss will target the player furthest from her and leap to them, then follow up with knockback to the rest of the party. The main tank should bait this attack by standing away from the boss whole the rest of the party stacks underneath the boss in her hitbox to avoid getting knocked off the arena. The second Spell-in-Waiting will fire at this point, so players should be ready to move to either stack or split.

The boss will fire another Shockwave Pulsar, then should be moved into the middle of the arena.

  • Basic Relativity: The boss will deal raid-wide damage that should be mitigated and healed through. Players will also be debuffed with Spell-in-Waiting: Return. This debuff lasts for 22 seconds, after which each player’s position and facing direction will be recorded on the platform. Players will also be inflicted with a debuff, based on their role:
    • Tanks and healers can be inflicted with either Dark Water III, a damage marker that must be split with assigned light parties, or Shadoweye, a gaze attack that must be faced away from. any player that faces this debuff will die.
    • DPS players will be inflicted with either Dark Blizzard III, a massive donut AoE attack that players need to either stack in the center for or move far away from, or Dark Fire III, a large circle AoE that players need to move away from.

The DPS debuffs will last either 16 seconds or 29 seconds. If one group has the short debuff, the other group will have the longer debuff, which allows players to plan where to stand to resolve mechanics.

At the same time, the boss will summon seven hourglasses around the arena, six red and one yellow. The boss will then tether to four of the hourglasses with two purple tethers that will connect to either the northeast/west or southeast/west hourglasses, whole two yellow tethers will connect to the east and west hourglasses. The boss will then cast Speed, augmenting the speed at which the tethered hourglasses attacks come out. Yellow tethers will increase speed, while purple tethers will decrease speed. At the end of their cast, the hourglasses will target the closest player with a line attack that deals damage and adds the debuff Twice Come Ruin. If a player is hit by more than one laser, the player will be debuffed with a very quick Doom debuff that kills the player instantly. The attacks will fire in a specific order: yellow tethered hourglasses, non-tethered hourglasses, and purple tethered hourglasses.

There are a lot of mechanics happening at once here, and players need to be coordinated in order to not wipe. To handle these, all players should start by stacking in front of the yellow hourglass and putting it behind them to orient themselves. From here, players can move out in the order of their debuffs to bait the laser attacks. DPS players with the Dark Blizzard III debuff should take the first tethers. If they have the fast variant of the debuff will have their debuff resolve far enough away from the group that there will be no overlap. If it is the slow debuff, players will simply return and stack with the group. At this point, players with the Dark Fire III debuff should move away to avoid hitting other players with their debuff. Healers should move to bait the non-tethered hourglasses by moving to the left and right of the party. If they have the Shadoweye gaze debuff, players can simply turn away from the healers to avoid. If tanks have the debuff, players should face the boss. By this point, the Spell-in-Waiting: Return debuff will record players locations. Before it goes off, tanks should move between the yellow hourglass and the rest of the party. Tanks will finally bait the attacks from the purple-tethered hourglasses. After they fire, the yellow hourglass will cast a point-blank AoE. Non-tank players should move to the center of the arena to avoid this. The slow version of the fire and blizzard debuffs will resolve after this, so fire debuffed players should move away from the group. after this, players will be stunned and teleported back to their recorded position. The yellow hourglass will then cast Empty Hate, dealing a proximity-based attack with knockback. Finally, the Dark Water III debuff will resolve, so players will need to stack with their healer groups to mitigate damage. After this, the boss will cast Shockwave Pulsar, so healers should be ready.

  • Singular Apocalypse: The platform will change, and a small beam of light will move around the arena, showing the direction the attack will move in. Once the light stops moving, a large light pillar will hit the center of the arena and begin moving around the edge. players need to stay out of this attack to avoid heavy damage and debuffs.
  • Cataclysm: The boss will face a random cardinal direction and leap to it, causing a massive AoE where she lands. Players should move to the edge of the opposite side from what she is facing, while being careful to avoid the light attacks.
  • Black Halo: The boss will target the main aggro target with a large frontal cone tank buster. Tanks should point the boss away from the group. This attack only happens twice in the encounter, so it is recommended to simply use an invulnerability skill to deal with this.

After this, players should stack in the center of the arena for the next mechanic.

  • Shellcrusher: A random player is targeted, and all players must split the damage to survive.
  • Spirit Taker: Another random player is targeted but must take the attack alone. anyone else hit by this attack will die. Players should move to their assigned clock positions quickly to avoid overlap with other players.

The boss will then cast another Shockwave Pulsar, then should be moved to the center of the room. The arena will return to normal.

Phase 2

  • Intermediate Relativity: Massive raid-wide damage. This needs to be mitigated and healed through. Players will also be debuffed with four more debuffs:
    • Spell-in-Waiting: Return IV: This works similarly to the previous debuff, except it records players locations several times.
    • Dark Eruption: Players will be marked with a large AoE that players will need to spread out to deal with.

The next debuffs will be assigned once again based on role. The debuffs will also last either 31 seconds, 27 seconds, or 23 seconds. Players need to look at their debuff bar to identify the order these debuffs will resolve in.

  • Dark Blizzard III: Assigned to either all tanks and healers or all DPS, this debuff functions the same way as the previous blizzard debuff, requiring players to stack or stand a good distance away. This time, however, three players afflicted with this will also be marked with a standard Flare marker. One will be marked with a Dark Water III debuff, requiring players to stack to help mitigate the damage.
  • Dark Aero III: Assigned to all tanks and healers or all DPS, this debuff will spawn a large circle AoE marked under players will knock back anyone hit. Players afflicted with this will also receive the Shadoweye debuff.

Many of these mechanics will resolve one after the other in rapid succession, making it a lot to keep track of. However, many debuffs will resolve at the same time, making it possible to plan where players should stand to resolve their debuffs. All Dark Eruptions will resolve at the same time, and all Dark Aero/Blizzard resolve at the same time as well, and the Shadoweye gaze, Flare and Dark Water III debuffs happen simultaneously. This allows players to designate safe zones for each player to stand for Return IV resolutions:

  • Using assigned clock positions, separate to avoid overlap for Dark Eruption. Then, players marked with Dark Aero III will move to the intercardinals of the arena, Flare markers should be stacked with in the northwest/east and the south of the arena, Dark Blizzard III should be taken to the center of the arena, and the players with the gaze/water markers should stack inside the center of the arena, with the gaze players facing outwards. This way when the Dark Water III debuff resolves, players are stacked to mitigate damage.
  • To resolve these in the correct order for Return IV, players need to look at their debuff bar to determine the order the debuffs will resolve in, and work backwards from there, moving to the place the last debuff will resolve first, let Return IV record their location and facing direction, then move to the location for the second debuff, and finally to the location of the first. The gaze debuff will fire at this point, requiring players to turn to the outside to avoid instant death. Once Return IV resolves, players will be stunned and teleported around the arena to resolve debuffs. Assuming players have moved to the correct positions, the attacks should fire without incident. Once players can move again, the fight will resume, and the boss will follow up with a Shockwave Pulsar.
  • Dual Apocalypse: Similar to the previous Apocalypse attack, except two beams of light will appear and move in opposite directions. Move out of the center to avoid the first hit and watch the edge of the arena. The boss will then use Cataclysm, so move to the safe side of the arena while avoiding light attacks.
  • Somber Dance: The boss will jump to the player that is furthest away, then to the player that is closest. Tanks should bait these attacks, with the main tank standing away, then the off tank moving in with the boss, so she leaps to them next. Tanks should be sure to use cooldowns, as these attacks hit hard. The platform will return to normal after this and follow up with a Shellcrusher and a Spirit Taker, so be ready to stack and then split. this will be followed by another Shockwave Pulsar, so healers should be ready.

Phase 3

  • Advanced Relativity: Deals massive raid-wide damage and debuff, so be sure to mitigate and heal through, then the boss will summon hourglasses. This attack is a mix of the first two Relativity mechanics mixed together, but the debuffs will resolve the same way as before. Players can use the yellow tethered hourglasses to orient themselves again, this time standing behind it, then split into their light parties and move to the north and south behind the hourglasses. To make it easier to identify where to drop Return IV recordings, players can use the segments of the circles on the floor to mark where to drop debuffs. After Advanced Relativity goes off and the boss begins casting Speed, players will move according to their debuffs:
  • Dark Aero III debuffed players should move closer to the edges of the arena so they can act as a knockback for players, while other players stack near the point of the segmented circle pointing inwards to the center of the arena for the Dark Water III debuff.
  • Once Return IV records players locations, the gaze debuffed players will move to the left point of the segmented circle and face outwards from the arena, while the player marked with double Dark Aero III will move to the other point to record their locations. Finally, the last gaze player will move to the other side of the right segment and face outwards, while the double Dark Aero III player will mirror this movement on the left.
  • Players with the Dark Fire III debuffs will move out to drop their locations, one each to the east or west edge, and one each at the inner east or west, closer to the center depending on which side players have agreed on moving to. Players should also face outwards for this to avoid the gaze marker. After this, players will be stunned and Return IV will resolve, moving players around the arena and resolving debuffs. Once this has finished, players will be able to move and target the boss again and the fight will resume. She will follow this up with a Shockwave Pulsar.

Phase 4

  • Triple Apocalypse: Three beams of light will appear this time, two on the edge of the arena and one in the middle. Players should follow the beam out from the middle and see where it intersects with another light beam. This marks the safe zone where players can stand when the light attack fires in the center of the arena. The boss follows up with Darkest Dance, so bait the attack accordingly again, with the main tank at the edge and the rest of the party stacking inside the boss’s hitbox for the knockback. The platform will return to normal at this point. The boss will cast Shockwave Pulsar and Black Halo, so the main tank will want to point the boss away and either tankswap and pop an invulnerability skill or heavily mitigate the attack.
  • Terminal Relativity: Massive raid-wide damage and three Quietus debuffs on all players that explode after their duration dealing heavy raid-wide damage. Mixed in with this, the boss will also cast Shockwave Pulsar three times in a row, also dealing heavy damage. Healers should be prepared for this as the damage comes out very fast in this phase.

Once the boss finishes casting all three Shockwave Pulsars, she will enrage and begin casting Memory's End and must be defeated before the cast finishes, otherwise the party will wipe and return to the beginning of the phase.


See also: Edenmorn Weapons

Gold Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Paladins edenmorn arms (il 535) icon1.png  Paladin's Edenmorn Arms (IL 535) Other N/A CBlue 1
Edenmorn battleaxe icon1.png  Edenmorn Battleaxe Marauder's Arm 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn zweihander icon1.png  Edenmorn Zweihander Dark Knight's Arm 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn gunblade icon1.png  Edenmorn Gunblade Gunbreaker's Arm 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn halberd icon1.png  Edenmorn Halberd Lancer's Arm 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn sickle icon1.png  Edenmorn Sickle Reaper's Arm 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn sainti icon1.png  Edenmorn Sainti Pugilist's Arm 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn samurai blade icon1.png  Edenmorn Samurai Blade Samurai's Arm 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn main gauches icon1.png  Edenmorn Main Gauches Rogue's Arm 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn twinfangs icon1.png  Edenmorn Twinfangs Viper's Arm 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn cavalry bow icon1.png  Edenmorn Cavalry Bow Archer's Arm 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn pistol icon1.png  Edenmorn Pistol Machinist's Arm 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn chakrams icon1.png  Edenmorn Chakrams Dancer's Arm 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn rod icon1.png  Edenmorn Rod Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn index icon1.png  Edenmorn Index Arcanist's Grimoire 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn rapier icon1.png  Edenmorn Rapier Red Mage's Arm 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn round brush icon1.png  Edenmorn Round Brush Pictomancer's Arm 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn cane icon1.png  Edenmorn Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn codex icon1.png  Edenmorn Codex Scholar's Arm 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn torquetum icon1.png  Edenmorn Torquetum Astrologian's Arm 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn pendulums icon1.png  Edenmorn Pendulums Sage's Arm 535 CBlue 1
Edenmorn chest gear coffer (il 530) icon1.png  Edenmorn Chest Gear Coffer (IL 530) Other N/A ABasic 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Edenmorn weapon coffer (il 535) icon1.png  Edenmorn Weapon Coffer (IL 535) Other N/A ABasic 1
Wind-up gaia icon2.png  Wind-up Gaia Minion N/A ABasic 1
Eden crystal icon1.png  Eden Crystal Other N/A ABasic 1
The extreme orchestrion roll icon1.png  The Extreme Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Savage paradise within thee i icon1.png  Savage Paradise Within Thee I 5 Complete Eden's Promise (Savage). - 5.4
Savage paradise within thee ii icon1.png  Savage Paradise Within Thee II 10 Complete Eden's Promise (Savage) 5 times. - 5.4
Savage paradise within thee iii icon1.png  Savage Paradise Within Thee III 20 Complete Eden's Promise (Savage) 10 times. - 5.4
Mightier than the promise icon1.png  Mightier than the Promise 5 Complete Eden's Promise: Eternity (Savage) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 6.45
