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90 (Sync: 90)
Item Level
Party size
24 man 3 Tank role.png 6 Healer role.png 15 DPS role.png
Time limit
120 minutes
Duty Finder
Alliance Raids (Endwalker)
Alliance Raids
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 100 Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry 12 
Req. quest
Feature quest Return to the Phantom Realm
The Omphalos (X:4.3, Y:7.7)

The Twelve, Eorzea's guardian deities, seek to fulfill their enigmatic aspirations, and for this they claim they must engage in battle with men. Continuing your efforts to uncover the truth, you and your comrades have turned your attention to the monument at the heart of the Omphalos, which contains an incomplete epigraph. The goddess Nophica promises you the key to deciphering it, but in exchange you must do battle with more gods, herself included. So it is that you prepare yourself for another grueling foray into their sanctum, there to grant the divinities their heart's desire...

— In-game description

Euphrosyne is a level 90 raid introduced in patch 6.3 with Endwalker. It is the second part of Myths of the Realm.


  • Clear the fertile plains: 0/1
  • Clear the Roots: 0/1
  • Clear the Bole: 0/1
  • Clear the hanging tributary: 0/1
  • Clear the Barbs: 0/1
  • Clear the Chamber of Revolutions: 0/1


Raid Guide by MTQcapture

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Nophica

  • Matron's Plenty: Transitions arena to pink flower field or green forest. Will also spawn brambles at the edge of the arena that will deal heavy damage-over-time to anyone who touches it.
  • The Giving Land: An attack that depends on the current arena. If it is currently a pink flower field, the boss will do a point-blank AoE (Spring Flowers). If the arena is in a green forest, she will do a donut AoE (Summer Shade). Both will have a very brief telegraph indicator. Anyone hit will be knocked up in addition to the Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up stack.
  • Matron's Harvest: Unavoidable raidwide damage and transitions arena back to yellow field.
  • Reaper's Gale: Two sets of telegraphed line AoEs that crisscross the arena.
  • Floral Haze: Assigns everyone with a Forward march icon1.pngAbout face icon1.pngLeft face icon1.pngRight face icon1.png Face direction debuff, that will cause them to run in the direction shown in relation to where they are facing once the debuff runs out. Players will run for the duration of the Forced march icon1.png Forced March debuff.
    • The boss will then use two The Giving Land attacks. Players should dodge the first one normally, then position themselves so their Forced March will move them away from the second AoE.
    • Duration of the initial debuff in repeats of this mechanic can vary between players.
  • Matron's Breath: Summons a blue circle and yellow circle on the arena, followed by multiple beacons that are either blue or yellow. Each beacon will have a shrinking circle and a number of dots, indicating when it will resolve. Standing in the circles will inflict either Blooming blue icon1.png Blooming Blue or Blooming gold icon1.png Blooming Gold depending on the color. Players must be in the same color circle as the beacon when it resolves to avoid taking damage. The first set will be 3 beacons of alternating colors, while later usages will have 6 beacons with a random pattern for the other 3.
  • Abundance: Unavoidable raidwide damage.
  • Landwaker: Raidwide damage and summons several telegraphed circular AoEs. Used in combination with Reaper's Gale.
    • This is followed by Floral Haze debuffs resolving and The Giving Land.
  • Sowing Circle: Spawns two sets of "exaflare" AoEs from the middle. Wait until the first two explosions have gone off, then move into the previously unsafe area to dodge the next set of AoEs.
  • Furrow: Telegraphed stack AoE.
  • Heavens' Earth: Telegraphed AoE tankbusters that target all 3 tanks.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Althyk and Nymeia

Note that it is possible to fall off the edge of the arena.

  • Both bosses will have the Arcane triumph icon1.png Arcane Triumph buff that lasts around 8 minutes. When this buff expires, they will begin casting a hard enrage (Neikos) that will wipe the party, so they must be defeated before this happens. The buff will also be removed (without causing a wipe) once either boss is defeated.
  • Both bosses should be separated from each other at all times. If they are too close, they will tether and receive the Sibling revelry icon1.png Sibling Revelry buff, increasing their damage dealt and decreasing damage taken.
  • If the health difference between the bosses become too large, the higher HP boss will transfer some of its health to the lower HP boss.
  • Spinner's Wheel: Nymeia will give everyone a debuff that is also indicated by a card icon above players. All players will receive the same debuff for the first few usages of this action.
    • Arcane attraction icon1.png Arcane Attraction: Players must not be facing Nymeia when the debuff expires or they will take damage and be Seduced icon1.png Seduced, incapacitating them for several seconds.
    • Attraction reversed icon1.png Attraction Reversed: Players must be facing Nymeia when the debuff expires or they will take damage and be Seduced.
    • Arcane fever icon1.png Arcane Fever: Players will receive Pyretic icon1.png Pyretic when the debuff expires, so they should stop moving and attacking to prevent excess damage.
    • Fever reversed icon1.png Fever Reversed: Players will receive Freezing up icon1.png Freezing Up when the debuff expires. They must be moving as it expires, or they will be inflicted with Deep Freeze icon1.png Deep Freeze, incapacitating them for several seconds.
    • Note that in a given pull, the boss will only use either Arcane Attraction / Reversed or Arcane Fever / Reversed, not both.
  • Mythril Greataxe: Althyk will face a random player and use a telegraphed conal AoE that will likely kill anyone it hits.
  • Time and Tide: Althyk will speed up the expiration of each player's Spinner's Wheel debuff when the system message countdown finishes, so players must be prepared to resolve their debuff earlier than expected.
  • Axioma: Althyk will use an unavoidable raidwide AoE that also spawns dark purple streaks on the arena. Standing in these will inflict Heavy icon1.png Heavy and Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up. They will persist for the entire fight and should be avoided as much as possible barring one mechanic.
  • Hydroptosis: Nymeia spawns several AoE telegraphs on random players. Spread out to avoid overlap.
  • Inexorable Pull: Althyk uses a roomwide AoE that will knock up and damage players. This can be dodged by standing in the dark purple streaks.
  • Hydrorythmos: Nymeia spawns a water line AoE through the middle of the arena that will cascade outwards. Dodge by moving into the previously unsafe area. Anyone hit will be knocked back and inflicted with Sustained damage icon1.png Sustained Damage.
  • Petrai: Althyk uses a telegraphed shared AoE tankbuster.
  • Hydrostasis: Nymeia summons three water puddles numbered 1-3, indicating the order in which a ball of water will drop on them, inflicting a knockback from the puddle's location. Arm's Length.png  Arm's Length and Surecast.png  Surecast can be used to mitigate two of the three knockbacks if timed properly. Otherwise, players should aim their knockback to the next puddle to resolve to avoid being knocked off the arena.
  • Time and Tide (version 2): Althyk will tether the Hydrostasis puddle numbered 3, causing it to resolve first. The puddle previously numbered 1 will resolve second, followed by the one previously numbered as 2.
  • Spinner's Wheel / Hydrorythmos / Time and Tide: Nymeia will give everyone a Spinner's Wheel debuff, which will either be normal or reversed. She will also telegraph Hydrorythmos. Althyk will tether the line AoE and speed up the cascading AoEs after a certain point, so players should dodge into the initial line and resolve their debuffs immediately after.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Halone

  • Rain of Spears: Unavoidable roomwide AoE that hits 3 times.
  • Tetrapagos: The boss will telegraph four sequential AoEs (point-blank, donut, left cleave, right cleave). All four will be used in quick succession in the same order they were telegraphed. To dodge most patterns, go to an area that is safe from the first two AoEs (e.g., right and out) if applicable. After the first two AoEs resolve, go to the opposite area (left and in).
  • Doom Spear: Three towers will spawn, each with a stack marker. Roughly each alliance should take one tower. The boss will jump to each, dealing split damage. As with all tower mechanics, if one of them has nobody covering it, the whole raid will take heavy damage.
  • Spears Three: Telegraphed AoE tankbusters that target all 3 tanks.
  • Thousandfold Thrust: Several red targeting circles will appear around the boss. They will then converge into a single one and spread out, indicating where the boss will use a 180 degree multi-hit cleave.
  • Lochos: The boss will spawn two rows of spears, indicated by the yellow electric tethers. These spears will then use a half-room line aoe straight across, always leaving one quadrant safe (while always intersecting in one)
    • This will later be combined with Thousandfold Thrust, leaving only a eighth of the room safe.
  • Will of the Fury: The boss spawns a narrow donut AoE that originates from the sides of the arena and cascades inward. This will be coupled with Wrath of Halone, a proximity AoE from the center. Players will need to move to the edge of the arena while dodging the cascading donut. Anyone hit will be inflicted with Deep Freeze icon1.png Deep Freeze and will likely die.
  • Adds phase: The boss will summon three Glacial Spears, while telegraphing an AoE that hits the entire arena except for an octagonal region around each spear. When the AoE resolves, it will block off each region with ice and inflict Frostbite icon2.png Frostbite to anyone outside, likely killing them. As usual, each alliance should take one of the spears.
    • A larger Glacial Spear will spawn in the middle. All spears must be defeated before the Fury's Frost duty gauge reaches 100, or the party will wipe. Once a group has killed their initial spear, the barrier around it will disappear, allowing them to fight the center add. Defeating the middle spear causes any remaining barriers to disappear.
    • Niphas: Random players will be given AoE telegraphs, so spread out. Each spear will also use a telegraphed point-blank AoE.
    • Cheimon: The spear in the middle will use a telegraphed line AoE that will rotate clockwise or counterclockwise a few times. Players should move to the side of their octagon that will dodge this.
  • Fury's Aegis: Multi-hit raidwide AoE. Heal through and mitigate.
  • Chalaza: Telegraphed AoEs on random players. One player will also be given a stack marker.
  • Tetrapagos Thrust: A combination of Tetrapagos and Thousandfold Thrust, in which the red targeting circles will appear during the Tetrapagos telegraphs. Players should dodge the four Tetrapagos AoEs as usual while preparing to quickly move for Thousandfold Thrust if needed.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png The Lover: Menphina

Shortly after engaging the boss, the arena will be surrounded by an AoE that will deal heavy damage-over-time to anyone who steps in it.

  • Blue Moon: Unavoidable raidwide damage.
  • Love's Light: Summons a large moon outside the arena.
  • Full Bright: The summoned moon will begin to wax (brighten). When it fully waxes, it will use a large line AoE through the middle of the arena.
  • Midnight Frost: The floor on one side of the boss (in front or behind) will be partially covered in ice, telegraphing a half-room cleave AoE.
  • Lunar Kiss: Telegraphed line AoE tankbusters that targets all 3 tanks.
  • Silver Mirror: Spawns three sets of telegraphed medium-sized AoEs on random players.
  • Moonset: Spawns three telegraphed large AoEs. The boss will jump to each one.
  • Winter Halo: Telegraphed donut AoE. Often used after Moonset, so keep track of the boss's final location.
  • Love's Light / Full Bright (version 2): Summons four small moons on the arena, each with a circular AoE telegraph. Two moons will be half waxed. Full Bright will cause all moons to begin waxing. The initially half-filled moons will resolve first, followed by the other two.
  • Selenain Mysteria: Adds phase. Four Ceremonial Pillars and four untargetable Ice Sprites will spawn. The pillars must be defeated before The Lover's Power reaches 100, or the party will wipe. Defeating one pillar will slow the rate the gauge fills.
    • The Ice Sprites will use Ancient Blizzard, which are telegraphed conal AoEs aimed at random players. Other random players will also receive telegraphed spread AoE markers.
  • Rise of the Twin Moons: Unavoidable AoE that follows the adds phase. The boss will also summon Dalamud and mount it, gaining new attacks. The boss's hitbox size will also significantly increase.
  • Midnight Frost (version 2): Functions similarly as before, except Dalamud will also raise a glowing claw to its left or right, telegraphing another half-room cleave. Therefore, only a quarter of the room is safe.
  • Playful Orbit: The boss will unmount Dalamud, who will jump to one edge of the arena. Both Menphina and Dalamud will use Midnight Frost, so dodge appropriately.
  • Keen Moonbeam: Telegraphed spread AoEs on random players. Immediately followed by a Midnight Frost.
  • Cratering Chill: Two proximity AoE markers will spawn on opposite ends of the arena.
  • Winter Solstice: Freezes the floor, inflicting Thin Ice icon1.png Thin Ice on everyone and causing them to slide when they move. This will be coupled by a Playful Orbit / Winter Halo, so players will need to dodge the donut AoE and the half-room cleave at the same time by sliding into the safe area.
  • Moonset Rays: Telegraphed stack AoE on one random player.
  • A later combination mechanic will use Love's Light (large moon) and Playful Orbit / Midnight Frost. Players will need to dodge the line AoE first, then dodge the half-room cleaves.


See also: Hypostatic Armor

Silver Coffer (small).png Nophica

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Hypostatic hairpin of aiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Hairpin of Aiming Head 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic hairpin of fending icon1.png  Hypostatic Hairpin of Fending Head 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic hairpin of maiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Hairpin of Maiming Head 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic hairpin of scouting icon1.png  Hypostatic Hairpin of Scouting Head 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic hairpin of striking icon1.png  Hypostatic Hairpin of Striking Head 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic sabatons of aiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Sabatons of Aiming Feet 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic sabatons of scouting icon1.png  Hypostatic Sabatons of Scouting Feet 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic sabatons of striking icon1.png  Hypostatic Sabatons of Striking Feet 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic shoes of casting icon1.png  Hypostatic Shoes of Casting Feet 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic shoes of healing icon1.png  Hypostatic Shoes of Healing Feet 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic sollerets of fending icon1.png  Hypostatic Sollerets of Fending Feet 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic sollerets of maiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Sollerets of Maiming Feet 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic visor of casting icon1.png  Hypostatic Visor of Casting Head 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic visor of healing icon1.png  Hypostatic Visor of Healing Head 620 CBlue 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Althyk and Nymeia

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Hypostatic armlets of casting icon1.png  Hypostatic Armlets of Casting Hands 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic armlets of healing icon1.png  Hypostatic Armlets of Healing Hands 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic bottoms of casting icon1.png  Hypostatic Bottoms of Casting Legs 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic bottoms of healing icon1.png  Hypostatic Bottoms of Healing Legs 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic breeches of fending icon1.png  Hypostatic Breeches of Fending Legs 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic breeches of maiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Breeches of Maiming Legs 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic gauntlets of fending icon1.png  Hypostatic Gauntlets of Fending Hands 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic gauntlets of maiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Gauntlets of Maiming Hands 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic gloves of aiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Gloves of Aiming Hands 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic gloves of scouting icon1.png  Hypostatic Gloves of Scouting Hands 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic gloves of striking icon1.png  Hypostatic Gloves of Striking Hands 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic hose of aiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Hose of Aiming Legs 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic hose of scouting icon1.png  Hypostatic Hose of Scouting Legs 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic hose of striking icon1.png  Hypostatic Hose of Striking Legs 620 CBlue 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Halone

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Hypostatic cloak of casting icon1.png  Hypostatic Cloak of Casting Body 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic cloak of healing icon1.png  Hypostatic Cloak of Healing Body 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic mail of fending icon1.png  Hypostatic Mail of Fending Body 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic mail of maiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Mail of Maiming Body 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic sabatons of aiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Sabatons of Aiming Feet 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic sabatons of scouting icon1.png  Hypostatic Sabatons of Scouting Feet 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic sabatons of striking icon1.png  Hypostatic Sabatons of Striking Feet 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic shoes of casting icon1.png  Hypostatic Shoes of Casting Feet 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic shoes of healing icon1.png  Hypostatic Shoes of Healing Feet 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic sollerets of fending icon1.png  Hypostatic Sollerets of Fending Feet 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic sollerets of maiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Sollerets of Maiming Feet 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic tunic of aiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Tunic of Aiming Body 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic tunic of scouting icon1.png  Hypostatic Tunic of Scouting Body 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic tunic of striking icon1.png  Hypostatic Tunic of Striking Body 620 CBlue 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Menphina

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Hypostatic armlets of casting icon1.png  Hypostatic Armlets of Casting Hands 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic armlets of healing icon1.png  Hypostatic Armlets of Healing Hands 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic bottoms of casting icon1.png  Hypostatic Bottoms of Casting Legs 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic bottoms of healing icon1.png  Hypostatic Bottoms of Healing Legs 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic breeches of fending icon1.png  Hypostatic Breeches of Fending Legs 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic breeches of maiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Breeches of Maiming Legs 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic cloak of casting icon1.png  Hypostatic Cloak of Casting Body 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic cloak of healing icon1.png  Hypostatic Cloak of Healing Body 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic gauntlets of fending icon1.png  Hypostatic Gauntlets of Fending Hands 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic gauntlets of maiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Gauntlets of Maiming Hands 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic gloves of aiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Gloves of Aiming Hands 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic gloves of scouting icon1.png  Hypostatic Gloves of Scouting Hands 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic gloves of striking icon1.png  Hypostatic Gloves of Striking Hands 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic hairpin of aiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Hairpin of Aiming Head 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic hairpin of fending icon1.png  Hypostatic Hairpin of Fending Head 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic hairpin of maiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Hairpin of Maiming Head 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic hairpin of scouting icon1.png  Hypostatic Hairpin of Scouting Head 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic hairpin of striking icon1.png  Hypostatic Hairpin of Striking Head 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic hose of aiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Hose of Aiming Legs 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic hose of scouting icon1.png  Hypostatic Hose of Scouting Legs 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic hose of striking icon1.png  Hypostatic Hose of Striking Legs 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic mail of fending icon1.png  Hypostatic Mail of Fending Body 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic mail of maiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Mail of Maiming Body 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic tunic of aiming icon1.png  Hypostatic Tunic of Aiming Body 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic tunic of scouting icon1.png  Hypostatic Tunic of Scouting Body 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic tunic of striking icon1.png  Hypostatic Tunic of Striking Body 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic visor of casting icon1.png  Hypostatic Visor of Casting Head 620 CBlue 1
Hypostatic visor of healing icon1.png  Hypostatic Visor of Healing Head 620 CBlue 1
Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Wind-up halone icon2.png  Wind-up Halone Minion N/A ABasic 1
Favor orchestrion roll icon1.png  Favor Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1
Rhythm of the realm orchestrion roll icon1.png  Rhythm of the Realm Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1
Dedicated to moonlight orchestrion roll icon1.png  Dedicated to Moonlight Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1
Triple Triad Card r3.png  Menphina Card Triple Triad Card N/A 1


When originally released, you could receive only one reward item per week for completing duties in Euphrosyne. This restriction was removed in Patch 6.4.

Each party in the alliance will receive its own treasure chest, the contents of which will be identical regardless of the route taken.

  • Players cannot open a treasure chest belonging to another party.

Historical Completion Reward

Prior to patch 7.0, upon completing Euphrosyne, players could also earn a separate reward: an Euphrosyne coin icon1.png  Euphrosyne Coin. The Euphrosyne Coin could have been exchanged with Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for items used to enhance equipment purchased with Allagan Tomestones of Allagan Tomestone of Causality Causality or Allagan Tomestone of Comedy Comedy.


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Divine revelry icon1.png  Divine Revelry 5 Complete Euphrosyne. - 6.3
Mapping the realm euphrosyne icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Euphrosyne 10 Discover every location within Euphrosyne. - 6.3


Gear Images

Raid Images

Concept Art


To create the Heaven of Earth, Nophica planted a single sapling which Althyk instantly coaxed to maturity by bending time itself. Under this mighty sentinel's boughs sit farmers and naturalists, historians and archaeologists.

— The Hell and Heaven of Earth, Encyclopædia Eorzea Volume I, p. 19

In the center of the Heaven of Ice rises a lofty palace of ice—ice made of frozen moonbeams and carved with The Fury's own spear. Here reside epic heroes and gallant knights, the benevolent and the faithful.

— The Hell and Heaven of Ice, Encyclopædia Eorzea Volume I, p. 19