Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm (Savage)
- See also: Eden's Verse (Savage) and Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm
Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm (Savage)
- Level
- 80 (Sync: 80)
- Item Level
- 480
- Difficulty
- Savage
- Party size
- Full Party
8 man • 22
- Unsyncing
- Allowed
- Time limit
- 90 minutes
- Duty Finder
- Savage Raids (Shadowbringers)
- Tomestones
- Req. quest
- Talk to Lewrey after completing
Life Finds a Way
- Location
- The Halo
- Region
- Norvrandt
- Stone, Sky, Sea
- Available
- Patch
- 5.2
The Echo
- Permanent +20%
“The discovery of a second crystal within Eden's core leads to more questions than answers, and yet again, your mind is assaulted with terrifying visions upon gazing inside. You see foes previously vanquished reborn, more brutal and unrelenting than even your wildest imagination, yet your unwavering resolve forbids you from tearing your eyes away...
— In-game description
Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm (Savage) is a level 80 raid introduced in patch 5.2 with Shadowbringers. The raid is also known as E7S.
Phases & Abilities
Antithesis Conscient: The Idol of Darkness
NOTE: It is possible to fall off the edge of the arena to an early doom during the entire encounter. However, should any participant fall, they can be raised after a moderate delay. In addition, participants should note how the arena is segmented into horizontal and vertical 'lanes' (represented by 4x4 squares). Future mechanics will be fired through these lanes, thus the squares help players to determine where they should and should not be standing at certain times.
Phase 1
- Empty Wave - the Idol of Darkness blasts the entire raid with unavoidable damage, much like normal mode.
- Unshadowed Stake - tethers a random tank and prepares to shoot them with two beams one after the other. The first beam, much like normal mode, is a vicious tank buster that will hit for tremendous damage. As a result, the first beam (dark) should be directed away from the raid, but not too far, seeing as the second beam (light) will inflict shareable/stackable damage. The brunt of the (light) beam will hit based on proximity, whereas the rest will be shared with everyone else standing in the beam. To combat this, the tank can move away and take both hits using an immunity cooldown, or move slightly away from a stacked group for the first beam, then move behind the group for the second, making sure that the untethered tank is standing as close to the boss as possible to take the brunt of the damage (preferably with mitigation cooldowns).
- Words of Motion - spawns a Red & Blue portal at the southern edge of the arena. After a brief delay, the Idol of Darkness will summon two bird-like twisters at the northern edge of the platform, side-by-side, taking up two 'lanes' on the left or right side of the arena, then summon another duo of twisters to cover the opposite side. These twisters will fire across the platform in the order they were summoned, so participants must make sure that they dodge the twisters that were summoned first (by standing in the 'lanes' of the second twisters), then move to the other lanes after the first twisters have fired. While double-dodging these bird-like nuisances, bear in mind that the Words of Motion (twisters) will be hitting the Red & Blue portals in a particular order (which players should memorize). Once the twisters have been fired, the portals despawn. For now, simply memorize what colour-portal was hit first.
After a brief delay, Red & Blue portals will now be spawned all around the arena (including the north/south), all of which will soon begin firing 'twisters' across the platform. To prepare, the group should split into two and stand at the two North-East and two North-West tiles, noting the colour of the portals they are standing besides. Due to the portals in the north and south, anyone standing in the middle will be dealing with a cross-fire, so avoid the central tiles at all costs.
NOTE: The eastern (right-most) portals will fire based on which portal was hit first during Words of Motion. For example, if a Red Portal was hit first by Words of Motion during the previous phase - and the portals on the north-east (top-right) start with Red, then Blue - then the Red portal will fire from right-to-left before the Blue portal does. However, the north-east (top-right) portals will now be shooting into portals on the north-west (top-left), which will determine the order of the next shots, so all players must keep an eye on the portals being fired into. So, if Words of Motion hit Red (then Blue) during the previous phase, and there is a Red Portal and Blue Portal (that order) on the north-east (top-right), players standing on the two north-east (top-right) tiles will have to stand in front of the Blue Portal to avoid the first shot from a Red Portal, then move to the Red Portal tile to avoid the second shot. If the first shot fired enters a Blue Portal, then the next wave of shots will fire from the north-east (top-right) Blue Portal, then Red Portal, forcing the group to dodge in this manner for a total of three consecutive Red & Blue Portal blasts.
Once all portals have fired/despawned, all participants should move to the arena centre in preparation for a mechanic overlap, starting with:
- Betwixt Worlds - causes the Idol of Darkness to shred the arena into three segments using vertical void-like beams. Once complete, only a two-square-wide safe spot in the vertical centre (and two half-tile lines on the east and west) will remain safe. For the moment, players will be unable to move across the void-lines, so make sure that all participants moved to the centre of the arena after the Words of Motion portal-blasts have concluded, as this will help the raid prepare for an upcoming mechanical combo. Stacks with Words of Spite, Away With Thee and Silver Sledge.
- Words of Spite - simultaneously spawns four twisters at the northern edge of the arena, one per lane, and each twister will tether itself to a random damage dealer. Once Words of Spite concludes, each twister will fire a beam directly at the tethered player for big damage. As a result, each tethered damage-dealer must utilize the next mechanic (Away With Thee) to position themselves so that only they will receive this damage, whilst also avoiding Healers who will inevitably be marked with Silver Sledge (see below).
- Away With Thee - places a special mark on all raid members in the form of a purple circle (around the character) connected to a second circle further away from them. After a brief delay, all players will be rendered unable to move and will be forcefully teleported from their current circle to the other. As a result, everyone must ensure that they do not teleport themselves over the edge of the arena or in the path of other dangers.
- Silver Sledge - places a stack-marker on both healers simultaneously that must be shared with at least one unmarked player or they will die. Due to also inflicting a Magic Vulnerability debuff, players marked for other mechanics must also avoid stacking as it'll result in death. As a result, both the main-tank and the off-tank should stack with a chosen healer to absorb a stack-marker.
To combat this combo of mechanics, each tank should be assigned to a specific healer and teleport with their chosen healer to the eastern or western side of the arena, with the other duo teleporting to the opposite side. So long as each healer marked with Silver Sledge has one tank to help absorb the stack-marker (and neither are clipped by any other mechanics), both pairs will survive.
Simultaneously, the two damage-dealers marked by the central twisters should aim their teleport marker (Away With Thee) so that they still remain within the centre of the arena. This will force the two central twisters to fire beams down the middle, one per lane. Meanwhile, the damage-dealers tethered to the left-most and right-most twisters should teleport as close to their twister as possible and aim their tethers so that beams will fire outside of the arena (away from the rest of the group). If done correctly, tethered players will only receive damage from their respective beam, the Healers (and their designated tank) will successfully absorb Silver Sledge, and the platform will return to normal.
- Empty Wave - the Idol of Darkness blasts the entire raid with unavoidable damage once again.
- Unshadowed Stake - tethers a random tank and prepares another double-beam - the tank-buster (dark) which should be aimed away from the group, and the shared-buster (bright) which should be stacked with the rest of the group, preferably with the untethered tank standing as close to the boss as possible to take the brunt of the force.
- Words of Motion + False Moonlight - the Idol of Darkness will summon more bird-like twisters in a set pattern - one at the north-eastern tile and north-westernmost tile (which always fire first) followed by two central twisters that will always fire afterwards. However, all participants will also be marked with False Moonlight, which places AoE circles underneath all participants and also places a delayed AoE on all players that will detonate later, leaving behind a persistent puddle of damaging light wherever the player(s) were standing. Seeing as the Words of Motion (twister) pattern is static, there is an easy method of avoiding the mechanical overlap.
To combat the mechanical combo, all players should stack in the centre of the arena during Empty Wave. Once Words of Motion and False Moonlight commences, the entire raid (stacked in the middle) will drop their AoE circles, giving them plenty of room to spread out and avoid them. Seeing as the north-east and north-west 'twisters' will fire first, the group should divide into 2v4 and spread out into a straight line next to the north-east or north-west 'lanes' so that participants don't overlap their delayed AoE markers. Once the north-east and north-west twisters have fired, all players will then drop their 'light puddle', allowing them to side-step into the safe lane to avoid the central twisters.
- Away With Thee + AoE Circles & DPS Stack - places teleportation markers on all participants, forcing them to position themselves and aim their teleport marker so that they do not fall out of the arena or land in any bright puddles left behind by False Moonlight. Simultaneously, a random damage dealer will acquire a stack-up marker, whilst all tanks and healers acquire an AoE marker, rendering them unable to help soak the stack-marker. To combat this, all damage-dealers should aim their teleportation markers so that they land on each other and soak the stack marker (preferably in the arena centre), whereas the tanks and healers must aim themselves so that they avoid stacking with anyone else in the raid due to their AoE markers, preferably by spreading out around the outer edges. Bear in mind the the puddles from False Moonlight will still be present during this combo.
Phase 2
The arena shifts into a night-like state whilst three adds are summoned to the platform - one Blasphemy add in the north, and two Idolatry adds to the east and west. The goal is to slay the two Idolatry adds as soon as possible, then the Blasphemy add. Taking too long will force them to enrage and wipe the raid. In addition, slaying the Blasphemy add first will also force both Idolatry adds to enrage, so it is best to refrain from targeting Blasphemy until both Idolatry are dealt with. Once an Idolatry has been slain, the other will begin to cast Explosion, which will wipe the raid. Due to this, both Idolatry adds should be slain around the exact same time, which is best done by dividing the raid into two groups - one for each add - and damaging them down simultaneously, leaving the Blasphemy until last.
NOTE: If any add comes in close contact with another, they will tether to each other and acquire a significant buff, so this must be prevented at all costs.
In summary, one add appears at the north of the arena (Blasphemy) which can be targeted, but not tanked. Once summoned, Blasphemy will begin to rotate around the arena in a clockwise or counter-clockwise motion, forcing the raid to frequently position the two remaining adds so that Blasphemy doesn't get too close to either of them. On that note, the main tank and off-tank should each pick up an Idolatry add and move them in a clockwise or counter-clockwise motion to keep them away from Blasphemy. At this point, the raid will have a set amount of time to slay the two Idolatry adds, which will pepper the raid with straight-line AoE's, double stack-markers, and various other attacks during the process. If not slain before Blasphemy makes a full rotation of the arena, all remaining adds will enrage and lead to a wipe.
Due to the presence of aimed line-AoE's and double stack-markers, the raid should split into two groups - each one focusing on a separate Idolatry. This ensures that stack-markers can be split between both groups ahead of time, though take heed - the raid will also have to dodge line-AoE's before grouping up for each stack-marker.
- Advent Of Light - a long-cast ability that both Idolatry adds will try to execute during the phase. If both casts are not interrupted, the raid will wipe.
- Strength In Numbers - causes each Idolatry to execute one of two possible mechanics. If the Idolatry begins a vertical spin, it will execute a donut AoE at its current location. If the Idolatry begins a horizontal spin, it will unleash a point-blank AoE. To make matters worse, the Idol of Darkness will utilize Away With Thee along with another double Stack Marker at the same time, forcing the raid to position themselves so that the raid (which should still be split in two groups) teleports into the donut AoE of a vertical-spinning Idolatry, or away from the point-blank AoE of a horizontal spinning Idolatry, all while making sure that none of the adds get too close to each other and that there are enough players to help soak each stack-marker. Once the teleportation has conclude, the stack-up markers will detonate.
- Strength In Numbers will repeat without any stack-markers or teleportation, forcing the raid to pay attention to the Idolatry animations once more and figure out if their chosen add is about to unleash a donut AoE (vertical spin) or point-blank AoE (horizontal spin).
Once the Idolatry adds have been dealt with, Blasphemy will spew unavoidable raid-wide AoE's in quick succession (six in total) which requires heavy healing. Once done, it will begin to cast Explosion. If not slain before Explosion is cast, the raid will wipe.
- Empty Flood - a vicious raid-buster from the Idol of Darkness once all the adds have been successfully slain. Once concluded, the arena will transition back to its original form, indicating the arrival of the next phase.
Phase 3
- Unjoined Aspect - places an even number of light and dark markers on all raid participants, indicated by magical white or purple smoke emanating from your character.
Much like normal mode, future mechanics will begin to shoot light or dark twisters across the arena. Players must ensure that they are hit by mechanics that are of the opposite colour to their marker. For example, light-aspected players must hit by dark-aspected mechanics, and so on. However, successfully doing so will flip your aspect to the opposite colour (example - white aspected player being hit by a dark twister will now have the dark aspect). If any player of a chosen aspect is hit by a mechanic of the same aspect, the results are typically lethal, so avoid at all costs.
- Words Of Unity - summons light & dark aspected twisters at the north of the arena. As explained above, players of a certain aspect must avoid being hit by a twister of the same aspect, thus those with the dark aspect should move into the lane of light-aspected twisters, and vice versa.
- Boundless Light & Boundless Dark - before Words of Unity (twisters) are shot down the lanes, one light-aspected twister and one dark-aspected twister will tether itself to the player closest to them, marking them for a stack-beam. After a brief delay, the twister will shoot a beam at the tethered player that must be shared. Due to inflicting the heaviest damage at the closest player, tanks will need to stand in front of the group to ensure they take the brunt of the blast.
- Words Of Entrapment - forms four twisters - one at the north, east, west, and south of the arena - two light-aspected (East and South) and two dark-aspected (West and North). At the same time, four soak-towers will spawn - one at the north-east, north-west, south-east and south-west of the arena. Each soak-tower - two of which will be dark-aspected (West) and two light-aspected (East) - must be soaked by at least one player of the opposite aspect.
NOTE: Any player who moves close to a twister will become tethered to it, allowing them to essentially 'drag' the twister across the edge into a different position. Due to the existence of four soak-towers, each needing to be soaked by at least one player, it is best to assign all damage-dealers to stand in a soak-tower of opposite aspect (NE, NW, SE, SW) and allow each tank and healer to tether themselves to a twister of opposite colour and drag them into optimal positions so that no lane will be shot by both aspects at once. Moving each twister one tile clock-wise (or counter-clockwise) in unison, this ensures that only the tethered players are blasted by twisters, while the damage-dealers are safe to soak one tower each. Provided nobody tethers to a twister of the same aspect (or tries to soak a tower of the same aspect), everyone should survive.
- Words Of Unity + Boundless Light/Dark - summons light & dark aspected twisters at the north of the arena. Just like before, one light-aspected twister and one dark-aspected twister will tether itself to the player closest to them, marking them for a stack-beam. After a brief delay, the twister will shoot a beam at the tethered player that must be shared. Due to inflicting the heaviest damage at the closest player, tanks will need to stand in front of the group to ensure they take the brunt of the blast.
- Unjoined Aspect - places an even number of light and dark markers on all raid participants, except this time, all tanks and healers will acquire one aspect and all damage-dealers will acquire the opposite aspect.
- Red & Blue Portals + Words Of Night - summons Red and Blue portals at the south of the arena, just like the first phase, along with two light & dark aspected twisters. Players must once again ensure that they are standing in the lane that will be blasted by the opposite aspect. Unlike previous phases involving portals, both the Red and Blue portal will be blasted by an aspect simultaneously. As a result, players must now associate Red or Blue with the aspect that was fired into it. For example, if the Red Portal is blasted by Dark Aspect and the Blue Portal is blasted by Light Aspect, it's safe to consider Red = Dark and Blue = Light for future reference.
Once concluded, Red and Blue portals will now spawn around the entire arena and prepare to blast light or dark aspected twisters down their lanes.
NOTE: Much like the first phase, it is important to remember that beams are fired from the eastern portals directly into the western portals, and that the raid should split into two group and stand in the two north-eastern and north-westernmost tiles, just like they did in phase one for the very first Words Of Motion. By having the raid utilize the two north-eastern and north-westernmost tiles, the raid avoid having to consider any red or blue portals in the north or south and must only keep an eye on the eastern portals (where twisters are fired from) and western portals (to see what aspect is hitting what colour portal, which determines the next set of shots).
Players will first have to stand in a lane that will be blasted by the opposite aspect, keeping in mind the colour of the portal that shot was fired into and memorizing it for later. For now, the Idol of Darkness has a quick surprise:
- False Dawn - causes all players to drop AoE circles at their present location. This concludes briefly after the first Words Of Night, giving the raid plenty of time to move to the centre of the arena after being blasted by Red & Blue portals and drop their AoE circles in the middle out of harms way, leaving the north-eastern and north-westernmost tiles free for the next set of Red & Blue portals. Beforehand, however, False Dawn will also place an AoE marker on each player representing their current aspect before once again summoning Red & Blue Portals around the arena. However, seeing the aspected AoE markers conclude after the next set of Red & Blue portals have fired (which flip their aspect), the AoE markers simply force the raid to spread out more efficiently when dodging twister-shots in the north-eastern and north-westernmost tiles. A rule of thumb (seeing as the raid is split in half, one group per side) is to have two players (per tile) standing in opposite corners, with two players on the next tile standing in the same pattern, giving ample space for everyone to stand in the correct lane, be blasted by twisters of the opposite aspect, and not clip teammates with their aspected AoE mark.
- Empty Wave - the Idol of Darkness blasts the entire raid with unavoidable damage once again.
- Unshadowed Stake - tethers a random tank and prepares another double-beam - the tank-buster (dark) which should be aimed away from the group, and the shared-buster (bright) which should be stacked with the rest of the group, preferably with the untethered tank standing as close to the boss as possible to take the brunt of the force.
Phase 4
The final phase begins with the Idol of Darkness dispersing and the arena darkening. After a brief delay, a knockback circle will appear in the centre of the arena. NOTE: Knockback Immunity will not prevent the upcoming knockback! Players must move close to the knockback circle and aim themselves towards a diagonal corner of the arena. The knockback is significant, so aiming oneself in a different direction could be fatal. After the knockback has ceased, the Idol of Darkness will morph itself into the centre of the arena, taking the form of bird-like tornado covered in light and dark aspected lightning.
- Unjoined Aspect - places an even number of light and dark markers on all raid participants, indicated by magical white or purple smoke emanating from your character. One tank, one healer and two damage-dealers will acquire one aspect, and the remaining tank, healer and two damage-dealers will acquire the opposite aspect, essentially dividing the group into two even halves. Simultaneously, the tornado-like Idol of Darkness will begin to rotate blades of line-AoE's in a counter-clockwise motion for the rest of the battle, leaving three moving safe-spots that all participants must stand within. To make matters worse, several light and dark aspected orbs will periodically form around the arena which must be collected by characters of the opposite aspect, as failure to do so will result in an eventual wipe. However, collecting these orbs will result in a moderate AoE blast for respectable damage, thus only one player (of opposite aspect) should attempt to collect an orb, as trying to do so while stacked will result in excess damage.
- Threefold Grace is cast after the Idol of Darkness has rotated its AoE blades around the entire arena. As the AoE 'blades' dissipate, the entire arena will be covered in circle patterns representing the light or dark aspect, forcing the raid to position themselves inside the opposite colour of their current aspect. Example, if debuffed with dark aspect, players must stand within a light-aspected pattern. The Idol of Darkness will change this pattern three times, so be quick, stay on your toes, and be ready to adapt as the pattern changes.
- Empty Wave (x2) - the Idol of Darkness blasts the entire raid with unavoidable damage twice in succession. Be ready to shield and heal!
On reaching this point, the Idol of Darkness will resume another set of rotating AoE blades and aspected orbs, leading to another barrage of Threefold Grace patterns if the raid continues to survive the onslaught, finalized by another double-cast of Empty Wave raid-wide AoE's. Eventually, Idol of Darkness will cast yet another two Empty Wave AoE's after previously doing so, indicating the arrival of a hard-enrage, Empty Flood. If Empty Flood is cast, the raid will be wiped.
- 1 Book of Iconoclasm (Guaranteed)
Treasure Coffer 1
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Edenchoir Leg Gear Coffer (IL 500) | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Treasure Coffer 2
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Edenchoir Head Gear Coffer (IL 500) | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Edenchoir Hand Gear Coffer (IL 500) | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Edenchoir Foot Gear Coffer (IL 500) | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |