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Alphascape V4.0 (Savage)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the (Savage) version. For the level 70 story-mode raid, see Alphascape V4.0. For the third tier of Omega (Savage) in general, see Omega: Alphascape (Savage).


Alphascape V4.0 (Savage)

Alphascape V4.0 (Savage).png
70 (Sync: 70)
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
120 minutes
Duty Finder
Savage Raids (Stormblood)
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 30 
Req. quest
Interact with the Magitek Terminal after completing Feature QuestTo Kweh under Distant Skies
Creation, The Interdimensional Rift
Gyr Abania
Stone, Sky, Sea
The echo icon1.png The Echo
Permanent +20%

The switch taunts you. You cannot resist. A satisfying "click" and your moment of weakness has activated a new phase of the Savage Initiative. This time, however, something is different. The broadcast is interrupted by an unexpected transmission─a message from beyond oblivion. A familiar voice guides you in an unfamiliar tone, and arms you with knowledge of impossible simulations. Your evolution is at hand.

— In-game description

Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) is a level 70 raid introduced in patch 4.4 with Stormblood. The raid is also known as O12S.


Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) Guide Part One
Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) Guide Part Two

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Omega-M & Omega-F

The battle takes place upon a large circular platform. Any player who jumps (or is pushed) over the edge will fall to an early doom, though they may be raised by a healer after a moderate delay. Unlike normal mode, players will also notice Omega's eye is present outside of the arena, gazing over the battle and taking part in various mechanics whilst players contend with Omega-M and Omega-F (see Suppression and Advanced Suppression).

Below is a list of mechanics related to Omega's Eye, Omega-M (individually), Omega-F (individually), and Omega-M+F (simultaneously), followed by each phase being explained via a mechanical timeline so you'll know what to expect (and when).

General Mechanics

  • Omega's Eye - all players must be wary of the large mechanical eyeball located outside of the arena. Periodically, it will alter its position and unleash either a straight-line or point-blank AoE across the platform. At the beginning of the battle, Omega's Eye will always be positioned to the north, and will only move to cardinal points around the arena (N, S, E, W).
  • Suppression - causes Omega's Eye to unleash a massive straight-line AoE across the arena, leaving small safe zones to the sides of the beam. After doing so, Omega's Eye will teleport to another cardinal position.
  • Advanced Suppression - causes Omega's Eye to unleash a massive point blank AoE from its location, leaving a crescent moon area (farthest away from the eye) as a safe spot. After doing so, Omega's Eye will teleport to another cardinal position.
  • Electric Slide - causes Omega-M and/or Omega-F to devolve into a non-targetable puddle of synthetic goop. Shortly afterwards, both healers will be targeted with a stack marker, forcing the raid to split into two groups and stack with each victim to soak the damage. After a brief delay, the unformed goop will divide into two parts, with each part leaping towards a marked victim. After landing on the platform, Omega-M and Omega-F will form from the synthetic puddles. As a result, players can pre-position themselves so that Omega-M and Omega-F spawn in specific locations, keeping in mind that Omega-M will always cast Efficient Bladework (point-blank AoE) at his location, whilst Omega-F casts Discharger (knockback).


NOTE: Whenever Omega-M is formed from synthetic goop, he will always cast Efficient Bladework - a point-blank AoE at his current location (with no telegraph) before becoming active.

  • Synthetic Shield - equips Omega-M with a synthetic shield that will allow him to execute specific abilities.
  • Beyond Defense - causes Omega-M to dash towards a random player, inflicting moderate AoE damage and a Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up debuff against the primary target, as well as anyone else caught in the blast zone. As a result, the raid should avoid stacking during Beyond Defense to ensure that the damage and debuffs do not overlap onto other players. Beyond Defense is immediately followed by Pile Pitch.
  • Pile Pitch - a direct follow-up to Beyond Defense - which causes Omega-M to select a random target and blast the victim with a shareable AoE attack. The raid will need to stack up to share the damage of Pile Pitch, except for the previous victim of Beyond Defense, who will still be suffering from Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up.

Seeing as one attack requires avoiding players whilst the other requires stacking, players should spread evenly within the safe-zones of upcoming Suppression beams, wait for a player to be hit by Beyond Defense, and then have everyone except the victim stack together to absorb the follow-up attack.


NOTE: Whenever Omega-F is formed from synthetic goop, she will always cast Discharger - a raidwide knockback from her location before becoming active.

  • Synthetic Blades - causes Omega-F to morph her legs into sharpened blades that will allow her to execute specific abilities.
  • Superliminal Motion - causes Omega-F to charge up a 300 degree AoE directly in front of her, leaving only a thin safe-spot directly behind her.
  • Optimized Fire III - causes Omega-F to blast all members of the raid simultaneously with a flaming AoE. Bear in mind that Optimized Fire III has no telegraph nor cast-time, thus all players must learn exactly when the ability will be used throughout the encounter and move to pre-assigned positions or patterns to avoid overlapping each other with damage.
  • Optimized Blizzard III - creates two straight-line AoEs across the arena through Omega-F's front and sides, forming a cross-shape (+). For the sake of ease, it is always wise to have Omega-F facing a cardinal direction (such as north) so that the AoEs remain predictable. Bear in mind that Optimized Blizzard III is typically followed by Optimized Fire III.


  • Firewall - causes Omega-M and Omega-F to inflict Packet Filter (M or F) onto nearby players, rendering them incapable of damaging the other Omega form for as long as the debuff persists.
  • Resonance: (Local) or (Remote) - provides Omega-M and Omega-F with lethal damage buffs depending on their proximity to the other form. If Resonance (Local) is active, both forms will need to be kept separate from each other to prevent both forms from gaining lethal damage. The opposite is true for Resonance (Remote), requiring both forms to be kept close together to avoid the lethal damage buffs. The initial cast of Resonance is random, whereas the second cast will always involve the version that was not previously used. For example, if the first cast of Resonance is (Local), the next will always be (Remote).
  • Fundamental Synergy - causes Omega-M and Omega-F to place markers (numbered from 1-to-4) on their respective half of the raid - blue markers for Omega-M and purple markers for Omega-F (see Firewall). After a brief delay, each form will start dashing towards their numbered targets (1, 2, 3, 4), inflicting AoE damage and applying Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up to each victim and any player overlapping the target. Furthermore, the damage is greatly increased depending on how close consecutive targets are to each other during collisions.

A typical method of handling Fundamental Synergy is to have all odd-numbered players (1 & 3) move to the opposite side of the platform, making sure not to stand anywhere near other players. By doing so, each Omega form will criss-cross a large distance per numbered target, preventing players from taking colossal (or even fatal) damage. Players will be unable to avoid receiving at least one Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up debuff, thus it is imperative that everyone avoids overlapping seeing as further collisions from either Omega-M and Omega-F (on an already debuffed player) will likely be fatal.

  • Laser Shower - bombards the arena with unavoidable raidwide damage.
  • Solar Ray - a vicious tankbuster against both tanks, dealing major damage in a small area around each victim. As a result, all non-tanks should make sure that they are not standing anywhere near either tank during Solar Ray casts.
  • Operational Synergy - typically cast after Synthetic Blades (Omega-F) or Synthetic Shield (Omega-M) to signify an upcoming mini-phase of overlapping mechanics from both forms at the same time.

Operational Synergy (Shield Version):
Players will need to contend with Beyond Defense (Omega-M) + Optimized Blizzard III (Omega-F), followed by an immediate Pile Pitch (Omega-M) + Optimized Fire III (Omega-F). From here, players will have to avoid Beyond Strength - a donut AoE covering the entire platform with a safe spot directly inside Omega-M's hitbox - followed by Efficient Bladework (point-blank AoE), forcing the raid to run from the safe spot, with Omega-F casting a Laser Shower. The mini-phase ends with an additional Laser Shower from both forms.

Operational Synergy (Blades Version):
Players will need to deal with Superliminal Steel, forming two straight-line AoEs at the sides of the arena (relative to the direction Omega-F is facing), leaving a safe strip through the center. If Omega-F is facing north, for example, then the east and west of the arena will be marked with AoEs, whilst a vertical strip (from north to south) will be present through the middle of the arena. As soon as Superliminal Steel resolves, Omega-F will unleash an Optimized Blizzard III, whilst Omega-M uses Pile Pitch (forcing them to avoid straight-line AoEs as a stacked group to absorb the damage of Omega-M's attack). Superliminal Motion will trigger, forcing the raid to stand in a tiny safe spot directly behind Omega-F, shortly followed by Efficient Bladework (point-blank AoE from Omega-M), forcing the raid to retreat from that safe-spot as soon as possible. Whilst retreating, all players will be bombarded with Optimized Fire III from Omega-F, followed by Laser Shower from Omega-M. Just like the other mini-phase, the end is signified by both forms casting a unified Laser Shower together.

NOTE: The battle involves two casts of Operational Synergy. The first version is always random, whilst the second will always be the version that wasn't used previously.

Limit Break Phase

Before transitioning to the second phase of the battle, Omega-M and Omega-F will bombard the raid with their own versions of common Limit Breaks, as well as previously explained mechanics.

  • Optimized Meteor - applies a proximity marker to a random tank, marking them as the upcoming victim of a ranged-magic Limit Break 3, forcing them to run as far away from the group to reduce overall raid damage.
  • Optimized Sagittarius Arrow - applies an orange marker to a random tank, making them as the upcoming victim of a ranged-physical Limit Break 3. Once cast, Omega-M will unleash a column AoE from himself through the marked target. As a result, the marked tank must try to aim the attack away from the rest of the group.
  • Cosmo Memory - inflicts massive raidwide damage.
  • Laser Shower x2 - bombards the arena with unavoidable raidwide damage.
  • Optimized Bladedance - causes Omega-M and Omega-F to target a tank (one each) and attempt to annihilate them with a physical-melee Limit Break 2.

Phase 1: Mechanical Timeline

Here's a quick run-down of the mechanical timeline:

  • Synthetic Shield - always cast at the beginning of the battle.
  • Suppression - a large straight-line AoE from Omega's Eye will 'eventually' shoot across the platform before the eye changes position.
  • Beyond Defense - raid splits up to avoid overlapping damage.
  • Pile Pitch - raid stacks to absorb damage, excluding the victim of Beyond Defense. Suppression will land at this point.
  • Subject Simulation - causes Omega-M to morph into Omega-F, who will then unleash Discharger (knockback) from her location.
  • Synthetic Blades - always cast after Omega-F is initially spawned.
  • Advanced Suppression - a large conal AoE will 'eventually' shoot from Omega's Eye (covering about 1/2 of the platform).
  • Superliminal Motion - a 300-degree cone, forcing the raid to stand directly behind Omega-F to avoid it. Advanced Suppression will land at this point.
  • Optimized Fire III - blasts all participants with an AoE circle of fire. Has no telegraph or cast-bar, thus everyone must ensure they are spread out.
  • Subject Simulation - causes Omega-F to morph into non-targetable goop.
  • Electric Slide - stack markers on both healers, forcing the raid to split evenly and soak the damage. Once concluded, Omega-M and Omega-F will form, unleashing Efficient Bladework (Omega-M - point-blank AoE) and Discharger (Omega-F - knockback).
  • Firewall - both forms inflict Packet Filter onto nearby players, rendering them incapable of damaging the other form.
  • Resonance - casts either (Local) or (Remote) Resonance, forcing the raid to split both forms (Local) or keep them together (Remote).
  • Advanced Suppression - a large conal-AoE will 'eventually' shoot from Omega's Eye (covering about 1/2 of the platform).
  • Fundamental Synergy - both forms mark their half of the raid with numbers from 1-4. Odd-numbered players from each group should retreat to opposite sides of the arena, with the entire raid ensuring they do not stack with any other player. Advanced Suppression will land about midway through Fundamental Synergy.
  • Laser Shower - bombards the entire raid with unavoidable damage.
  • Solar Ray - simultaneously blasts each tank with a tankbuster.
  • Synthetic Shield or Synthetic Blades followed by Operational Synergy. A mini-phase will follow depending on whether Shield or Blades was cast.

Operational Synergy (Shield Version):
Beyond Defense + Optimized Blizzard III >> Pile Pitch + Optimized Fire III >> Beyond Strength >> Efficient Bladework + Laser Shower. The mini-phase ends with an additional Laser Shower from both forms.

Operational Synergy (Blades Version):
Superliminal Steel >> Optimized Blizzard III + Pile Pitch >> Superliminal Motion >> Efficient Bladework >> Optimized Fire III + Laser Shower. The mini-phase ends with an additional Laser Shower from both forms.

  • Firewall - both forms inflict Packet Filter onto nearby players once again.
  • Resonance - casts either (Local) or (Remote) Resonance - whichever was not used previously.
  • Advanced Suppression - a large conal AoE will 'eventually' shoot from Omega's Eye (covering about 1/2 of the platform).
  • Fundamental Synergy - both forms mark their half of the raid with numbers from 1-4. Handled in the same way as before. Advanced Suppression will once again land about midway through Fundamental Synergy.
  • Laser Shower - unavoidable raid damage.
  • Solar Ray - unified tankbusters.
  • Synthetic Shield or Synthetic Blades (whichever was not used before the previous Operational Synergy), leading to the alternate mini-phase (see above).
  • Suppression - a large straight-line AoE from Omega's Eye will 'eventually' shoot across the platform before the eye changes position.
  • Optimized Meteor + Optimized Sagittarius Arrow - both tanks receive a Limit Break tank buster. Meteor is a proximity marker, Arrow is a straight-like AoE that can be aimed away from the raid. Suppression will land whilst the limit breaks are being executed.
  • Cosmo Memory - extreme raidwide damage.
  • Laser Shower x 2 - more raidwide damage.
  • Optimized Bladedance - both tanks receive a physical Limit Break tankbuster.
  • Advanced Suppression - a large conal-AoE will 'eventually' shoot from Omega's Eye (covering about 1/2 of the platform).
  • Optimized Meteor + Optimized Sagittarius Arrow - both tanks receive Limit Breaks once again (proximity + straight-line). Advanced Suppression will land whilst the limit breaks are being executed.
  • Cosmo Memory x 2 - extreme raidwide damage.
  • Laser Shower x 2 - even more raidwide damage.
  • Optimized Bladedance - both tanks receive another physical Limit Break tankbuster.
  • Cosmo Memory - enrage version.

Assuming the raid defeats Omega-M and Omega-F before the Cosmo Memory Enrage, Omega will transition into its final form, activating a checkpoint. Should the raid wipe for any reason after this point, the fight will reset to the checkpoint (rather than reset back to the very beginning).

Phase 2 - Mechanics & Abilities

Having transformed into its ultimate form, all further wipes will reset the battle to phase 2 (rather than the very beginning). Here's a list of all mechanics and abilities used throughout the phase, followed by a mechanical timeline which lists those abilities in the order they are used.

  • Target Analysis - targets one of the two players that currently have the highest enmity (typically one of the tanks) with a circular (blue) marker. Once targeted, the chosen player will receive a Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up debuff. Once applied, Omega will immediately prepare to blast its primary target with Savage Wave Cannon - which involves magic damage.
  • Savage Wave Cannon - a vicious tankbuster against Omega's primary target (in the form of a straight-line AoE beam) that can be rendered non-lethal by sharing it with a fellow tank. The brunt of its damage will be applied to the closest target, thus if being shared between two tanks, the one with Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up (Target Analysis) should make sure they are standing behind the non-debuffed tank. Alternatively, immunity cooldowns can be used to soak the beam individually.
  • Patch - tethers each tank and healer to a random damage dealer with one of two color tethers - either blue (Remote Regression) or reddish-green (Local Regression). Depending on the type of tether, it will explode if the connected players move too close (red-green / local), or too far away from each other (blue - remote). Whenever a tether explodes, the entire raid will suffer unavoidable damage and receive 2 stacks of Magic vulnerability up icon2.png Magic Vulnerability Up (which lasts for 2 seconds). All tethers will remain connected until they have been intentionally exploded and will typically overlap through various mechanics. Thanks to the debuffs applied with each explosion, the goal is to methodically explode tethers at a slower pace, as popping too many too quickly will overwhelm the entire raid with increased debuff stacks (thus higher damage).

Seeing as they cannot be removed too quickly thanks to the damage and debuffs per explosion, players will be dealing with Patch tethers throughout multiple upcoming mechanics. Also, a future mechanic will forcefully detonate any remaining tethers and instantly kill players, thus the group should organize a timely and efficient tether-popping rotation that will not overwhelm their healers.

  • Diffuse Wave Cannon - causes Omega to fire beams across the arena from either its front & rear or from both of its sides. Thankfully, players will be able to discern where beams will be fired by paying attention to the charge-up animation. Whilst charging up, three noticeable orbs will be present either at Omega's front & rear, or its sides. As a rule of thumb, the area where orbs are located are essentially the safe spot. For example, if you notice three orbs in-front and/or behind Omega, Diffuse Wave Cannon will be fired from its sides.
  • Oversampled Wave Cannon - causes Omega to summon a collection of computer monitors at a random direction around its hitbox. After a delay, Omega will target two random players in the direction the monitors are facing and simultaneously blast them with large AoE circle tankbusters. Due to the aiming component, all non-tanks should make sure that they stand away from where the monitors are facing (preferably behind the boss), whereas both tanks should move towards where the monitors are facing to select themselves for the tankbusters. Due to being large AoE circles, the damage can overlap, so make sure you do not stack with your fellow tank whilst being blasted.
  • Ion Efflux - Omega peppers the entire raid with very high levels of unavoidable damage. Also, any unresolved Patch tethers will be forcefully detonated by Ion Efflux, causing tethered players to instantly die.

  • Hello, World #1 - causes Omega to teleport to the center of the platform and bombard the raid with unavoidable damage, followed by a collection of varied debuffs against the majority of the raid that each has to be dealt with in different ways.
  • Debuff: Critical Overflow Bug - an 8-second durability debuff against a random tank. Once the debuff expires, the debuffed player will suffer major damage and unleash a massive AoE circle at their location that can transfer fresh Critical Overflow Bug debuffs to anyone hit by the blast - excluding the exploded player, who instead will receive a Debugger debuff, rendering them immune to further Critical Overflow Bug and Critical Synchronization Bug applications - (see below).
  • Debuff: Critical Synchronization Bug - applied to two random damage dealers (unaffected by Critical Overflow Bug). One debuff will have a 12-second duration while the other will have an 8-second duration. After expiring, the debuff will cause affected players to explode, dealing moderate damage and emitting medium-sized AoE circles at their location which will apply Critical Synchronization Bug to anyone caught in the blast. Just like Critical Overflow Bug, exploded players will receive Debugger, rendering them immune to further applications of Critical Overflow Bug and Critical Synchronization Bug debuffs (see above).
  • Debuff: Latent Defect - a 10-second durability debuff against a random tank (whichever is not effected by Critical Overflow Bug), a random healer, and a random damage dealer. If not cleansed before expiring, the affected player(s) will instantly be slain. To cleanse Latent Defect, afflicted players must be hit by (any) source of damage.

NOTE: One healer and one damage dealer will receive absolutely no debuffs from Hello, World. Seeing as two Bug debuffs can re-apply themselves to anyone without Debugger, and seeing as two players can only cleanse Latent Defect by taking damage, the raid will need to organize a plan to resolve all debuffs successfully.

As a rule of thumb, it is wise to keep Omega at a cardinal position (such as north, south, east, or west - right at the edge of the platform) and use all remaining cardinal points as 'explosion' points for Critical Synchronization Bug and Critical Overflow Bug. In the beginning, only one player (a tank) will have the massive (Overflow) explosion, whereas two players (damage dealers) will have the medium (Synchronization) explosions and will need to share this damage with at least one other player each. Players with Latent Defect can choose to share the medium explosion or take damage from the large explosion - bearing in mind that they will receive the same debuff as a result and will need to use the safe zones for their explosions. Alternatively, players with Debugger (previously exploded players) can help soak freshly created Synchronization debuffs as they will no longer be able to receive the debuff.

How you choose to handle the overlap is entirely optional, though utilizing extreme cardinal points as explosive safe-spots will give you the freedom to assign positions and orders for each debuff type.

  • Critical Error - afflicts raidwide damage and applies Debuff: Critical Overflow Bug to all players that do not have Debugger, forcing the affected players to utilize previously assigned safe-spots to unleash a new wave of massive AoE explosions. Assuming the above mini-phase of debuffs were handled successfully, Critical Error typically results in three players being debuffed.
  • Archive Peripheral - creates three mechanical arms at the outer edge of the platform that will telegraph straight-line AoEs across the platform, along with a 'rotation' indicator, showing that each AoE will also rotate in a clockwise or counter-clockwise pattern (depending on the indicator) once they begin to fire. Despite some element of randomness, there will always be one safe spot within the arena that the raid must stand in to avoid suffering tremendous damage. During the first cast of Archive Peripheral, Omega will also cast Target Analysis - the soakable tankbuster from earlier - forcing the raid to not only avoid the rotating beams but also allow enough space for tanks to share the straight-line AoE without clipping the raid.
  • Index & Archive Peripherals - creates three mechanical arms at the outer edge of the platform that will tether themselves to a random player each. After a delay, these mechanical arms will fire straight-line AoEs in the direction of the tethered players. Simultaneously, Omega will utilize Wave Cannon, aiming straight-line AoEs at the closest players. All AoEs will be unleashed at the same time, thus the raid must co-ordinate themselves into a star pattern so that no AoEs overlap onto other players. An easy way to accomplish this is to have all tethered players move to the outer edge of the arena (directly opposite from the hands they are tethered to) whilst all non-tethered players stand in between the tethered patterns (close to the boss) to bait the Wave Cannon blasts. By doing so, beams will be fired towards cardinal and inter-cardinal positions with no overlap.
  • Archive All - creates mechanical arms around the outer edge of the platform that will begin to cast Colossal Blow, causing them to detonate in a broad area and inflict fatal damage upon anyone caught in the blast. To complicate matters, a massive and rotating straight-line AoE will repeatedly fire while slowly twisting in a clockwise or counter-clockwise motion. Furthermore, Omega will also cast Electric Slide, causing itself to turn in a specific direction and eventually charge, dealing proximity-based damage when it collides with the edge of the arena.

Players will need to quickly identify which direction the beam will rotate, as well as which direction Omega is facing for Electric Slide. Once these factors are recognized, the raid can identify which mechanical arm is (a) on the opposite side of Electric Slide collision and (b) will not be cleaved by the rotating beam. Once identified, the raid will need to destroy the mechanical arm as soon as possible to create a safe spot. Alas, Omega will complicate this matter further by using Delta Attack.

  • Delta Attack - causes one random player to acquire a stack marker, four players to acquire delayed circle-AoEss, and multiple players to drop circle AoEs beneath their feet. Due to the rotating Archive All beam (and the need to destroy the chosen mechanical arm before Colossal Blow causes them to explode), players will have very limited space and time to deal with the overlap. In short, everyone must run away as a group to avoid the AoE circles dropped on the ground, then have the stack-marked player move back into position and share damage with unmarked players whilst everyone with delayed circle AoEs spread out (away from the stack mark) to detonate safely. Colossal Blow will detonate shortly after Delta Attack resolves, thus the raid must destroy their chosen mechanical arm beforehand to avoid devastating results.

  • Hello, World #2 - causes Omega to teleport to the center and bombard the raid with unavoidable damage and debuffs, just like earlier, except this time, a new debuff (Critical Underflow Bug) will be added to the mini-phase, and the arena will also contain soakable light-pillars which (if left unsoaked) will detonate and destroy the raid.
  • Extra Debuff: Critical Underflow Bug - 15-second duration debuff against the healer who was not affected by Latent Defect. Once the debuff expires, the healer explodes, killing any players who are clipped by the blast. Unlike all the other debuffs, Underflow can be transferred to another player by making contact with them, and by doing so, the player who transferred the debuff will acquire a special Debugger, rendering them immune to the effect. As a result, the raid will need to contend with all the previous debuffs (and the new light pillars) whilst passing around the new debuff so that the entire raid becomes immune to it via transfer.
  • Debuff: Critical Overflow Bug - 8-second durability debuff vs random tank resulting in a large detonation that can transfer the debuff to players who do not have Debugger (just like before).
  • Debuff: Critical Synchronization Bug - applied to two random damage dealers - one with 8-second durability and one with 12-second durability - both resulting in a moderate detonation that can transfer the debuff to players who do not have Debugger (just like before).
  • Debuff: Latent Defect - 10-second durability debuff against a random healer, a random damage dealer, and whichever tank did not get Overflow. Just like before, the debuff can be cleansed by being hit by a source of debuff related damage. Failure to do so will result in instant death once the debuff expires.
  • Cascading Latent Defect - represented by three circular pillars of light through the center of the arena that requires at least one player with Critical Underflow Bug to stand inside or the pillars will explode, inflicting fatal damage to the entire raid. Furthermore, players who successfully soak a pillar will be affected by Latent Defect, forcing them to intentionally take damage to cleanse themselves.

NOTE: The light pillars will spawn mid-way through expiring debuffs, forcing even more coordination as before. In short, players will need to handle the debuffs similarly to the previous Hello, World, except now, they will also need to intentionally pass the new Overflow debuff to other players so that the light-pillars can be soaked.

Much like before, it is wise to keep Omega at a cardinal position (such as north, south, east, or west - right at the edge of the platform) and use all remaining cardinal points as 'explosion' points for Critical Synchronization Bug and Critical Overflow Bug. How you choose to handle the overlap is mostly optional, though bear in mind that players assigned to soak light-pillars will need to take damage to cleanse their newly acquired Latent Defect debuffs.

Assuming the raid successfully handles the second Hello, World, Omega will cycle through the same mechanics as it did before the first one. However, on reaching the point where another Hello, World would be cast, it will instead use Program Omega - a soft enrage.

  • Program Omega - causes Omega to repeatedly cast Ion Efflux, gaining a stackable Damage up icon1.png Damage Up buff with each successful cast. On reaching 5 stacks of Damage up icon1.png Damage Up, Omega will obliterate the raid with one final cast of Ion Efflux.

Phase 2: Mechanical Timeline

Here's a quick run-down of the mechanical timeline:

  • Target Analysis - applies Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up to one of the two players with the highest enmity.
  • Savage Wave Cannon - blasts the primary target with a shareable tankbuster. Tank with Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up should stand behind the other tank to share it or they'll likely take fatal damage.
  • Patch - connects each tank and healer to a random damage dealer with local (red) or remote (blue) tether. Tethers must be popped methodically by moving close to (or away from) their partner. One set of tethers should be popped as soon as Patch has been cast.
  • Diffuse Wave Cannon - Omega fires beams towards the front & rear, or to the sides. Safe spots/directions will be indicated by three glowing orbs. Another pair of players should intentionally explode their Patch tether at this point.
  • Oversampled Wave Cannon - tanks stand in the direction of monitors and spread apart for AoE tankbusters. Everyone else moves out of the direction of monitors to avoid being selected. Another pair of players should intentionally explode their Patch tether at this point.
  • Ion Efflux - raidwide damage that will also slay any players who haven't removed their Patch tethers. The final pair of tethers will need to be exploded. Do not leave it too late as the resulting debuffs will cause the entire raid to take increased damage.
  • Hello, World #1 - raidwide damage accompanied by various debuffs that need to be handled in specific ways.
  • Overflow + Synchronization - all 8 second duration debuffs will detonate first. Players need to coordinate themselves into safe spots to avoid (or intentionally take) damage from exploding players, remembering that Synch (medium) explosions need to be soaked by an additional player each.
  • Latent Defect - 10-second duration debuffs detonate, slaying anyone who has not removed them by taking damage.
  • Synchronization - 12 second duration debuffs will detonate.
  • Re-Applied Debuffs - Variable depending on how the raid decided to handle the above.
  • Critical Error - inflicts raidwide damage and applies Critical Overflow Bug to anyone who doesn't have Debugger.
  • Ion Efflux - raidwide damage.
  • Archive Peripheral - rotating beams from mechanical arms, forcing the raid to locate the only safe spot that will be formed.
  • Target Analysis - applies Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up to one of the two players with the highest enmity. Happens during Archive Peripheral beams.
  • Savage Wave Cannon - shareable tankbuster. Happens during Archive Peripheral beams. Tank with Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up must be extra careful.
  • Diffuse Wave Cannon - Omega fires beams towards the front & rear, or to the sides, same as before.
  • Oversampled Wave Cannon - tanks stand in the direction of monitors and spread apart for AoE tankbusters (whilst everyone else moves away from the monitor direction), same as before.
  • Index & Archive Peripherals - mechanical arms tether to random players and prepare to fire straight-line AoEs at them.
  • Wave Cannon - Omega prepares to shoot straight-line AoEs at the closest players. Raid forms a star-pattern by having non-tethered targets stand near the boss (in-between tethered targets, who stand at the outer edges of the arena, opposite their respective arms).
  • Target Analysis - applies Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up to one of the two players with the highest enmity.
  • Savage Wave Cannon - shareable tankbuster. Happens during Archive Peripheral beams. Tank with Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up must be extra careful.
  • Patch - connects each tank and healer to a random damage dealer with local (red) or remote (blue) tether. Tethers must be popped methodically, just like before.
  • Diffuse Wave Cannon - Omega fires beams towards the front & rear, or to the sides, just like before.
  • Oversampled Wave Cannon - tanks stand in the direction of monitors and spread apart for AoE tankbusters. Everyone else moves out of the direction of monitors to avoid being selected.
  • Ion Efflux - raidwide damage that will also slay any players who haven't removed their Patch tethers. The final pair of tethers will need to be exploded beforehand.
  • Archive All - creates mechanical arms around the outer edge of the platform that will begin to cast Colossal Blow. Players will need to destroy one as soon as possible to create a safe spot. Simultaneously, a rotating straight-line AoE will repeatedly fire while slowly twisting in a clockwise or counter-clockwise motion.
  • Electric Slide - Omega turns in a specific direction and charges, inflicting proximity-based damage when it collides with the edge of the arena. All players should be focusing on a mechanical arm in the opposite direction of where Omega is about to charge.
  • Delta Attack - marks one player with a stack marker, four players with circle-AoEs, and causes most of the raid to drop circle AoEs beneath their feet. Players must dodge the floor circles, spread out their circle AoEs, and soak the stack marker whilst also destroying their chosen mechanical arm and avoiding the rotating beam. Colossal Blow concludes after Delta Attack, wiping the raid if the chosen arm wasn't destroyed in time.
  • Diffuse Wave Cannon - Omega fires beams towards the front & rear, or to the sides, just like before.
  • Hello, World #2 - raid wide damage accompanied by various debuffs, just like before, except for a new debuff (Critical Underflow Bug) and three soakable light-pillars (Cascading Latent Defect).
  • Cascading Latent Defect - forms three light-pillars in a straight line through the arena center that can only be soaked by players affected by Critical Underflow Bug. Failure to soak a tower results in a wipe. Success inflicts Latent Defect on the soaker.
  • Critical Error - inflicts raidwide damage and applies Critical Overflow Bug to anyone who doesn't have Debugger.
  • Ion Efflux - raidwide damage.

Omega now loops the mechanics between the first and second Hello, World. Rather than cast a third Hello, World afterwards, Omega will soft-enrage via Program Omega, involving 5x Ion Efflux (with each one buffing Omega's damage), followed by one final Ion Efflux to wipe the raid.


See also: Omega Weapons

Gold Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Paladins omega arms (il 405) icon1.png  Paladin's Omega Arms (IL 405) Other N/A CBlue 1
Omega battleaxe icon1.png  Omega Battleaxe Marauder's Arm 405 CBlue 1
Omega claymore icon1.png  Omega Claymore Dark Knight's Arm 405 CBlue 1
Omega bayonet icon1.png  Omega Bayonet Gunbreaker's Arm 405 CBlue 1
Omega trident icon1.png  Omega Trident Lancer's Arm 405 CBlue 1
Omega zaghnal icon1.png  Omega Zaghnal Reaper's Arm 405 CBlue 1
Omega knuckles icon1.png  Omega Knuckles Pugilist's Arm 405 CBlue 1
Omega samurai blade icon1.png  Omega Samurai Blade Samurai's Arm 405 CBlue 1
Omega sickles icon1.png  Omega Sickles Rogue's Arm 405 CBlue 1
Omega bow icon1.png  Omega Bow Archer's Arm 405 CBlue 1
Omegafire icon1.png  Omegafire Machinist's Arm 405 CBlue 1
Omega chakrams icon1.png  Omega Chakrams Dancer's Arm 405 CBlue 1
Omega rod icon1.png  Omega Rod Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 405 CBlue 1
Omega grimoire icon1.png  Omega Grimoire Arcanist's Grimoire 405 CBlue 1
Omega smallsword icon1.png  Omega Smallsword Red Mage's Arm 405 CBlue 1
Omega cane icon1.png  Omega Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 405 CBlue 1
Omega codex icon1.png  Omega Codex Scholar's Arm 405 CBlue 1
Omega torquetum icon1.png  Omega Torquetum Astrologian's Arm 405 CBlue 1
Omega wings icon1.png  Omega Wings Sage's Arm 405 CBlue 1
Omega chest gear coffer (il 400) icon1.png  Omega Chest Gear Coffer (IL 400) Other N/A ABasic 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Omega weapon coffer (il 405) icon1.png  Omega Weapon Coffer (IL 405) Other N/A ABasic 1
Omg icon2.png  OMG Minion N/A ABasic 1
Model o identification key icon1.png  Model O Identification Key Other N/A ABasic 1


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
I am the savage alpha, i am the savage omega i icon1.png  I Am the Savage Alpha, I Am the Savage Omega I 5 Complete Omega: Alphascape (Savage). - 4.4
I am the savage alpha, i am the savage omega ii icon1.png  I Am the Savage Alpha, I Am the Savage Omega II 10 Complete Omega: Alphascape (Savage) 5 times. - 4.4
I am the savage alpha, i am the savage omega iii icon1.png  I Am the Savage Alpha, I Am the Savage Omega III 20 Complete Omega: Alphascape (Savage) 10 times. - 4.4
Mightier than the alpha icon1.png  Mightier than the Alpha 5 Complete Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.45