Blue Mage

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Blue Mage concept art.jpg


A so-called mage of rather questionable character claims to have mastered an outlandish form of spellcasting that resembles neither black nor white magic during his voyage to the New World. Allegedly, anyone who purchases one of his soul crystals can learn to mimic the aetherial magicks of wild creatures. But can he be trusted, or is he merely a con artist looking to make a quick gil? Blue Mage

Blue Mage frame icon.png

Blue Mage (BLU) is a Limited Job specializing in harnessing the powers of enemy creatures. While it is classified as a magical ranged DPS, it can adopt the roles of tank, healer, or DPS based on the spells the player equips and Aetherial Mimicry. With 124 spells to choose from, Blue Mages have great flexibility in customizing their playstyle.

Its role as a limited job, along with a having a lower level cap (10-20 levels lower depending on the patch) than other jobs, restricts the type of content it can participate in, making many blue mage activities self-contained. However, blue mages using the correct spells have the strongest burst damage of any job in the game. Moreover, their available spells are not affected by level sync. This makes the job popular for quickly "farming" level synced duties or FATEs for various objectives, such as Moogle Treasure Trove Events.

General information

Harnessing the power of blue magic, players can learn to mimic the abilities of wild beasts with this new job. Like Ninja, Blue Mage was added outside an expansion with patch 4.5.


Quest givers hang out in the plaza outside Milvaneth Sacrarium in Ul'dah - Steps of Thal.



Blue Mage's Arm

Blue Mage Only Armor Sets

And other armor and accessories "of Casting." However, unlike other jobs, a blue mage's weapons do not have any main attributes that enhance their base stats, meaning that a blue mage is weaker stat-wise than other jobs in equivalent item level gear. Instead, blue mage damage is based solely on intelligence points.


The most practical way for blue mages to gain experience is to kill higher-leveled monsters in the open world, for which blue mages receive an experience bonus.

Because gaining enough experience for the current level cap of 80 in this way is very time-consuming, many players use an alternative method that depends on a particular game mechanic: If the blue mage creates enmity with respect to a monster (e.g. by attacking it with Flying Sardine), but something else then kills the monster, the blue mage gains full experience for the kill. This mechanic can be used to obtain experience quickly in the following manner:

  • From level 1 to level 70: The blue mage pairs up with a maximum-level player (the two must not be in the same party), and together they run amok on the beach south of Stilltide in Kholusia (33, 31). The blue mage tags the level 70 monsters there with Flying Sardine, and then the maximum-level player kills the tagged monsters.
  • From level 70 to level 80: This can be done solo. The blue mage protects themselves by using Mighty Guard and Aetheric Mimicry: Tank, then moves to the northernmost part of The Tempest (27, 5). This part of the map is populated by level 79 Clionids and Deep-sea Leeches. The blue mage tags the leeches with Flying Sardine and moves them towards a clionid, which will kill the leech, gifting the experience to the blue mage. Care should be taken not to feed more than one or two leeches to the same clionid, or it will grow so large that it might one-shot the blue mage.

Limited Jobs

Blue Mage is the first limited job in the game. As such, there are several key points that distinguish it from other jobs.

Blue mage functions independently of other classes and jobs, starting at level 1 with a maximum level of 80.

When playing as a blue mage, it is possible to participate in duties with other players in preformed or undersized parties. However, matchmaking using Duty Finder is disabled. In addition, the following duties will remain inaccessible:

Blue mages gain greater experience from battling enemies in the open world than other jobs do.

  • No bonuses are granted to experience gained from FATE or guildleve enemies.

Blue mage cannot be used to progress through the main scenario.

Retainers cannot be assigned the blue mage job.

Job Quests

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Out of the Blue Job quest 50 Zealous Yellowjacket Blue Mage
Water Cannon.png  Water Cannon
Blue Mage (Simple) Adventurer Plate
Blue Mage (Simple) Adventurer Plate
1 Soul of the blue mage icon1.png  Soul of the Blue Mage
1 Rainmaker icon1.png  Rainmaker
1 True blue attire coffer (il 1) icon1.png  True Blue Attire Coffer (IL 1)
Blue Leading the Blue Job quest 1 Martyn
Blue Collar Work Job quest 10 Martyn
Why They Call It the Blues Job quest 20 Martyn
Scream Blue Murder Job quest 30 Martyn
Blue Gold Job quest 40 Maudlin Latool Ja
The Real Folk Blues Job quest 50 Maudlin Latool Ja 1 The spirit of the whalaqee icon1.png  The Spirit of the Whalaqee
1 Maguss attire coffer (il 130) icon1.png  Magus's Attire Coffer (IL 130)
Turning Over a Blue Leaf Job quest 50 Maudlin Latool Ja
Blue Mage - Part 1
Blue Mage - Part 1
1 Azulmagia icon1.png  Azulmagia
Into the Blue Again Job quest 50 Martyn
Something Borrowed, Something Blue Job quest 53 Martyn
Bolt from the Blue Job quest 55 Martyn
Blue in the Face Job quest 58 Martyn
Blue Scream of Death Job quest 60 Martyn
Blue Cheese Job quest 60 Martyn
Blue Mage - Part 2
Blue Mage - Part 2
1 Mask of azuro icon1.png  Mask of Azuro
Second-rate Entertainment Feature quest 60 Martyn
Everybody Was Fukumen Fighting Feature quest 63 P'yandih
Azuro and Goliath Job quest 65 Martyn
Where the Gold Goes Job quest 68 Martyn
Master of Mimicry Job quest 70 Martyn 1 Mirage gear coffer (il 400) icon1.png  Mirage Gear Coffer (IL 400)
A Future in Blue Job quest 70 Martyn
Blue Mage - Part 3
Blue Mage - Part 3
1 Predatrice icon1.png  Predatrice
And the Crowd Goes Mild Feature quest 70 Martyn
The Beard, the Myth, the Legend Feature quest 73 P'yandih
Gridania's Most Wanted Feature quest 75 P'yandih
No Butts About It Feature quest 78 P'yandih
A New Gold Standard Feature quest 80 Martyn 1 Phantasmal attire coffer (il 530) icon1.png  Phantasmal Attire Coffer (IL 530)
The Brave and the Blue Feature quest 80 Martyn
Blue Mage - Part 4
Blue Mage - Part 4
1 Blue-eyes icon1.png  Blue-eyes


PvE actions

Action Acquired Number Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Water Cannon.png  Water Cannon Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 1 1 Spell 100 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals water damage with a potency of 200.
Flame Thrower.png  Flame Thrower Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 2 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Conal AoE in front of the user 8y
Deals fire damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Aqua Breath.png  Aqua Breath Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 3 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Conal AoE in front of the user 8y
Deals water damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 140 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Inflicts Dropsy, dealing water damage over time
Potency: 20
Duration: 12s
Flying Frenzy.png  Flying Frenzy Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 4 1 Spell 200 1s 2.5s Range icon.png 20y
Circle AoE around the action target 6y
Delivers a jumping physical attack to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 150 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Cannot be executed while bound.
Drill Cannons.png  Drill Cannons Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 5 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 20y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 20y
Deals physical damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Potency is increased to 600 when target is afflicted with Petrification. The Petrification effect is also removed.
High Voltage.png  High Voltage Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 6 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 12y
Deals lightning damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 180 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Paralysis
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Potency increased to 220 when target is afflicted with Dropsy
Additional Effect: Duration of Paralysis is increased to 30 seconds when target is afflicted with Dropsy
Loom.png  Loom Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 7 1 Spell 200 1s 2.5s Range icon.png 15y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Move quickly to the specified location.
Cannot be executed while bound.
Final Sting.png  Final Sting Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 8 1 Spell 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 3y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals physical damage with a potency of 2,000 while incapacitating self.
Additional Effect: Inflicts Brush with Death on self
Duration: 600s
Effect will not be removed upon revival or further incapacitation.
Cannot be executed while under the effect of Brush with Death.
Song of Torment.png  Song of Torment Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 9 1 Spell 400 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 50.
Additional Effect: Unaspected damage over time
Potency: 50
Duration: 30s
Glower.png  Glower Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 10 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 15y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 15y
Deals lightning damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Paralysis
Duration: 6s
Plaincracker.png  Plaincracker Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 11 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 6y
Deals earth damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Bristle.png  Bristle Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 12 1 Spell 200 1s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Increases the potency of the next spell cast by 50%.
Duration: 30s
Effect cannot be stacked with Harmonized.
White Wind.png  White Wind Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 13 1 Spell 1,500 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 15y
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members by an amount equal to your current HP.
Level 5 Petrify.png  Level 5 Petrify Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 14 1 Spell 400 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Conal AoE in front of the user 6y
Petrifies all enemies in a cone before you.
Duration: 20s
Chance of successful attack is low.
Enemy level must be a multiple of 5. Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own.
Sharpened Knife.png  Sharpened Knife Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 15 1 Spell 200 1s 2.5s Range icon.png 3y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals physical damage with a potency of 220.
Additional Effect: Potency is increased to 450 when target is stunned.
Ice Spikes.png  Ice Spikes Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 16 1 Spell 500 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Counters enemies with ice damage every time you suffer physical damage.
Counter Potency: 40
Duration: 15s
Effect cannot be stacked with Veil of the Whorl or Schiltron.
Additional Effect: 50% chance that when you are struck, the striker will be afflicted with Slow +20%
Duration: 15s
Blood Drain.png  Blood Drain Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 17 1 Spell 100 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 50.
Additional Effect: Restores MP
Acorn Bomb.png  Acorn Bomb Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 18 1 Spell 300 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 6y
Puts target and all enemies nearby it to sleep.
Duration: 30s
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
Bomb Toss.png  Bomb Toss Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 19 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the ground target 6y
Deals fire damage at a designated location with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 3s
Off-guard.png  Off-guard Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 20 1 Spell 100 1s 60s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Increases target's damage taken by 5%.
Duration: 15s
Recast timer cannot be affected by other spells. However, this action shares a recast timer with Peculiar Light.
Self-destruct.png  Self-destruct Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 21 1 Spell 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 20y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 1,500 to all nearby enemies while incapacitating self.
Additional Effect: Potency is increased to 1,800 when you are under the effect of Toad Oil
Additional Effect: Inflicts Brush with Death on self
Duration: 600s
Effect will not be removed upon revival or further incapacitation.
Cannot be executed while under the effect of Brush with Death.
Transfusion.png  Transfusion Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 22 1 Spell 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores all HP and MP of a single party member while incapacitating self.
Additional Effect: Inflicts Brush with Death on self
Duration: 600s
Effect will not be removed upon revival or further incapacitation.
Cannot be executed while under the effect of Brush with Death.
Faze.png  Faze Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 23 1 Spell 300 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Conal AoE in front of the user 4y
Stuns all enemies in a cone before you.
Duration: 6s
Flying Sardine.png  Flying Sardine Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 24 1 Spell 200 Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals physical damage with a potency of 10.
Additional Effect: Interrupts target
Snort.png  Snort Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 25 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Conal AoE in front of the user 6y
Deals a 20-yalm knockback to all enemies in a cone before you.
4-tonze Weight.png  4-tonze Weight Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 26 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the ground target 4y
Drops a 4-tonze weight dealing physical damage at a designated location with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Heavy +40%
Duration: 30s
The Look.png  The Look Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 27 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Conal AoE in front of the user 6y
Deals unaspected damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Increased enmity
Bad Breath.png  Bad Breath Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 28 1 Spell 500 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Conal AoE in front of the user 8y
Blow noxious breath on all enemies in a cone before you, inflicting Slow +20%, Heavy +40%, Blind, and Paralysis.
Additional Effect: Poison
Potency: 20
Additional Effect: Damage dealt reduced by 10%
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Interrupts target
Diamondback.png  Diamondback Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 29 1 Spell 3,000 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Reduces damage taken by 90% and nullifies most knockback and draw-in effects.
Unable to move or take action for the duration of this effect.

Duration: 10s
If used when Waxing Nocturne is active, its effect will transition immediately to Waning Nocturne.
The effect of this action cannot be ended manually.
Mighty Guard.png  Mighty Guard Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 30 1 Spell 700 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Reduces damage taken by 40% while reducing damage dealt by 40%, increasing enmity generation, and preventing casting interruptions via damage taken.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Sticky Tongue.png  Sticky Tongue Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 31 1 Spell 300 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Draws target towards caster.
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 4s
Additional Effect: Increased enmity
Toad Oil.png  Toad Oil Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 32 1 Spell 500 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Increases evasion by 20%.
Duration: 180s
The Ram's Voice.png  The Ram's Voice Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 33 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 6y
Deals ice damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Deep Freeze
Duration: 12s
The Dragon's Voice.png  The Dragon's Voice Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 34 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Donut around the user 20y
Deals lightning damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Enemies within an 8-yalm radius will be unaffected.
Additional Effect: Paralysis
Duration: 9s
Additional Effect: Potency is increased to 400 against most enemies afflicted with Deep Freeze. The Deep Freeze effect is also removed.
Missile.png  Missile Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 35 1 Spell 300 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals damage equal to 50% of target's current HP.
Chance of successful attack is low. Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own.
1000 Needles.png  1000 Needles Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 36 1 Spell 300 6s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 4y
Deals a fixed 1,000 points of physical damage which is shared by all enemies around you.
Ink Jet.png  Ink Jet Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 37 1 Spell 400 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Conal AoE in front of the user 6y
Deals unaspected damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Blind
Duration: 30s
Fire Angon.png  Fire Angon Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 38 1 Spell 200 1s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 4y
Deals physical fire damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Moon Flute.png  Moon Flute Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 39 1 Spell 500 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Grants the effect of Waxing Nocturne, increasing damage dealt by 50% and movement speed by 30%.
Duration: 15s
When effect ends, the player is afflicted with Waning Nocturne, preventing the use of auto-attack, weaponskills, spells, or abilities.
Duration: 15s
Tail Screw.png  Tail Screw Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 40 1 Spell 400 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Reduces target's HP to a single digit.
Chance of successful attack is low. Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own.
Mind Blast.png  Mind Blast Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 41 1 Spell 200 1s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 6y
Deals unaspected damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Paralysis
Duration: 30s
Doom.png  Doom Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 42 1 Spell 400 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Inflicts Doom on target.
Duration: 15s
When effect expires, the target will be KO'd.
Chance of successful attack is low. Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own.
Peculiar Light.png  Peculiar Light Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 43 1 Spell 500 1s 60s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 6y
Increases magic damage taken by all nearby enemies by 5%.
Duration: 15s
Recast timer cannot be affected by other spells. However, this action shares a recast timer with Off-guard.
Feather Rain.png  Feather Rain Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 44 1 Ability 300 Instant 30s Range icon.png 30y
Circle AoE around the ground target 5y
Deals wind damage with a potency of 220 to all enemies at a designated location.
Additional Effect: Wind damage over time
Potency: 40
Duration: 6s
Shares a recast timer with Eruption.
Eruption.png  Eruption Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 45 1 Ability 300 Instant 30s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the ground target 5y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 300 to all enemies at a designated location.
Shares a recast timer with Feather Rain.
Mountain Buster.png  Mountain Buster Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 46 1 Ability 400 Instant 60s Range icon.png 0y
Conal AoE in front of the user 6y
Deals physical earth damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 400 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Shares a recast timer with Shock Strike.
Shock Strike.png  Shock Strike Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 47 1 Ability 400 Instant 60s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 3y
Deals lightning damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 400 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Shares a recast timer with Mountain Buster.
Glass Dance.png  Glass Dance Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 48 1 Ability 500 Instant 90s Range icon.png 0y
270 degree sector from target 12y
Deals ice damage to all enemies in a wide arc to your fore and flanks with a potency of 350 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Shares a recast timer with Veil of the Whorl.
Veil of the Whorl.png  Veil of the Whorl Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 49 1 Ability 500 Instant 90s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Counters enemies with water damage every time you suffer damage.
Counter Potency: 50
Duration: 30s
Effect cannot be stacked with Ice Spikes or Schiltron.
Shares a recast timer with Glass Dance.
Alpine Draft.png  Alpine Draft Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 50 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 20y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 20y
Deals wind damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Protean Wave.png  Protean Wave Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 51 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Conal AoE in front of the user 15y
Deals water damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: 15-yalm knockback
Northerlies.png  Northerlies Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 52 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Conal AoE in front of the user 6y
Deals ice damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Enemies affected by Dropsy are frozen. The Dropsy effect is also removed.
Duration: 20s
Electrogenesis.png  Electrogenesis Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 53 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 6y
Deals lightning damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Kaltstrahl.png  Kaltstrahl Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 54 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Conal AoE in front of the user 6y
Deals physical damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Abyssal Transfixion.png  Abyssal Transfixion Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 55 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals physical damage with a potency of 220.
Additional Effect: Paralysis
Duration: 30s
Chirp.png  Chirp Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 56 1 Spell 400 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 3y
Puts all nearby enemies to sleep.
Duration: 40s
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
Eerie Soundwave.png  Eerie Soundwave Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 57 1 Spell 500 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 6y
Removes one beneficial effect from all nearby enemies.
Pom Cure.png  Pom Cure Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 58 1 Spell 200 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 100
Cure potency is increased to 500 when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Healer.
Gobskin.png  Gobskin Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 59 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 20y
Creates a barrier around self and all nearby party members that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 100 potency.
Duration: 30s
Barrier strength is increased to absorb damage equivalent to a heal of 250 potency when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Healer.
Effect cannot be stacked with scholar's Galvanize or sage's Eukrasian Diagnosis and Eukrasian Prognosis.
Magic Hammer.png  Magic Hammer Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 60 1 Spell 400 1s 90s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 8y
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 250 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Lowers intelligence and mind attributes by 10%
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Restores 10% of maximum MP
Shares a recast timer with Candy Cane.
Avail.png  Avail Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 61 1 Spell 1,000 1s 120s Range icon.png 10y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Direct damage intended for you to another party member.
Duration: 12s
Can only be executed when member is within 10 yalms.
Does not activate with certain attacks.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Frog Legs.png  Frog Legs Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 62 1 Spell 200 1s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 4y
Provoke nearby enemies, placing yourself at the top of their enmity list.
Sonic Boom.png  Sonic Boom Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 63 1 Spell 200 1s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals wind damage with a potency of 210.
Whistle.png  Whistle Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 64 1 Spell 200 1s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Increases the potency of the next physical damage spell cast by 80%.
Duration: 30s
Effect cannot be stacked with Boost.
White Knight's Tour.png  White Knight's Tour Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 65 1 Spell 300 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 20y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 20y
Deals unaspected damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Potency is increased to 400 when enemies are bound. The Bind effect is also removed.
Additional Effect: Slow +20%
Duration: 20s
Black Knight's Tour.png  Black Knight's Tour Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 66 1 Spell 300 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 20y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 20y
Deals unaspected damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Potency is increased to 400 when under the effect of Slow. The Slow effect is also removed.
Additional Effect: Bind
Duration: 20s
Level 5 Death.png  Level 5 Death Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 67 1 Spell 1,500 2s 180s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 6y
KOs all nearby enemies.
Chance of successful attack is low.
Enemy level must be a multiple of 5. Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own.
Shares a recast timer with Ultravibration.
Launcher.png  Launcher Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 68 1 Spell 2,500 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 15y
Delivers an attack to all nearby enemies randomly dealing 50%, 30%, 20%, or 10% of their HP.
Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own.
Perpetual Ray.png  Perpetual Ray Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 69 1 Spell 300 3s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 220.
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 1s
Ignores target's Stun resistance.
Cactguard.png  Cactguard Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 70 1 Spell 200 1s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Reduces target party member's damage taken by 5%.
Duration: 6s
Increases damage reduction to 15% when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Tank.
Revenge Blast.png  Revenge Blast Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 71 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 3y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals physical damage with a potency of 50.
Potency is increased to 500 when your HP is below 20%.
Angel Whisper.png  Angel Whisper Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 72 1 Spell 1,000 10s 300s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Resurrects target to a weakened state.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Exuviation.png  Exuviation Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 73 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 6y
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 50
Additional Effect: Removes one detrimental effect from all nearby party members
Cure potency is increased to 300 when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Healer.
Reflux.png  Reflux Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 74 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals lightning damage with a potency of 220.
Additional Effect: Heavy +40%
Duration: 10s
Ignores target's Heavy resistance.
Devour.png  Devour Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 75 1 Spell 300 1s 60s Range icon.png 3y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 250.
Additional Effect: Increases maximum HP by 20%
Duration: 15s
Increases duration to 70s when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Tank.
Additional Effect: Restores an amount of own HP equal to damage dealt
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Condensed Libra.png  Condensed Libra Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 76 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Afflicts target with Physical Attenuation, Astral Attenuation, or Umbral Attenuation.
Duration: 30s
Physical Attenuation Effect: Increases damage taken from physical attacks by 5%
Astral Attenuation Effect: Increases damage taken from fire-, wind-, and lightning-aspected attacks by 5%
Umbral Attenuation Effect: Increases damage taken from water-, earth-, and ice-aspected attacks by 5%
Only one of these statuses can be applied to a target at a time.
Aetherial Mimicry.png  Aetheric Mimicry Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 77 1 Spell 300 1s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Mirror the aetheric properties of your target, granting yourself a beneficial effect corresponding with the target's role.
If target is a tank, grants Aetheric Mimicry: Tank, increasing your defense and augmenting certain blue magic spells.
If target is a DPS, grants Aetheric Mimicry: DPS, increasing critical hit rate and direct hit rate by 20%, as well as augmenting certain blue magic spells.
If target is a healer, grants Aetheric Mimicry: Healer, increasing healing magic potency by 20% and augmenting certain blue magic spells.
Cannot be cast on self. Effect ends upon reuse.
Surpanakha.png  Surpanakha Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 78 1 Ability 200 Instant 30s Range icon.png 0y
Conal AoE in front of the user 16y
Deals earth damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Grants Surpanakha's Fury, increasing potency of Surpanakha by 50%
Duration: 3s
Can be stacked up to 3 times.
Maximum Charges: 4
Effect is canceled upon execution of any action other than Surpanakha.
Quasar.png  Quasar Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 79 1 Ability 300 Instant 60s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 15y
Deals unaspected damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 300 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Shares a recast timer with J Kick.
J Kick.png  J Kick Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 80 1 Ability 300 Instant 60s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 6y
Delivers a jumping physical attack to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 300 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Cannot be executed while bound.
Shares a recast timer with Quasar.
Triple Trident.png  Triple Trident Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 81 1 Spell 300 2s 90s Range icon.png 2y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers a threefold attack, each hit with a potency of 150.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Tingle.png  Tingle Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 82 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 20y
Circle AoE around the action target 6y
Deals lightning damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 100 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Increases the potency of the next physical damage spell cast by 100
Duration: 15s
Tatami-gaeshi.png  Tatami-gaeshi Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 83 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 20y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 20y
Deals unaspected damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 3s
Cold Fog.png  Cold Fog Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 84 1 Spell 300 2s 90s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Grants Cold Fog to self.
Duration: 5s
Effect changes to Touch of Frost if damage is taken.
Touch of Frost Effect: Action changes from Cold Fog to White Death
Duration: 15s

White Death
Deals ice damage with a potency of 400.
Additional Effect: Deep Freeze
Duration: 10s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Touch of Frost.
Stotram.png  Stotram Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 85 1 Spell 300 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 15y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 140 to all nearby enemies.
Action effect changes, restoring own HP and the HP of all nearby party members when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Healer.
Cure Potency: 300
Saintly Beam.png  Saintly Beam Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 86 1 Spell 400 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 6y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 100 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Potency increases to 500 when used against undead enemies.
Feculent Flood Spell.png  Feculent Flood Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 87 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 20y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 20y
Deals earth damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Angel's Snack.png  Angel's Snack Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 88 1 Spell 400 2s 120s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 20y
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 400
Additional Effect: Grants healing over time effect when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Healer
Cure Potency: 200
Duration: 15s
Shares a recast timer with Dragon Force and Matra Magic.
Chelonian Gate.png  Chelonian Gate Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 89 1 Spell 300 2s 30s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Summons a chelonian gate, reducing damage taken by 20%.
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Grants Auspicious Trance after taking damage equal to 30% of maximum HP
Auspicious Trance Effect: Action changes from Chelonian Gate to Divine Cataract
Chelonian Gate effect ends upon using another action or moving (including facing a different direction).
Auspicious Trance ends upon losing the effect of Chelonian Gate.
Shares a recast timer with The Rose of Destruction and Ruby Dynamics.

Divine Cataract
Deals water damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 500 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Potency increases to 1,000 when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Tank.
Can only be executed when under the effect of Auspicious Trance.
The Rose of Destruction.png  The Rose of Destruction Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 90 1 Spell 300 2s 30s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 400.
Additional Effect: 10-yalm knockback
Shares a recast timer with Chelonian Gate and Ruby Dynamics.
Basic Instinct blu.png  Basic Instinct Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 91 1 Spell 500 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Increases movement speed by 30%, and healing magic potency and damage dealt by 100%. Also ignores the damage penalty inflicted by Mighty Guard.
Can only be used in duties intended for two or more players while playing alone, while no other party members are in the instance, or when all party members are incapacitated. Effect ends when joined by one or more party members.
Ultravibration.png  Ultravibration Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 92 1 Spell 500 2s 120s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 6y
KOs all nearby enemies afflicted with Deep Freeze or Petrification. Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own, and certain others.
Shares a recast timer with Level 5 Death.
Blaze.png  Blaze Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 93 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 6y
Deals ice damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Mustard Bomb.png  Mustard Bomb Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 94 1 Spell 300 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 6y
Deals fire damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Enemies affected by Lightheaded suffer damage over time
Potency: 50
Duration: 15s
Dragon Force.png  Dragon Force Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 95 1 Spell 300 2s 120s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Reduces damage taken by 20%.
Duration: 15s
Increases damage reduction to 40% when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Tank.
Shares a recast timer with Angel's Snack and Matra Magic.
Aetherial Spark.png  Aetherial Spark Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 96 1 Spell 400 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 20y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 20y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 50 to all enemies in a straight line before you.
Additional Effect: Unaspected damage over time
Potency: 50
Duration: 15s
Hydro Pull.png  Hydro Pull Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 97 1 Spell 300 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 15y
Deals water damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Draw-in
Malediction of Water.png  Malediction of Water Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 98 1 Spell 300 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 15y
Deals water damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: 10-yalm knockback to all enemies and party members in range
Cannot be used outside of combat or when target is suffering from certain enfeeblements.
Choco Meteor blu.png  Choco Meteor Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 99 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 8y
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% for all remaining enemies.
Potency increases to 300 when partied with your personal chocobo.
Matra Magic.png  Matra Magic Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 100 1 Spell 400 2s 120s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals an unaspected eightfold attack, each hit with a potency of 50.
Potency is increased to 100 when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: DPS.
Shares a recast timer with Angel's Snack and Dragon Force.
Peripheral Synthesis.png  Peripheral Synthesis Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 101 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 20y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 20y
Deals physical damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Potency increased to 400 when target becomes afflicted with Lightheaded.
Additional Effect: Inflicts Lightheaded
Duration: 5s
Repeated use of this action in a short period will reduce the additional effect's duration, eventually rendering targets immune to Lightheaded.
Both Ends.png  Both Ends Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 102 1 Ability 300 Instant 120s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 20y
Deals physical damage with a potency of 600 to all nearby enemies.
Shares a recast timer with Nightbloom.
Phantom Flurry.png  Phantom Flurry Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 103 1 Ability 300 Instant 120s Range icon.png 0y
Conal AoE in front of the user 8y
Deals physical damage over time with a potency of 200 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Duration: 5s
Executing Phantom Flurry again before its effect expires deals unaspected damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Effect ends upon using an action other than Phantom Flurry or moving (including facing a different direction).
Nightbloom.png  Nightbloom Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 104 1 Ability 300 Instant 120s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 10y
Deals unaspected damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 400 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Unaspected damage over time
Potency: 75
Duration: 60s
Shares a recast timer with Both Ends.
Goblin Punch.png  Goblin Punch Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 105 1 Spell 200 Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 3y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals physical damage with a potency of 120.
220 when executed in front of a target.
Potency is increased to 220 when you are under the effect of Mighty Guard.
320 when executed in front of a target while you are under the effect of Mighty Guard.
Right Round.png  Right Round Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 106 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 8y
Deals physical damage with a potency of 110 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: 10-yalm knockback to all enemies and party members in range
Cannot be used outside of combat or when target is suffering from certain enfeeblements.
Schiltron.png  Schiltron Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 107 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Counters enemies with unaspected damage every time you suffer physical damage.
Counter Potency: 50
Duration: 15s
Potency is increased to 100 when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Tank.
Effect cannot be stacked with Veil of the Whorl or Ice Spikes.
Rehydration.png  Rehydration Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 108 1 Spell 200 5s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores own HP.
Cure Potency: 600
Breath of Magic.png  Breath of Magic Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 109 1 Spell 300 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Conal AoE in front of the user 10y
Deals unaspected damage over time with a potency of 120 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Duration: 60s
Only one effect inflicted by this action can be active at a time.
Wild Rage.png  Wild Rage Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 110 1 Spell 0 5s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 10y
Deals physical damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 500 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Consumes 50% of your maximum HP when executed.
Peat Pelt.png  Peat Pelt Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 111 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 6y
Deals earth damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 100 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Begrimed
Begrimed Effect: Earth damage over time
Potency: 10
Duration: 9s
Deep Clean.png  Deep Clean Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 112 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Point Blank Circle around the user 6y
Deals physical damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Grants one stack of Spick-and-span for each enemy afflicted with Begrimed. The Begrimed effect is also removed.
Maximum Stacks: 6
Spick-and-span Effect: Regen
Cure Potency: 50
Cure potency increases up to 300 based on your accumulated stacks of Spick-and-span.
Duration: 15s
Additional stacks of Spick-and-span accumulated while the effect is active will not affect duration.
Ruby Dynamics.png  Ruby Dynamics Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 113 1 Spell 300 2s 30s Range icon.png 0y
Conal AoE in front of the user 12y
Deals physical damage with a potency of 220 to all enemies before you.
Shares a recast timer with Chelonian Gate and The Rose of Destruction.
Divination Rune.png  Divination Rune Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 114 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Conal AoE in front of the user 15y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 100 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Additional Effect: Restores MP
Dimensional Shift.png  Dimensional Shift Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 115 1 Spell 400 5s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 10y
Delivers an attack to all nearby enemies dealing damage equal to 30% of their current HP.
Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own.
Conviction Marcato.png  Conviction Marcato Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 116 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 25y
Deals unaspected damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Potency is increased to 440 when you are under the effect of Winged Redemption.
Force Field.png  Force Field Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 117 1 Spell 300 2s 120s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Grants either Physical Vulnerability Down or Magic Vulnerability Down.
Duration: 10s
Physical Vulnerability Down Effect: Reduces physical damage taken by 50%
Magic Vulnerability Down Effect: Reduces magic damage taken by 50%
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Winged Reprobation.png  Winged Reprobation Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 118 1 Spell 200 1s 90s Range icon.png 25y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 25y
Deals physical damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 300 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Grants one stack of Winged Reprobation and resets this action's recast timer
Maximum Stacks: 4
Execution at 3 stacks increases potency to 400 and grants one stack of Winged Reprobation, but recast timer will not be reset.
At maximum stacks, Winged Reprobation changes to Winged Redemption.
Winged Redemption Effect: Increases the potency of Conviction Marcato
Duration: 10s
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Laser Eye.png  Laser Eye Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 119 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 8y
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: 5-yalm knockback
Candy Cane.png  Candy Cane Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 120 1 Spell 400 1s 90s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 5y
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 250 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Lowers strength and dexterity attributes of target by 10%
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Restores 10% of maximum MP
Shares a recast timer with Magic Hammer.
Mortal Flame.png  Mortal Flame Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 121 1 Spell 500 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals fire damage over time with a potency of 40.
Only one effect inflicted by this action can be active at a time.
Has no effect on targets outside of combat.
Effect ends upon target leaving combat.
Sea Shanty.png  Sea Shanty Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 122 1 Ability 300 Instant 120s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 10y
Deals water damage with a potency of 500 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Potency increases to 1,000 during rain, showers, and thunderstorms
Apokalypsis.png  Apokalypsis Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 123 1 Ability 300 Instant 120s Range icon.png 0y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 25y
Delivers damage over time with a potency of 140 to all enemies in a straight line before you.
Duration: 10s
Effect ends upon using another action or moving (including facing a different direction).
Shares a recast timer with Being Mortal.
Being Mortal.png  Being Mortal Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 124 1 Ability 300 Instant 120s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 10y
Deals unaspected damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 800 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Shares a recast timer with Apokalypsis.

Magic Ranged DPS actions

Action Acquired Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Addle.png  Addle Magic Ranged DPS role.png Magical Ranged DPS 8 Ability Instant 90s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Lowers target's physical damage dealt by 5% and magic damage dealt by 10%.
Duration: 15s
Sleep.png  Sleep Magic Ranged DPS role.png Magical Ranged DPS 10 Spell 800 2.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 30y
Circle AoE around the action target 5y
Puts target and all nearby enemies to sleep.
Duration: 30s
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
Lucid Dreaming.png  Lucid Dreaming Magic Ranged DPS role.png Magical Ranged DPS
Healer role.png Healer
14 Ability Instant 60s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Gradually restores own MP.
Potency: 55
Duration: 21s
Swiftcast.png  Swiftcast Magic Ranged DPS role.png Magical Ranged DPS
Healer role.png Healer
18 Ability Instant 40s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Next spell is cast immediately.
Duration: 10s
Surecast.png  Surecast Magic Ranged DPS role.png Magical Ranged DPS
Healer role.png Healer
44 Ability Instant 120s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Spells can be cast without interruption.
Additional Effect: Nullifies most knockback and draw-in effects
Duration: 6s

PvP actions

Blue Mage is unable to participate in PvP and as a result, has no PvP actions.


PvE traits

Trait Acquired Quest requirement Level Effect
Learning.png  Learning Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 1 Infrequently grants the ability to discern the secrets of enemy actions wielded in battle and make them your own.
Maim and Mend.png  Maim and Mend (Blue Mage) Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 10 Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 10%.
Maim and Mend II.png  Maim and Mend II (Blue Mage) Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 20 Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 20%.
Maim and Mend III (Blue Mage).png  Maim and Mend III (Blue Mage) Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 30 Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 30%.
Maim and Mend IV (Blue Mage).png  Maim and Mend IV (Blue Mage) Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 40 Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 40%.
Maim and Mend V (Blue Mage).png  Maim and Mend V (Blue Mage) Blue Mage frame icon.png BLU 50 Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 50%.

Job Mechanics

Blue Mage has no Job Gauge nor any traditional combos. Stacking individual spell effects in creative ways is how Blue Mage deals its most effective damage.

Active Actions

Blue mage active actions1.png

Before spells can be set to your hotbar, they must first be selected as active actions. You can have up to 24 active actions at any given time.

  • Active actions cannot be changed during combat or during certain duties.

Active Sets

Active actions can also be saved together as a set. Up to five active sets can be saved.

  • The presently selected active set will not affect the layout of your hotbar.

Learning Spells

See also: Blue Mage Spells Learning Guide

Rather than gaining new actions by increasing in level, blue mages learn them from enemies. In order to do so, you must first witness an enemy perform a special attack in battle. Once it is defeated, you have a chance of acquiring the ability. You do not have to be hit by that spell. After defeating the enemy, you have a chance of learning that spell. The chance is determined by the rank of the spell. ★ is the easiest to learn while ★★★★★ is the hardest.

  • You don't need to be hit by the spell, only to see it cast.
  • If you're dead when the enemy is defeated, you will not learn the spell. This also applies to deaths due to Final Sting.png  Final Sting and Self-destruct.png  Self-destruct.
  • If one person in a party learns the spell, everyone in the party will also learn it.
  • Out of a duty, job level has no influence on when an action can be learned. There is no minimum level to learn a spell unless it is inside a duty. If a duty is level-synced (even when undersized), there is a 100% chance of learning the spell. If unsynced, the spell learning rate is dependent on the number of stars (estimates put ★★★★★ spell learning rates at 5%), but is not 100%.
  • There are two exceptions to the rule that spells learned unsync do not have a 100% drop rate: these are Mind Blast.png  Mind Blast (from Dungeon The Tam-Tara Deepcroft) and Glower.png  Glower (from Dungeon The Aurum Vale). These two are required by job quests, and will thus always drop.
  • You are also not guaranteed to learn a spell from a monster that uses it in a Masked Carnivale fight, even though they are synced duties.

Blue Magic Spellbook

Blue magic spellbook2.png

All spells you have learned are recorded in the Blue Magic Spellbook. The book also contains hints on how to acquire other spells.

Whalaqee Totems

A Whalaqee Totem is an item that teaches a Blue Mage a new Blue Magic Spell.

Wayward Gaheel Ja in Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:12.5 Y:12.9) is a NPC reward vendor that provides Whalaqee Totems.

Whalaqee Totems are unlocked on the vendor through certain Blue Mage achievements involving learning certain numbers of Blue Magic Spells and participation in the Masked Carnivale.

Totem Spell Achievement Requirements
Whalaqee off-guard totem icon1.png  Whalaqee Off-guard Totem Off-guard.png  Off-guard The more you know i icon1.png  The More You Know I Learn 5 Blue Mage Spells
Whalaqee mighty guard totem icon1.png  Whalaqee Mighty Guard Totem Mighty Guard.png  Mighty Guard The more you know ii icon1.png  The More You Know II Learn 10 Blue Mage Spells
Whalaqee white wind totem icon1.png  Whalaqee White Wind Totem White Wind.png  White Wind
Whalaqee transfusion totem icon1.png  Whalaqee Transfusion Totem Transfusion.png  Transfusion The more you know iii icon1.png  The More You Know III Learn 20 Blue Mage Spells
Whalaqee revenge blast totem icon1.png  Whalaqee Revenge Blast Totem Revenge Blast.png  Revenge Blast The more you know vi icon1.png  The More You Know VI Learn 50 Blue Mage Spells
Whalaqee matra magic totem icon1.png  Whalaqee Matra Magic Totem Matra Magic.png  Matra Magic The more you know viii icon1.png  The More You Know VIII Learn 100 Blue Mage Spells
Whalaqee dragon force totem icon1.png  Whalaqee Dragon Force Totem Dragon Force.png  Dragon Force
Whalaqee force field totem icon1.png  Whalaqee Force Field Totem Force Field.png  Force Field The more you know ix icon1.png  The More You Know IX Learn 120 Blue Mage Spells
Whalaqee moon flute totem icon1.png  Whalaqee Moon Flute Totem Moon Flute.png  Moon Flute Smokin' iii icon1.png  Smokin' III Clear 10 Stages at the Masked Carnivale
Whalaqee doom totem icon1.png  Whalaqee Doom Totem Doom.png  Doom Smokin' v icon1.png  Smokin' V Clear 20 Stages at the Masked Carnivale
Whalaqee angel whisper totem icon1.png  Whalaqee Angel Whisper Totem Angel Whisper.png  Angel Whisper Smokin' vii icon1.png  Smokin' VII Clear 30 Stages at the Masked Carnivale
Whalaqee angels snack totem icon1.png  Whalaqee Angel's Snack Totem Angel's Snack.png  Angel's Snack Da ba dee vii icon1.png  Da Ba Dee VII Achieve blue mage level 70.
Whalaqee breath of magic totem icon1.png  Whalaqee Breath of Magic Totem Breath of Magic.png  Breath of Magic Da ba dee viii icon1.png  Da Ba Dee VIII Achieve blue mage level 80.


  • The Blue Mage job does not provide a quest or an in-game notification that you have unlocked a Whalaqee Totem on the vendor.
  • The Wayward Gaheel Ja NPC does not list Whalaqee Totems that you have not unlocked.

Blue Mage Activities

The Masked Carnivale

A series of solo battles exclusively for blue mages, the Masked Carnivale offers a range of opponents on which to test their skills, earning rewards in the process. Completing certain Masked Carnivale stages is required to progress in the blue mage job quests.

Blue Mage Log

The blue mage log allows you to form parties with other blue mages and participate in specific duties.

How to Unlock

Requires Blue Mage Level 60

Complete the blue mage quest Feature QuestBlue in the Face and learn the blue magic spell Frog Legs.png  Frog Legs.

How to Participate

From the log, you may view a list of available duties, recruit party members, and commence duties. Please note that the completion of duties will only count towards blue mage log progress if the party meets the size requirements. For this reason, it is recommended that you avoid using the "Undersized Party" option.

Available Duties

Successfully completing duties listed in the blue mage log will mark them as complete, provided that you fulfill the requirements.

Various rewards will be granted upon completion of these duties. Greater rewards are earned the first time a duty is completed via the blue mage log.

Weekly Targets

Greater rewards are given for completing duties marked as weekly targets, which are marked with a silver star.

  • The additional rewards for a weekly target can only be earned once per week.
  • Weekly targets are reset every Tuesday at 12:00 a.m. (PST).

Prime Targets

In addition to the standard weekly target, marked with a silver star in the list of duties, there is also a prime target, marked with a gold star. While the prime target offers increased rewards, the difficulty is significantly higher. The duties selected as prime targets are not otherwise accessible via the blue mage log.

Extreme Trials and Savage Raids

Completing extreme trials and the final encounter of a savage raid tier with a full party of blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off, will fulfill achievements that reward exclusive titles and the Morbol mount icon1.png  Morbol mount.


This job is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Da ba dee i icon1.png  Da Ba Dee I 5 Achieve blue mage level 10. - 4.5
Da ba dee ii icon1.png  Da Ba Dee II 5 Achieve blue mage level 20. - 4.5
Da ba dee iii icon1.png  Da Ba Dee III 5 Achieve blue mage level 30. - 4.5
Da ba dee iv icon1.png  Da Ba Dee IV 5 Achieve blue mage level 40. - 4.5
Da ba dee v icon1.png  Da Ba Dee V 5 Achieve blue mage level 50. - 4.5
Da ba dee vi icon1.png  Da Ba Dee VI 5 Achieve blue mage level 60. - 5.15
Da ba dee vii icon1.png  Da Ba Dee VII 5 Achieve blue mage level 70. - 5.45
Da ba dee viii icon1.png  Da Ba Dee VIII 5 Achieve blue mage level 80. - 6.45
The more you know i icon1.png  The More You Know I 5 Learn 5 blue mage spells. - 4.5
The more you know ii icon1.png  The More You Know II 5 Learn 10 blue mage spells. - 4.5
The more you know iii icon1.png  The More You Know III 5 Learn 20 blue mage spells. - 4.5
The more you know iv icon1.png  The More You Know IV 5 Learn 30 blue mage spells. Achievement title icon.png Blue Blood 4.5
The more you know v icon1.png  The More You Know V 5 Learn 40 blue mage spells. - 4.5
The more you know vi icon1.png  The More You Know VI 5 Learn 50 blue mage spells. - 5.15
The more you know vii icon1.png  The More You Know VII 5 Learn 80 blue mage spells. Achievement title icon.png Blue to the Bone 5.15
The more you know viii icon1.png  The More You Know VIII 5 Learn 100 blue mage spells. - 5.45
The more you know ix icon1.png  The More You Know IX 5 Learn 120 blue mage spells. - 6.45
Jack of all trades i icon1.png  Jack of All Trades I 5 Complete 5 types of routine mission in the Blue Mage Log. - 5.15
Jack of all trades ii icon1.png  Jack of All Trades II 5 Complete 20 types of routine mission in the Blue Mage Log. - 5.15
Jack of all trades iii icon1.png  Jack of All Trades III 5 Complete 50 types of routine mission in the Blue Mage Log. Achievement title icon.png Blue Luminary 5.15
Jack of all trades iv icon1.png  Jack of All Trades IV 5 Complete 90 types of routine mission in the Blue Mage Log. Achievement title icon.png Blue Ranger 5.45
Jack of all trades v icon1.png  Jack of All Trades V 5 Complete 110 types of routine mission in the Blue Mage Log. Achievement title icon.png Blueblazer 6.45
Mightier than the inferno icon1.png  Mightier than the Inferno 5 Complete the Bowl of Embers (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15
Mightier than the crag icon1.png  Mightier than the Crag 5 Complete the Navel (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15
Mightier than the vortex icon1.png  Mightier than the Vortex 5 Complete the Howling Eye (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15
Mightier than the king icon1.png  Mightier than the King 5 Complete Thornmarch (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15
Mightier than the whorl icon1.png  Mightier than the Whorl 5 Complete the Whorleater (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15
Mightier than levin icon1.png  Mightier than Levin 5 Complete the Striking Tree (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15
Mightier than the frost icon1.png  Mightier than the Frost 5 Complete the Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15
Mightier than the dragon icon1.png  Mightier than the Dragon 5 Complete the Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5 with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15
Mightier than the raven icon1.png  Mightier than the Raven 5 Complete the Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15
Mightier than the dreadwyrm icon1.png  Mightier than the Dreadwyrm 5 Complete the Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15
Mightier than the hive icon1.png  Mightier than the Hive 5 Complete Thok ast Thok (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15
Mightier than the expanse icon1.png  Mightier than the Expanse 5 Complete the Limitless Blue (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15
Mightier than the round icon1.png  Mightier than the Round 5 Complete the Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. Achievement title icon.png Masked of the Round 5.15
Mightier than the fiend icon1.png  Mightier than the Fiend 5 Complete Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15
Mightier than the horde icon1.png  Mightier than the Horde 5 Complete the Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15
Mightier than the goddess icon1.png  Mightier than the Goddess 5 Complete Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15
Mightier than the demon icon1.png  Mightier than the Demon 5 Complete Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15
Mightier than the manipulator icon1.png  Mightier than the Manipulator 5 Complete Alexander - The Burden of the Father (Savage) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15
Mightier than justice icon1.png  Mightier than Justice 5 Complete Alexander - The Burden of the Son (Savage) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15
Mightier than the prime icon1.png  Mightier than the Prime 5 Complete Alexander - The Soul of the Creator (Savage) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15
Blue unchained icon1.png  Blue Unchained 10 Obtain the achievements Mightier than the Dragon, Mightier than the Raven, and Mightier than the Dreadwyrm. Achievement title icon.png Unbound Blue 5.15
Masked conqueror icon1.png  Masked Conqueror 10 Obtain the achievements Mightier than the Manipulator, Mightier than Justice, and Mightier than the Prime. Achievement title icon.png Blue Justice 5.15
True blue icon1.png  True Blue 10 Obtain the achievements Blue Unchained and Masked Conqueror. Morbol horn icon1.png  Morbol Horn 5.15
Mightier than the revel icon1.png  Mightier than the Revel 5 Complete the Pool of Tribute (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.45
Mightier than bliss icon1.png  Mightier than Bliss 5 Complete Emanation (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.45
Mightier than the worm icon1.png  Mightier than the Worm 5 Complete the Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.45
Mightier than the moon icon1.png  Mightier than the Moon 5 Complete the Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.45
Mightier than the white icon1.png  Mightier than the White 5 Complete the Jade Stoa (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.45
Mightier than the vermilion icon1.png  Mightier than the Vermilion 5 Complete Hells' Kier (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.45
Mightier than the azure icon1.png  Mightier than the Azure 5 Complete the Wreath of Snakes (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.45
Mightier than the delta icon1.png  Mightier than the Delta 5 Complete Deltascape V4.0 (Savage) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.45
Mightier than the sigma icon1.png  Mightier than the Sigma 5 Complete Sigmascape V4.0 (Savage) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.45
Mightier than the alpha icon1.png  Mightier than the Alpha 5 Complete Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.45
Omega blue icon1.png  Omega Blue 10 Obtain the achievements Mightier than the Delta, Mightier than the Sigma, and Mightier than the Alpha. Achievement title icon.png The Azure and Omega 5.45
Mightier than the monarch icon1.png  Mightier than the Monarch 5 Complete the Dancing Plague (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 6.45
Mightier than perfection icon1.png  Mightier than Perfection 5 Complete the Crown of the Immaculate (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 6.45
Mightier than the underworld icon1.png  Mightier than the Underworld 5 Complete the Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 6.45
Mightier than ruby icon1.png  Mightier than Ruby 5 Complete the Cinder Drift (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 6.45
Mightier than emerald icon1.png  Mightier than Emerald 5 Complete Castrum Marinum (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 6.45
Mightier than diamond icon1.png  Mightier than Diamond 5 Complete the Cloud Deck (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 6.45
Mightier than the gate icon1.png  Mightier than the Gate 5 Complete Eden's Gate: Sepulture (Savage) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 6.45
Mightier than the verse icon1.png  Mightier than the Verse 5 Complete Eden's Verse: Refulgence (Savage) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 6.45
Mightier than the promise icon1.png  Mightier than the Promise 5 Complete Eden's Promise: Eternity (Savage) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 6.45
Bluetopia icon1.png  Bluetopia 10 Obtain the achievements “Mightier than the Gate,” “Mightier than the Verse,” and “Mightier than the Promise.” Achievement title icon.png Forbidden Blue 6.45
Smokin' i icon1.png  Smokin' I 5 Complete a single stage at the Masked Carnivale. - 4.5
Smokin' ii icon1.png  Smokin' II 5 Complete 5 stages at the Masked Carnivale. - 4.5
Smokin' iii icon1.png  Smokin' III 5 Complete 10 stages at the Masked Carnivale. - 4.5
Smokin' iv icon1.png  Smokin' IV 5 Complete 15 stages at the Masked Carnivale. - 4.5
Smokin' v icon1.png  Smokin' V 5 Complete 20 stages at the Masked Carnivale. - 4.5
Smokin' vi icon1.png  Smokin' VI 5 Complete 25 stages at the Masked Carnivale. Achievement title icon.png Mask of the Blue 4.5
Smokin' vii icon1.png  Smokin' VII 5 Complete 30 stages at the Masked Carnivale. - 5.15
The harder they fall icon1.png  The Harder They Fall 10 Achieve the "Giant Slayer" feat at the Masked Carnivale. - 4.5
Octopath traveler icon1.png  Octopath Traveler 10 Achieve the "Trouble with Tentacles" feat at the Masked Carnivale. - 4.5
Something borrowed icon1.png  Something Borrowed 10 Achieve the "Perfect Blue" feat at the Masked Carnivale. Achievement title icon.png Perfect Blue 4.5
None more blue icon1.png  None More Blue 10 Achieve the "The Celestium's Finest" feat at the Masked Carnivale. Achievement title icon.png Champion of the Blue 5.15
Violets are violet icon1.png  Violets Are Violet 10 Achieve the "Pure Azure" feat at the Masked Carnivale. Achievement title icon.png Of the Truest Blue 5.45
All that glitters is blue icon1.png  All That Glitters Is Blue 10 Achieve the “Going for Gold” feat at the Masked Carnivale. Achievement title icon.png Glitterier than Goldor 6.45

Notable Blue Mages



A Blue Mage's Panoply

Form & Function

While similar in many ways to the garb of other magical practitioners, the dress of a blue mage is most notably informed by its eponymous color. This is thought to be of considerable significance to the Whalaqee originators of blue magic practices, as it is associated with ceruleum—"lifeblood of the planet"—the bountiful Lapis Canyon, and the garb that their people typically wear. Ever zealous in his mission to import Whalaqee traditions to Eorzea wholesale, Martyn has therefore adorned both himself and his protégés in the azure preferred by his mentors. While the finer cultural details may not be conveyed to those of us an ocean away through appearance alone, the blue mages' flamboyant apparel has at least left an impression, as those who frequent the Masked Carnivale can attest.

Encyclopædia Eorzea Volume III, p. 254

See also

External links