The Look
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The Look
“Deals unaspected damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Increased enmity— In-game description
The Look is an action unlocked at level 1. It is available for Blue Mage.
Flavor Text
Common amongst dahaks, this technique requires using the position of one's own eyes to anchor arcane geometries in which to concentrate aether. The user then expels the aether, propelled by ill will, in the direction of his gaze─though this tends to earn him a fair bit of ire in return.
Open World
- Level 45 Denizen of the Dark in
Necrologos: The Liminal Ones Levequest in Mor Dhona (x29,y12)
- Anantaboga from level 50 Dungeon
Amdapor Keep
Acquisition Tips
- For the Levequest, talk to K'leytai in Mor Dhona (x29,y12). After you collect all the pages, Denizen of the Dark will appear. It will use The Look soon after.
- The Look is used by Anantaboga in the beginning of the battle.
Other Tips
- This spell can be used for enmity generation while tanking. However, White Wind is generally much more effective for that, especially while Mighty Guard is active.