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Rain is a Normal Weather Condition.
Additional Information
- Description: Rainy
- Formerly known as "Rainy"
- The Azim Steppe
- Zadnor
- The Bozjan Southern Front
- Central Shroud
- Central Thanalan
- The Crystarium
- The Doman Enclave
- The Dravanian Hinterlands
- East Shroud
- Eastern La Noscea
- Eastern Thanalan
- The Empty
- The Endeavor
- Eulmore
- Old Gridania
- New Gridania
- Idyllshire
- Kugane
- Il Mheg
- Kholusia
- Lakeland
- Ul'dah - Steps of Thal
- Ul'dah - Steps of Nald
- Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
- Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks
- Lower La Noscea
- Middle La Noscea
- North Shroud
- Outer La Noscea
- The Rak'tika Greatwood
- Western Thanalan
- Yanxia