Peripheral Synthesis
Peripheral Synthesis
“Deals physical damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Potency increased to 400 when target becomes afflicted with Lightheaded.
Additional Effect: Inflicts Lightheaded
Duration: 5s
Repeated use of this action in a short period will reduce the additional effect's duration, eventually rendering targets immune to Lightheaded.— In-game description
Peripheral Synthesis is an action unlocked at level 1. It is available for Blue Mage.
Related actions
Flavor Text
Omega's power reigned supreme within the interdimensional rift, allowing it to access a store of collected data and synthesize all manner of entities and objects─including giant, rocket-propelled fists of unyielding metal.
- Omega (Hands in Normal) from
Alphascape V3.0
Acquisition Tips
- Most bosses are immune to Lightheaded.
Other Tips
- Combos with Mustard Bomb.
Patch 5.45 (2021-02-01): Added.