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The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the level 70 challenge-mode trial. For the story-mode Main Scenario trial, see Castrum Fluminis.


The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain

The Minstrel's Ballad Tsukuyomi's Pain Image.png
70 (Sync: 70)
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
60 minutes
Duty Finder
High-end Trials (Stormblood)
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 20 
Req. quest
Feature quest Songs in the Key of Kugane
Castrum Fluminis
Stone, Sky, Sea
The echo icon1.png The Echo
On wipe: +5% (max +25%)

Upon hearing of your final encounter with Yotsuyu -- and the primal to whom she surrendered her will -- the wandering minstrel composes a tanka tinged with sorrow. Had Yotsuyu been born in a different time, a different place, would she have lived a simple life unsullied by acts of violence and cruelty? Or were the seeds of villainy always there, their growth merely hastened by circumstance? These questions bring to mind Tsukuyomi's overwhelming malice, your memories now suffused by the tragedy of the minstrel's verse...

— In-game description

The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain is a level 70 trial introduced in patch 4.3 with Stormblood.

To unlock this you need to have completed the normal version Castrum Fluminis which requires the Main Scenario Quest The Primary Agreement


The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain

Aggressive difficulty r6.png The Lady of the Moon: Tsukuyomi

First Phase (100%-80%)

Reprimand: A raid-wide AoE that deals medium damage.

Nightfall: After the cast goes off, Tsukuyomi will pull out either her gun or her spear. Look at her model to see which weapon she is holding, listen for the audio cues, and/or read the pop-up text box. The first cast of Nightfall will be either a gun or a spear; the second cast will be whichever weapon was not used for the first cast (e.g. if the first cast is a gun, the second cast will be a spear).

  • If the weapon is a gun, she will say "Beg for mercy!" and use Lead of the Underworld. The party must stack together to soak the damage.
  • If the weapon is a spear, she will say "Your end is near..." and use Steel of the Underworld three times in succession on three players, one from each role (tank, healer, DPS). The party must separate into three groups by role, as getting hit by more than one cleave will deal lethal damage. It is recommended to have both tanks stack up in front of the boss, then have the healers and DPS stack up on opposite sides behind her.

Nightbloom.png  Nightbloom: This marks the transition to the adds phase, cast when Tsukuyomi is at 80% health. This raid-wide AoE Stun icon1.png stuns the party and deals heavy damage.

Boss Rotation: Reprimand --> Nightfall (Gun/Spear) --> Nightfall (Spear/Gun) --> Reprimand --> Nightbloom.png  Nightbloom (at 80%)

Adds Phase

There will be three sets of adds to deal with in this phase. Damage dealt to Yotsuyu by these adds will increase her Suffering gauge; letting the gauge hit 100 will lead to a wipe.

Have a tank pick up all non-tethered adds: Specters of the Homeland and Specters of the Empire. All other party members should focus on the non-tankable adds tethered to Yotsuyu: Specter of the Patriarch, Specter of the Matriarch, Specter of Asahi, and Specter of Zenos. The third set of adds will start with the Specter of Zenos casting of Concentrativity, knocking the party back, inflicting a 10-second Down for the count icon1.png Down for the Count, and dealing mild raid-wide damage. He will also deal medium raid-wide damage every few seconds by casing Dispersivity, so deal with him quickly.

After all three sets of adds are killed, she will cast a raid-wide AoE that deals heavy damage. Shield and heal through as necessary.

Second Phase (80%-35%)

Supreme Selenomancy: Each party member will be randomly assigned a debuff -- either Moonlit or Moonshadowed. Standing on the white side of the floor's moon will inflict a stack of Moonlit every 5 seconds, while standing on black side will inflict a stack of Moonshadowed every 5 seconds. Reaching 5 stacks of either buff will inflict the player with Doom, and kill them near-instantly. To avoid this, players will need to juggle their debuff accordingly.

As the debuff is initially applied with 4 stacks, players must immediately move after the cast to the side of the arena opposite to that which gives their debuff (e.g. having Moonlit means the player must stand where the moon is black such that they get the Moonshadowed buff). At the same time, non-targetable Moonlights will appear on one side of the arena and begin to cast a donut AoE called Lunar Halo. Dodge as necessary.

After the Lunar Halo casts resolve, the arena will change such that one color will be more prominent than that other. Slowly the less-prominent color will disappear, meaning players will need to be extra careful with their debuff management.

Meteor: This unnamed attack targets three players (the off-tank, a healer, and a DPS) a large red/purple marker over their heads immediately after Nightfall goes off. After a short amount of time, meteors (black or white, based on which part of the floor they land on) will fall where each player was standing and start casting a very large circle AoE. Meteors will explode and deal significant damage if placed too close together, so players will want to coordinate placement of the meteors such that they land in three of the four cardinal directions, leaving a small safe spot where no meteor was dropped. Run to the safe area and stay there while the Lunar Halos go off, as the meteors will go off a second time before leaving behind puddles matching the color of the meteor. Stand in the appropriately-colored puddle to survive Antitwilight/Perilune.

Midnight Rain: Randomly changes the arena to be either fully white or fully black and grants Tsukuyomi the buff Full Moon or New Moon, respectively.

  • Antitwilight: Used exclusively when Tsukuyomi is under the effect of Full Moon. Deals light raid-wide damage to all players with the "Veil of Shadow", but lethal damage to those without.
  • Perilune: Used exclusively when Tsukuyomi is under the effect of New Moon. Deals light raid-wide damage to all players with the "Veil of Light", but lethal damage to those without.

Zashiki-asobi: Spawns two sets of Dancing Fans that explode with circular AoEs. The first set (which includes a center fan) will go off first, so have the party stand in the areas covered by the second set before moving into the first set after they explode.

Torment Unto Death: This attack will cleave on the main tank and apply a Magic Vulnerability Up/Physical Vulnerability Up. This forces a tank swap.

Boss Rotation: Supreme Selenomancy --> Nightfall (Gun) --> Meteor --> Midnight Rain --> Antitwilight/Perilune --> Reprimand --> Zashiki-asobi --> Nightfall (Gun/Spear) --> Torment Unto Death --> Supreme Selenomancy --> Nightfall (Spear) --> Meteor --> Midnight Rain --> Antitwilight/Perilune --> Reprimand --> Zashiki-asobi --> Nightfall (Gun/Spear) --> Torment Unto Death

Third Phase (35%-0%)

Dance of the Dead: A heavy raid-wide attack that indicates the start of the third phase.

Full Moon: Indicated by a pop-up text box mentioning the "full moon", Tsukuyomi becomes white and gains the buff Full Moon, which causes her to use Waxing Grudge -- a melee-ranged circular AoE that inflicts a stack of Damage Down icon1.png Damage Down -- with all Bright Blades and Dark Blades. Stand away from the boss to avoid this.

New Moon: Indicated by a pop-up text box mentioning the "new moon", Tsukuyomi becomes black and gains the buff New Moon, which causes her to use Waning Grudge -- a donut AoE around the boss that inflicts a stack of Damage Down icon1.png Damage Down -- with all Bright Blades and Dark Blades. Stand next to the boss to avoid this.

Bright Blade: A large AoE that covers Tsukuyomi's left side and rear. Also inflicts a stack of Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up and Damage Down icon1.png Damage Down. Avoid this by standing to her right side. Must be dodged at the same time as Full Moon or New Moon.

Dark Blade: A large AoE that covers Tsukuyomi's right side and rear. Also inflicts a stack of Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up and Damage Down icon1.png Damage Down. Avoid this by standing to her left side. Must be dodged at the same time as Full Moon or New Moon.

Lunacy: A stack marker is placed on one player, and soon after hits that player four times with damage that must be soaked by the party.

Hagetsu: Places a red marker over one tank, one healer, and one DPS. Deals medium splash damage to each target, so spread accordingly.

Tsuki-no-Kakera: Places a set of Dancing Fans in a circle around the arena, and one in the center. In succession, they will cast the circular AoE called Tsuki-no-Maiogi. Have party members stand in the Dancing Fan placed on the battlefield last; as soon as the center fan goes off, run in.

Boss Rotation: Dance of the Dead --> New Moon/Full Moon --> Bright Blade/Dark Blade --> New Moon/Full Moon --> Bright Blade/Dark Blade --> Reprimand --> New Moon/Full Moon --> Lunacy + Tsuki-no-Kakera --> Bright Blade/Dark Blade --> Torment Unto Death --> New Moon/Full Moon --> Hagetsu + Zashiki-asobi --> Bright Blade/Dark Blade --> Reprimand --> Reprimand --> Lunacy + Tsuki-no-Kakera...

Lunacy (enrage): A stack AoE will continue to strike party members until the party wipes.


See also: Tsukuyomi's Weapons

Gold Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Tsukuyomis paladin arms (il 365) icon1.png  Tsukuyomi's Paladin Arms (IL 365) Other N/A CBlue 1
Tsukuyomis greataxe icon1.png  Tsukuyomi's Greataxe Marauder's Arm 365 CBlue 1
Tsukuyomis odachi icon1.png  Tsukuyomi's Odachi Dark Knight's Arm 365 CBlue 1
Tsukuyomis lance icon1.png  Tsukuyomi's Lance Lancer's Arm 365 CBlue 1
Tsukuyomis crescents icon1.png  Tsukuyomi's Crescents Pugilist's Arm 365 CBlue 1
Tsukuyomis chokuto icon1.png  Tsukuyomi's Chokuto Samurai's Arm 365 CBlue 1
Tsukuyomis kunai icon1.png  Tsukuyomi's Kunai Rogue's Arm 365 CBlue 1
Tsukuyomis greatbow icon1.png  Tsukuyomi's Greatbow Archer's Arm 365 CBlue 1
Tsukuyomis revolver icon1.png  Tsukuyomi's Revolver Machinist's Arm 365 CBlue 1
Tsukuyomis rod icon1.png  Tsukuyomi's Rod Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 365 CBlue 1
Tsukuyomis grimoire icon1.png  Tsukuyomi's Grimoire Arcanist's Grimoire 365 CBlue 1
Tsukuyomis rapier icon1.png  Tsukuyomi's Rapier Red Mage's Arm 365 CBlue 1
Tsukuyomis cane icon1.png  Tsukuyomi's Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 365 CBlue 1
Tsukuyomis codex icon1.png  Tsukuyomi's Codex Scholar's Arm 365 CBlue 1
Tsukuyomis ephemeris icon1.png  Tsukuyomi's Ephemeris Astrologian's Arm 365 CBlue 1
Celestial kimono remnant icon1.png  Celestial Kimono Remnant Material N/A ABasic 1
Moonlit tank trimmings icon1.png  Moonlit Tank Trimmings Other N/A ABasic 1
Blue moon phasmascape icon1.png  Blue Moon Phasmascape Other N/A ABasic 1
Tsukuyomi weapon coffer (il 365) icon1.png  Tsukuyomi Weapon Coffer (IL 365) Other N/A ABasic 1
Lunar kamuy fife icon1.png  Lunar Kamuy Fife Other N/A ABasic 1
Faded copy of under the moonlight icon1.png  Faded Copy of Under the Moonlight Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Happy death day to who icon1.png  Happy Death Day To Who 10 Defeat Tsukuyomi in the Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain. - 4.3
Mightier than the moon icon1.png  Mightier than the Moon 5 Complete the Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.45
