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Abyssos: The Seventh Circle

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See also: Pandæmonium: Abyssos and Abyssos: The Seventh Circle (Savage)


Abyssos: The Seventh Circle

Abyssos The Seventh Circle.png
90 (Sync: 90)
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Normal Raids (Endwalker)
Normal Raids
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 10 
Req. quest
Feature quest Servant of Violence
The Gates of Pandaemonium (X:21.4, Y:22.0)
The Hollow Purgatory
The World Unsundered
Stone, Sky, Sea

Erichthonios's mind falls into the hands of the enemy, and he is spirited away to Tartaros, Pandæmonium's deepest circle. The only path to his rescue goes through Agdistis, whose magicks are peerless among the keywards─even moreso now that they have been augmented by Hephaistos's endless experimentation. To deliver her soul from suffering and bring Erichthonios to safety, you must face your most daunting foe yet.

— In-game description

Abyssos: The Seventh Circle is a level 90 raid introduced in patch 6.2 with Endwalker. The raid is also known as P7N.

Phases & Abilities

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Hemitheos: Agdistis

Raid Guide by MTQcapture

Please note that this arena has no border, and players can be knocked off and die instantly. Getting hit by any attack or mechanic will also result in a stack of Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up.


  • Bough of Attis: The boss will either attack the front two thirds of the arena with large AoEs or raise their hands over the arena and attack the back third with a massive AoE. If the boss attacks the front of the arena, they will follow up by dragging one of their hands across the arena in a diagonal, as indicated by arrows that appear in front of the hand. Getting hit by this will inflict players with Down for the count icon1.png Down for the Count, immobilizing them for a second, or it will knock players off the arena to their death.
  • Hemitheos's Holy: Each player will have an AoE appear beneath them shortly before detonating, dealing high damage. Overlapping these AoEs will cause extra damage and a Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up stack.
  • Hemitheos's Glare III: A massive donut AoE with a safe zone in the center of the platform.
  • Immortal's Obol: The boss will drop three safe zones on the northwest, northeast and south of the arena. The rest of the arena is a danger zone. Shortly after, the boss will destroy the arena, dropping to a new one below. Standing in the danger zone after the cast finishes will immediately kill a player.
  • Hemitheos's Aero II: High damage tankbuster that targets both tanks (or the highest enmity players if a tank is dead) with large AoEs. Any player hit by these AoEs other than the tanks will die.
  • Spark of Life: High damage roomwide AoE that inflicts a Bleed icon1.png Bleed debuff.
  • Forbidden Fruit: Summons untargetable adds to the arena. If the Immature Io appears, it will perform Static Moon, an AoE that fills the entire small platform with a high damage AoE. If the Immature Stymphalide appears, it will perform Stymphalide Strike, a straight line AoE charge across a bridge to the opposite platform. Later in the fight these will appear together.
  • Blades of Attis: Large moving AoE markers will appear on two of the three platforms, then slowly move in a straight line across to the opposite edge of the other platform. Getting hit by this deals heavy damage and a Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up debuff.
  • Burst: Four meteor markers will appear, one on the northeast and northwest platforms, and two on the southern platform. If each one has a player in it, the attack will deal negligible damage. If one doesn't have a player in it, the attack will become Big Burst, dealing massive damage, scaling up for each circle that doesn't have a player in it.
  • Hemitheos's Aero IV: A massive knockback marker will appear on one of the platforms. Players must reach close to the center of it and align with a bridge or use knockback mitigation to avoid getting thrown from the arena.


The boss begins with Boughs of Attis, dropping two large AoEs on the northern half of the arena. From one of the boss' two hands, arrows will appear, indicating that hand will move across the arena in a wide AoE, knocking players off the arena. Players should move to the front of the opposite hand, past the arrows to avoid. The boss will then cast Hemitheos's Holy, requiring each player to spread out, then move to the center once the attack resolves. The boss will follow this up with Hemitheos's Glare III, requiring everyone to move in to the center. Following this, players should move to the northern edge of the arena to avoid another Bough of Attis, then back to the southern edge to avoid the first version of the same attack, dodging the sweeping hand as before.

The boss will then cast Immortal's Obol, destroying the arena. Players must be within the safe zone when the cast finishes, or they will not survive the attack. Players will fall to the new arena and bridges will appear to connect the platforms. The boss will perform another Boughs of Attis, and players will have to move across the bridge to the correct hand to avoid getting pushed off once again. The boss will follow this up with Hemitheos's Aero II, a large AoE tankbuster on both tanks. Tanks should move to different platforms to avoid creating a massive danger zone for the rest of the party. Mitigation and healing is required here. Next, the boss will use Spark of Life, an unavoidable roomwide AoE that inflicts Bleed icon1.png Bleed on all players.

The boss will then use Forbidden Fruit, spawning an untargetable creature on each platform. For the first use of this attack, there will be three Immature Ios. Each one will use Static Moon, an AoE that fills the entire platform. Players must move onto the bridges to avoid. Once the adds disappear, the boss will use Blades of Attis, summoning two sets of slow moving AoEs on two of the platforms that will move in a straight line across the arena to the opposite edge of the other platform. Players will need to move out of the way of these, staying out of their path to avoid repeated damage and multiple stacks of Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up. The boss will use Forbidden Fruit again, summoning three Immature Stymphalide that will use Stymphalide Strike, charging in a straight line across the bridges and through the center of the adjoining platform. Each platform has a safe zone on either edge, but it is narrow, so players should be careful not to fall off. The boss will use another Hemitheos's Glare III, and the platform will return to normal. Players can only move into the safe zone of the attack when the message "The shape of the platform changes!" appears on screen, otherwise they will fall to their death. Moving too late will result in high damage and a Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up stack.

Once the AoE resolves, the boss will use another Blades of Attis, this time with three sets of AoEs. This is much easier to dodge, however. After the second AoE fires, players can simply move to the edge of the arena where it originated and stand there to completely avoid the attack. The boss will use another Bough of Attis. Players should move to the southern edge as before, and dodge to the appropriate hand to avoid getting knocked off. this will be followed up by a combination of Hemitheos's Holy and Forbidden Fruit, summoning the Immature Ios again. Players will have to space out carefully to avoid taking any damage. The boss will destroy the arena again and players will return to the bridged platforms.

Here the boss will use both Bough of Attis, striking the southern platform, and Forbidden Fruit, summoning two of the Immature Stymphalides who will charge towards each other. Players will need to move to one of the two other platforms and position themselves to dodge the two line AoEs. It should be noted that the size of the Bough of Attis AoE will overlap with the bridges and part of the other platforms, so players should move to the northernmost edge of the platforms to avoid damage. Another Hemitheos's Aero II on the tanks, followed by another Forbidden Fruit summoning three Immature Ios. The difference this time is that there will be meteor circles on each platform; one on the northeast and northwest platforms, and two on the southern platform. Players must wait for the Ios to finish their attack and then immediately move to fill the circles. There can be more than one player per circle, but there can not be no one in any circle. One empty circle will deal heavy damage, and two empty circles will almost definitely wipe the raid. This will be followed by another Bough of Attis, requiring players to move to the correct bridge to avoid being pushed off the arena. The boss will use three Spark of Life, then Forbidden Fruit, summoning two Immature Stymphalide and one Immature Io. The Immature Stymphalide will be offset on the edge of the arena, and on one of them a massive knockback AoE will spawn. Players must use knockback mitigation or align themselves with the bridges to avoid being thrown from the arena, however this will result in damage and a Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up stack, as the attacks from the other adds fill either the platform or the entire bridge. Another Blades of Attis followed immediately by Hemitheos's Holy, a Spark of Life and a Hemitheos's Aero II and the boss will cast Hemitheos's Glare III before the arena returns to normal.

From here, the fight will repeat, except the boss will no longer use Hemitheos's Aero IV, instead using a single Immature Io and an Immature Stymphalide, and Bough of Attis on the southern platform. This will continue until the boss is defeated.


Treasure Coffer 1

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Unsung helm of abyssos icon1.png  Unsung Helm of Abyssos Other N/A ABasic 1
Unsung armor of abyssos icon1.png  Unsung Armor of Abyssos Other N/A ABasic 1
Unsung chausses of abyssos icon1.png  Unsung Chausses of Abyssos Other N/A ABasic 1
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png  Unsung Ring of Abyssos Other N/A ABasic 1

Treasure Coffer 2

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Unsung armor of abyssos icon1.png  Unsung Armor of Abyssos Other N/A ABasic 1
Unsung gauntlets of abyssos icon1.png  Unsung Gauntlets of Abyssos Other N/A ABasic 1
Unsung chausses of abyssos icon1.png  Unsung Chausses of Abyssos Other N/A ABasic 1
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png  Unsung Ring of Abyssos Other N/A ABasic 1

Treasure Coffer 3

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Scream orchestrion roll icon1.png  Scream Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1


Themis: Is this what became of the keyward? How dreadful...
Agdistis: If you will not leave... Then YOU shall become MINE!
Agdistis: I am...Agdistis? Yes...and this is my vessel. Have I been gifted new test subjects?
Agdistis: The light shall blind!
Themis: She means to send you plummeting into the abyss. Allow me to soften your landing.
The platform crumbles!
New platforms appear!
A foothold is magicked from thin air!
Lahabrea: Perhaps you require more room for heroics.
Agdistis: Begone from my sight or suffer...SUFFER!
Lahabrea: I sense convergences of aether... Beware what they may spawn!
Twisted life-forms emerge from the fruit!
Twisted life-forms emerge from the fruit!
Agdistis: Leave me to my research, or be...become...
Themis: I shall give you ground on which to fight, but you must move deftly!
The shape of the platforms changes!
Twisted life-forms emerge from the fruit!
Esteem withdraws from the battlefield.
Themis: She knows only destruction... I shall do my best to keep up with her rage!
The platform crumbles!
New platforms appear!
A foothold is magicked from thin air!
Twisted life-forms emerge from the fruit!
Twisted life-forms emerge from the fruit!
Twisted life-forms emerge from the fruit!
