
From Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki
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 Has canonical nameHas appearanceHas raceHas aggression rankLocated in
129th Order Priest129th Order PriestKobolds1Outer La Noscea
12th Legion Armored Weapon12th Legion Armored Weapon12th Legion Armored Weapon.jpgForgekin2
12th Legion Avenger12th Legion Avenger12th Legion Avenger.jpgForgekin2Castrum Abania
12th Legion Bit12th Legion Bit12th Legion Bit.jpgForgekin2Castrum Abania
12th Legion Canis Pugnax12th Legion Canis Pugnax12th Legion Canis Pugnax.jpgBeastkin2Castrum Abania
12th Legion Centurion12th Legion Centurion12th Legion Centurion.jpgEnemy Humanoid2
12th Legion Colossus12th Legion Colossus12th Legion Colossus.jpgForgekin2
12th Legion Death Claw12th Legion Death Claw12th Legion Death Claw.jpgForgekin1Castrum Abania
12th Legion Eques12th Legion Eques12th Legion Eques.jpgEnemy Humanoid2
12th Legion Gunship12th Legion Gunship12th Legion Gunship.jpgForgekin1The Lochs
12th Legion Hastatus12th Legion HastatusEnemy Humanoid1The Fringes
12th Legion Hexadrone12th Legion Hexadrone12th Legion Hexadrone.jpgForgekin1
12th Legion Hoplomachus12th Legion Hoplomachus12th Legion Hoplomachus.jpgEnemy Humanoid2The Peaks
12th Legion Laquearius12th Legion Laquearius12th Legion Laquearius.jpgEnemy Humanoid2Rhalgr's Reach
12th Legion Optio12th Legion Optio12th Legion Optio.jpgEnemy Humanoid1Castrum Abania
12th Legion Packer12th Legion Packer12th Legion Packer.jpgForgekin1Castrum Abania
12th Legion Predator12th Legion Predator12th Legion Predator.jpgForgekin2
12th Legion Princeps12th Legion PrincepsEnemy Humanoid1The Fringes
12th Legion Reaper12th Legion ReaperForgekin1Rhalgr's Reach
12th Legion Rearguard12th Legion Rearguard12th Legion Rearguard.jpgForgekin1Castrum Abania
12th Legion Roader12th Legion Roader12th Legion Roader.jpgForgekin2Castrum Abania
12th Legion Secutor12th Legion SecutorEnemy Humanoid1Rhalgr's Reach
12th Legion Signifer12th Legion Signifer12th Legion Signifer.jpgEnemy Humanoid2Rhalgr's Reach
12th Legion Slasher12th Legion Slasher12th Legion Slasher.jpgForgekin1The Fringes
12th Legion Vanguard12th Legion Vanguard12th Legion Vanguard.jpgForgekin2The Lochs
13th Child13th Child13thChild.pngAshkin4Living Memory
13th Order Patrolman13th Order PatrolmanKobolds1Outer La Noscea
13th Order Priest13th Order PriestKobolds1Outer La Noscea
13th Order Quarryman13th Order QuarrymanKobolds1Outer La Noscea
13th Order Roundsman13th Order RoundsmanKobolds1Outer La Noscea
179th Order Fugleman179th Order FuglemanKobolds1Upper La Noscea
179th Order Prelate179th Order PrelateKobolds1Upper La Noscea
1st Cohort Eques1st Cohort EquesEnemy Humanoid1
1st Cohort Hoplomachus1st Cohort HoplomachusEnemy Humanoid1The Praetorium
1st Cohort Laquearius1st Cohort LaqueariusEnemy Humanoid1The Praetorium
1st Cohort Medicus1st Cohort MedicusEnemy Humanoid1The Praetorium
1st Cohort Primi Ordines1st Cohort Primi OrdinesEnemy Humanoid1The Praetorium
1st Cohort Sagittarius1st Cohort SagittariusEnemy Humanoid1The Praetorium
1st Cohort Secutor1st Cohort SecutorEnemy Humanoid1The Praetorium
1st Cohort Signifer1st Cohort SigniferEnemy Humanoid1The Praetorium
1st Maniple Centurion1st Maniple CenturionEnemy Humanoid1Azys Lla
1st Maniple Eques1st Maniple EquesEnemy Humanoid1Azys Lla
1st Maniple Imaginifer1st Maniple ImaginiferEnemy Humanoid1Azys Lla
1st Maniple Medicus1st Maniple MedicusEnemy Humanoid1Azys Lla
1st Maniple Sagittarius1st Maniple SagittariusEnemy Humanoid1Azys Lla
1st Maniple Signifer1st Maniple SigniferEnemy Humanoid1Azys Lla
2nd Cohort Eques2nd Cohort Eques2nd Cohort Eques.pngEnemy Humanoid1Eastern La Noscea
2nd Cohort Hoplomachus2nd Cohort Hoplomachus2nd Cohort Hoplomachus.pngEnemy Humanoid1Eastern La Noscea
2nd Cohort Laquearius2nd Cohort Laquearius2nd Cohort Laquearius.jpgEnemy Humanoid1Eastern La Noscea
2nd Cohort Optio2nd Cohort OptioEnemy Humanoid1Lower La Noscea
2nd Cohort Princeps2nd Cohort PrincepsEnemy Humanoid1Lower La Noscea
2nd Cohort Secutor2nd Cohort Secutor2nd Cohort Secutor.jpgEnemy Humanoid1Eastern La Noscea
2nd Cohort Signifer2nd Cohort Signifer2nd Cohort Signifer.pngEnemy Humanoid1Eastern La Noscea
2nd Cohort Vanguard2nd Cohort Vanguard2nd Cohort Vanguard.pngForgekin1Eastern La Noscea
2nd Maniple Bestiarius2nd Maniple BestiariusEnemy Humanoid1Azys Lla
2nd Maniple Medicus2nd Maniple MedicusEnemy Humanoid1Azys Lla
2nd Maniple Triarius2nd Maniple TriariusEnemy Humanoid1Azys Lla
2nd Maniple Veles2nd Maniple VelesEnemy Humanoid1Azys Lla
382nd Order Pickman Ge Bu382nd Order Pickman Ge BuKobolds1Upper La Noscea
3rd Cohort Bestarius3rd Cohort BestariusEnemy Humanoid1South Shroud
3rd Cohort Canis Pugnax3rd Cohort Canis Pugnax3rd Cohort Canis Pugnax.jpgBeastkin2
3rd Cohort Death Claw3rd Cohort Death ClawForgekin1South Shroud
3rd Cohort Decurion3rd Cohort DecurionEnemy Humanoid1South Shroud
3rd Cohort Eques3rd Cohort Eques3rd Cohort Eques.jpgEnemy Humanoid1East Shroud
3rd Cohort Funditor3rd Cohort FunditorEnemy Humanoid1South Shroud
3rd Cohort Hoplomachus3rd Cohort Hoplomachus3rd Cohort Hoplomachus.jpgEnemy Humanoid1East Shroud
3rd Cohort Imaginifer3rd Cohort ImaginiferEnemy Humanoid1South Shroud
3rd Cohort Laquearius3rd Cohort Laquearius3rd Cohort Laquearius.pngEnemy Humanoid1East Shroud
3rd Cohort Optio3rd Cohort Optio3rd Cohort Optio.jpgEnemy Humanoid1East Shroud
3rd Cohort Sagittarius3rd Cohort Sagittarius3rd Cohort Sagittarius.jpgEnemy Humanoid2Baelsar's Wall
3rd Cohort Secutor3rd Cohort Secutor3rd Cohort Secutor.jpgEnemy Humanoid1East Shroud
3rd Cohort Signifer3rd Cohort Signifer3rd Cohort Signifer.jpgEnemy Humanoid1East Shroud
3rd Cohort Vanguard3rd Cohort VanguardForgekin1East Shroud
426th Order Mendicant Zi Gu426th Order Mendicant Zi Gu426th Order Mendicant Zi Gu.pngKobolds1Eastern La Noscea
426th Order Pickman Bu Ga426th Order Pickman Bu GaKobolds4Lower La Noscea
4th Cohort Eques4th Cohort Eques4th Cohort Eques.jpgEnemy Humanoid1Western Thanalan
4th Cohort Hoplomachus4th Cohort Hoplomachus4th Cohort Hoplomachus.jpgEnemy Humanoid1Western Thanalan
4th Cohort Imaginifer4th Cohort ImaginiferEnemy Humanoid1Western Thanalan
4th Cohort Laquearius4th Cohort Laquearius4th Cohort Laquearius.jpgEnemy Humanoid1Western Thanalan
4th Cohort Secutor4th Cohort Secutor4th Cohort Secutor.pngEnemy Humanoid1Western Thanalan
4th Cohort Signifer4th Cohort Signifer4th Cohort Signifer.jpgEnemy Humanoid1Western Thanalan
4th Cohort Triarius4th Cohort TriariusEnemy Humanoid1Western Thanalan
4th Cohort Vanguard4th Cohort Vanguard4th Cohort Vanguard.jpgForgekin1Western Thanalan
4th Cohort War Hound4th Cohort War HoundBeastkin1Western Thanalan
4th Legion Aquilifer4th Legion Aquilifer4th Legion Aquilifer.jpgEnemy Humanoid6
4th Legion Armored Weapon4th Legion Armored Weapon4th Legion Armored Weapon.jpgForgekin1
4th Legion Avenger4th Legion Avenger4th Legion Avenger.jpgForgekin1
4th Legion Cavalry4th Legion Cavalry4th Legion Cavalry.jpgForgekin1Zadnor
4th Legion Colossus4th Legion Colossus4th Legion Colossus.jpgForgekin1Zadnor
4th Legion Death Claw4th Legion Death Claw4th Legion Death Claw.jpgForgekin1
4th Legion Death Machine4th Legion Death Machine4th Legion Death Machine.jpgForgekin1
4th Legion Gunship4th Legion Gunship4th Legion Gunship.jpgForgekin1
4th Legion Helldiver4th Legion Helldiver4th Legion Helldiver.jpgForgekin6
4th Legion Hexadrone4th Legion Hexadrone4th Legion Hexadrone.jpgForgekin1
4th Legion Imaginifer4th Legion Imaginifer4th Legion Imaginifer.jpg1The Bozjan Southern Front
4th Legion Infantry4th Legion Infantry4th Legion Infantry.jpgForgekin1Zadnor
4th Legion Nimrod4th Legion Nimrod4th Legion Nimrod.jpgForgekin1
4th Legion Rearguard4th Legion Rearguard4th Legion Rearguard.jpgForgekin1
4th Legion Roader4th Legion Roader4th Legion Roader.jpgForgekin1
4th Legion Satellite4th Legion Satellite4th Legion Satellite.jpgForgekin1Zadnor
4th Legion Scorpion4th Legion Scorpion4th Legion Scorpion.jpgForgekin1
4th Legion Sky Armor4th Legion Sky ArmorHumanoid Warmachina1The Bozjan Southern Front
4th Legion Slasher4th Legion Slasher4th Legion Slasher.jpgForgekin1
4th Legion Vanguard4th Legion Vanguard4th Legion Vanguard.jpgForgekin1
4th Legion Veles4th Legion Veles1The Bozjan Southern Front
4th-make Belias4th-make Belias4th-make Belias.jpgTransfigured6
4th-make Cuchulainn4th-make Cuchulainn4th-make Cuchulainn.jpgTransfigured6
4th-make Famfrit4th-make Famfrit4th-make Famfrit.jpgTransfigured6
4th-make Hashmal4th-make Hashmal4th-make Hashmal.jpgTransfigured6
4th-make Shemhazai4th-make Shemhazai4th-make Shemhazai.jpgTransfigured6
59th Order Bedesman Bi Go59th Order Bedesman Bi GoKobolds4Outer La Noscea
59th Order Matriarch Go Zu59th Order Matriarch Go ZuKobolds1Outer La Noscea
59th Order Pickman Be Ze59th Order Pickman Be ZeFfxiv 09082021 033536 661.pngKobolds1Outer La Noscea
59th Order Roundsman Ge Ga59th Order Roundsman Ge Ga59th Order Roundsman Ge Ga.pngKobolds1Outer La Noscea
5th Cohort Decurion5th Cohort DecurionEnemy Humanoid1Coerthas Central Highlands
5th Cohort Eques5th Cohort Eques5th Cohort Eques.jpgEnemy Humanoid1Mor Dhona
5th Cohort Evocatus5th Cohort EvocatusEnemy Humanoid1Mor Dhona
5th Cohort Hoplomachus5th Cohort Hoplomachus5th Cohort Hoplomachus.jpgEnemy Humanoid1Mor Dhona
5th Cohort Laquearius5th Cohort Laquearius5th Cohort Laquearius.pngEnemy Humanoid1Mor Dhona
5th Cohort Medicus5th Cohort MedicusEnemy Humanoid1Mor Dhona
5th Cohort Optio5th Cohort OptioEnemy Humanoid1Mor Dhona
5th Cohort Sagittarius5th Cohort SagittariusEnemy Humanoid1Coerthas Central Highlands
5th Cohort Secutor5th Cohort Secutor5th Cohort Secutor.jpgEnemy Humanoid1Mor Dhona
5th Cohort Signifer5th Cohort Signifer5th Cohort Signifer.pngEnemy Humanoid1Mor Dhona
5th Cohort Vanguard5th Cohort Vanguard5th Cohort Vanguard.jpgForgekin1Mor Dhona
6th Cohort Centurion6th Cohort Centurion6th Cohort Centurion.jpgEnemy Humanoid2
6th Cohort Colossus6th Cohort Colossus6th Cohort Colossus.jpgForgekin2
6th Cohort Eques6th Cohort Eques6th Cohort Eques.jpgEnemy Humanoid1Mor Dhona
6th Cohort Hoplomachus6th Cohort HoplomachusEnemy Humanoid3Mor Dhona
6th Cohort Laquearius6th Cohort Laquearius6th Cohort Laquearius.jpgEnemy Humanoid1Mor Dhona
6th Cohort Medicus6th Cohort MedicusEnemy Humanoid1Mor Dhona
6th Cohort Secutor6th Cohort Secutor6th Cohort Secutor.jpgEnemy Humanoid1Mor Dhona
6th Cohort Signifer6th Cohort Signifer6th Cohort Signifer.jpgEnemy Humanoid1Mor Dhona
6th Cohort Vanguard6th Cohort Vanguard6th Cohort Vanguard.jpgForgekin1Mor Dhona
6th Legion Colossus6th Legion Colossus6th Legion Colossus.pngForgekin1Azys Lla
6th Legion Deathclaw6th Legion DeathclawForgekin1The Sea of Clouds
6th Legion Eques6th Legion Eques6th Legion Eques.jpgEnemy Humanoid1
6th Legion Execution Claw6th Legion Execution Claw6th Legion Execution Claw.pngForgekin1Azys Lla
6th Legion Gunship6th Legion GunshipMagitek Gunship1The Sea of Clouds
6th Legion Hoplomachus6th Legion Hoplomachus6th Legion Hoplomachus.jpgEnemy Humanoid1Azys Lla
6th Legion Laquearius6th Legion Laquearius6th Legion Laquearius.jpgEnemy Humanoid1Azys Lla
6th Legion Magitek Vanguard6th Legion Magitek VanguardForgekin1
6th Legion Magitek Vanguard H-16th Legion Magitek Vanguard H-16th Legion Magitek Vanguard H-1.jpgForgekin2
6th Legion Medicus6th Legion Medicus6th Legion Medicus.jpgEnemy Humanoid2
6th Legion Optio6th Legion Optio6th Legion Optio.jpgEnemy Humanoid2
6th Legion Sagittarius6th Legion SagittariusEnemy Humanoid1
6th Legion Secutor6th Legion Secutor6th Legion Secutor.jpgEnemy Humanoid1Azys Lla
6th Legion Signifer6th Legion Signifer6th Legion Signifer.jpgEnemy Humanoid1Azys Lla
6th Legion Tesserarius6th Legion Tesserarius6th Legion Tesserarius.jpgEnemy Humanoid2
6th Legion Vanguard6th Legion Vanguard6th Legion Vanguard.jpgForgekin1Azys Lla
724P-operated Superior Flight Unit724P-operated Superior Flight Unit1The Puppets' Bunker
724P-operated Superior Flight Unit (A-lpha)724P-operated Superior Flight Unit (A-lpha)724P Superior Flight Unit.jpgForgekin6
767P-operated Superior Flight Unit767P-operated Superior Flight Unit1The Puppets' Bunker
767P-operated Superior Flight Unit (B-eta)767P-operated Superior Flight Unit (B-eta)724P Superior Flight Unit.jpgForgekin6
772P-operated Superior Flight Unit772P-operated Superior Flight Unit1The Puppets' Bunker
772P-operated Superior Flight Unit (C-hi)772P-operated Superior Flight Unit (C-hi)724P Superior Flight Unit.jpgForgekin6
7th Cohort Aquilifer7th Cohort AquiliferEnemy Humanoid1Northern Thanalan
7th Cohort Centurion7th Cohort CenturionForgekin1Northern Thanalan
7th Cohort Colossus7th Cohort ColossusForgekin1Northern Thanalan
7th Cohort Death Claw7th Cohort Death ClawForgekin1Northern Thanalan
7th Cohort Eques7th Cohort EquesEnemy Humanoid1Northern Thanalan
7th Cohort Hoplomachus7th Cohort HoplomachusEnemy Humanoid1Northern Thanalan
7th Cohort Laquearius7th Cohort LaqueariusEnemy Humanoid1Castrum Meridianum
7th Cohort Medicus7th Cohort MedicusEnemy Humanoid1Northern Thanalan
7th Cohort Optio7th Cohort OptioEnemy Humanoid1Cape Westwind
7th Cohort Reaper7th Cohort ReaperForgekin1Northern Thanalan
7th Cohort Sagittarius7th Cohort SagittariusEnemy Humanoid1Northern Thanalan
7th Cohort Secutor7th Cohort SecutorEnemy Humanoid1Castrum Meridianum
7th Cohort Signifer7th Cohort SigniferEnemy Humanoid1Northern Thanalan
7th Cohort Vanguard7th Cohort VanguardForgekin1Northern Thanalan
813P-operated Aegis Unit813P-operated Aegis UnitThe Puppets' Bunker4.jpgForgekin6
8th Cohort Centurion8th Cohort CenturionEnemy Humanoid1Castrum Meridianum
8th Cohort Decurion8th Cohort DecurionGarlean1Castrum Meridianum
8th Cohort Eques8th Cohort EquesEnemy Humanoid1Castrum Meridianum
8th Cohort Hoplomachus8th Cohort HoplomachusEnemy Humanoid1Castrum Meridianum
8th Cohort Laquearius8th Cohort LaqueariusEnemy Humanoid1Castrum Meridianum
8th Cohort Medicus8th Cohort MedicusEnemy Humanoid1Castrum Meridianum
8th Cohort Sagittarius8th Cohort SagittariusEnemy Humanoid1Castrum Meridianum
8th Cohort Secutor8th Cohort SecutorEnemy Humanoid1Castrum Meridianum
8th Cohort Signifer8th Cohort SigniferEnemy Humanoid1Castrum Meridianum
8th Order Alchemist8th Order Alchemist8th Order Alchemist.jpgKobolds2Pharos Sirius (Hard)
8th Order Bedesman8th Order Bedesman8th Order Bedesman.jpgKobolds2Pharos Sirius (Hard)
8th Order Furnaceman8th Order Furnaceman8th Order Furnaceman.jpgKobolds1Pharos Sirius (Hard)
8th Order Patriarch Be Gu8th Order Patriarch Be Gu8th Order Patriarch Be Gu.jpgKobolds5
8th Order Pickman8th Order Pickman8th Order Pickman.jpgKobolds2Pharos Sirius (Hard)
8th Order Roundsman8th Order Roundsman8th Order Roundsman.jpgKobolds1Pharos Sirius (Hard)
905P-operated Heavy Artillery905P-operated Heavy Artillery1The Puppets' Bunker
905P-operated Heavy Artillery Unit905P-operated Heavy Artillery Unit905P-operated Heavy Artillery Unit.jpgForgekin6
9S-operated Walking Fortress9S-operated Walking Fortress9S Concept Render.jpg6
ADSADSADS (Boss).pngForgekin1
AbaddonAbaddonAbaddon.jpgWavekin1The Lochs
Abalathian Clay GolemAbalathian Clay GolemAbalathian Clay Golem.jpgSoulkin2Sohm Al (Hard)
Abalathian FoxAbalathian FoxAbalathian Fox.jpgCloudkin2
Abalathian HornbillAbalathian HornbillAbalathian Hornbill.jpgCloudkin2Xelphatol
Abalathian MinotaurAbalathian MinotaurAbalathian Minotaur.jpgChimera1The Lochs
Abalathian OgrebonAbalathian OgrebonAbalathian Ogrebon.jpgWavekin2Sohm Al (Hard)
Abalathian SlugAbalathian SlugAbalathian Slug.jpgWavekin2Xelphatol
Abalathian TursusAbalathian TursusAbalathian Tursus.jpgWavekin2
Abalathian VultureAbalathian VultureAbalathian Vulture.jpgCloudkin2
Abalathian WamouraAbalathian WamouraAbalathian Wamoura.jpgVilekin1The Sea of Clouds
Abandoned VanguardAbandoned VanguardForgekin1Northern Thanalan
AbeliskAbeliskAbelisk.jpgScalekin4The Churning Mists
AbharamuAbharamuMatanga1The Lost Canals of Uznair
Able-bodied AmbusherAble-bodied AmbusherEnemy Humanoid1Lower La Noscea
Abraxas (Enemy)AbraxasAbraxas.jpgScalekin1The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos
The Forbidden Land, Eureka
Absolute VirtueAbsolute VirtueAbsolute Virtue.jpg6
Abyss WormAbyss WormVilekin1
Accursed CaneAccursed CaneTwo-handed Thaumaturge's Arm1Heaven-on-High
Accursed IdolAccursed IdolAccursed Idol.jpgSoulkin2The Drowned City of Skalla
Acerbic JamAcerbic JamAshkin1
AcheronAcheronAcheron.jpgAllagan Empire1Syrcus Tower
Acid BubbleAcid BubbleAcid Bubble1Upper La Noscea
Acidic HoneyAcidic HoneyAshkin1Dalamud's Shadow
Acidic MousseAcidic MousseVoidsent1Mare Lamentorum
Acorn BearAcorn BearBeastkin1The Dravanian Forelands
Acro BatAcro BatAcro Bat.jpgCloudkin2The Qitana Ravel
AcrocatAcrocatAcrocat.jpgBeastkin1Living Memory
Actuator (Enemy)ActuatorForgekin1Alexander - The Heart of the Creator
Actuator 0Actuator 0Actuator 0.jpgForgekin3Alexander - The Heart of the Creator
AcubensAcubensAcubens.pngWavekin1Eastern La Noscea
Adamantite ClawAdamantite ClawAdamantite Claw.pngForgekin1Azys Lla
Adamantoise (Mob)AdamantoiseAdamantoise.jpgScalekin1South Shroud
AdjudicatorAdjudicatorThe sunken temple of qarn boss1.jpgSoulkin6
Adjunct OstyrgreinAdjunct OstyrgreinRoegadyn1Rhotano Sea
AdulatorAdulatorMinotaur1The Forbidden Land, Eureka
The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos
Advent MochiAdvent MochiMochi1Middle La Noscea
AeetesAeetesAeetes.jpgElementals1Eastern Thanalan
Aegaeon of the BoneAegaeon of the BoneSpoken4
Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lengthsome GaitAenc Thon, Lord of the Lengthsome GaitAenc Thon, Lord of the Lengthsome Gait.jpgSpoken6
Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lingering GazeAenc Thon, Lord of the Lingering GazeAenc Thon, Lord of the Lingering Gaze.jpgSpoken5
Aermswys the StainedAermswys the StainedEnemy Humanoid1Western La Noscea
Aery BiastAery BiastAery Biast.jpgScalekin2
Aery DiresaurAery DiresaurAery Diresaur.jpgDragon2The Aery
Aery DrakeAery DrakeAery Drake.jpgScalekin2
Aery Red DragonAery Red DragonAery Red Dragon.jpgDragon2The Aery
Aery VouivreAery VouivreAery Vouivre.jpgDragon2The Aery
Aery WyvernAery WyvernAery Wyvern.jpgScalekin2
Aery Yellow DragonAery Yellow DragonAery Yellow Dragon.jpgDragon2The Aery
Aether CollectorAether CollectorAether Collector.jpg1
Aether-starved ShuckAether-starved ShuckShuck1The Fringes
Aetherbound AureliaAetherbound AureliaWavekin1Eastern La Noscea
Aetherbound GnatAetherbound GnatGnat1South Shroud
Aetherbound KernAetherbound KernAshkin1East Shroud
Aetherial OrbAetherial OrbObject1Sastasha
Aetherial WardAetherial WardShield1Delubrum Reginae
Aetheric GelatinAetheric GelatinElementals1Labyrinthos
Aetheric ShadowAetheric ShadowElementals1The Peaks
Aeturna (boss)AeturnaAeturna (boss).jpgBeastkin6
Agaric Fly SwarmAgaric Fly SwarmVilekin1South Shroud
AgathosAgathosAgathos pic 1.pngDragon4The Churning Mists
AgavoidesAgavoidesAgavoides.jpgBeastkin1Living Memory
AgdistisAgdistisAbyssos boss2.jpgAmaurotine6
Ageless MeliaAgeless MeliaSeedkin1The Diadem
Ageless Wood GolemAgeless Wood GolemGolem1The Diadem
Aggressive ArchaeornisAggressive ArchaeornisScalekin1Coerthas Western Highlands
Aggressive GyukiAggressive GyukiWavekin1The Ruby Sea
Aggressive SharkAggressive SharkWavekin1The Ruby Sea
AglaopeAglaopeAglaope pic 1.pngPixies4Il Mheg
AgriasAgriasPub Ver4.5 OrbonneBoss02.pngHyur6
Agrippa the MightyAgrippa the MightyAgrippa pic 1.pngForgekin4Mor Dhona
Ah PuchAh PuchAh Puch.pngAshkin1
Ahctstymm ShadowlurkerAhctstymm ShadowlurkerAhctstymm Shadowlurker.jpgEnemy Humanoid1Lower La Noscea
Ahl EinAhl EinDragon1Ultima Thule
AhlehAhlehAhleh.jpgDragon1The Aery
Ahriman (Enemy)AhrimanAhriman.jpgVoidsent1Northern Thanalan
Ailbert the LostAilbert the LostEnemy Humanoid1North Shroud
Aion TeleosAion TeleosPrimals1
Air Force (Enemy)Air Force1Sigmascape V3.0
Airborne Freedom FighterAirborne Freedom FighterAirborne Freedom Fighter.jpgForgekin2
Aisibhir BadwindAisibhir BadwindEnemy Humanoid1Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks
AjattaraAjattaraAjattara.pngDragon1Coerthas Western Highlands
Ak-Inik VarletAk-Inik VarletAshkin6
Ak-Mena GroundsmanAk-Mena GroundsmanAshkin6
Ak-Mena VarletAk-Mena VarletAshkin6
AkhekhuAkhekhuAkhekhu1.jpgCloudkin1The Sea of Clouds
AkomanAkomanVoidsent1South Shroud
Akyaali CrabAkyaali CrabAkyaali-crab.jpgWavekin1Thavnair
Ala Mhigan AxemanAla Mhigan AxemanEnemy Humanoid1Mor Dhona
Ala Mhigan BowmanAla Mhigan BowmanEnemy Humanoid1Mor Dhona
Ala Mhigan PikemanAla Mhigan PikemanEnemy Humanoid1Mor Dhona
Ala Mhigan ShamanAla Mhigan ShamanEnemy Humanoid1Mor Dhona
Alacran BloodhoundAlacran BloodhoundBeastkin1Southern Thanalan
Alacran WarhoundAlacran WarhoundBeastkin1Southern Thanalan
Alaimbert of the Spiked ButtAlaimbert of the Spiked ButtElezen4Coerthas Western Highlands
AlbeleoAlbeleoElezen6The Bozjan Southern Front
Albin the AshenAlbin the AshenAlbin the Ashen Day.jpgAshkin4Southern Thanalan
Albus BearAlbus BearBeastkin1Lapis Manalis
Albus Canis LupinusAlbus Canis LupinusBeastkin1Lapis Manalis
Albus CraklawAlbus CraklawWavekin1Lapis Manalis
Albus GriffinAlbus GriffinCloudkin1Lapis Manalis
Albus SerpentAlbus SerpentScalekin1Lapis Manalis
Alchemy EngineAlchemy EngineAlchemy Engine.jpgForgekin1Pharos Sirius (Hard)
Alderique the UnyieldingAlderique the UnyieldingEnemy Humanoid1Coerthas Central Highlands
Aldis, Sword of NaldAldis, Sword of NaldEnemy Humanoid1Raising the Sword
AlectryonAlectryonAlectryon pic 1.pngScalekin4Western Thanalan
Alert ArchaeosaurAlert ArchaeosaurScalekin1The Churning Mists
Alert SankchinniAlert SankchinniSeedkin1The Churning Mists
Alexander PrimeAlexander PrimeAlexander Prime.pngPrimals6
Alexandrian ClipperAlexandrian ClipperAlexandrian Clipper.jpgScalekin1Living Memory
Alexandrian ColliderAlexandrian ColliderAlexandrian Collider.jpgGoblin3Alexander - The Breath of the Creator
Alexandrian GliderAlexandrian GliderAlexandrian Glider.jpgGoblin1Alexander - The Eyes of the Creator
Alexandrian HiderAlexandrian HiderAlexandrian Hider.jpgGoblin3Alexander - The Breath of the Creator
Alexandrian SliderAlexandrian SliderAlexandrian Slider.jpgGoblin3Alexander - The Breath of the Creator
Alexandrian StriderAlexandrian StriderAlexandrian Strider.jpgGoblin3Alexander - The Breath of the Creator
Alkonost (boss)AlkonostAlkonost (boss).jpgCloudkin6
All-seeing EyeAll-seeing EyeAll-seeing Eye.jpgVoidsent5
Allagan BalloonAllagan BalloonAllagan Balloon.jpgVoidsent1The Labyrinth of the Ancients
Allagan BombAllagan BombAllagan Bomb.jpgVoidsent1The Labyrinth of the Ancients
Allagan ChimeraAllagan ChimeraAllagan Chimera.jpgChimera1Azys Lla
Allagan CobraAllagan CobraAllagan Cobra.jpgScalekin1
Allagan DreadnaughtAllagan DreadnaughtAllagan Dreadnaught.jpgForgekin1
Allagan MirrorknightAllagan MirrorknightMirrorknight1Mor Dhona
Allagan NagaAllagan NagaAllagan Naga.jpgChimera1
Allagan NapalmAllagan NapalmAllagan Napalm.jpgVoidsent1The Labyrinth of the Ancients
Alligator (enemy)AlligatorAlligator (enemy).jpgScalekin1Shaaloani
AllotaurAllotaurTaurus1The Lost City of Amdapor
Aloalo AhoolAloalo AhoolCloudkin2
Aloalo AnalaAloalo AnalaElementals2
Aloalo AsvatthaAloalo AsvatthaAloalo Asvattha.jpgSeedkin2
Aloalo Baritine CrocAloalo Baritine CrocScalekin2
Aloalo BiastAloalo BiastScalekin2
Aloalo BoarAloalo BoarAloalo Boar.jpgBeastkin2
Aloalo BoarletAloalo BoarletAloalo Boarlet.jpgBeastkin2
Aloalo CrabAloalo CrabWavekin1
Aloalo CrawlerAloalo CrawlerVilekin2
Aloalo Deadly CoconutAloalo Deadly CoconutAloalo Deadly Coconut.jpgSeedkin2
Aloalo GigantoadAloalo GigantoadWavekin2
Aloalo GoobbueAloalo GoobbueBeastkin2
Aloalo HamsaAloalo HamsaAloalo Hamsa.jpgCloudkin2
Aloalo IslekeeperAloalo IslekeeperSoulkin2
Aloalo KhalamariAloalo KhalamariWavekin2
Aloalo KiwakinAloalo KiwakinWavekin2
Aloalo MantisAloalo MantisVilekin2
Aloalo MonkAloalo MonkWavekin1
Aloalo MonsteraAloalo MonsteraSeedkin2
Aloalo MorbolAloalo MorbolAloalo Morbol.jpgSeedkin2
Aloalo NepenthesAloalo NepenthesSeedkin2
Aloalo OchuAloalo OchuAloalo Ochu.jpgSeedkin2
Aloalo OgrebonAloalo OgrebonWavekin2
Aloalo Paddle BiterAloalo Paddle BiterWavekin2
Aloalo RaptorAloalo RaptorScalekin2
Aloalo RayAloalo RayWavekin1
Aloalo SalletAloalo SalletWavekin2
Aloalo SnipperAloalo SnipperWavekin2
Aloalo Sopranine CrocAloalo Sopranine CrocScalekin2
Aloalo SusenaAloalo SusenaBeastkin2
Aloalo TreantAloalo TreantSeedkin2
Aloalo UragniteAloalo UragniteWavekin2
Aloalo VanaraAloalo VanaraBeastkin2
Aloalo VemosiaAloalo VemosiaAloalo Vemosia.jpgSeedkin2
Aloalo Wood GolemAloalo Wood GolemSoulkin2
Aloalo WormAloalo WormVilekin2
Aloalo ZaratanAloalo ZaratanWavekin2
Alpaca (mob)AlpacaAlpaca (mob).jpgBeastkin1Urqopacha
Alpaca of FortuneAlpaca of FortuneBeastkin1
Alpgrot OrobonAlpgrot OrobonWavekin1
Alpha AdamantoiseAlpha AdamantoiseScalekin1Central Shroud
Alpha AlligatorAlpha AlligatorAlpha Alligator.jpgScalekin1Shaaloani
Alpha AnoleAlpha AnoleAlpha Anole.pngScalekin1Central Shroud
Alpha AnzuAlpha AnzuCloudkin1The Sea of Clouds
Alpha ApkalluAlpha ApkalluCloudkin1Middle La Noscea
Alpha ArchaeosaurAlpha ArchaeosaurScalekin1The Dravanian Forelands
Alpha BasiliskAlpha BasiliskScalekin1Eastern Thanalan
Alpha BiastAlpha BiastScalekin1Mor Dhona
Alpha BuffaloAlpha BuffaloBeastkin1Central Shroud
Alpha ChimeraAlpha ChimeraChimera1Central Thanalan
Alpha CobraAlpha CobraScalekin1Coerthas Central Highlands
Alpha CoeurlAlpha CoeurlBeastkin1Eastern Thanalan
Alpha DeathgazeAlpha DeathgazeCloudkin1North Shroud
Alpha DryadAlpha DryadSeedkin1North Shroud
Alpha EndymionAlpha EndymionCloudkin1The Sea of Clouds
Alpha GargoyleAlpha GargoyleVoidsent1Western Thanalan
Alpha GazelleAlpha GazelleBeastkin1The Fringes
Alpha GhostwolfAlpha GhostwolfBeastkin1Coerthas Western Highlands
Alpha GolemAlpha GolemSoulkin1Middle La Noscea
Alpha GoobbueAlpha GoobbueBeastkin1Coerthas Central Highlands
Alpha GroundskeeperAlpha GroundskeeperMarolith1The Churning Mists
Alpha HapalitAlpha HapalitOgre1Coerthas Central Highlands
Alpha Ice CommanderAlpha Ice CommanderSoulkin1Coerthas Western Highlands
Alpha ManticoreAlpha ManticoreBeastkin1Western La Noscea
Alpha MantisAlpha MantisVilekin1Central Shroud
Alpha MicrochuAlpha MicrochuSeedkin1Central Shroud
Alpha MorbolAlpha MorbolSeedkin1Central Shroud
Alpha NixAlpha NixWavekin1Coerthas Central Highlands
Alpha OmegaAlpha OmegaAlpha Omega render.pngOmicrons6
Alpha SandwormAlpha SandwormVilekin1Western Thanalan
Alpha SlimeAlpha SlimeAshkin1Western Thanalan
Alpha SnurbleAlpha SnurbleGolden Fleece1Eastern Thanalan
Alpha SpriggolemAlpha SpriggolemSpriggolem1Central Thanalan
Alpha StagAlpha StagBeastkin1South Shroud
Alpha TortoiseAlpha TortoiseFile:Alpha Tortoise.jpgScalekin1Eastern La Noscea
Alpha TursusAlpha TursusTursus1Coerthas Western Highlands
Alpha VinegaroonAlpha VinegaroonScalekin1The Dravanian Forelands
Alpha VodorigaAlpha VodorigaVodoriga1East Shroud
Alpha WamouraAlpha WamouraVilekin1Middle La Noscea
Alpha WolfAlpha WolfBeastkin1Central Shroud
Alpha ZaghnalAlpha ZaghnalAlpha Zaghnal.jpgChimera6
Alpha ZizAlpha ZizScalekin1Western Thanalan
Alpha ZuAlpha ZuCloudkin1Southern Thanalan
Alpine HippocerfAlpine HippocerfBeastkin1Coerthas Central Highlands
Altar ArachneAltar ArachneVoidsent1
Altar BeastAltar BeastBeast1The Shifting Altars of Uznair
Altar DullahanAltar DullahanDullahan1The Shifting Altars of Uznair
Altar KatasharinAltar KatasharinKatasharin1The Shifting Altars of Uznair
Altar KeeperAltar KeeperAshkin1The Shifting Altars of Uznair
Altar KelpieAltar KelpieKelpie1The Shifting Altars of Uznair
Altar MatangaAltar MatangaGajasura1The Shifting Altars of Uznair
Altar VodorigaAltar VodorigaVodoriga1The Shifting Altars of Uznair
Alte Roite (Boss)Alte RoiteAlte Roite (Boss).jpgCloudkin6
AlteciAlteciAlteci.jpgBeastkin4Coerthas Western Highlands
Altered BahamutAltered BahamutDragon1Cid's Memory
Altered WailerAltered WailerTaurus1Haukke Manor (Hard)
Althyk (Boss)AlthykAlthyk render.jpgNon-Humanoid6
AluxAluxAlux.pngVoidsent1Central Shroud
Alzadaal's AcrolithAlzadaal's AcrolithSoulkin1Alzadaal's Legacy
Alzadaal's AsvatthaAlzadaal's AsvatthaSeedkin1Alzadaal's Legacy
Alzadaal's GuardianAlzadaal's GuardianSoulkin1Alzadaal's Legacy
Alzadaal's LangurAlzadaal's LangurBeastkin1Alzadaal's Legacy
Alzadaal's MimicAlzadaal's MimicVoidsent1Alzadaal's Legacy
Alzadaal's QutrubAlzadaal's QutrubAshkin1Alzadaal's Legacy
Alzadaal's RampartAlzadaal's RampartForgekin1Alzadaal's Legacy
Alzadaal's VajralangulaAlzadaal's VajralangulaBeastkin1Alzadaal's Legacy
Amalj'aa ArcherAmalj'aa ArcherAmaljaa Archer.pngSpoken1Southern Thanalan
Amalj'aa BrigandAmalj'aa BrigandAmalj'aa Brigand.jpgSpoken1Southern Thanalan
Amalj'aa BruiserAmalj'aa BruiserAmaljaa-bruiser.jpgSpoken1Eastern Thanalan
Amalj'aa DivinatorAmalj'aa DivinatorSpoken1Southern Thanalan
Amalj'aa Flame-eaterAmalj'aa Flame-eaterAmalj'aa1Southern Thanalan
Amalj'aa HalberdierAmalj'aa HalberdierAmaljaa Halberdier.pngSpoken1Southern Thanalan
Amalj'aa HunterAmalj'aa HunterAmaljaa-hunter.jpgSpoken1Eastern Thanalan
Amalj'aa ImpalerAmalj'aa ImpalerSpoken1Central Thanalan
Amalj'aa InculcatorAmalj'aa InculcatorSpoken1Eastern Thanalan
Amalj'aa JavelinierAmalj'aa JavelinierAmaljaa-javelinier.jpgSpoken1Eastern Thanalan
Amalj'aa LancerAmalj'aa LancerAmalj'aa Lancer.pngSpoken1Southern Thanalan
Amalj'aa LiberatorAmalj'aa LiberatorAmalj'aa1Eastern Thanalan
Amalj'aa PorterAmalj'aa PorterSpoken1Southern Thanalan
Amalj'aa PugilistAmalj'aa PugilistAmalj'aa Pugilist.jpgSpoken1Southern Thanalan
Amalj'aa RangerAmalj'aa RangerAmaljaa-ranger.jpgSpoken1Eastern Thanalan
Amalj'aa RavagerAmalj'aa RavagerSpoken1Eastern Thanalan
Amalj'aa ScavengerAmalj'aa ScavengerAmalj'aa Scavenger.jpgSpoken1Southern Thanalan
Amalj'aa SeerAmalj'aa SeerAmalj'aa Seer.jpgSpoken1Southern Thanalan
Amalj'aa ShamanAmalj'aa ShamanAmalj'aa1Southern Thanalan
Amalj'aa SniperAmalj'aa SniperAmalj'aa Sniper.pngSpoken1Southern Thanalan
Amalj'aa StrikerAmalj'aa StrikerSpoken1Central Thanalan
Amalj'aa Supply CrateAmalj'aa Supply CrateCrate1Eastern Thanalan
Amalj'aa ThaumaturgeAmalj'aa ThaumaturgeAmalj'aa Thaumaturge.jpgSpoken1Southern Thanalan
AmanuensisAmanuensisDemon1Dzemael Darkhold
Amateur RaiderAmateur RaiderEnemy Humanoid1Central Thanalan
Amber CarbuncleAmber CarbuncleCarbuncle1Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks
Amber IguanaAmber IguanaScalekin1Amh Araeng
Ambrose the UndepartedAmbrose the UndepartedAmbrose the Undeparted.jpgForgekin6
Ambushing HammerheadAmbushing HammerheadAmbushing Hammerhead.jpgScalekin1Kozama'uka
Ambushing Jungle OrobonAmbushing Jungle OrobonAmbushing Jungle Orobon.jpgWavekin1Kozama'uka
Ambushing ScissorjawsAmbushing ScissorjawsAntlion1Amh Araeng
Amdapori CorpseAmdapori CorpseAmdapori Corpse.jpgAshkin2
Amdapori GargoyleAmdapori GargoyleAmdapori Gargoyle.jpgAshkin1
Ame-no-HabakiriAme-no-HabakiriAme-no-Habakiri.jpgGladiator's Arm1
AmeretatAmeretatAmeretat.jpgSeedkin1The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos
The Forbidden Land, Eureka
Amikiri LegMutsuAmikiri Leg.jpgBody Part5Shisui of the Violet Tides
AmonAmonAmon1.jpgEnemy Humanoid6
Amon the UndyingAmon the UndyingAmon the Undying.jpg6
Amphibious TalosAmphibious TalosAmphibious Talos.pngSoulkin5
AmphiptereAmphiptereAmphiptere Enemy.pngDragon1The Churning Mists
Amphiptere StragglerAmphiptere StragglerAmphiptere1The Churning Mists
Amphiptere in WaitingAmphiptere in WaitingAmphiptere1The Churning Mists
AmphisbaenaAmphisbaenaAmphisbaena.jpgWavekin1The Tempest
AnacondaAnacondaAnaconda.jpgScalekin2The Qitana Ravel
Anchag (boss)Anchag (boss)Anchag.jpgVoidsent5
Ancient LizardAncient LizardAncient Lizard.jpgScalekin1Amh Araeng
Ancient OakAncient OakSeedkin1Central Shroud
Ancient UragniteAncient UragniteWavekin1Copperbell Mines (Hard)
Ancient VoidragonAncient VoidragonDragon1The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros
The Forbidden Land, Eureka
Ancient VouivreAncient VouivreVouivre1The Churning Mists
... further results