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See also: Amalj'aa Daily Quests and Beastmen


The Amalj'aa are a race of nomadic beastmen native to the grasslands of Pagith'an, where they subsist on wandering herds of sheep or small scalekin. Both male and female of the species train in the arts of combat, and any who seek to impede the path of these proud warrior tribes are scourged with fire and steel. For generations the Amalj'aa have made pilgrimage to their holy lands in Thanalan, a practice which often brings them into contact--and conflict-with the inhabitants of UL'dah.

Encyclopædia Eorzea vol 1, page 246

The Amalj'aa are a race of nomadic beastmen who make their home in Paglth'an. Every member of their species is trained in the arts of combat and hunting, and any who stand in their way are scourged with fire and steel. Each generation of Amalj'aa makes a pilgrimage to their holy lands in Thanalan, which brings them into conflict with the inhabitants of Ul'dah. On The First, they are known as the Zun.


The symbol of the Amalj'aa is a stylized flame, said to represent the sacred fire with which Ifrit, Lord of the Inferno, blessed their warrior ancestors.

Physical Traits

Upon reaching maturity, these bipedal, lizard-like beastmen tower over even the most hulking Roegadyn, their impressive musculature matched by an endless stamina. Known for thriving in arid environments, Amalj'aa physiology allows them to survive on comparatively miniscule amounts of water.


Amalj'aa consume mainly animal flesh, and have few preferences for the source-be it beastkin, scalekin, or vilekin-and will feast on antlings and drakes just as readily as antelope on aldgoat. With their nomadic lifestyle, Amalj'aa also find it convenient to preserve portions of their kills, and are known for the unique taste of their smoked and jerked meats.


The war chiefs of the seven dominant tribes convene in a tribal council to debate and decide matters of import. In times of war or crisis, one of these seven elders is chosen to serve as "war marshal" for the entire race, a position of great honor and unquestionable authority.

Society & Culture

The Amalj'aa are oviparous, with eggs requiring an incubation period of around seven to ten days. When a mother lays a healthy egg, the father selects the finest of their livestock for slaughter, and holds a feast for the clan. The bones of the animal are burned and used to coat the skin of the newborn. This is said to recreate the ceremony in which the Lord of the Inferno Ifrit blessed the Amalj'aa with sacred fire, this ritual prayer for Ifrit's benediction also serves the purpose of protecting new-formed scales from the harsh glare of the sun. Amalj'aa young are not raised by their birth parents alone-each generation of hatchlings is gathered together and nurtured by the clan as a whole. When the young come of age, they are assigned a place in the social hierarchy based on their individual traits. This hierarchy is comprised of seven distinct tiers, with an Amalj'aa's name indicative of their position in the tribe's society.


The highest tier of Amalj'aa society is occupied by its war chiefs, identified by the suffix Zoh. Two more tiers—the advisors, Koh, and lesser bureaucrats, Teh—join the first to comprise the three layers of command. The following four tiers are common soldier classes: the ritualists, Chah; the troopers, Gah; the enforcers, Roh; and the builders, Boh. In times of peace, the members of each tribe carry out their individual duties as they follow in the wake of the herds, but when battle threatens, every adult Amalj'aa—male and female—takes up arms on the field. After their tiers have been assigned, Amalj'aa young are placed under the tutelage of a teacher, who instructs them with the knowledge and skills they will require to fulfill their role. Once decided, an Amalj'aa remains in the same tier for life—the only exception to this rule occurring when a war chief is promoted from a lesser class due to the death or voluntary retirement of the present leader.

Tier Description
Commanders Zoh The war chief tier. Leaders who stand at the head of the seven dominant Amalj'aa tribes, ruling over the multitude of clans from which each tribe is formed. Succession is primarily decided by bloodline.
Koh The "sky" tier. Advisors whose role it is to give counsel to the war chiefs, and decide the manner in which the tribes are governed.
Teh The "earth" tier. Bureaucrats whose duty it is to carry out the mandates of the Zoh and Koh.
Soldiers Chah The "spring" tier. Priests responsible for performing divination rites before battle and other such rituals.
Gah Soldiers The "summer" tier. Warriors tasked with overseeing military operations. Found on the frontlines of inter-tribal conflicts and war with other races.
Rob Gah Roh The "autumn" tier. Enforcers whose duty it is to maintain peace, and punish those who break tribal law.
Bob The "winter" tier. Builders responsible for camp construction, and other tasks requiring knowledge of engineering.

Primary Industry


In their ancestral lands on the plains of Paglth'an, the Amalj'aa pursue their nomadic customs, with each tribe following a carefully maintained herd of sheep or scalekin. Camps shift locations with the seasons as they seek out fresh pasture or sources of water, and competition with fellow Amalj'aa or other races will many times lead to bloodshed.


The few permanent encampments of the Amalj'aa are equipped with forges, where a long tradition of metalworking produces tools for the hunting and butchering of livestock. Amalj'aa smiths are also particularly skilled at forging the weapons their tribes bear into battle.

The Brotherhood of Ash

Commanded by Warleader Hamujj Gah, the Brotherhood of Ash is a group of Amalj'as bound together by a traditionalist belief in the way of the warrior. The soldiers of the Brotherhood aspire to temper their spirits through martial discipline, and see honor in returning to ash after a life spent glorying in the fires of battle. They feel contempt for their kin in the major tribes who too readily rely upon the strength of Ifrit's blessings, and engage in outright warfare with the Flamefings-a powerful faction that actively seeks to summon the fiery primal. Conversely, the Brotherhood of Ash shows great respect towards proven warriors, regardless of race, and Hamujj Gah has been known to welcome outsiders into his camp.

Hamujj Gah

"I am the flame that quenches the shadow! The fist that crashes villainy! I am the warleader of the Brotherhood of Ash, Hamnij Gab, and my name shall be the last you utter with your dying screams!"

Born in a clan known for its skilled soldiers, Hamujj excelled in the trials that earned him the warrior title of "Gah." His tireless devotion to self-mastery is inspired by the teachings of Whiteknuckle Kerigg Roh, a legendary Amalj'aa fighter, and even at fourty and eight summers, ever does he seek out mightier foes against which to hone his martial abilities. Appalled by the growing number of his kin who grovel at Ifrit's altars for undeserved power, Hamujj Gah distanced himself from the fanatical tribes. Like-minded soldiers followed in his wake, and under his command they founded the Brotherhood of Ash--a company of outcasts dedicated to upholding the traditional way of the warrior. The cowardly acts of the Flamefangs, a faction of Amalj'aa who kidnap the weak and defenseless to serve as sacrifices to the Lord of the Inferno, are particularly reviled by the Brotherhood. [1]

The Amalj'aa and Drakes

In their homeland of Paglth'an, the Amalj'aa live as nomads, migrating with sheep and drakes across the grasslands. They value the large scalekin not just for their utility as beasts of burden, but for their role in warfare as well, and have been known to augment their cavalry drakes by engraving defensive runes into their scales or outfitting them with inwardly spiked bangles to provoke them to violence. [2]

  1. Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume I, page 246-247
  2. Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume II, page 196