Ancient Ymir | Ancient Ymir |  | Wavekin | 2 | |
Andromalius | Andromalius |  | Voidsent | 6 | Garlemald |
Anemos Anala | Anemos Anala |  | Elementals | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Anemos Apa | Anemos Apa | | Elementals | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Anemos Chaser | Anemos Chaser | | Scalekin | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Anemos Flan | Anemos Flan | | Voidsent | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Anemos Gremlin | Anemos Gremlin | | Gremlin | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Anemos Harpeia | Anemos Harpeia |  | Cloudkin | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Anemos Pegasus | Anemos Pegasus | | Pegasus | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Anemos Sanuwa | Anemos Sanuwa | | Scalekin | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Anemossling | Anemossling | | Seedkin | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Angada | Angada |  | Beastkin | 4 | Yanxia |
Angelos | Angelos |  | Soulkin | 1 | |
Angelos Mikros | Angelos Mikros |  | Soulkin | 1 | |
Angered Elm | Angered Elm | | Seedkin | 1 | East Shroud |
Angler | Angler |  | Wavekin | 4 | Southern Thanalan |
Ango | Ango |  | Wavekin | 2 | Shisui of the Violet Tides |
Angra Mainyu | Angra Mainyu |  | Voidsent | 6 | |
Angry Armadillo | Angry Armadillo | | Beastkin | 1 | Amh Araeng |
Angry Longjaw | Angry Longjaw | | Scalekin | 1 | Urqopacha |
Angry Naryordor | Angry Naryordor | | Seedkin | 1 | Urqopacha |
Angry Sow | Angry Sow | | Beastkin | 1 | Central Shroud |
Anguish | Anguish | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Anguished Atrociraptor | Anguished Atrociraptor | | Scalekin | 1 | The Rak'tika Greatwood |
Anima (Boss) | Anima |  | Primals | 6 | |
Annia quo Soranus | Annia quo Soranus |  | Garlean | 6 | |
Annihilation Flare | Annihilation Flare | | Orb | 1 | Sastasha |
Anole | Anole |  | Scalekin | 1 | Central Shroud |
Anole Stalker | Anole Stalker |  | Scalekin | 1 | Central Shroud |
Anomalous Assassin | Anomalous Assassin | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Western Thanalan |
Anselm Larkscall | Anselm Larkscall |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Lower La Noscea |
Antelope Doe | Antelope Doe |  | Beastkin | 1 | South Shroud |
Antelope Stag | Antelope Stag |  | Beastkin | 1 | South Shroud |
Anthracite | Anthracite |  | Soulkin | 5 | |
Antibody | Antibody | | Ashkin | 1 | Cid's Memory |
Antivirus X | Antivirus X |  | | 5 | |
Antling Gamergate | Antling Gamergate | | Vilekin | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Antling Sentry | Antling Sentry |  | Vilekin | 1 | Central Thanalan |
Antling Soldier | Antling Soldier |  | Vilekin | 1 | Central Thanalan |
Antling Worker | Antling Worker |  | Vilekin | 1 | Central Thanalan |
Antlion Ambusher | Antlion Ambusher | | Antlion | 1 | The Fringes |
Anubys | Anubys | | Chimera | 1 | Mor Dhona |
Anyder Clionid | Anyder Clionid |  | Wavekin | 2 | |
Anyder Diviner | Anyder Diviner |  | Spoken | 2 | |
Anyder Grappler | Anyder Grappler |  | Spoken | 2 | |
Anyder Harpooner | Anyder Harpooner |  | Spoken | 2 | |
Anyder Leech | Anyder Leech |  | Wavekin | 2 | |
Anyder Squib | Anyder Squib |  | Vilekin | 2 | |
Anzu | Anzu |  | Cloudkin | 1 | The Sea of Clouds |
Anzu Hen | Anzu Hen | | Cloudkin | 1 | The Sea of Clouds |
Apa (Mob) | Apa | | Elementals | 1 | The Ruby Sea |
Apademak | Apademak | | Chimera | 6 | |
Apanda (Enemy) | Apanda |  | Voidsent | 2 | |
Apkallu (Mob) | Apkallu |  | Cloudkin | 1 | Eastern La Noscea |
Apollyon | Apollyon |  | Vilekin | 6 | |
Apotamkin | Apotamkin |  | Beastkin | 1 | The Sea of Clouds |
Apsaras | Apsaras | | Elementals | 1 | Yanxia |
Apyaahi the Architect | Apyaahi the Architect |  | Viera | 6 | |
Aqrabuamelu | Aqrabuamelu |  | Vilekin | 4 | The Peaks |
Aquarius | Aquarius |  | Wavekin | 1 | |
Aqueduct Adamantoise | Aqueduct Adamantoise | | Scalekin | 2 | |
Aqueduct Ameretat | Aqueduct Ameretat |  | Seedkin | 2 | |
Aqueduct Armor | Aqueduct Armor | | Soulkin | 1 | |
Aqueduct Bat | Aqueduct Bat | | Cloudkin | 2 | |
Aqueduct Belladonna | Aqueduct Belladonna | | Seedkin | 1 | |
Aqueduct Dryad | Aqueduct Dryad | | Seedkin | 1 | |
Aqueduct Eft | Aqueduct Eft | | Wavekin | 2 | |
Aqueduct Elbst | Aqueduct Elbst |  | Wavekin | 2 | |
Aqueduct Fluturini | Aqueduct Fluturini | | Vilekin | 2 | |
Aqueduct Focalor | Aqueduct Focalor |  | Wavekin | 2 | |
Aqueduct Gelatin | Aqueduct Gelatin |  | Elementals | 2 | |
Aqueduct Genomos | Aqueduct Genomos | | Seedkin | 2 | |
Aqueduct Gigantoad | Aqueduct Gigantoad |  | Wavekin | 2 | |
Aqueduct Golem | Aqueduct Golem | | Soulkin | 2 | |
Aqueduct Goobbue | Aqueduct Goobbue | | Beastkin | 2 | |
Aqueduct Goosefish | Aqueduct Goosefish |  | Wavekin | 2 | |
Aqueduct Hecteyes | Aqueduct Hecteyes |  | Voidsent | 2 | |
Aqueduct Kaluk | Aqueduct Kaluk | | Seedkin | 1 | |
Aqueduct Leafkin | Aqueduct Leafkin | | Seedkin | 2 | |
Aqueduct Leshy | Aqueduct Leshy | | Seedkin | 2 | |
Aqueduct Mossling | Aqueduct Mossling | | Seedkin | 2 | |
Aqueduct Odqan | Aqueduct Odqan | | Soulkin | 2 | |
Aqueduct Pudding | Aqueduct Pudding | | Voidsent | 2 | |
Aqueduct Sapria | Aqueduct Sapria | | Seedkin | 1 | |
Aqueduct Sarcosuchus | Aqueduct Sarcosuchus |  | Scalekin | 2 | |
Aqueduct Slug | Aqueduct Slug |  | Wavekin | 2 | |
Aqueduct Snurble | Aqueduct Snurble | | Elementals | 2 | |
Aqueduct Udumbara | Aqueduct Udumbara | | Seedkin | 1 | |
Aqueduct Uragnite | Aqueduct Uragnite | | Wavekin | 2 | |
Aqueduct Wamoura | Aqueduct Wamoura |  | Vilekin | 2 | |
Aqueous Aether | Aqueous Aether | | Elementals | 1 | |
Arachne Eve | Arachne Eve |  | Voidsent | 6 | |
Arbor Buzzard | Arbor Buzzard |  | Cloudkin | 1 | Zone |
Arboretum Bifericeras | Arboretum Bifericeras |  | Wavekin | 2 | Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard) |
Arboretum Crawler | Arboretum Crawler |  | Vilekin | 2 | Saint Mocianne's Arboretum |
Arboretum Leech | Arboretum Leech |  | Wavekin | 2 | Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard) |
Arboretum Slug | Arboretum Slug |  | Wavekin | 2 | Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard) |
Arbuda | Arbuda |  | Soulkin | 5 | The Temple of the Fist |
Arcane Sphere | Arcane Sphere | | Circle | 1 | Deltascape V4.0 (Savage) |
Arcane Sphere (Ascian Prime) | Arcane Sphere |  | Orb | 1 | The Aetherochemical Research Facility |
Arcane Sphere (Winged Lion) | Arcane Sphere |  | Orb | 1 | |
Arch Aethereater | Arch Aethereater |  | | 4 | Dawntrail |
Arch Angra Mainyu | Arch Angra Mainyu |  | Ahriman | 1 | |
Arch Demon | Arch Demon | | Voidsent | 1 | The Dravanian Hinterlands |
Arch Ultima | Arch Ultima |  | Ultima Weapon Projects | 6 | |
Arch-Eta | Arch-Eta |  | Omicrons | 4 | Ultima Thule |
Arch-Lambda | Arch-Lambda |  | Omicrons | 5 | |
Arch-noctilucale | Arch-noctilucale | | Seedkin | 1 | The Diadem |
Archaeoaevis | Archaeoaevis | | Aevis | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Archaeornis (Mob) | Archaeornis |  | Scalekin | 4 | Coerthas Western Highlands |
Archaeosaur (Mob) | Archaeosaur |  | Scalekin | 1 | The Churning Mists |
Archaeotania | Archaeotania |  | Beasts of the Final Days | 4 | The Tempest |
Archanima Marionette | Archanima Marionette | | Marolith | 1 | South Shroud |
Arena Bat | Arena Bat | | Cloudkin | 1 | |
Arena Bavarois | Arena Bavarois | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Arena Beetle | Arena Beetle | | Vilekin | 1 | |
Arena Bomb | Arena Bomb | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Arena Catoblepas | Arena Catoblepas | | Beastkin | 1 | |
Arena Cherry Bomb | Arena Cherry Bomb | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Arena Cyclops | Arena Cyclops | | Spoken | 1 | |
Arena Dullahan | Arena Dullahan |  | Soulkin | 1 | |
Arena Eye | Arena Eye | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Arena Flan | Arena Flan | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Arena Gas Bomb | Arena Gas Bomb | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Arena Gelato | Arena Gelato | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Arena Grenade | Arena Grenade | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Arena Haagenti | Arena Haagenti | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Arena Imp | Arena Imp | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Arena Jam | Arena Jam | | Ashkin | 1 | |
Arena Licorice | Arena Licorice | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Arena Magus | Arena Magus | | Soulkin | 1 | |
Arena Mandragora | Arena Mandragora | | Seedkin | 1 | |
Arena Manticore | Arena Manticore | | Beastkin | 1 | |
Arena Marshmallow | Arena Marshmallow | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Arena Mirrorknight | Arena Mirrorknight | | Chimera | 1 | |
Arena Progenitrix | Arena Progenitrix | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Arena Pudding | Arena Pudding | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Arena Roselet | Arena Roselet | | Seedkin | 1 | |
Arena Scribe | Arena Scribe | | Soulkin | 1 | |
Arena Serpent | Arena Serpent | | Scalekin | 1 | |
Arena Shabti | Shabti | | Chimera | 3 | |
Arena Slime | Arena Slime |  | Ashkin | 1 | |
Arena Snoll | Arena Snoll | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Arena Succubus | Arena Succubus | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Arena Viking | Arena Viking | | Soulkin | 1 | |
Arena Vodoriga | Arena Vodoriga | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Arena Wolf | Arena Wolf | | Beastkin | 1 | |
Argath Thadalfus | Argath Thadalfus |  | Transfigured | 6 | |
Arges | Arges |  | Spoken | 1 | |
Arimaspi | Arimaspi |  | Voidsent | 1 | Northern Thanalan |
Arioch | Arioch |  | Voidsent | 5 | |
Arioch of the Isle | Arioch of the Isle | | Arioch | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Ark Angel EV | Ark Angel EV |  | | 6 | |
Ark Angel GK | Ark Angel GK |  | | 6 | |
Ark Angel HM | Ark Angel HM |  | | 6 | |
Ark Angel MR | Ark Angel MR |  | | 6 | |
Ark Angel TT | Ark Angel TT |  | | 6 | |
Ark Anzu | Ark Anzu |  | Cloudkin | 1 | The Void Ark |
Ark Morbol | Ark Morbol |  | Seedkin | 1 | The Void Ark |
Arkas | Arkas |  | Beastkin | 5 | |
Arkose Golem | Arkose Golem | | Soulkin | 1 | |
Arm of the Adjudicator | Arm of the Adjudicator | | Body Part | 1 | The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) |
Armalcolite | Armalcolite |  | Extrastellar Life | 1 | Mare Lamentorum |
Armantel Scaletalker | Armantel Scaletalker | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Mor Dhona |
Armed Refugee | Armed Refugee | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Central Thanalan |
Armor of Baron | Armor of Baron | | Ashkin | 1 | |
Armored Beast | Armored Beast | | Beastkin | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Armored Chariot | Armored Chariot |  | Forgekin | 5 | |
Armored Pauldron | Armored Pauldron | | Device | 1 | Alexander - The Heart of the Creator (Savage) |
Armored Telodragon | Armored Telodragon |  | Dragon | 2 | Paglth'an |
Armored Weapon (Enemy) | Armored Weapon |  | Forgekin | 5 | |
Armstrong | Armstrong |  | Forgekin | 4 | Garlemald |
Aroma Crawler | Aroma Crawler | | Vilekin | 1 | The Dravanian Hinterlands |
Aroma Leech | Aroma Leech | | Wavekin | 1 | The Lochs |
Arrhidaeus's Lanner | Arrhidaeus's Lanner |  | Forgekin | 1 | Alexander - The Soul of the Creator |
Arrow-nocking Adventurer | Arrow-nocking Adventurer | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Western La Noscea |
Art | Art |  | | 6 | |
Asag | Asag |  | Muud Suud | 1 | |
Asbestos Coblyn | Asbestos Coblyn | | Coblyn | 1 | Outer La Noscea |
Ascian Conjurer | Ascian Conjurer | | Ascians | 1 | Western Thanalan |
Ascian Prime | Ascian Prime |  | Ascians | 6 | |
Ascian Thaumaturge | Ascian Thaumaturge | | Ascians | 1 | Western Thanalan |
Ascian of the Twelfth Chalice | Ascian of the Twelfth Chalice | | Ascians | 1 | The Borderland Ruins (Secure) |
Ascian of the Twelfth Pentacle | Ascian of the Twelfth Pentacle | | Ascians | 1 | The Dravanian Hinterlands |
Ascian of the Twelfth Staff | Ascian of the Twelfth Staff | | Ascians | 1 | The Dravanian Hinterlands |
Ascian of the Twelfth Sword | Ascian of the Twelfth Sword | | Ascians | 1 | The Dravanian Hinterlands |
Asclepius | Asclepius | | Scalekin | 1 | The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5 |
Ash | Ash |  | Voidsent | 5 | |
Ash Dragon | Ash Dragon |  | Voidsent | 1 | |
Ashdrake | Ashdrake | | Scalekin | 1 | Brayflox's Longstop |
Asipatra | Asipatra |  | Cloudkin | 4 | Central Shroud |
Askalaphos | Askalaphos |  | Cloudkin | 1 | |
Aspect of Chaos | Aspect of Chaos |  | Voidsent | 4 | Mor Dhona |
Aspidochelone | Aspidochelone |  | Scalekin | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Aspis | Aspis |  | Scalekin | 1 | Shaaloani |
Assault Aevis | Assault Aevis | | Aevis | 1 | Coerthas Western Highlands |
Assault Biast | Assault Biast | | Scalekin | 1 | Coerthas Western Highlands |
Assault Dragon | Assault Dragon | | Dragon | 1 | Coerthas Western Highlands |
Assault Dragonfly | Assault Dragonfly | | Dragonfly | 1 | Coerthas Western Highlands |
Assault System α | Assault System α | | Assault System | 1 | The Borderland Ruins (Secure) |
Assault Wyvern | Assault Wyvern | | Scalekin | 1 | Coerthas Western Highlands |
Asterodia | Asterodia |  | Cloudkin | 1 | Heritage Found |
Astraea | Astraea | | Endymion | 1 | The Keeper of the Lake |
Astroscope Log | Astroscope Log | | Crate | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Asura | Asura |  | Primals | 6 | |
Asvattha | Asvattha |  | Seedkin | 1 | Thavnair |
Aswang | Aswang |  | Scalekin | 4 | The Azim Steppe |
Athena (boss) | Athena |  | | 6 | |
Atomos | Atomos |  | Voidsent | 1 | |
Atrociraptor | Atrociraptor |  | Scalekin | 1 | The Rak'tika Greatwood |
Attack Hound | Attack Hound | | Beastkin | 1 | Haukke Manor |
Attack Node | Attack Node |  | Forgekin | 1 | Upper Aetheroacoustic Exploratory Site |
Attic Bat | Attic Bat | | Cloudkin | 3 | Haukke Manor |
Atticus the Primogenitor | Atticus the Primogenitor |  | Scalekin | 4 | Heritage Found |
Aturia | Aturia | | Wavekin | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Audacious Elbst | Audacious Elbst | | Elbst | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos |
Audience | Audience | | Voidsent | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Augmented Battle Drake | Augmented Battle Drake | | Scalekin | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Aulus Rem Vulso | Aulus rem Vulso |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | East Shroud |
Aulus mal Asina | Aulus mal Asina |  | Garlean | 5 | |
Aurelia | Aurelia |  | Wavekin | 1 | Lower La Noscea |
Aurochs | Aurochs | | Beastkin | 1 | Western La Noscea |
Automated Avenger | Automated Avenger |  | Forgekin | 1 | Garlemald |
Automated Bit | Automated Bit |  | Forgekin | 1 | Garlemald |
Automated Cavalry | Automated Cavalry |  | Forgekin | 1 | Garlemald |
Automated Colossus | Automated Colossus |  | Forgekin | 1 | Garlemald |
Automated Death Machine | Automated Death Machine |  | Forgekin | 1 | Garlemald |
Automated Gabriel | Automated Gabriel |  | Forgekin | 1 | Garlemald |
Automated Roader | Automated Roader |  | Forgekin | 1 | Garlemald |
Automated Satellite | Automated Satellite |  | Forgekin | 1 | Garlemald |
Automated Slasher | Automated Slasher |  | Forgekin | 1 | Garlemald |
Automatic Turret | Automatic Turret | | Device | 1 | Delubrum Reginae |
Auxiliary Ceruleum Tank | Auxiliary Ceruleum Tank | | Ceruleum Tank | 1 | The Keeper of the Lake |
Avere Bravearm (Boss) | Avere Bravearm |  | Voidsent | 6 | |
Avoirdupois | Avoirdupois | | Facer | 3 | |
Axe Beak | Axe Beak |  | Scalekin | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Axe-wielding Adventurer | Axe-wielding Adventurer | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Western La Noscea |
Axe-wielding Loyalist | Axe-wielding Loyalist |  | Enemy Humanoid | 2 | |
Axe-wielding Training Partner | Axe-wielding Training Partner | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | |
Axolotl | Axolotl |  | Wavekin | 1 | Western La Noscea |
Ayida | Ayida |  | Cloudkin | 1 | |
Azer | Azer |  | Voidsent | 1 | Syrcus Tower |
Azeyma (Boss) | Azeyma |  | | 6 | |
Azulmagia (enemy) | Azulmagia | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | |
Baal | Baal |  | Wavekin | 4 | The Tempest |
Baalzephon | Baalzephon |  | Persona | 1 | |
Babaroon Halfshell | Babaroon Halfshell |  | Qiqirn | 1 | Central Thanalan |
Babil Armored Weapon | Babil Armored Weapon | | Forgekin | 1 | The Tower of Babil |
Babil Avenger | Babil Avenger | | Forgekin | 1 | The Tower of Babil |
Babil Bit | Babil Bit | | Forgekin | 1 | The Tower of Babil |
Babil Canis Pugnax | Babil Canis Pugnax | | Beastkin | 1 | The Tower of Babil |
Babil Colossus | Babil Colossus | | Forgekin | 1 | The Tower of Babil |
Babil Death Machine | Babil Death Machine | | Forgekin | 1 | The Tower of Babil |
Babil Gunship | Babil Gunship | | Forgekin | 1 | The Tower of Babil |
Babil Helldiver | Babil Helldiver | | Forgekin | 1 | The Tower of Babil |
Babil Hexadrone | Babil Hexadrone | | Forgekin | 1 | The Tower of Babil |
Babil Hypertuned Specimen | Babil Hypertuned Specimen | | Transfigured | 1 | The Tower of Babil |
Babil Nimrod | Babil Nimrod | | Forgekin | 1 | The Tower of Babil |
Babil Predator | Babil Predator | | Forgekin | 1 | The Tower of Babil |
Babil Reaper | Babil Reaper | | Forgekin | 1 | The Tower of Babil |
Babil Rearguard | Babil Rearguard | | Forgekin | 1 | The Tower of Babil |
Babil Roader | Babil Roader | | Forgekin | 1 | The Tower of Babil |
Babil Satellite | Babil Satellite | | Forgekin | 1 | The Tower of Babil |
Babil Sky Armor | Babil Sky Armor | | Forgekin | 1 | The Tower of Babil |
Babil Slasher | Babil Slasher | | Forgekin | 1 | The Tower of Babil |
Baboulas (Enemy) | Baboulas |  | Voidsent | 2 | |
Baenryss of the Deep | Baenryss of the Deep | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Western La Noscea |
Baert Trading Company Guard | Baert Trading Company Guard | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Northern Thanalan |
Bagoly | Bagoly |  | Chimera | 5 | Eastern Thanalan |
Bahamut Prime | Bahamut Prime |  | Primals | 6 | |
Bahamut Prime (Golden) | Bahamut Prime |  | Primals | 6 | |
Balaros | Balaros | | Seedkin | 1 | East Shroud |
Bald Buzzard | Bald Buzzard |  | Cloudkin | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Bald Kraken | Bald Kraken |  | Wavekin | 2 | |
Baldewyn Four Yalms | Baldewyn Four Yalms | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Western Thanalan |
Baleen Guard | Baleen Guard | | Sahagin | 1 | Sastasha |
Balidet | Balidet | | Voidsent | 1 | Outer La Noscea |
Ball of Naught | Ball of Naught |  | | 1 | Bardam's Mettle |
Balloon | Balloon |  | Voidsent | 1 | North Shroud |
Balor | Balor |  | Voidsent | 1 | Northern Thanalan |
Balor's Bell | Balor's Bell | | Voidsent | 1 | Northern Thanalan |
Bandercoeurl | Bandercoeurl |  | Beastkin | 1 | Urqopacha |
Bandersnatch (Mob) | Bandersnatch |  | Beastkin | 1 | The Dravanian Forelands |
Bandit Archer | Bandit Archer |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Bandit Archer (Dawntrail) | Bandit Archer |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Kozama'uka |
Bandit Brawler | Bandit Brawler | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Kozama'uka |
Bandit Mage | Bandit Mage |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Bandit Marauder | Bandit Marauder |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Kozama'uka |
Bandit Spellweaver | Bandit Spellweaver | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Kozama'uka |
Bandit Swordsman | Bandit Swordsman |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Kozama'uka |
Bandit Trapper | Bandit Trapper |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Banemite | Banemite |  | Vilekin | 1 | North Shroud |
Banemite Straggler | Banemite Straggler | | Vilekin | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Banestool | Banestool |  | Seedkin | 1 | East Shroud |
Banished Hunter | Banished Hunter | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | The Dravanian Forelands |
Banshee (Enemy) | Banshee |  | Ashkin | 2 | |
Baras | Baras |  | Beastkin | 1 | The Azim Steppe |
Barb of Tarasque | Barb of Tarasque | | Aevis | 1 | The Dravanian Forelands |
Barbariccia | Barbariccia |  | Voidsent | 6 | |
Barbastelle | Barbastelle |  | Cloudkin | 4 | Lower La Noscea |
Barbatos | Barbatos | | Voidsent | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Barbelo | Barbelo | | Barbelo | 1 | Containment Bay P1T6 |
Barber Hirskskrat | Barber Hirskskrat | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Rhotano Sea |
Barbmole | Barbmole |  | Beastkin | 1 | Urqopacha |
Bardam | Bardam |  | Soulkin | 5 | |
Barghest | Barghest | | Chimera | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Baritine Croc | Baritine Croc |  | Scalekin | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Bark Eft | Bark Eft |  | Wavekin | 1 | South Shroud |
Bark Spider | Bark Spider |  | Vilekin | 1 | |
Barnabas | Barnabas |  | Forgekin | 5 | |
Barometz | Barometz |  | Seedkin | 4 | Western La Noscea |
Baron Jester | Baron Jester | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Baron Von Quiveron III Esquire | Baron Von Quiveron III Esquire | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Central Thanalan |
Baron von Quiveron III Esquire | Baron von Quiveron III Esquire |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Central Thanalan |
Barong | Barong |  | Beastkin | 1 | |
Barracuda Elite | Barracuda Elite |  | Enemy Humanoid | 2 | |
Barreltender | Barreltender |  | Seedkin | 5 | |
Barricade | Barricade | | Barricade | 1 | Central Shroud |
Bartholomew of the Silver Sallet | Bartholomew of the Silver Sallet | | Hyur | 1 | Ul'dah - Steps of Thal |
Basalt Golem | Basalt Golem | | Soulkin | 1 | Outer La Noscea |
Basilisk | Basilisk |  | Scalekin | 1 | Northern Thanalan |
Bastet | Bastet | | Beastkin | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Bateleur | Bateleur |  | Cloudkin | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Batraal | Batraal |  | Voidsent | 6 | |
Batsquatch | Batsquatch |  | Cloudkin | 5 | |
Battle Bird | Battle Bird |  | Cloudkin | 2 | |
Battle Coeurl | Battle Coeurl |  | Beastkin | 5 | |
Battle Drake | Battle Drake | | Scalekin | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Battle Raptor | Battle Raptor |  | Scalekin | 2 | |
Battle-scarred Bergthurs | Battle-scarred Bergthurs | | Ogre | 1 | Coerthas Western Highlands |
Battle-scarred Vindthurs | Battle-scarred Vindthurs | | Ogre | 1 | Coerthas Western Highlands |
Bavaroid Waste | Bavaroid Waste | | Flan | 1 | The Wanderer's Palace (Hard) |
Baylaborr | Baylaborr |  | Wavekin | 4 | Yak T'el |
Beatrice | Beatrice |  | Voidsent | 5 | |
Beccho | Beccho |  | Vilekin | 1 | |
Bedazzled Tulihand | Bedazzled Tulihand | | Scalekin | 1 | The Churning Mists |
Bee Cloud | Bee Cloud | | Vilekin | 1 | Middle La Noscea |
Beggar Bhikkhu | Beggar Bhikkhu | | Spoken | 1 | Mor Dhona |
Beggar Bonze | Beggar Bonze | | Spoken | 1 | Mor Dhona |
Beggar Shramana | Beggar Shramana | | Spoken | 1 | Mor Dhona |
Beggar Sozu | Beggar Sozu | | Spoken | 1 | Mor Dhona |
Behemoth (Mob) | Behemoth |  | Beastkin | 4 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Beigad | Beigad | | Beastkin | 1 | East Shroud |
Belah'dian Knight | Belah'dian Knight | | Ashkin | 1 | The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) |
Belah'dian Soul | Belah'dian Soul | | Ashkin | 1 | |
Belias, the Gigas | Belias, the Gigas |  | Transfigured | 6 | |
Belias-Egi | Belias-Egi | | Elementals | 1 | Mor Dhona |
Belladonna (enemy) | Belladonna |  | Seedkin | 6 | |
Bellporxie | Bellporxie |  | Soulkin | 2 | |
Bennu | Bennu | | Cloudkin | 1 | The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 |
Benthos Diviner | Benthos Diviner |  | Spoken | 1 | The Tempest |
Benthos Grappler | Benthos Grappler |  | Spoken | 1 | The Tempest |
Benthos Harpooner | Benthos Harpooner |  | Spoken | 1 | The Tempest |
Bergthurs | Bergthurs |  | Voidsent | 1 | Coerthas Western Highlands |
Berkanan | Berkanan |  | Seedkin | 1 | Labyrinthos |
Bero Roggo | Bero Roggo | | Wavekin | 4 | The Dravanian Hinterlands |
Beroald the Last Standing | Beroald the Last Standing | | Hyur | 1 | Ul'dah - Steps of Nald |
Bertha | Bertha | | Cannon | 1 | The Steps of Faith |
Beryl Crab | Beryl Crab | | Megalocrab | 1 | |
Best Gargoyle | Best Gargoyle | | Lesser Gargoyle | 1 | The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) |
Best Man | Best Man | | Ashkin | 1 | The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) |
Best Vodoriga | Best Vodoriga | | Vodoriga | 1 | The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) |
Bestial Node | Bestial Node | | Forgekin | 1 | |
Beta | Beta |  | Omicrons | 1 | Ultima Thule |
Beta Groundskeeper | Beta Groundskeeper | | Marolith | 1 | The Churning Mists |
Beta Invader | Beta Invader | | Omicrons | 1 | The Stigma Dreamscape |
Beta Zaghnal | Beta Zaghnal |  | Chimera | 1 | |
Betrayed Soul | Betrayed Soul | | Ashkin | 1 | |
Bezoar | Bezoar | | Beastkin | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Bezul Huizan the Screamer | Bezul Huizan the Screamer | | Ixal | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Bhima | Bhima |  | Elementals | 1 | |
Bhoot (NPC) | Bhoot | | Ashkin | 1 | Pharos Sirius |
Bhujamga (Mob) | Bhujamga |  | Scalekin | 1 | Thavnair |
Bi Fang | Bi Fang |  | Cloudkin | 1 | Yanxia |
Biast | Biast |  | Scalekin | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Bibireze Greysteel | Bibireze Greysteel |  | Enemy Humanoid | 4 | Southern Thanalan |
Biblioclast | Biblioclast |  | Voidsent | 2 | |
Bibliognost | Bibliognost | | Voidsent | 1 | Sigmascape V3.0 |
Biblioklept | Biblioklept |  | Voidsent | 1 | The Great Gubal Library |
Bibliolater | Bibliolater |  | Voidsent | 2 | The Great Gubal Library (Hard) |
Bibliomancer | Bibliomancer |  | Voidsent | 1 | The Great Gubal Library |
Bibliophagist | Bibliophagist |  | Voidsent | 2 | The Great Gubal Library (Hard) |
Bibliophile | Bibliophile |  | Voidsent | 1 | The Great Gubal Library |
Bibliophobe | Bibliophobe |  | Voidsent | 2 | |
Bibliotaph | Bibliotaph | | Bibliotaph | 1 | Sigmascape V3.0 |
Bibliothec Binder | Bibliothec Binder | | Hyur | 1 | The Dravanian Hinterlands |
Bibliothec Cataloger | Bibliothec Cataloger | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | The Dravanian Hinterlands |
Bibliothec Reciter | Bibliothec Reciter | | Miqo'te | 1 | The Dravanian Hinterlands |
Bibliovore | Bibliovore |  | Voidsent | 2 | |
Bifericeras | Bifericeras |  | Wavekin | 1 | The Dravanian Hinterlands |
Big Claw | Big Claw | | Wavekin | 1 | Western La Noscea |
Big Flipper | Big Flipper |  | Wavekin | 1 | Western La Noscea |
Big Shrapnel | Big Shrapnel | | Voidsent | 1 | Outer La Noscea |
Bigfoot | Bigfoot | | Beastkin | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Bigger Chigoe | Bigger Chigoe | | Vilekin | 1 | South Shroud |
Biggy | Biggy |  | Soulkin | 5 | |
Bigmouth Orobon | Bigmouth Orobon |  | Wavekin | 1 | South Shroud |
Bijou | Bijou |  | Orb | 1 | The Weeping City of Mhach |
Biloko (Enemy) | Biloko |  | Seedkin | 2 | |
Binah | Binah |  | Elementals | 1 | |
Bioculture Node | Bioculture Node |  | Forgekin | 2 | The Aetherochemical Research Facility |
Biohazard | Biohazard |  | Voidsent | 2 | The Aetherochemical Research Facility |
Biomanufactured Brobinyak | Biomanufactured Brobinyak |  | Dragon | 2 | The Fractal Continuum (Hard) |
Biomanufactured Minotaur | Biomanufactured Minotaur |  | Chimera | 2 | The Fractal Continuum (Hard) |
Biomanufactured Naga | Biomanufactured Naga |  | Chimera | 2 | The Fractal Continuum (Hard) |
Biopellet | Biopellet |  | Voidsent | 2 | The Fractal Continuum (Hard) |
Bird Eater | Bird Eater |  | Vilekin | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Bird of Aloalo | Bird of Aloalo | | Cloudkin | 2 | |
Bird of Barathrum | Bird of Barathrum |  | Cloudkin | 1 | |
Bird of Elpis | Bird of Elpis |  | Creations | 1 | Elpis |
Bird of Ihuykatumu | Bird of Ihuykatumu |  | Cloudkin | 2 | |
Bird of Ligaka | Bird of Ligaka |  | Cloudkin | 1 | Kozama'uka |
Bird of Orthos | Bird of Orthos |  | Cloudkin | 1 | |
Bird of Paradise (Mob) | Bird of Paradise |  | Cloudkin | 4 | The Sea of Clouds |
Bird of the Cenote | Bird of the Cenote | | Cloudkin | 1 | |
Bird of the Deep Palace | Bird of the Deep Palace |  | Cloudkin | 1 | |
Bird of the Palace | Bird of the Palace |  | Cloudkin | 1 | |
Bismarck | Bismarck |  | Primals | 6 | |
Bitoso | Bitoso | | Voidsent | 1 | Upper La Noscea |
Bitoso Adherent | Bitoso Adherent | | Imp | 1 | Outer La Noscea |
Bitoso of the Isle | Bitoso of the Isle | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Bitsy Basket | Bitsy Basket | | Soulkin | 1 | Il Mheg |
Black Bat | Black Bat |  | Cloudkin | 1 | East Shroud |
Black Cat | Black Cat |  | Miqo'te | 6 | |
Black Eft | Black Eft |  | Wavekin | 1 | Central Shroud |
Black Knight | Black Knight |  | Soulkin | 3 | |
Black Mage Corpse | Black Mage Corpse |  | Ashkin | 1 | The Weeping City of Mhach |
Black Marketeer Bodyguard | Black Marketeer Bodyguard | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Black Marketeer Bodyguard Head | Black Marketeer Bodyguard Head | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Black Merino | Black Merino |  | Beastkin | 1 | Labyrinthos |
Black Wolf | Black Wolf | | Beastkin | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Blackbile Maladd Chah | Blackbile Maladd Chah |  | Spoken | 4 | Southern Thanalan |
Blackblood Zu | Blackblood Zu | | Cloudkin | 1 | Coerthas Western Highlands |
Blackburn | Blackburn |  | Forgekin | 1 | |
Blackened Headstone | Blackened Headstone | | | 1 | Mor Dhona |
Blackening Marketeer | Blackening Marketeer |  | Ashkin | 1 | |
Blackguard (Enemy) | Blackguard |  | Voidsent | 1 | The Void Ark |
Blackstake Rodegg Chah | Blackstake Rodegg Chah | | Spoken | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Blade of the Griffin | Blade of the Griffin |  | Gladiator's Arm | 1 | Baelsar's Wall |
Bladed Vinegaroon | Bladed Vinegaroon |  | Scalekin | 1 | The Churning Mists |
Bladesblood | Bladesblood | | Cross Slash | 1 | Cid's Memory |
Bladewise Hoobigo | Bladewise Hoobigo |  | Mamool Ja | 1 | Yak T'el |
Blandga | Blandga | | Vodoriga | 1 | Central Thanalan |
Blanga | Blanga |  | Voidsent | 1 | Western La Noscea |
Blaster | Blaster |  | | 6 | |
Blaster Mirage | Blaster Mirage | | Blaster | 1 | Alexander - The Cuff of the Son |
Blasting Cap | Blasting Cap |  | Voidsent | 1 | |
Blazewing | Blazewing | | Vilekin | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Blazing Anala | Blazing Anala | | Elementals | 1 | Labyrinthos |
Blazing Angon | Blazing Angon | | Non-Humanoid | 1 | |
Blazing Cerule Anala | Blazing Cerule Anala |  | Elementals | 1 | Shaaloani |
Blazing Soul | Blazing Soul |  | Forgekin | 1 | Living Memory |
Blind Bateleur | Blind Bateleur | | Cloudkin | 1 | Coerthas Western Highlands |
Blizzard Biast | Blizzard Biast | | Scalekin | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Blizzard Dragon | Blizzard Dragon |  | Dragon | 2 | Sohr Khai |
Blizzard Sprite | Blizzard Sprite | | Elementals | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Blizzardsphere | Blizzardsphere | | Orb | 1 | The Aetherochemical Research Facility |
Bloated Archer | Bloated Archer |  | Ashkin | 1 | |
Bloated Big Claw | Bloated Big Claw |  | Megalocrab | 1 | Kholusia |
Bloated Bogy | Bloated Bogy |  | Ashkin | 1 | Western Thanalan |
Bloated Conjurer | Bloated Conjurer |  | Ashkin | 1 | |
Bloated Pugilist | Bloated Pugilist |  | Ashkin | 1 | |
Bloated Yumemi | Bloated Yumemi | | Wavekin | 1 | The Ruby Sea |
Blood Bat | Blood Bat | | Cloudkin | 1 | East Shroud |
Blood Bateleur | Blood Bateleur | | Cloudkin | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Blood Demon | Blood Demon |  | Voidsent | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Blood Dragon | Blood Dragon |  | Dragon | 1 | The Churning Mists |
Blood Hound | Blood Hound |  | Voidsent | 1 | |
Blood Morpho | Blood Morpho | | Vilekin | 1 | Il Mheg |
Blood of the Mountain | Blood of the Mountain |  | Ashkin | 2 | Sohm Al (Hard) |
Blood-eyed Buzzard | Blood-eyed Buzzard | | Cloudkin | 1 | Western Thanalan |
Bloodbearer Robairlain | Bloodbearer Robairlain | | Dragon | 4 | The Dravanian Forelands |
Bloodbelly Chanter | Bloodbelly Chanter | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | South Shroud |
Bloodbelly Sharpeye | Bloodbelly Sharpeye | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | South Shroud |
Bloodbelly Stinger | Bloodbelly Stinger | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | South Shroud |
Bloodbelly Thaumaturge | Bloodbelly Thaumaturge | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | South Shroud |
Bloodglider | Bloodglider |  | Vilekin | 1 | The Peaks |
Bloodglider Monk | Bloodglider Monk |  | Vilekin | 2 | The Temple of the Fist |
Bloodguard | Bloodguard | | Blackguard | 1 | The Void Ark |
Bloodlapper | Bloodlapper | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Bloodmoon Martyr | Bloodmoon Martyr | | Ashkin | 1 | Amdapor Keep (Hard) |
Bloodmoon Sacrifice | Bloodmoon Sacrifice | | Ashkin | 1 | Amdapor Keep (Hard) |
Bloodshore Bell | Bloodshore Bell |  | Wavekin | 1 | Eastern La Noscea |
Bloodshot Deepeye | Bloodshot Deepeye | | Voidsent | 1 | Coerthas Western Highlands |
Bloodshot Eye | Bloodshot Eye | | Voidsent | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Bloodshot Hecteye | Bloodshot Hecteye | | Voidsent | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Bloodshower Atabb Chah | Bloodshower Atabb Chah | | Spoken | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Bloodsucker (enemy) | Bloodsucker |  | Scalekin | 1 | Urqopacha |
Bloody Bateleur | Bloody Bateleur | | Cloudkin | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Bloody Cur | Bloody Cur | | Beastkin | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Bloody Executioner Boatswain | Bloody Executioner Boatswain | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks |
Bloody Executioner Deckhand | Bloody Executioner Deckhand | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Upper La Noscea |
Bloody Executioner Gunner | Bloody Executioner Gunner | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks |
Bloody Executioner Leech | Bloody Executioner Leech | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Upper La Noscea |
Bloody Executioner Lodesman | Bloody Executioner Lodesman | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks |
Bloody Executioner Seamster | Bloody Executioner Seamster | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks |
Bloody Executioner Steersman | Bloody Executioner Steersman | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks |
Bloody Mary | Bloody Mary |  | Cloudkin | 4 | Eastern La Noscea |
Blooming Biloko | Blooming Biloko |  | Seedkin | 2 | Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard) |
Blooming Chichu | Blooming Chichu |  | Seedkin | 2 | Sohm Al (Hard) |