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Male ♂
Hyur (Midlander)
Elder of Palaka's Stand, Steward of the Shroud of the Samgha
Thavnair (29.6, 16.2)
Quest NPC

Yeruvvet is a Hyur found in Thavnair. He is the village elder of Palaka's Stand.

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Beyond the Depths of Despair Main Scenario quest 85 G'raha Tia
More Precious than Gil Sidequest 90 Hasdahd
Simple Pleasures Main Scenario quest 85 Estinien
That We Might Live Main Scenario quest 85 Alphinaud
Treasured Bonds Sidequest 90 Mehdjina
When All Hope Seems Lost Main Scenario quest 85 Matsya


Small Talk

After completion of Main Scenario quest That We Might Live

Yeruvvet: What dark times are these that we must live through? Have we only to suffer, to pray for deliverance?

After completion of Main Scenario quest Endwalker

Yeruvvet: It is good to see you, for you and yours are always welcome here.
Yeruvvet: As you can no doubt see for yourself, life here has largely returned to normal─on the surface, at least. The hearts of the people are yet scarred, I am sure, but those wounds will heal in time, too.

Main Scenario quest Beyond the Depths of Despair

Yeruvvet: The horror... I pray that the Sisters will see us through this calamity...

Sidequest More Precious than Gil

Yeruvvet: Palaka's Stand is charged with the preservation of Thavnair's divine teachings. Our methods to accomplish this must naturally change with the times.
Yeruvvet: I hear you were kind enough to escort these children to Purusa. Again, you have my gratitude.
Yeruvvet: Are your feelings any clearer for it?
Yeruvvet: Tangible mementos of our faith? An interesting proposition.
Yeruvvet: Many here would be glad to create such reminders. I expect those unable to perform strenuous labor would be especially grateful for an opportunity to contribute to the prosperity of our village. To say nothing of the options these additional funds would provide.
Yeruvvet: But most importantly, we would be able to help those who have chosen to live apart from us feel that much more connected to their community and their faith. I am proud of you both for discovering such an innovative way to do so.
Yeruvvet: Then take with you the knowledge that no matter where your journey takes you, our hearts will always be as one. May the Sisters guide you.
Yeruvvet: To think those two were once mired in all-consuming sorrow. I can hardly recognize them now.
Yeruvvet: I'm sure I have you and their Sharlayan benefactor to thank for their recovery. Please extend my warmest regards to this Mistress Tataru when next you meet.

Main Scenario quest Simple Pleasures

Yeruvvet: First hordes of beasts, now a mighty wyrm... Our world grows stranger by the day...
Yeruvvet: O, most great and merciful wyrm... I have not the words to express my gratitude...
Yeruvvet: They say that were it not for you...brave Matsya and the child would have been lost to us forever.
Yeruvvet: Long had I heard the rumors that a mighty dragon had forged a pact of friendship with the satrap, but never would I have expected such a kind and gentle soul.
Yeruvvet: Had both you and Master Vrtra not intervened, many and more would have no doubt perished. I am forever in your debt.

Main Scenario quest That We Might Live

Yeruvvet: Young Matsya here has told me everything. I have not the words to express my gratitude for your aid.
Yeruvvet: When the heavens began to burn, we were afraid, but did our best to carry on as we always have done...
Yeruvvet: Until today, when those unholy beasts came pouring into our village, a flood of midnight and death...
Yeruvvet: There are no words to describe what followed. Men and women I have known since they were babes struck down by the creatures, only to rise again to join the murderous horde, in the guise of those same hideous fiends...
Yeruvvet: In the chaos, a handful of our villagers fled for their lives. I can only hope they have found their way to safety...
Yeruvvet: Matsya, do you perchance remember Qerasaf and Mehvan? The young couple who always bought your freshest catches...
Yeruvvet: Alas, I fear they are in terrible danger. I saw them running towards Agama Temple, one of those beasts in close pursuit.
Yeruvvet: They had their child─still but a tiny babe. To elude these fiends while caring for one so young is an impossible task, surely. I beg of you, go to their aid...

Sidequest Treasured Bonds

Yeruvvet: Hasdahd? Mehdjina! How wonderful it is to see you! I have been so, so worried. Tell me, how is life in Sharlayan? Are you being treated well?
Yeruvvet: That is very good of her, indeed. I am relieved to hear you are being looked after.
Yeruvvet: You are ever a guardian to our people. Thank you for seeing these children safely home.
Yeruvvet: Now then: what is this errand you speak of?
Yeruvvet: How splendid! Our stewards shall put these to good use, you may be assured.
Yeruvvet: If only we could repay your generosity with something even half as marvelous. Alas, ours is a village of little extravagance.
Yeruvvet: Indeed. With the support of the Radiant Host and the funds you and others have sent, we have regained much of the peace we once knew.
Yeruvvet: You are worried your heart grows distant from Thavnair. That you have wandered too far from home.
Yeruvvet: But my child, it is only right that you should wander—that you should roam! Your heart's connection endures, no matter where you go. You yet think of us fondly enough to visit, yes? And send us what gil you can spare, do you not?
Yeruvvet: There is no “restoring” our village, Hasdahd. Without those we lost, Palaka's Stand will never be what it was.
Yeruvvet: Ours has always been a settlement of stewards, as well you know, tasked with the protection and preservation of Thavnair's sacred sites.
Yeruvvet: But we have seen our roads shaken and temples defiled by beasts. The material is not always within our ability to protect.
Yeruvvet: What is everlasting is our faith─the bonds between our people and the divine. Through the old teachings, we remind ourselves of life's meaning.
Yeruvvet: Yet if we wish to ensure our traditions endure for generations to come, should we not strive to do more than maintain our temples until pilgrims deign to visit? Ah, but I do not wish to tire you with an old man's musings.
Yeruvvet: Well, well! My words seem to have inspired you─and with the worldly insights you have gained, I am sure any future you envision for Palaka's Stand will be nothing short of remarkable.
Yeruvvet: But there is no need to rush. Take some time to speak with the others and make yourselves at home.

Main Scenario quest When All Hope Seems Lost

Yeruvvet: I am heartened to see you both safe, but what of the family?
Yeruvvet: Say no more. I understand. We have lost another of our dear friends...
Yeruvvet: Qerasaf may be gone, but there is still hope for Mehvan and their child. Please find them, I beg of you!
Yeruvvet: And if, in your search, you come across anyone else who escaped the slaughter, pray tell them what has happened.
Yeruvvet: I will do my best to keep the villagers safe...and their spirits high.
Yeruvvet: Qerasaf and Mehvan married only three summers ago. The day their daughter was born...I had never seen them so happy. They did not deserve this─none of these people did.