Yearn for the Urn

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Yearn for the Urn

White Mage Job Image 1.JPG
Quest giver
South Shroud (X:18.6, Y:27.1)
White Mage
Required items
1 A-Towa-Cant's Ashes icon.png  A-Towa-Cant's Ashes
Experience 11,880
Gil 0
Previous quest
Feature QuestFollowing in His Footsteps
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Feature QuestHeart of the Forest

Raya-O-Senna would have you recover the stolen ashes of A-Towa-Cant.

— In-game description





  • Distressed at the theft of A-Towa-Cant's ashes, Raya-O-Senna has sent her loyal moogleservant in search of the thieves. Speak to Kupcha Kupa and see if the search has borne fruit.
  • Kupcha Kupa informs you that one of his kind caught sight of an urn being carted away by a band of Redbelly Wasps. Speak to the eyewitness, a moogle by the name of Pukno Poki.
  • Pukno Poki tells you that he saw the bandits haul the urn into Redbelly Hive, on a wain carelessly overloaded with stolen loot. Infiltrate the nest of villainy and recover the stolen remains.
  • After scouring the Redbelly hideout, you have successfully recovered the remains of A-Towa-Cant. Return the urn to Raya-O-Senna.
  • Though relieved at the return of her ancestor's remains, Raya-O-Senna delivers unfortunate news. Uprooted from their resting place, the ashes have been drained of their powers, rendering them unsuitable for enchanting your garb. She asks you to continue your training while she consults her brother as to the best course of action.
    • The next white mage quest will be available from Raya-O-Senna upon reaching level 50.


Accepting the Quest

Raya-O-Senna: Grave robbery is a loathsome enough crime in its own right, but to defile the final resting place of a Padjal! Such an act could only be performed by the lowliest of bandit scum.
Raya-O-Senna: Though I would like to think that the elementals have already delivered due justice to the villain, we must take no chances in allowing an escape.
Raya-O-Senna: Whilst you were away, I put my best moogle on the hunt, searching for any sign of the culprit or the stolen remains. I daresay he should have a clue or two for us by now.
Raya-O-Senna: ...At least, he better, if he values that little ball on his head. Suffice it to say, though many forestborn think of the moogles as blessed, my own personal experience has found them to be more touched than anything else.

Speaking to Kupcha Kupa

Kupcha Kupa: <sigh> Oh, Mistress. You shouldn't say such hurtful things. It's most unbecoming of a Seedseer, kupo... But fine, don't listen to me.
Kupcha Kupa: Why, I told her just the other day that this is why she remains, shall we say, unspoken for. She might not react to that phrasing at present, but her ire was indeed fierce, kupo...
Kupcha Kupa: Of course, you have not come to discuss my mistress's temper, but the grave robbery. A most unforgivable act of villainy, if I do say so myself─which I believe I just did, kupo!
Kupcha Kupa: I am pleased to say─and you will be pleased to hear─that the culprit did not escape moogle eyes, kupo!
Kupcha Kupa: Well, my eyes, he did escape. My associate Pukno Poki, however, claims to have seen a band of ruffians skulking off in the direction of Redbelly Hive with various and sundry stolen goods in tow─among them, a rather conspicuously elaborate urn, kupo.
Kupcha Kupa: I do not know what the Redbellies are up to, but surely it can be nothing good. Please, [Forename], go quickly! If the urn is lost, I...I fear Raya–O's ire will be the least of my worries, kupo.

Speaking to Pukno Poki

Pukno Poki: Those thieving crooks! Those crooked thieves! Defiling the resting place of a Padjal? Why, no amount of thrashings, lashings, and bashings would suffice!
Pukno Poki: Kupopo? Why, if it isn't the [dashing/lovely] white mage Kupcha Kupa spoke of. And not a moment too soon!
Pukno Poki: Why, I was just about to swoop in and give them their comeuppance myself! Now that you're here, however, I believe I'll just sit back and enjoy the show, kupo.
Pukno Poki: Those vile Redbellies tossed the urn onto some ramshackle wagon─a most ignoble fate for a Padjali legend, I do declare─and carted it northwise toward their hive. You will retrieve it safe and sound, won't you, kupo?

Completing the Quest

Raya-O-Senna: Thank you, [Forename]. The remains of our exalted forebear hauled away by brigands like a sack of loot... Is that what our land has come to?
Raya-O-Senna: There can be no doubt. It is the great one's fury that brings such chaos to the Twelveswood. The situation is grave indeed.
Raya-O-Senna: I shall have our Wood Wailers deal with the Redbellies. We have more important matters before us.
Raya-O-Senna: And yet, I fear we have hit another snag. Though the urn has been safely recovered, the harsh treatment it suffered at the hands of the bandits has taken its toll. Uprooted from its proper resting place, the power of A-Towa-Cant once housed within has grown dim.
Raya-O-Senna: I shall return the urn to its rightful home. Perhaps, over time, it will return to its former state.
Raya-O-Senna: And yet I fear time is a luxury we do not have. We must explore other means to enchant the ritual garb.
Raya-O-Senna: I will consult with my brother to see what knowledge he might have to offer. In the meantime, I would ask that you master your newfound skills as best you can. There is no telling when the great one's fury might grow too strong to contain─we must ever be prepared.