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Working Off the Meal

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Working Off the Meal

Quest giver
Amh Araeng (X:26.7, Y:18.5)
Quest line
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Experience 216,000
Gil 642
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestCity of the Mord
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestA Desert Crossing
Feature QuestWork to Live or Live to Work

Main Scenario Progress: 547 / 953 (57.4%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 6 / 157 (3.8%)


Cassard is impressed by your gastronomic fortitude.

— In-game description





  • Cassard is impressed by your gastronomic fortitude.


Quest Acceptance

Cassard: Gahahaha! You have courage, my friend! Rhon Ron's wares are more “exotic” than harmful, but I don't envy you the bellyache you'll have on the morrow.  Right. Now that you've eaten, I expect you're eager to get back on the road...
Cassard: ...Would you mind if we delayed our departure a touch? I have a few deals left to close before I can conclude my business here in Mord Souq. Oh! Offering your services, are you? Aye, well an assistant would certainly help hurry things along!  I have a receipt here for some goods that need picking up from the market. All properly paid for─you'd just need to do the lifting and carrying.  I'll go and take care of some last-minute haggling, then. See you in a bit.
You may view the market receipt at any time during this quest by using the relevant item in the Key Items menu.

Use the market receipt to collect Cassard's purchases

Thol Tol: Cassard sent you, did he? Right. Yes. ...What kind of ore was it, again?
(Copper Ore/ Iron Ore / Tin Ore)-> Iron Ore
Thol Tol: Iron ore, of course! That would explain this box I have here. It's all yours!
Thon Ton: You came in with Cassard, yes? Good, good, I can finally stop thinking about that sack. Please, take your prickly purchase!
Mhul Mul: Hey, no touching! That merchandise is spoken for! You couldn't possibly change my mind with a better offer...
Mhul Mul: ...What? Cassard sent you!? Wh-Why didn't you say so? I wouldn't dream of selling his goods to a higher bidder! Oh no, no, no! Nabaath Areng relics, wasn't it? All packed in that box there. Handle with care!

Deliver the Mord Souq merchandise to Cassard

Cassard: Don't tell me you've been round the entire market already!?
Cassard: Aye, that's the lot, all right. Good work.  And quick work, too, considering you've not set foot in the place before. I'd thought you one to sit in the city like the Exarch, but something tells me you're not a stranger to visiting strange lands...
Cassard: Unfortunately, your efficiency presents something of a problem. I'd hoped to conclude all my business before you returned, but it seems there's been some confusion over one of the orders I placed.  I'll have to drag in my middleman and sort this mess out. I'm sorry to make you sit around and twiddle your thumbs...
???: ...Cassard? It feels like an age since I last saw you!
Cassard: Well, if it isn't the lovely Tesleen! It has been a while, but your timing couldn't be better. This lady was on her way to meet with Alisaie. I'm supposed to be taking her to your corner of the desert, but a misplaced order has commandeered my  attention...
Tesleen: ...Wait, I know who you are. Alisaie has told me so much about you! You're [Forename], aren't you!? I knew it! How wonderful to meet you in the flesh after hearing all those stories!  I'm Tesleen. I work as a carer at the Inn, and I've gotten to know Alisaie quite well since she took up guard duties there.  Do you want me to take over as [Forename]'s guide, Cassard? My shopping's all done and packed for the road, so it would be no trouble...
Cassard: That would be a great help, thank you! Well, it looks like you'll be able to head straight out after all. My caravan and I will be in the area for a while yet─seek me out when you've had your fill of Amh Araeng, and I'll send you back to the Crystarium.