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Trying Times

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Trying Times

Trying Times.png
Quest giver
Master Mogzin
The Churning Mists (X:15.7, Y:28.8)
Quest line
Moogle Main Quests
Required items
1 Horn component materials icon1.png  Horn Component Materials
1 Horn component icon1.png  Horn Component
Disciples of the Hand
Recognized Reputation maxed
Experience 1,516,320
Gil 658
Previous quest
Feature QuestThe Milk of Moogle Kindness
Next quest
Feature QuestA Crystalline Solution

Master Mogzin and Tarresson are deep in discussion.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Master Mogzin and Tarresson are deep in discussion.
  • Tarresson and Mogzin have decided the next step in the repair of Bahrr Lehs, but as always there seems to be an obstacle. Speak with Tarresson to hear more of the situation.
    • ※Please note that the difficulty of this quest has been synced to your current level.
  • Although Tarresson would like to begin rebuilding the plaza's outer walls, the Mogmenders still lack a reliable means to lift the heavy bricks. However, the moogles are not the only inhabitants of the Churning Mists. Mogzin takes the initiative and suggests that you ask the dragons for help. The moogle even claims that he knows a dragon that can lend its aid, and asks you to wait at the Mogmender outpost while he seeks his friend out.
  • After a short wait, Mogzin returns to introduce his friend Ohl Deeh, who perhaps one day in the distant future might grow into a mighty dragon. It quickly becomes apparent that although Ohl Deeh has good intentions, the dragonet lacks the strength required to help rebuild the wall. However, he suggests entreating his older brother for help, and departs for Zenith to seek him out.
  • Although the elder dragon is indeed larger than his younger sibling, he is less than enthused with the prospect of aiding the moogles in their “games.” However, after much urging by Ohl Deeh and Mogzin, he grants you the opportunity to earn his aid by undertaking a simple trial. He bids you craft an object which cannot speak, but can be heard. Should you manage to do so, Whei Ahf will pledge his strength to your cause.
  • You and Mogzin mull over the meaning of Whei Ahf's words. After a bit of prodding on your part, Mogzin surmises that the dragon has asked you to make him an instrument. Confident in this conclusion, Mogzin decides to make a horn, and asks you to contribute to its construction. Mogmul holds the outpost's supplies, and it is from him you should procure what you require.
  • After a bit of banter, Mogmul hands over the supplies you need. Return to Mogzin once your work is finished.
    • ※In the event you lose the ingredients or the synthesis ends in failure, you may try again by speaking with Mogmul Mogbelly.
  • Mogzin is impressed by your handiwork, and it seems he has finished crafting the horn. However, he requests more time to apply the final touches. He bids you go to Zenith and assures you that he will follow close behind.
  • The dragon explains that musical instruments were once very important to mortal and dragon alike, after Hraesvelgr shared knowledge of how to imbue them with magicks akin to a dragon's roar. Whei Ahf acknowledges that the horn you and Mogzin have wrought is worthy to summon him, and Mogzin is overjoyed at his approval. The dragons and Mogzin depart for Bahrr Lehs to commence construction of the wall.
  • Bahrr Lehs is alive with the sound of man, moogles, and now dragons. Tarresson takes in the scene and congratulates Mogzin for his accomplishment, deeming him worthy of calling himself a crafter at last. As everyone prepares to start working, you sense that it is more than just the plaza that will be rebuilt through this endeavor.


Accepting the Quest

Master Mogzin: [Forename], you're back, and at the perfect time! Tarresson and I were just discussing how to move forward with the restoration. You're welcome to join us, kupo!
Master Mogzin: At first we were at an impasse, but I believe we may have found a solution, kupo! Of course, another opinion is always welcome!

Speaking with Tarresson

Tarresson: [Forename], how kind of you to join us. We were just discussing how to proceed with the restoration. The Mogmenders are ready for a new challenge, and I have a mind to set them to work on the plaza's outer wall. And what would a challenge be without an insurmountable obstacle?
Tarresson: They lack the strength to even lift the wall's heavy bricks a fulm, let alone stack them on top of each other. In Ishgard, we would use levers and pulleys to get the job done, but I am afraid their design is unfit for moogle proportions.
Tarresson: Short of creating an entirely new system─which is outside the realm of my expertise─the solution to this problem eluded me. That is, until the master Mogmender himself had a brilliant suggestion. Mogzin, if you will?
Master Mogzin: Certainly, kupo! I proposed calling upon the dragons for help! I've seen them grasp vast boulders in their mighty claws! It should be a simple task for them to stack the bricks on top of each other.
Tarresson: An ingenious idea, yes? And one which fills me with anticipation, for I have never seen a dragon's might put to constructive use. It would seem, as well, that Mogzin already knows who to ask.
Master Mogzin: That's right, kupo! I happen to count a dragon among my many friends! He's strong, too. Much stronger than any moogle I've met. Tarresson, [Forename], wait here. I'll seek him out straightaway!
Tarresson: Mogzin certainly is full of surprises, wouldn't you agree? His idea to call upon the dragons required no urging from me. For now, I suppose we would do best to wait here and trust our moogle friend to return in due time.

Waiting for Mogzin to return (Cutscene)

Master Mogzin: We are returned, kupo! [Forename], Tarresson, meet Ohl Deeh!
Ohl Deeh: So these are the ones in need of my strength? They are so...wingless. Nonetheless, any friend of Mogzin is a friend of mine. I am at your service!
Tarresson: By the Fury, if you were not Mogzin's friend, I would be trembling in my boots! Ohl Deeh, I was made to believe you could hurl boulders through the skies with but a flick of your powerful claws. Is that true?
Ohl Deeh: Of...of course! Do not think me some weakling! I am a dragon, and the blood of the great wyrm Hraesvelgr courses through my veins! In just three centuries, even the most colossal stone will be as a pebble in my claws.
Tarresson: Did you hear that? We need only wait three centuries. Fortunately, I have no pressing engagements for the next three hundred years. What about you, Mogzin? Have you the time to spare?
Master Mogzin: N-No, certainly not, kupo! Oh, there must be another way...
Master Mogzin: Ah, I know! Ohl Deeh, we have a surplus of foodstuffs thanks to Mogmul's shrewd management. Eat your fill, and before long you'll be as big and strong as Hraesvelgr... Right?
Ohl Deeh: Mogzin, Mogzin, Mogzin. You are always so shortsighted. How many times must I tell you the quickest solution is not always best?
Master Mogzin: But don't you understand? We can't wait three hundred years! By that time the poms of every moogle in Moghome will have gone to dust!
Ohl Deeh: Hmph. My apologies. I sometimes forget how very fragile you moogles are. I suppose we will have to entreat my older brother for help, then. Let me warn you, however, that he can be a bit...trying at times. But worry not, for I am certain we can sway him to help us one way or another.
Master Mogzin: Thank you, Ohl Deeh! I knew we would find a way! However, I know there's still more work to be done. Soon I'll be able to add “persuading a dragon” to my list of accomplishments!
Master Mogzin: But as they say, there is strength in numbers. [Forename], pray accompany me, as it may lend more weight to our request.
Ohl Deeh: Well then, let us be off! My brother, Whei Ahf, usually spends his time deeper within Zenith. I will go ahead and see if I can soften him up before you arrive. 


Tarresson: Hmmm... I can only hope Ohl Deeh's brother possesses the strength we require. Just in case, I shall try to think of some other way we might solve this conundrum.
Ohl Deeh: Say hello to Whei Ahf, [Forename]. Mind your manners around him.
Master Mogzin: Look at him, kupo! Whei Ahf looks at least twice as strong as Ohl Deeh! I'm certain lifting those stones will prove no difficulty to him!

Speaking with Whei Ahf in Zenith

Whei Ahf: My brother has requested I hear your plea, and I shall not deny him.
Master Mogzin: We are grateful for this audience, kupo. You see, we mean to rebuild the walls of Bahrr Lehs. Alas, our tiny paws can barely grip the massive stones, let alone lift them. That is why we require a dragon's strength. Your strength.
Whei Ahf: Ah, yes, we have heard tell of moogles playing at being stonemasons. This I know.
Whei Ahf: I care not how or where you conduct your games, or whom you choose to imitate. However, I will not be made party to such whimsy.
Master Mogzin: Whei Ahf, with all due respect, you are mistaken! This is no game, kupo! We're pouring our heart and soul into repairing Bahrr Lehs─and it is only the beginning!
Ohl Deeh: Brother, Mogzin tells the truth! He is wholly devoted to this task. He's even forsworn trickery! Please, I implore you to give him and his people a chance.
Whei Ahf: ...One chance, then, to show me the depth of your conviction.
Whei Ahf: If you truly are a crafter, then craft something for me. That which cannot speak, yet can be heard. Present it to me, and my strength shall be yours.
Master Mogzin: What? I-I mean yes, of course! [Forename], let us return to Bahrr Lehs, so we can begin work on Whei Ahf's request forthwith! 


Ohl Deeh: See, I knew Brother would be reasonable. Now, off you go to craft... What was it, again? 
Whei Ahf: That which cannot speak, yet can be heard. Bring that to me, and I shall lend you my strength. This I swear.
Tarresson: The dragon has given you a trial, has he? With you and Mogzin working to crack Whei Ahf's riddle, I'm sure you shall have the solution shortly.

Speaking with Master Mogzin at Bahrr Lehs

Master Mogzin: I don't know what to make of Whei Ahf's words. Something that can't speak, but can be heard? Oh, my pom aches from trying to wrap it around his riddle. Hmmm... Perhaps I should just trick him. It can't be much more difficult than tricking a moogle!
Master Mogzin: I jest, I jest, kupo! Worry not, I won't rest until I've deciphered his strange request. [Forename], let's put our poms together. Together, we can chip away at the question until the answer takes shape before us!
Master Mogzin: What could it possibly be, kupo? [Forename], you've traveled to all manner of places. Surely a worldly adventurer such as yourself can offer some insight.
< What will you say? >
< Perhaps it's not an object, but a demonstration of skill he seeks? > 
< Well, some folks say that dragons have an insatiable lust for treasure... >
< Perhaps it's not an object, but a demonstration of skill he seeks? > 
Master Mogzin: A skill? Well, we moogles excel at trickery...and lounging in the sun...and seeing how many kupo nuts we can fit into our mouths at once. No, no, that can't be─ 
Wait, I know, kupo!
Master Mogzin: What would a nap or a kupo nut eating competition be without musical accompaniment? We make even the most mundane event come alive with our horns and harps! And an instrument doesn't speak, but it can certainly be heard!
< Well, some folks say that dragons have an insatiable lust for treasure... >
Master Mogzin: Treasure? Well, we value nothing more than our kupo nuts...and the shiny tools made by the landlords...but I don't see─ 
Wait, there's another treasure, kupo!
Master Mogzin: That's right! The horn we use to call upon the great Hraesvelgr! A horn which cannot speak, but indeed can be heard!
Master Mogzin: So it's an instrument Whei Ahf wants! Now, I've always been partial to tooting the horn myself, so I believe crafting one should prove simple! However, I would entrust you with a separate task.
(If Blacksmith/Armorer/Goldsmith)
Master Mogzin: A quality mouthpiece, while small, is indispensable if we want the sound to impress. And I would trust no one but you to craft a proper one! Mogmul should have any materials you require. I await your masterpiece, kupo!
(If Carpenter/Weaver/Leatherworker)
Master Mogzin: Please, craft me a grip, which is most vital to ensure none drop the horn while giving it a mighty blow! Mogmul should have any materials you require. I await your masterpiece, kupo!
(If Alchemist or Culinarian)
Master Mogzin: Grease to polish the horn to a mirror shine should provide that stunning final touch! Mogmul should have any materials you require. I await your masterpiece, kupo!


Master Mogzin: The horn is a basic instrument, but that doesn't mean I won't try my best! And with your help I'm sure a good horn will turn into a great one!
Tarresson: The dragon has given you a trial, has he? With you and Mogzin working to crack Whei Ahf's riddle, I'm sure you shall have the solution shortly.

Speaking with Mogmul Mogbelly

Mogmul Mogbelly: You've come here for materials? Very well, that will be thirty kupo nuts please!
Hahaha, you should see the look on your face! It was merely a jest! Please, take as much as you require. Free of charge, of course!
Mogmul Mogbelly: If perchance you find yourself low on materials, you need only return here for more, kupo! That is, if I am not absent. My stomach is rumbling and I may have to take my next meal sooner rather than later.

Showing the horn component to Master Mogzin

Master Mogzin: Are you finished, kupo? I've completed the horn, and all I require is your final flourish!
<Hand Over Horn Component>
Master Mogzin: This is even better than I could've hoped, kupo! Any moogle will surely be proud to toot on the horn─even Chieftain Moglin!
Master Mogzin: Nevertheless, I must take care when applying the final touches. Go on ahead and meet with Ohl Deeh and his brother. I will be close behind, horn in paw! 


Master Mogzin: With this horn, I'll prove to Whei Ahf the strength of my conviction and the depth of my determination. It needs to be just right... [Forename], go ahead to where the dragon siblings await. I'll meet you there shortly, kupo!
Ohl Deeh: Ah, there you are. Honestly, I thought you would be longer. Of course, I have solved my brother's riddle already, but I am curious to see what you've come up with!

Speaking with Whei Ahf (Cutscene)

Master Mogzin: Whei Ahf, we thought long and hard on your words, and have brought that which you seek. Behold, a Mogmender masterpiece!
Ohl Deeh: Why, that is just a horn! Why would Brother want that? Of course a horn cannot─
Oh, I see! How clever, Mogzin! And the craftsmanship is even better than we had hoped.
Whei Ahf: Do not feign knowledge, Ohl Deeh. You did not know the answer. As for you, Mogzin...was this horn truly wrought by your hands?
Master Mogzin: Indeed, kupo! I put every onze of my skill into its construction! Every onze...as well as a dash of [Forename]'s skill for good measure.
Whei Ahf: A horn does not speak, yet it can be heard from even the highest peaks. It would seem my trial was simple before the combined efforts of man and moogle. I am impressed. Accept my apologies for doubting you.
Ohl Deeh: That means you'll help Mogzin!? Splendid! But Brother, I still don't understand why a horn is so important to you.
Whei Ahf: How much you have yet to learn─though I am sure you were taught once before that our songs are as roars to their ears, so alien and unfathomable.
Whei Ahf: So it was that Hraesvelgr bequeathed a magick to men, that they fashion sacred instruments to join in the chorus. The horn entrusted to the moogles is but one of these works.
Whei Ahf: If you would have my aid, you must wield an instrument worthy of calling upon my kind. I believe this horn will do nicely.
Master Mogzin: An instrument to summon a dragon!? It's that good, kupopo!? I've never...I mean, no one has ever praised something I've made! This feeling is better than eating three kupo nuts at once!
Master Mogzin: I-I apologize. I got a little carried away! Now, where were we? Oh yes! Whei Ahf, allow me to escort you to Bahrr Lehs!


Ohl Deeh: When you presented that tiny horn to Brother, I was sure he'd laugh you out of Zenith. I suppose I still have much to learn about riddles and puzzles.
Whei Ahf: My word is my bond, and my wings are your wings.
Master Mogzin: To create something with my own paws is an amazing feeling, kupo! Absolutely amazing!

Speaking with Tarresson

Tarresson: Now this is what I envisioned when Mogzin spoke of dragons. I applaud your success, my friend, although I did not doubt you for a second. Mogzin certainly seems to be in high spirits. Higher than usual, even. Did your meeting with Whei Ahf go that well?
Tarresson: Ah, now I see. My dear Mogzin, how does it feel? To labor over your creation, to pour every onze of your vim and brio into it, and for that effort to be recognized and earn you accolades. Tell me true: can you think of aught better?
Master Mogzin: No, no, I can't, kupopo! This is even more thrilling than when I tricked Mogupp!
Tarresson: Hahaha, and now you understand why we crafters slave away for our art. Yes, “we,” for I daresay you are now as much a crafter as [Forename] or myself. Still, do not think your journey over already. You have much to learn yet in the way of technique.
Master Mogzin: Me, a crafter, kupo!? I...I don't know what to say, except that I'll try my utmost not to disappoint!
Tarresson: And you must be Whei Ahf, whose trial spurred Mogzin's growth. I am Tarresson, and I offer my humble greetings and thanks. Well then, shall we begin? For perhaps the first time in a thousand years, man and dragon shall work together to build, not destroy.
Whei Ahf: Although I am too young to have known the peace our ancestors once shared, I am honored to work alongside you. May our bonds be strengthened through our labor.


System: Thanks to your efforts, the outer walls of Bahrr Lehs have been restored. Continue assisting the Mogmenders to see repair of the plaza completed.

System: You have achieved Friendly reputation with the Mogmenders.
System: New moogle tribal daily quests are now available from Mogek the Marvelous at the plaza.
System: You will receive an experience point bonus upon the completion of the moogle tribal daily quests.
System: Furthermore, you will be able to undertake three additional quests from Mogek the Marvelous as a reputation rank bonus. This bonus is available until the daily reset time for tribal quests.
System: These additional quests will become available after accepting all current daily quests from Mogek the Marvelous. Please be advised that you cannot undertake these quests if you have no remaining allowances.