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The Milk of Moogle Kindness

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The Milk of Moogle Kindness

The Milk of Moogle Kindness.png
Quest giver
Master Mogzin
The Churning Mists (X:15.7, Y:28.8)
Quest line
Moogle Main Quests
Disciples of the Hand
Neutral Reputation maxed
Experience 642,330
Gil 814
Previous quest
Feature QuestTricks and Stones
Next quest
Feature QuestTrying Times

Master Mogzin is motioning you over.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Master Mogzin is motioning you over.
  • The Mogmenders are hard at work, but it seems the Mogmenders face a new problem in the restoration of Bahrr Lehs. Tarresson awaits to apprise you and Mogzin of the situation.
    • ※Please note that the difficulty of this quest has been synced to your current level.
  • The moogles have proven to be apt pupils, quick to learn and eager to work. However, their numbers are few, and the plaza of Bahrr Lehs is littered with large piles of rubble that must be cleared. Tarresson has asked the moogles at Asah for help, but suspects they are withholding aid on purpose, and he tasks Mogzin with bamboozling his kin into fulfilling their obligations. Although Mogzin has never managed to trick another moogle, he is heartened by Tarresson's rousing speech, and is eager to set forth to Asah at once and speak with Mogupp, leader of the moogles there. Tarresson asks you to accompany Mogzin, in case his will flags or his pom droops.
  • Mogupp claims to have already dispatched the moogles, albeit possibly to the wrong location. He puts on an overly dramatic show of concern before asking you to help find his lost subordinates. Mogzin seemingly goes along with this transparent farce, but something tells you there is more to his kindly smile than meets the eye. The moogle instructs you to meet him at the base of the tower so you might discuss your rescue plan.
  • With a devilish glint in his eyes, Mogzin declares that he knows precisely what Mogupp is planning, owing to the fact that he fell victim to the same trick multiple times. Emboldened by this stroke of luck, he sets to work outlining his own scheme, but his enthusiasm wanes when he is unable to come up with something immediately. In an effort to lift Mogzin's spirits you remind him of Tarresson's wise words. Your speech serves its purpose, and Mogzin is struck with inspiration. He then departs for Moghome to seek the help of the alchemist Moghan.
  • It seems Mogzin requires a certain medicine from Moghome's apothecary, but he is hesitant to part with it until Mogzin hands him a sack full of kupo nuts. After the two moogles confer in whispers for a brief moment, Moghan hands over the medicine, ostensibly in an effort to provide the Mogmenders with proper emergency provisions. Mogzin seems satisfied by this arrangement, and says he will meet you at Asah after he completes some final preparations.
  • Mogupp is fresh-faced and energetic, although he claims to have looked everywhere for his lost moogles. Mogzin declares that he has been tricked, putting on a show of humility that would make Tarresson proud. The haughty Mogupp gladly accepts Mogzin's gift of kupo nut milk and rushes off to celebrate victory with his companions. With the final step of his trick close at hand, Mogzin follows close behind, and bids you accompany him.
  • From a cliff overlooking the Landlord Colony, you and Mogzin spy Mogupp and the others frolicking around the kupo nut milk. After a short victory speech, they raise their bottles in unison. Before they can celebrate further, however, they become befuddled, and shortly thereafter fall unconscious. It is then that Mogzin reveals the secret ingredient: crushed cloud mallow, which in large quantities has a hypnotic effect. Mogzin flits down to the dozing moogles and whispers words praising the value of labor and hard work, and soon after they perk up and march off towards Bahrr Lehs. Mogzin, eager to see the fruits of his labor, follows them to see what motivated moogles can accomplish.
  • Bahrr Lehs is alive with the sound of moogles hard at work. Unfortunately, Mogupp and the others are not among them. Mogzin explains that while his special mixture had its desired effect, the moogles collapsed from exhaustion shortly after getting started. Although they have just consumed a heavy dosage of cloud mallow, Mogzin insists that the best way to get them working again is sprinkle even more of the plant over their heads. He bids you mount a cloud mallow and make it rain puffs over the weary moogles.
  • The moogle watching over the cloud mallow lets you ride it without resistance. He gazes with curious eyes as you soar into the sky.
  • You sprinkle mallow on the moogles, and as the puffs settle upon their pom-poms, they spring to life as if reborn. They set to work immediately. Mogzin will surely be eager to hear of this success.
  • Mogzin is overjoyed at your news, and at last he seems to have grasped the importance of hard work and persistence. He reaffirms his conviction to follow Tarresson's words and seems as keen as ever to continue his work on Bahrr Lehs.


Tarresson: These moogles have quite a refreshing attitude. They do not ask questions needlessly, nor do they make transparent attempts to curry favor. I have a feeling I shall quite like it here.

Accepting the Quest

Master Mogzin: [Forename], Tarresson has been looking for you, kupo! There's an important matter we must discuss at once!
Master Mogzin: I wonder what he plans to do about those moogles... 

Speaking with Tarresson

Tarresson: [Forename], there you are! I must say, the attitude of the Mogmenders is much improved. They have mastered the basics of stonemasonry more quickly than I had anticipated, and remain ever eager to learn. Once the rubble has been cleared, we can begin rebuilding.
Tarresson: Therein lies our problem, however. I am afraid we lack the numbers to remove the debris on our own. I requested aid from the moogles of Asah, but have yet to receive a response. Doubtless they are trying to avoid any kind of hard work.
Tarresson: And so I would task you, my dear Mogzin, with bringing them here. I give you leave to use whatever trick you can conceive of to get those malingering moogles to Bahrr Lehs.
Master Mogzin: You want me to fool moogles? I've never done that, kupo. Not successfully anyways...
Tarresson: Do not be so quick to lose heart! You fail only because your ideas are half-formed, marred by compromise and poor planning. You must persevere in your efforts if you wish to succeed. It is as the words of my house state: “By the hundredth blow.”
Tarresson: For a single strike of the chisel merely scratches a stone's surface. It is only with constant effort that stones give rise to bricks, to walls, and at last an impregnable fortress. Such is the power of will. Of perseverance. Of determination!
Master Mogzin: Will, perseverance, determination... I...I will remember, kupo! Yes, I'll craft a trick so cunning they'll sing songs of it throughout Moghome!
Tarresson: Aye, that's the spirit! You are a leader, and it is past time you took charge. Show the others that the Mogmenders are not to be trifled with!
Tarresson: However, while I have great faith in Mogzin, he still has yet to meet his full potential. Which is why I must ask you to accompany him, [Forename]. Ensure he does not slip back into his old ways. Give that pom-pom of his a firm shake if you sense his will is wavering.
Master Mogzin: I'm sure there will be no need for that, kupo! Nevertheless, I would certainly appreciate the company! Well then, shall we be off? We should begin by speaking with Mogupp, the moogle in charge over at Asah.


Tarresson: I know our Mogzin has grown, but I fear he still needs guidance. And I believe you are exactly the one to give it to him. For my part, I shall begin preparations to greet our new hands. 
Master Mogzin: There he is, kupo! He doesn't look to be up to any mischief. Perhaps there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for why help hasn't arrived after all.

Speaking with Mogupp at Asah

Mogupp: Oh, if it isn't Master Mogzin! And the adventurer I've heard so much about! Hmmm, I seem to recall a request of some manner from the Mogmenders... Oh yes, you required extra paws to help move the rubble?
Master Mogzin: That's correct, kupo. The request was made some time ago, and still not a single moogle has arrived at Bahrr Lehs. We can't hope to make any progress without them!
Mogupp: Ah yes, who could forget such an unusual name? Of course I dispatched several moogles the moment the missive came, but I'm afraid I may have sent them to the wrong location. Awfully hard to pronounce that name, you see. Why, I suppose they could be anywhere now. And without the provisions for a long journey...
Mogupp: Oh, how dreadful, kupo! All alone among those wild beasts, hungry and afraid! Curse my clumsy tongue! Curse it! Could...could you help me find them? Please, bring them something to sate their hunger, and I'm certain they'll be most willing to help!
Master Mogzin: ...Of course! An understandable mistake. I can scarce pronounce half the names I hear. Don't worry, Mogupp, my companion and I will have the errant moogles back here and safe posthaste.
Master Mogzin: It wouldn't serve to go searching blindly, however, lest we become lost ourselves. No, we must discuss our strategy beforehand. [Forename], let's confer down below.
Mogupp I can see it now, their pom-poms shivering in fear... Please, you must do something! I'd never be able to live with myself should they come to harm, kupo!

Speaking with Master Mogzin

Master Mogzin: Little does Mogupp know, I've already fallen for this trick! Twice! Why trouble yourself to get your own food when a gullible moogle will deliver it right to you? It would be a brilliant ploy if it wasn't so overused!
Master Mogzin: And now, we have our chance to... What did Tarresson say? Ah, turn the tables! If we can trick them into going to Bahrr Lehs, I daresay they'd stay just as a sign of respect. Mogupp and his lackeys are a clever bunch, though... How could I possibly get the better of them?
Master Mogzin: If only we could use those fake kupo nuts. But by now every moogle in Moghome and beyond has heard of them! And rightly so; they are truly masterpieces! Certainly not something I could ever hope to surpass...
Master Mogzin: And there's no shame in that! Yes, why reach for the skies when a kupo nut is hanging just within reach? Besides, Asah is far from Moghome. I wager Mogupp and the others have heard nothing of your fake nuts. Well then, I believe the matter is settled! 
< What will you say? >
< Remember Tarresson's words, Mogzin. >
< Don't make me give your pom a squeeze! >
< Remember Tarresson's words, Mogzin. >
Master Mogzin: Tarresson's words? You're right, I must make my own trick! I almost did it again, didn't I? Well, not this time. This time I'll be the one laughing. This time Mogupp will be the one too embarrassed to show his face at the harvest fête!
< Don't make me give your pom a squeeze! >
Master Mogzin: No, not my pom, kupo! I remember, I remember Tarresson's words. Just keep your hands right where they are! I'll come up with my very own trick. I'll make Mogupp think twice before trying to trick me again!
Master Mogzin: ...Thank you, [Forename]. Tarresson was right to have you accompany me. If you were not here, I would've given up before I remembered a special something that just might serve as the perfect tool for our trick. A very special something.
Master Mogzin: I haven't got any myself, though─certainly not in the quantity required. But there is one moogle who might... [Forename], come with me to Moghome, so we can seek out the counsel of the alchemist Moghan. Yes, it's all falling into place, kupo...

Speaking with Moghan at Moghome (Cutscene)

Master Mogzin: [Forename], my apologies! I had to pick something up from Bahrr Lehs on the way. I hope I didn't keep you waiting long, kupo!
Moghan: The mighty adventurer graces us with her/his presence again, kupo! Oh, and greetings to you as well, Mogzin. What brings you two all the way from Bahrr Lehs?
Master Mogzin: Mogupp is up to his old tricks, but I mean to take the upper paw this time, kupo! For that, I require your most potent medicine. Most potent. Oh, and on a completely unrelated note, I brought you a gift.
Moghan: Well, I certainly can't just give you─
<gasp> Kupo nuts! And larger than any I've ever seen, even more so than those of Chieftain Moglin's secret reserve!
Master Mogzin: You've always been a stout supporter of the Mogmenders. I just thought I should express my gratitude.
Moghan: Of course, of course, I understand, kupo. I wouldn't dare decline a gift from you, Mogzin. It is only a gift, yes?
Master Mogzin: Why Moghan, you wound me. I would never intend for it to be anything else.
Moghan: Ahem, kupo. Lifting stones is dangerous work, and it would be dreadful if anyone was injured, especially so far from home. You shall have your medicine, Mogzin. Practice caution, however. Use too much, and you may do more harm than good.
Master Mogzin: I promise to be responsible, kupo! Forename, I believe we are finished here. I'll meet you back at Asah, after I finish some final preparations. I'll try not to be late this time! 


Moghan: I've a medicine for whatever ails you, but you'd have to be awfully sick to use the medicine I gave Mogzin.
Master Mogzin: Finally, you're here! Mogupp looks so smug, doesn't he?

Speaking with Mogupp at Asah

Mogupp: How goes the search? I've looked up and down, under every rock and behind every bush, and can find no sign of the poor moogles! All this searching has made me terribly thirsty, by the way. Now I know how the others must feel. It's tearing me apart, kupo!
Master Mogzin: Mogupp, enough. I surrender! I must say, your every trick is more impressive than the last. This one was so impressive, in fact, that I brought a bounty of kupo nut milk to give to everyone!
Mogupp: Hahaha, Mogzin's been outsmarted again, kupo! You really must stop making this so easy. There's no sport in it any more. However, we'll gladly accept these libations as a just reward for our ingenuity! Time to call the others!
Master Mogzin: Did you see, kupo? Mogupp is none the wiser. He thinks that's just regular kupo nut milk, but we know better! Oh, I can scarce believe that I, Mogzin, am finally about to trick moogles. Come, [Forename], Mogupp will soon get his just deserts!

Speaking with Master Mogzin at the Landlord Colony (Cutscene)

Master Mogzin: [Forename], quickly! Mogupp and the others are just about to partake of my special milk. 
Mogupp: Mogzin has been tricked again, and not for the last time! In his humbleness, he has rewarded our surpassing cleverness with a bounty of kupo nut milk! Drink deep, my friends, and bask in victory! 
Mogupp: Ah, there's nothing like a nip of milk after a—
After a... What is...?
Mogupp: Kupo...po...? Impossible... Mogzin, he couldn't have...
Master Mogzin: Hehehe! What's in the milk, you ask? A few pinches of the crushed cloud mallow seeds. In large enough quantities, they put moogles into a deep sleep. 
Master Mogzin: Once they're dozing soundly, I need only whisper in their ears to complete my plan! Look, [Maleficent], and bear witness to a Mogmender's guile!
Master Mogzin: A working moogle is a happy moogle, kupo.
Mogupp: A working moogle...is a happy moogle, kupo...
Master Mogzin: From sunup till sundown, you'll work up a sweat with nary a frown.
Mogupp: From sunup, till sundown...we'll work up a sweat, with nary a frown...
Mogupp: What ho, friends! Isn't it a perfect day for backbreaking labor? Who needs rest? Not I, kupo! Who wants to sweat? Me, me! 
Master Mogzin: Victory, kupo! I doubt Mogupp will dare try to trick me again after this! And now to reap the rewards. Let's return to Bahrr Lehs and see what moogles hard at work can accomplish.
Mogupp: A working moogle is... Joy... Sweat... So much sweat.... My pom–pom, it burns... From sunup, till sundown... 

Speaking with Master Mogzin at Bahrr Lehs

Master Mogzin: [Forename], it's terrible! We'll never get the rubble cleared, kupo!
Master Mogzin: Mogupp and the others began working eagerly at first, but they collapsed after carrying only one rock between them! I know they aren't used to hard work, but this beggars belief!
Master Mogzin: Perhaps all is not lost, however. When a moogle's in such a sorry state the only cure I know of is more cloud mallow! And I believe you can help with that, [Forename]! Mount a mallow and sprinkle some puffs on these moogles, and their poms should perk right up!
Master Mogzin: Just ask the moogle guarding it to ride. I'll be looking to the skies. Perhaps a few errant puffs will blow my way, kupo! 


Master Mogzin: Who knows how long they'll be lying here if we don't give them a little nudge? Quickly, ride the cloud mallow and shower them with puffs!
Tarresson: Whatever you two have gotten up to, it appears to have had quite the effect. The moogles marched right into the plaza and set to work rather vigorously. Ah, but are they resting already? 

Speaking with the moofy moogle

Moofy Moogle: Say no more, I know exactly why you're here. Just shake your rump a bit and rain mallow puffs on the poor moogles, and they'll be back in tip-top shape! Hop on─I'm sure the mallow can support your weight!
System: Mogupp and his band of moogles can lift no more. Ride the cloud mallow and shower mallow puffs onto them to restore their vigor. 

Riding the cloud mallow and using its Seed ability to revive the moogles (Cutscene)

Mogupp: Ahhh...I seem to recall...being tired? Impossible! Inconceivable! Why, I daresay I could clear the rubble myself! A working moogle is a happy moogle, kupo!


Mogupp: From sunup till sundown, we'll work up a sweat with nary a frown!
Master Mogzin is a master trickster, kupo! But even though I know I've been duped, I'm not angry at all! There's no reward greater than the soreness that comes with hard work!
Moofy Moogle: I trust your journey on the cloud mallow was as enjoyable as it looked. If you ever wish to ride again, I'll be here, kupo!

Speaking with Master Mogzin

Master Mogzin: The mallow puffs seemed to do it, kupo! If they keep up this pace then the rubble should be cleared in no time!
Master Mogzin: And what's more, now that I've hoodwinked a moogle I'm sure to earn some respect around here. I am the master of the Mogmenders, after all!
Master Mogzin: Tarresson, [Forename], if not for your support I would've given up long ago. To see my efforts succeed at last... I've never felt this sense of accomplishment before! You have my thanks!
Tarresson: Brilliant, my dear Mogzin! Remember my words, and your conviction shall show through in the quality of your craftsmanship.
Master Mogzin: I will, I most certainly will! Tarresson, your words will guide me in both my works and my studies!


System: Thanks to your efforts, the rubble has been cleared from Bahrr Lehs. Continue assisting the Mogmenders to see repair of the plaza completed.
System: You have achieved Recognized reputation with the Mogmenders.
System: New moogle tribal daily quests are now available from Mogek the Marvelous at the plaza.
System: Furthermore, you will be able to undertake three additional quests from Mogek the Marvelous as a reputation rank bonus. This bonus is available until the daily reset time for tribal quests.
System: These additional quests will become available after accepting all current daily quests from Mogek the Marvelous. Please be advised that you cannot undertake these quests if you have no remaining allowances. 
System: You now have access to a wider selection of wares from Mogmul Mogbelly.