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Tide Goes in, Imperials Go Out

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Tide Goes in, Imperials Go Out

Main Scenario Progress: 433 / 953 (45.4%)


Stormblood Progress: 54 / 162 (33.3%)


Lyse is not sure what to make of Isari.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:


The Flustered Fisher is at (5.3, 13.1)
The Stupefied Senior is at (5.5, 14.0).
The Industrious Pirate is at (5.6, 11.8).



There are no journal entries for this quest.


Accepting the quest

Lyse: Something definitely happened here. I see several people who look like they might be injured. Let's give them a hand and find out what we missed. 
Alisaie: Hm? Do I need help? Oh, I'll be fine. It's nothing that won't heal. You should go after Lyse.
Alisaie: Ugh... What was it Thancred once said about battle scars and maidens? Naught worth repeating in polite company, I'm sure...

Searching for villagers in need of aid

Flustered Fisher: Uwaaaaaah! 
Oh, you're not an imperial. it over?
Flustered Fisher: Kami be praised! I was certain she would have us all killed and burn Isari to the ground─or kill us after making us watch, or barricade us in our homes before putting them to the torch... (Optional) Flustered Fisher: We had heard stories about the viceroy, but that was the first time any of us had seen her in the flesh...and I should be glad if I never see her again.
Stupefied Senior: Thank you, my child. When the fighting started, I tried to run and hide, but fell and could not regain my feet...
Stupefied Senior: I thought for sure that we would all be slaughtered, but the pirates drove them off! I never thought I would see the day when the Confederacy came to our aid!
Stupefied Senior: Thank you for your concern, but I shall be fine. There is no more need for running, after all!

Speaking with one of the Confederates

Industrious Pirate: I remember you! You're the one who saved me from the Doman catchers!
Industrious Pirate: Thanks to you, we managed to rescue the fishermen and my kidnapped comrades─one of whom joined the Confederacy with me long ago. It would've broken my heart to have had to bury him...
Industrious Pirate: Oh, and if you're looking for the captain, you'll find him in the tavern.
Industrious Pirate: You should've seen it! The captain was a bleedin' whirlwind of death!

Reporting to Alisaie

Alisaie: Back already? What have you learned?
Alisaie: At the tavern, you say? In that case, we should find Lyse and speak with him together. 


Tansui: My Eorzean friends! Saw the smoke, did you? A pity you did not come sooner─though I gather you were busy elsewhere. 
Lyse: Gosetsu! You're alive! You're all alive... 
Gosetsu: And full of vim and vigor, hah hah hah! 
Did I not tell you I was no stranger to chains? 
Alisaie: The fighting cannot have lasted long. Where are all the imperials? 
Rasho: Fled. They stood their ground for a time─until it became clear that their Kojin reinforcements would not be coming.
Rasho: We took some few casualties, but my deeper regret is having let Yotsuyu slip through my fingers. That bodyguard of hers may be a half-wit, but he's a mean bastard on the battlefield. 
Tansui: In any event, I imagine all involved are satisfied with this outcome. So far as the Empire is concerned, the Confederacy attacked Isari in retaliation for the viceroy's actions─and without the aid of insurrectionists, I might add.
Tansui: Suffice it to say, we are prepared to be the subject of their undivided attention for the foreseeable future.
< What will you say? >
< Doma shall be free. This we swear. >
< Don't do anything reckless. >
< So you say... >
< Doma shall be free. This we swear. >
Rasho: Hm! An impossible claim, yet one spoken with such conviction that I cannot choose but believe it. 
< Don't do anything reckless. >
Rasho: Nor you. Our fates are intertwined now. If you fall, so do we. 
< So you say... >
Rasho: I understand. You have your doubts. We are pirates, after all, with hardly the strength of a nation.
Rasho: But when we saw what you few had accomplished, our hearts could not choose but to stir in our breasts.
Alisaie: Your assistance would be most welcome. Nevertheless, we shall do our utmost to spare you undue danger─we are already in your debt. 
Tansui: Nay, little miss, all debts are paid. For by your deeds, many still live who elsewise would not. Let both parties count their blessings, and may fortune continue to favor us all. 
Rasho: You still seek to bring freedom to our people, then? You will go to Yanxia? 
Gosetsu: I have faith that our allies yet live. 
Once we have found them, we will plan our next step. 
Rasho: Yanxia was the crucible of the rebellion. What happened here pales in comparison to what Yotsuyu did there. 
Rasho: Remember this: fear changes men. Have care in whom you place your trust. 
Tansui: And with that, we must take our wounded home. Oh! Your shellback friend sends his regards, and looks forward to your next meeting. Try not to die before then, eh?