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A Silence in Three Parts

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A Silence in Three Parts

A Silence in Three Parts Image.png
Quest giver
The Ruby Sea (X:6.2, Y:12.2)
Quest line
Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Experience 103,000
Gil 905
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestTide Goes in, Imperials Go Out
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestLife after Doma

Main Scenario Progress: 434 / 953 (45.5%)


Stormblood Progress: 55 / 162 (34%)


Though he is less than the picture of perfect health, Gosetsu is ready to resume his journey to Yanxia.

— In-game description





  • Owing to the timely intervention of Confederate forces, Yotsuyu and her imperials have been driven from Isari, and their former captives managed to survive their ordeal. Despite his assurances, Gosetsu is clearly still troubled by the injuries he sustained from Grynewaht's brutal interrogation. Nevertheless, you decide to carry on and resume your journey to Yanxia.
  • Life. Liberty. Hope. All this and more have the Garleans tried to take from the Domans. Everywhere you look you are confronted by evidence of the failed rebellion and the vicious reprisals which followed. Yet the imperial soldiers are conspicuous by their absence...
  • Zenos had no desire to remain in Doma after he crushed the rebellion, and so he named Yotsuyu to serve in his stead. The acting viceroy waged an indiscriminate campaign of terror, marching into villages without warning and committing unspeakable atrocities in the name of rooting out “radical elements.” After a time, these purges ceased, but the memory remains, and with it the promise of punishment should the people resist. And so there is little need for imperial patrols.
  • Gosetsu leads you to Namai, a humble farming village a little ways to the west. Yet even though you see no signs of imperial soldiers, it would be exceedingly reckless to simply saunter into the village...



Alisaie: According to my map, the plains of Yanxia lie to the west. Of note is the One River, upon the shores of which Doma was built...
Lyse: This is it. We're finally headed into the heart of Doma. I can't help but be a little nervous...
Tansui: Well then. I can only assume your affairs in Yanxia were not as pressing as I thought. 
Tansui: Or were you worried about us? Don't be. We've had some skirmishes with the imperials since Isari, but we've managed to hold our own. This state of affairs cannot be sustained indefinitely, of course... so I would ask that you hurry.
Hancock: Best of luck to you in all your revolutionary endeavors. After all, the Empire takes a dim view of free trade, whereas the company is of, how shall I put this... rather the opposite opinion.

Accepting the Quest

Gosetsu: You did well, [Forename]. Were it not for the tremendous strength and bravery of you and yours, many innocent souls would have suffered terrible fates. 
Gosetsu: Though I knew the Confederacy would be loath to meet the imperials in battle, I also knew that if any could win them over, it would be you.
Gosetsu: Truly, yours is a heroic spirit that inspires men to rise above their circumstances─to strive for something greater! It will be an honor to travel with you again.
Gosetsu: Now then, let us not squander the Confederacy's gift. Yanxia and my countrymen await!
Gosetsu: There is a tunnel to the southwest. We need but follow it to reach our destination. With me!

Journeying to Yanxia (Cutscene)

Meanwhile, on the shores of Othard...

Red Marine Commander: We cannot rest here for long. This place is not safe...
Red Marine Commander: ...Mayhap nowhere is, if thieves can breach our vaults. Nevertheless, it is our duty to protect these treasures, and we shall not fail for want of effort. 
Yotsuyu: So this is why you abandoned your posts─and without a word of explanation at that. Rather thoughtless of you, was it not? 
Red Marine Commander: Lady Yotsuyu! Pray forgive us our absence, but our home was under attack─our vaults plundered by outsiders! 
Yotsuyu: Did you even pause to consider the possibility that it might be a diversion? What is the point of contracting your services if you are not here when they are required?
Yotsuyu: It is my solemn charge to bring these vermin to heel─to torment them, body and soul, until all they hold dear is as bitter ashes in their mouths. And then you go and ruin everything!
Yotsuyu: ...Well, there's naught to be gained in belaboring the point. 
All that remains is to administer your punishment. 
Red Marine Commander: Wait! My Lady! 
Yotsuyu:, it's no good. There's just no joy in it. No release.
Yotsuyu: There...there needs to be some investment. They were negligent imbeciles deserving of punishment, but it was hardly personal. Ten thousand such Kojin could not satisfy me half so well as a single Doman.
Yotsuyu: And what do we have here? One of the vaunted treasures of the Red? The craftsmanship is certainly impressive... 
Mayhap we can use it to make amends. 
Grynewaht: How long before Lord Zenos reinstates me, d'you reckon? I've got unfinished business back in Eorzea... 
Yotsuyu: Is serving me really so unbearable? 
At least pretend to enjoy it, you witless lump!
Yotsuyu: If you are so desperate to earn a way back to Eorzea, then be quiet and do as you're told. And bring that sword while you're at it!


Lyse: I remember the silence. How the talking stopped when we first set foot on the plains of Yanxia.
Lyse: Before us stood yet another wall, and through a great magitek field we glimpsed Doma Castle.
I'll never forget the sight...or the anger I felt that day.
Lyse: Life. Liberty. Hope. So much lost, so much taken.
As we walked through that war-torn land, no one said a word...


Alisaie: There's a weariness. A desolation. An emptiness...
Lyse: This place, I... I don't know what I expected.

Speaking with Gosetsu

Gosetsu: Hmm... Yes, this is far enough.
Gosetsu: Ere we proceed further, I should speak of Yanxia and what became of her. Of what lies beyond that great wall at the heart of Doma. 
Alisaie: And we should be glad to hear it, but is it wise for us to have this conversation here, on the road, out in the open? 
Gosetsu: Once, your caution would be warranted...but no longer.
Gosetsu: Zenos did not linger after he crushed the rebellion. He appointed Yotsuyu to act in his stead and quit these lands for “fresh sport.” 
Gosetsu: The acting viceroy was no less merciless than her master. Without warning, her men would march into villages and search for “radical elements,” killing and torturing any who dared resist. And then, as quickly as they had come, they left.
Gosetsu: Satisfied that the memory of the purges would keep the people in line, she relaxed her grip on Yanxia. What need for the leash when the dog is broken...
Gosetsu: The village of Namai lies to the west. Though I doubt the imperials are present, let us proceed with caution.


Lyse: It seems peaceful enough to me...
Alisaie: Even if there aren't any soldiers in the village, it would be foolish to simply stride in and announce ourselves.

Following Gosetsu

Gosetsu: There she is─the humble village of Namai! How delicious her rice; how sweet her persimmons!
Gosetsu: Too long has it been since I saw her with my own eyes. And, for a mercy, the imperials appear to be absent...