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The Time between the Seconds

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The Time between the Seconds

The Time between the Seconds.png
Quest giver
Yanxia (X:12.2, Y:32.1)
Quest line
Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Experience 104,000
Gil 1,975
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestPath of No Return
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestAll the Little Angels

Main Scenario Progress: 443 / 953 (46.5%)


Stormblood Progress: 64 / 162 (39.5%)


Yugiri has made her choice, and so have you.

— In-game description



Interact with Yugiri at (X:16.6 Y:33.0 Z:0.1) to begin Solo Duty

Objective: Defeat Zenos yae Galvus!

Zenos will state that you must first kill his men. This is not possible, they can not be targeted and they do not target you. They can be ignored, focus on Zenos.

Zenos melees with his sword and produces a series of high damage AOEs.

Avoid AOEs at all costs.

First AOE is medium diameter and fairly easy to escape. Wait for it to dissipate then move in to deal more direct damage.

He will then perform 3 - 4 melee strikes before dashing away to cast "Lightless Spark", a large Cone of Attack.

Immediately move towards Zenos and out of the Cone.

He will then perform more melee strikes before casting an unavoidable high damage instant "Vein Splitter".

"Lightless Flames" appear which are delayed small to medium range AOE. Get away from them before they detonate, I recommend sprinting to a far corner.

He will then perform more melee strikes before casing an unavoidable high damage instant "Vein Splitter".

Simultaneously Zenos dashes away to cast "Lightless Spark" and "Lightless Flames" appear. Again get away from them before they detonate, I recommend sprinting to a far corner.

Zenos alternates between melee strikes, AOEs, "Vein Splitter", "Lightless Flames", and "Lightless Spark" until his HP falls to about 50%.

Zenos will perform an instant, unavoidable stun blast, disabling everyone, leaving only you to fight against him.

Part 2: To be Continued



  • Yugiri has made her choice, and so have you.
  • Zenos yae Galvus has come to Doma, and Yugiri has resolved, over the protestations of your comrades, to assassinate him. You alone have agreed to support her in this endeavor, and so she shares with you Zenos's itinerary─how the vessel bearing him and his escort will come to the docks east of the Moon Gates, and how, after disembarking, they will continue towards Yuzuka Manor. The docks themselves are not an ideal location for an ambush, however, so the two of you split up to search for suitable hiding places.
  • You find a spot near the manor which should afford you a clear view of the docks. All that remains is to wait for the crown prince to arrive, and to attempt to take him unawares. Should you fail, you will have no choice but to engage him in open combat. But then a part of you would like that very much...
  • As before at the Reach, Zenos is a force of nature, relentless and unstoppable. Yet you have grown stronger since last you met, and for a time it seems as though you may have a chance...until your foe elects to bring a new katana to bear against you. At once, his body begins to crackle with a crimson energy, which bursts forth and fells both Yugiri and the viceroy's few remaining soldiers. You endure a moment longer, but soon join them in defeat.
  • As he stands over you in judgment, Zenos at last recognizes you as the champion of the savages in Ala Mhigo. Discarding his damaged helmet, he implores you to live on, to endure, to grow stronger, and to face him once more, before whirling about and putting an end to a last desperate attempt by Yugiri to kill him. He advances to finish her off, but pauses when confronted by a group of armed villagers, as well as Gosetsu and Alisaie, who are determined to save the ninja's life. It is a touching display of defiance, but having tasted the viceroy's might, you know that even with such numbers, they do not stand a chance. Nevertheless, Zenos withdraws without a word, leaving you and your comrades free to withdraw to safety.
  • It would seem that Yugiri owes her preservation to one Alphinaud Leveilleur, for it was he who convinced the others to rush to your defense. Alisaie takes great pleasure in describing his panic─as does Gosetsu in observing that she herself was no picture of calm...


Accepting the quest

Yugiri: Zenos's itinerary is as follows...
Yugiri: He will depart Doma Castle by ship and approach the Moon Gates. The magitek field will be deactivated briefly, allowing his vessel to pass. It will then continue on to these very docks, where he and his entourage will disembark.
Yugiri: As you can see, this area is not ideal for an ambush. Wide open, multiple avenues of escape. The manor is better suited to our needs.
Yugiri: Let us split up and search for suitable hiding places.

Searching for a place to lie in wait

System: Surrounded by walls and deserted, this location appears to be ideal for concealment...


Yugiri: Ah, there you are.
Yugiri: Hmm... From the roof, we would have a clear view of the docks...
Yugiri: It is settled. We shall lie in wait here until Zenos arrives.
Yugiri: As discussed, if all goes to plan, he shall fall with my first blow. If not, then the two of us will have to engage him in open combat.
Yugiri: His escort is of no consequence, which means that we will have a two-to-one advantage. Nevertheless, he is not to be underestimated...

Speaking with Yugiri

Yugiri: All that remains is to wait. I trust that you are ready?


Yugiri: He comes. 
Imperial Pilus Prior: The village is not far, my lord. 
If it please you, we shall escort you there directly. 
Zenos yae Galvus: Hmph. Less a province than a graveyard. The rotting husk of a broken nation, devoid of proper sport. <sigh> But as His Radiance wishes... 
Imperial Pilus Prior: Y-Yes, of course, my lord! A-And may I say how terribly sorry we are that you had to come so far! 
Zenos yae Galvus: We labored long to sow the seeds of hatred, of fear─to train them as beasts. Now we shall see the harvest.
Zenos yae Galvus: Let there be savage beasts baying for blood, and not hollow-eyed prey cowering in the dark, or there will be no joy in this hunt. 
Imperial Pilus Prior: AMBUUUSH! 
Yotsuyu: Shinobi!? And me without my brute... 
Zenos yae Galvus: How weak you are. Is this the sum of your hate? 
Yugiri: This is only the beginning! For Lord Kaien! For Doma! 
Zenos yae Galvus: Mayhap I shall test this new blade of yours. Let us hope it is to my liking, lest your misfortunes compound.
Zenos yae Galvus: Then again, I am loath to expend such effort on the unworthy. 
Come─earn the honor.

Solo Duty Dialogue

Yugiri Mistwalker: Zenos yae Galvus! You will die by my hand!
Zenos yae Galvus: First you must kill my men. You can do that, can you not?
Yotsuyu: What are you doing, you fools!? There are only two of them!
Zenos yae Galvus: Hm. How much longer must you make me wait? 
Zenos yae Galvus: Very well. I suppose you have earned this...
Yugiri Mistwalker: This is not a game, you twisted, arrogant bastard!
Yugiri Mistwalker: Graaagh!
Zenos yae Galvus: Well done, beast. You have earned the right to look on the Ame-no-Habakiri.
Yotsuyu: What...what is this...? Kami forfend...
Yugiri Mistwalker: No! I can still fight, I can still...still...
Zenos yae Galvus: You're better than most, I'll grant you that. But not good enough. This ends now.


Zenos yae Galvus: Ahhh...I remember you. Ala Mhigo. The champion of the savages. 
Urianger (Voiceover): “Look ye where the sun doth rise, see crimson embers, dark'ning skies... 
Urianger (Voiceover):  “Look ye where the sun doth fall, see azure lost amidst the squall.” 
Zenos yae Galvus: right I was to spare your life.
Zenos yae Galvus: Hear me, hero. Endure. Survive. Live.
Zenos yae Galvus: For the rush of blood, for the time between the seconds─live. 
For the sole pleasure left to me in this empty, ephemeral world─live!
Zenos yae Galvus: You are not worthy. 
Isse: Get away from them, you imperial dog! 
Yugiri: No, don't... You must flee! 
Isse: We're not going anywhere! Do you hear me!? We're not running away!
Isse: What you're doing is stupid and reckless and I never wanted any part of it, but here we are!
Isse: I've spent my whole life hating myself─for every time they made me beg, for every time I held my tongue to protect the people I love. 
Isse: And then you came along and reminded me of all the things I never said and never did, and it was even worse! I would have given anything to forget, to walk away, but I knew that I'd never be able to live with the guilt. 
Isse: So we came─all of us! For you, for ourselves─for Doma! 
Zenos yae Galvus: Death is death, regardless of the reason.
Zenos yae Galvus: Yet you seem determined to die, intruding upon this sacred ground, turning weapons you can scarcely wield upon me. Your lives will not even begin to redress the balance. 
Alisaie: How wrong you are!
Alisaie: Go, now! Gosetsu─see to Yugiri! 
Gosetsu: Aye! 
Yotsuyu: <cough> <cough> I can't see a damn thing... Someone stop them!
Yotsuyu: My lord!?


Yugiri: Ugh...
Isse: It's all right. Here, have some water...
Gosetsu: 'Tis naught that will not heal with time.

Speaking with Alisaie

Alisaie: I don't think we were followed... 
Gods... I have no idea what was going through that man's head, but I am heartily glad he decided to leave.
Alisaie: Oh, and don't thank us. Thank Alphinaud. He's at the House of the Fierce, patiently awaiting your gratitude.
Alisaie: You should've seen the way he turned pale when he heard about Yugiri's plan─and how you of all people had decided to help her. He was in such a panic, barking orders, calling for a squadron to be assembled─ 
Gosetsu: As were you. 
Alisaie: I was rather composed, as I recall. Though that is neither here nor there...