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The Price of Freedom

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The Price of Freedom

The Price of Freedom Image.png
Quest giver
The Peaks (X:26.6, Y:29.8)
Quest line
Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Experience 109,000
Gil 4,101
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestWhere Courage Endures
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestRaubahn's Invitation

Main Scenario Progress: 492 / 953 (51.6%)


Stormblood Progress: 113 / 162 (69.8%)


As usual, Alphinaud has a brilliant plan.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:


Completion of this quest unlocks an increase to mount speed in The Peaks.



  • The Alliance and the Resistance cannot suffer a repeat of the slaughter at Specula Imperatoris. As such, they will not march upon Castrum Abania until they can be certain the fortress's main cannon will not be brought to bear against them. Though the weapon was apparently disabled by a single unknown assailant, it is only a matter of time before it is restored to operational status. With the aid of an Alliance contact in Radiata, you and your comrades have devised a plan to infiltrate the castrum and seize control of the cannon's fire control center, after which you will signal the Allied forces to advance. But before you can do that, you must first deal with the patrols between you and the castrum.
  • You dispatch the imperial patrol quickly and brutally, leaving nothing to chance. But it is only the first. Another is approaching.
  • The second patrol goes as quietly as its predecessor. Though Alphinaud and Alisaie lack your skill and finesse, it seems unlikely that their own targets proved any more troublesome...
  • As expected, Alphinaud and Alisaie are fine, as is Stark Woad, your contact. Your point of entry to Castrum Abania is not far, but a final patrol must be dealt with before you can proceed.
  • Once more you ambush and kill the unsuspecting imperial soldiers, removing the last obstacle between the entrance to the ventilation system and your comrades. Nevertheless, one can never be too careful; it would be prudent to stand watch for a time.
  • No more patrols are forthcoming, and so you signal your comrades to advance. Your plan, as Alphinaud reminds you, will be to split into two parties -- one comprising Alphinaud and Alisaie, and the other, you and the irrepressible adventurers who you had the wisdom... et cetera and so on. Each will attempt to create a diversion inside the castrum, thereby allowing Lyse and her unit of Resistance fighters to proceed relatively unhindered to the fire control center. Weapons research is to be your destination, and one can only imagine what manner of foes await you there...
    • ※Challenge Castrum Abania with other players via the Duty Finder, or with a party of NPCs via Duty Support. Both systems are accessible from the main menu as well as the dungeon's entrance point.
  • Though the monstrosities within weapons research are as fearsome as they are horrific, it is they who should rightly be afraid. Shortly after delivering your verdict on another few billion gil of Garlean innovation, you are rejoined by Alphinaud and Alisaie, and together you make haste to the fire control center to rendezvous with Lyse and seize control of the cannon.
  • At last you come face–to–face with the officer responsible for the destruction of Specula Imperatoris: Fordola rem Lupis. She makes no apologies for her actions and declares that all was in service to her countrymen -- to secure a place for them within imperial society. Enraged, Lyse charges with murder in her eyes, only to find that her opponent possesses supernatural strength and agility. After effortlessly evading her attacks and cutting down Alisaie with a single stroke, Fordola dives through the window and makes her escape, but not before extending you and your comrades an invitation to the “royal hunt” on behalf of Zenos yae Galvus.
  • With nothing to fear from the fortress's dormant cannon, Allied forces march on Castrum Abania and seize control of it in short order. Save for Alisaie's injuries -- which you are assured will heal in time -- the operation has gone exactly to plan. And yet Lyse stands apart, quiet and distant...



Stark Woad: I tell you, some of these Resistance folk can't see the forest for the trees. Ambushing the occasional imperial patrol won't change a damn thing. Infiltrating their castrums and learning their secrets, on the other hand... 
Alisaie: It's good to see that even this deep within occupied territory, there are still those who would defy their opressors.
Lyse: It's thanks to brave men and women like her that we still have a chance to win this war.

Accepting the Quest

Alphinaud: We have that for which we came. All that remains is to make our preparations. 
Alphinaud: Lyse and her unit will make for our primary objective, the fire control center. 
Alphinaud: At the same time, we will enter the castrum by way of the ventilation ducts, whereupon we will proceed into weapons research and create a diversion. 
Alphinaud: If all goes to plan, our parties will subsequently converge, and together we will secure the cannon before notifying the Alliance that they are clear to attack. 
Lyse: Sounds simple enough. I'll go and brief Naago on the details. 
Stark Woad: The rest of you come with me. We'll need to deal with the magitek patrols before you can infiltrate the castrum. 


Alisaie: Here's hoping there aren't too many for us to handle. 
Alphinaud: Quickly and quietly, so as not to raise the alarum...

Speaking with Stark Woad

Stark Woad: Almost there, friends. Your point of entry is just around the bend up ahead. The last patrol should be here any moment. 
Stark Woad: Once you've dealt with them, we'll be clear to advance...assuming they keep to their usual schedule. Might be prudent to stand watch for a moment after, just in case. 
Stark Woad: Lead the way and deal with the last patrol, if you would. We'll hold here and watch for soldiers coming from the west.
Stark Woad: They should be here any moment...

Standing watch for any remaining imperial soldiers (Cutscene)

Stark Woad: By Rhaglr, I knew you lot were good, but I never expected you to defeat them so swiftly... 
Alphinaud: [Forename] is the finest warrior I know, and I should like to think we have learned something from our time in [her/his] company... Now—where is the entrance to the ducts? 
Stark Woad: Right behind you. I've mapped the branches, so you should have no trouble reaching the hangars or any number of other places. 
Alphinaud: Understood. Thank you again for your invaluable assistance. 
Alphinaud: As discussed, [Forename], we shall infiltrate the castrum and cause as much chaos as possible. 
Alphinaud: This will draw the imperials away from Lyse and her men, thereby allowing them to safely reach the fire control center. 
Stark Woad: If there's nothing else, I'll return to the Resistance forces and show them to their entrance. May Rhalgr guide you to victory! 
Alphinaud: This is your last chance to make your preparations, [Forename]. When you and yours are ready, we shall begin. 


Alphinaud: The Alliance is counting on us to deal with that cannon. Failure is not an option.
Alisaie: It won't be long before someone realizes their armor is missing. We have to hurry!

Entering Castrum Abania

Duty Dialogue

Magna Roader: Systems nominal... Powering magitek engines...
Magna Roader: Deactivating limiters...injecting ceruleum fuel additives...
Magna Roader: System critical! Unable to execute Wild Speed Protocol...
Magna Roader: Emergency restart! Systems unstable... Evacuate...
Subject Number XXIV: Hostile presence detected. Subject Number XXIV, engaging arcane combat mode. 
Subject Number XXIV: Commencing lightning aether loading. 
Subject Number XXIV: XXIV Protocol initiated. Commencing lightning attack. 
Subject Number XXIV: Inhibitors disengaged. Lightning aether output level maximum. 
Subject Number XXIV: Warning: lightning aether overload. Combat system throttled; defensive functions impaired. 
Subject Number XXIV: System restored. Recommencing fire aether loading. 
Subject Number XXIV: XXIV Protocol initiated. Commencing fire attack. 
Subject Number XXIV: Inhibitors disengaged. Fire aether output level maximum. 
Subject Number XXIV: Warning: fire aether overload. Combat system throttled; defensive functions impaired. 
Subject Number XXIV: System restored. Recommencing ice aether loading. 
Subject Number XXIV: XXIV Protocol initiated. Commencing ice attack. 
Subject Number XXIV: Inhibitors disengaged. Ice aether output level maximum. 
Subject Number XXIV: Warning: ice aether overload. Combat system throttled; defensive functions impaired. 
Subject Number XXIV: Aether loading test complete... Urgent redesign required...
Magitek Technician: What fortune to receive such a promising test subject... 
Magitek Technician: This way, little one, this way. Time for your medicine... 
Magitek Technician: Hm. Well. We have data enough. We will learn from this.

Duty Support

Alisaie: All right, let's raise hells! 
Alphinaud: Aye! The more enemies we can draw, the better!
Alphinaud: They're weapon transport containers. 
Alisaie: Best destroy them here and now!
Alphinaud: This appears to be a testing facility. 
Alisaie: Well then, let's put this thing through its paces!
Alisaie: I'm afraid that's a fall. 
Alphinaud: A notable mention for its acceleration, however.
Alisaie: Something in those pods... 
Alphinaud: It couldn't be...people?
Alphinaud: That they should so enhance men... 
Alisaie: We must shut the pods down!
Alisaie: A third eye... That man is Garlean! 
Alphinaud: And he's undergone extensive enhancements.
Alisaie: A Garlean who can use magic... 
Alphinaud: It seems they seek to augment their people's weakness.
Alphinaud: Another facility up ahead. 
Alisaie: By the way it's set apart, I'd wager it's important.
Alphinaud: They certainly do not want us here. 
Alisaie: And that only makes it more inviting!
Alisaie: What is that thing? A machina or a beast? 
Alphinaud: Whatever it is, it's dangerous! Have care!

Post–duty Cutscene

Alphinaud: Understood. We're on our way. 
Alphinaud: Lyse's unit should be advancing upon the fire control center in the command tower. Let us join them. 
Alphinaud: Lyse! Thank the Twelve you're all right. 
Lyse: And you! there's the control center. Let's hit them hard and fast. Ready? 
Fordola: They're here! 
Lyse: It was you, wasn't it...Wasn't it!? 
Fordola: Aye, I gave the order to fire. 
Lyse: It was over! The Skulls had surrendered! No one else had to die! 
And you killed them! Your own people! Your own comrades! 
Fordola: You're right. I killed them. Asfrid, Hrudolf, Emelin, all the rest—trained and fought with every last one of them. Good soldiers to a man. 
Fordola: I gave the order that led to their deaths...and I knew exactly what I was doing. 
Lyse: But why!? Why would you do that!? 
Fordola: They died so that all Ala Mhigans could live free. that was all we ever wanted. 
Fordola: We made a promise that we would do whatever it took so that one day the imperials would learn to accept us. 
Fordola: But everything comes at a price. And if you haven't got the means to pay, then you pay with blood. 
Fordola: Service guarantees citizenship, but citizenship guarantees naught. It's not enough to do your part, oh no. You have to run faster, fight harder, kill more and more and more—and only then will you be equal. 
Fordola: That's just how it is out here in the provinces. You buy your freedom with blood—there is no other way! 
Lyse: Shut up! Shut your mouth! you don't get to talk about freedom! 
You killed your own! They trusted you and you killed them! 
Lyse: Murderer! Butcher! Traitor! 
Alisaie: Lyse! 
Lyse: Got you! 
Fordola: I know what you can do. I've already seen it. 
Alphinaud: >> Alisaie! <<
Fordola: Even so, the odds are against me... 
Lyse: Coward! Get back here! 
Fordola: Hero! Lord Zenos invites you to join him for the royal hunt, to be hosted at the palace. You may bring your horde, if you like. All are welcome. 
Alphinaud: She'll be all right, but we'll need to carry her. Will you help me? 
Alphinaud: Thank you. Lyse, I leave matters here in your hands. 
Lyse: Uh, right...


Serpent Officer: I am told one of your comrades was injured during the operation. If there is aught we can do to help, pray do not hesitate to ask.
Raubahn: Well done! That thrice–damned cannon won't be troubling us again.

Speaking with Lyse

Lyse: Well, we did it. Castrum Abania belongs to us now...
Lyse: Naago and her people took Alisaie to Radiata to receive treatment. Alphinaud tells me she'll make a full recovery...
Lyse: I know I should be happy. We won, and with minimal casualties. But feels empty. 
Lyse: We should report to General Aldynn. Krile wasn't here, but who knows, maybe one of Raubahn's men found something which could lead us to her. Can't hurt to ask, anyway.