The Least among Us

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The Least among Us

Quest giver
Unsettled Scholar
South Shroud (X:17.3, Y:28.6)
Quest line
Seventh Astral Era Main Scenario Quests
Experience 2,340
Gil 930
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestWhere We Are Needed
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestA Time to Every Purpose

Main Scenario Progress: 235 / 953 (24.7%)


A Realm Reborn Progress: 235 / 241 (97.5%)


Who better to serve the Scions of the Seventh Dawn than a humble scholar and his faithful assistant?

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:


As of Patch 5.3, completion of the Crystal Tower sidequest chain up through Feature QuestThe Light of Hope is required to pass this point. These Alliance Raid alliance raids are not difficult and can be done blind in the Duty Finder. Tanks will have the longest queue times as only 3 of the 24 players in Alliance Raids are tanks.



  • Eager to obtain additional readings with which to confirm his theory, your scholarly companion proposes a visit to Urth's Fount. Proceed to the next─and hopefully final─survey site.
  • Having arrived in Urth's Fount, the scholar bids you do what you have done before: stand watch at an appropriate distance while he takes his measurements.
  • The news of Wilred's death comes as a shock to Minfilia, who cannot fathom why anyone would want to harm the boy. In a hollow voice, she declares that Alphinaud will want to conduct an investigation and send word to Wilred's family, before sinking back into her own thoughts...


Accepting the Quest

Unsettled Scholar: For our next survey, I would have you escort me to Urth's Fount.
Unsettled Scholar: The ambient aether concentrations there are so high that crystalline structures form spontaneously. Consequently, anomalous fluctuations should be much easier to detect. Brilliant, yes? No, don't bother answering─that was rhetorical. Now, come along!

Speaking with the unsettled scholar at Urth's Fount

Unsettled Scholar: You should be more than familiar with the procedure by now. Pray find a suitable position from which to keep watch while I take measurements.

Optional Dialogue

Unsettled Scholar: We will be here all morning/day/night if you do not leave me be, young man/lady!


Unsettled Scholar: Yes...yes...quite high, yet still markedly lower than the historical measurements taken near the end of the Sixth Astral Era...
Unsettled Scholar: Could the presence of a primal account for the difference? Or is there something else...something else...
Unsettled Scholar: Something...else...
Unsettled Scholar: >> Scion! Scion, come here! I-I need you! <<
Hoary Boulder: >> Fear not, my friends! Help has arrived! <<
Coultenet: There you are, [Forename]! Hoary and I were worried when you and your charge failed to return at the appointed hour.
Hoary Boulder: <sigh> Gutted like a hog...but not by one, no. These wounds were made with a blade... Doesn't look like he put up much of a fight, either. Nary a mark on his sword or his shield...
Coultenet: I've heard nothing of any Crystal Brave operations in this area. What cause had Wilred to come here?
Unsettled Scholar: Wh-What should we do!?
Coultenet: We will see to the scholar's protection, [Forename].
Hoary Boulder: Aye, and the boy's remains. You should return to the Rising Stones. The Antecedent will want to know what happened here.
Hoary Boulder: And so do I...

Optional Dialogue

Unsettled Scholar: I've...I've never been this close to a... Oh...oh gods...
Hoary Boulder: We spoke a few times in the Rising Stones. He wasn't as experienced as some of the other Braves─but gods, he had passion...
Coultenet: Gods, what a waste... Pray leave matters here to us, [Forename]. You must return to the Rising Stones and inform the Antecedent at once.

Speaking with Minfilia at the Rising Stones

Minfilia: [Forename], you are returned! And you seem troubled. Did the role of escort chafe so?
Minfilia: Wilred...dead? Mayhap murdered? By the Twelve! How can that be!?
Minfilia: I will send word to Alphinaud at once. He will want to conduct a full investigation, and send word to Wilred's family...

If you have already completed Feature QuestThe Light of Hope[1]

Minfilia: Gods... He was just a boy. Who would do this─and why?

If you have NOT already completed Feature QuestThe Light of Hope[1]

Minfilia: Gods... He was just a boy. Who would do this─and why? ...But I am sorry, [Forename]. Doubtless this weighs heavy on your heart...and we have already imposed upon you so much.
Minfilia: Pray take some time for yourself─I daresay you have more than earned a respite. After all, we will be most busy with preparations as the banquet draws near. Should other adventures summon you elsewhere, perhaps now is the time to heed their call?
System: In order to progress in the main scenario, you must first complete certain quests in the Crystal Tower series.
System: The Crystal Tower quest series may be undertaken by speaking with the outlandish man in Revenant's Toll.
  1. 1.0 1.1 Needs verification