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The Greater Obeisance

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The Greater Obeisance

The Greater Obeisance Image.png
Quest giver
Nophica's Altar (X:8, Y:11)
Quest line
Post-Dragonsong Main Scenario Quests
Experience 5,000
Gil 745
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Obvious Solution
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestFly Free, My Pretty

Main Scenario Progress: 377 / 953 (39.6%)


Heavensward Progress: 136 / 138 (98.6%)


Alphinaud is eager to join Cid and the others.

— In-game description




  • Alphinaud informs you that the Omega contingent is assembling at the airship landing. Make haste and join Cid and the others.
  • Cid seems bent on heading directly for Carteneau, but Alphinaud requests a short delay to confirm the situation in the East Shroud before departing. Having acquiesced to Alphinaud's wish, Cid offers to fly the remaining members of the contingent to Mor Dhona. Speak with Hida at the landing gate when you are ready to board the Enterprise Excelsior.
  • After a brief flight, you arrive a short distance from the walls of Revenant's Toll. Speak with Cid before making your way into town.
  • Cid apologizes for not being able to land within the settlement proper, and suggests that you all retire to the Rising Stones. Perhaps this would be a suitable place to approach Nero, and learn more of your unexpected ally...
  • Alphinaud returns from the East Shroud accompanied by Yda, but the melancholy mood which descends at her mention of Papalymo is swiftly shattered by the booming entrance of Gosetsu. The samurai has arrived with dire news from Doma, but far from persuading Yugiri to return to her homeland, he is instead convinced by Nero's mention of the Empire to join the mission to Carteneau. Speak with Yda when you are ready to set forth.


Accepting the Quest

Alphinaud: Cid and the others are assembling at the airship landing. 
Alphinaud: Alisaie is already on her way, and it would not do to lag too far behind. Let us be off. 
Alphinaud: Where is everyone...?

Speaking with Cid at the airship landing in Gridania

Cid: [Forename], Alphinaud! Ready to go? The others have stepped out onto the landing for a moment, lest you wonder. Nero insisted that he be allowed to inspect the Excelsior before boarding. 
Alphinaud: And you let him? Despite his very timely offer of assistance, the thought of that man poking about in the workings of the ship without proper supervision does not fill me with confidence. 
Cid: Calm yourself, Alphinaud—your sister was adamant that he would never leave her sight. She and Yugiri are—Ah, well they are here now. 


Cid: Right, I think that's everyone. Shall I set course for Carteaneau? 
Alphinaud: Ah, might I ask that we delay our departure slightly? I require no more than a few hours at most. Our colleagues are studying the cocoon even as we speak, and I would hear their latest observations ere we proceed. 
Alphinaud: It would seem wise to gain as clear an understanding of the situation as possible before formulating our plan. 
Nero tol Scaeva: Oh? I thought time was against us! How foolish of me. 
Alisaie: Hold your tongue. When we want your opinion, we'll ask for it. 
Nero tol Scaeva: Forgive me, my lady! I shall keep my counsel until such time as you have finished procrastinating. 
Cid: All right. While Alphinaud speaks with his colleagues, I shall fly the Excelsior over to Mor Dhona, and we can reconvene at the Rising Stones. 
Alphinaud: Mine apologies for the trouble. I shall visit Y'shtola and the others forthwith, and join you as soon as I am able. 
Alphinaud: [Forename], pray accompany Alisaie back to the rising stones. I should feel safer knowing you are present to entertain our "guest". 
Cid: Right. Everyone heading to Mor Dhona is welcome to travel aboard the Excelsior. I'll clear things with the girl at the counter here. Let her know when you're ready to leave. 

Speaking with Hida at the airship landing in Gridania

Hida: You are traveling with MAster Garlond, miss/sir? The Enterprise Excelsior is right this way. 


Alisaie: Strange though it may seem, Nero's former loyalties do not trouble me. But I can see why people are loath to lower their guard around him.
Yugiri: I do not care for that man...
Nero tol Scaeva: What manner of airship has no private cabins!? Then again, I suppose Garlond had to find somewhere to stow his half–baked inventions...

Speaking with Cid in Mor Dhona

Cid: Not quite a door-to-door service, but I couldn't exactly land her in the Toll's main square...
Cid: Shall we adjourn to the Rising stones, then? 


Cid: We must be careful, old friend. The walking weapons of Allag were expressly designed to subdue primals, but men like Gaius will always seek to use them against mankind. It falls to us to ensure that Omega is never employed as a weapon of war. In the wrong hands, it would be...
Cid: It would be bad.
Alisaie: One was created to capture Bahamut and the other to surpass him... Which will prove the stronger, I wonder.
Yugiri: Fear not. I shall keep a close eye on our new ally. 
Tataru: I know Nero's a guest here, but we don't exactly have the happiest history with the Empire, do we? So my question to you is: do I offer him tea?

Speaking with Nero at the Rising Stones (Cutscene)

Nero tol Scaeva: Hm. So these are the fabled headquarters of the Scions... I confess, I would have expected an order of self-proclaimed warrior-scholars to surround themselves with the fruits of man's enlightenment. And yet there is not so much as a single piece of magitek in sight. 
Nero tol Scaeva: It never ceases to amaze me how primitive you Eorzeans truly are...
Tataru: Hmph! I'll have you know that the Rising Stones is home to the very latest in magitek innovation. 
Tataru: Wedge calls it the "Mark XIV Thermocoil Boilmaster," and it's the finest kettle I've ever had the pleasure to own. 
Alphinaud: We are returned. 
Alphinaud: Well, Yda, and I, at least. Y'shtola and the others remained behind to continue their assessment of the binding magick.
Yda: There didn't seem much point staying just for that, so I decided to come back with Alphinaud. Papalymo bought us this time. We shouldn't waste it. 
Towering Traveler: By your leave! 
Alisaie: Good gods. That voice could fell a gigas,,,
Towering Traveler: This is the Rising Stones, domicile of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn? I enter at the invitation of one Lord Urianger! 
Towering Traveler: Ho-ho! I spy you there, shadow walker. You always were a hard one to find! 
Alisaie: Yugiri...? Do you know this man? 
Yugiri: Gosetsu!? Why are you come to Eorzea?
Gosetsu: In search of you, Yugiri! For days and nights did I row across the angry sea... 
Gosetsu: I made port in good spirits, only for my own flesh to betray me over the trifling matter of an empty belly! Collapsed in the street like an unfed stray, I was, until Lord Urianger came to my aid. 
Gosetsu: Over a most welcome meal, we spoke of the plight of Doma, and I learned of our displaced countrymen's work to resettle this blighted land. 'Twas blind fortune I was able to locate you so swiftly! 
Gosetsu: But now we must make ready to depart! Our master languishes in dire peril, and Doma calls her daughter home! 
Yugiri: It is not so simple, Gosetsu. There are obligations which bind me here...
Gosetsu: You—You refuse? Did you mislay your oath during your flight from our homeland? The laws of hospitality must be honored, but surely the vow to defend your master demands the greater obeisance? 
Yugiri: It was our master who bid me guide our people to safe haven by any means necessary. And it was the Scions you see before you who provided us succor and sanctuary when all others refused. 
Yugiri: Dire peril or no, were I to return without first repaying such "hospitality", our master would cut me down at the threshold. 
Gosetsu: Mayhap that is so...
Yugiri: There is more. A crisis threatens all within this realm, Eorzean and Doman alike, and I go to play my part in its resolution. I will not bring shame upon our liege by abandoning my people or my duty. 
Nero tol Scaeva: How very noble of you. Now, in the name of honor, kinship, and—ah, yes—practicality, might I suggest we get this expedition underway? Or would you rather debate the finer points of duty and leave Omega to the Empire?
Gosetsu: The Empire!? 
Gosetsu: Yugiri? You draw steel against the curs of Garlemald? 
Gosetsu: Then why did you not say so!? My blade is oathbound to fall upon the ranks of the imperials wheresoever they march! Lead on, shadow walker. And may the enemy tremble at our coming! 


Tataru: [Forename], wait! Could I speak to you for a moment? 
Tataru: Do you remember when I had you meet me at the Diamond Forge, and we, uh...ambushed you? 
Tataru: Well, once we had your measurements, I set to work making you a traveling outfit in my spare time. I've only just this moment finished the stitching, but I wanted you to have it before you left! Here! 
Tataru: You can try it on right now, if you like! 
Tataru: Assuming we measured correctly, the fit should be just right. Snug but not too snug, if you know what I mean...? 
Sooo...how does it feel? 
Tataru: You're not just saying that, are you!? Oh, I can't tell you how much this means to me! To have crafted something worthy of the Warrior of Light is...It's—Well, let's just say it makes all the practice worthwhile. 
Tataru: I also sewed in a blood pearl charm to...you know...bring you home. May it always protect you.