The Crate Beyond
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The Crate Beyond
- Quest giver
- Kupopo
- Location
- Coerthas Central Highlands (X:25.8, Y:16.4)
- Job
- Pictomancer
- Level
- 85
- Required quest
- Required items
- 1 Kupopo-sized Sack
3 Ogre Crab Bait
5 Ogre Crab Shell
1 Saltworn Crate - Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Perspectives in Pursuit
- Next quest
Beruru's Clues
- Patch
- 7.0
“Kupopo is examining you a little too closely.
— In-game description
It is not possible to lose the contest, although the number of shells the player obtains will change some dialogue. For maximum yield (8 shells), the two highest-yielding locations are:
- (28.9, 35.6)
- (28.8, 34.8)
Plus one of the following:
- (28.2, 37.3)
- (29.7, 36.0)
- Open the Kupopo-sized sack at the designated location.
- Speak with the cheery Confederate at Sakazuki.
- Use the ogre crab bait at the designated locations and obtain their shells.
- Deliver the ogre crab shells to the cautious Confederate.
- Deliver the saltworn crate to the aidless trader.
- Kupopo is examining you a little too closely.
- Before departing Camp Dragonhead, the cheerful Hearer introduces you to an Ishgardian knight─the very knight you helped save. While the knight is eager to express his gratitude, he regrets to inform you that neither he nor his comrades stationed along the border have seen anyone matching Beruru's description. As the two take their leave, Kupopo declares Kugane to be your next destination. Since you have been there before and presumably attuned to the local aetheryte, he invites you to stuff him in a hempen sack so that you may teleport there with him in tow.
- Liberated from his sack, Kupopo recalls his time in Kugane, and listens intently as you explain the circumstances behind your initial journey to the Far East. Your reminiscence is interrupted by a distraught art trader, whose crate of goods was tossed overboard during his voyage from Ul'dah. Assuming it did not sink into the depths, the tides have likely carried the crate into the Ruby Sea, and given your cordial relationship with the Confederacy, you are the trader's best hope of recovering it. Consulting with the pirates of Sakazuki would be a reasonable first step.
- You converse with a pair of Confederates who claim to have found the crate you seek. Though they assert it is theirs by rights now, they are willing to hand it over should you best the cheery Confederate in a shell-gathering competition. Whoever hunts the most ogre crabs─and collects more of their shells─shall be crowned the victor. With bait in hand, you set off in pursuit of the crustaceans.
- You have exhausted your supply of bait and collected what shells you could. The cautious Confederate stands ready to count your spoils and declare a victor.
- Upon hearing the results of your contest, the Confederates concede defeat and relinquish the saltworn crate. The aidless trader awaits your arrival by the Sekisegumi Barracks and should be pleased to see his precious prize on dry land once more.
- It transpires that the crate contains one of Janquetilaque's many masterpieces, and Kupopo is keen to learn how the trader obtained such a coveted piece. Unfortunately, as the trader tells it, Beruru auctioned off a collection of her deceased master's works, and is believed to have taken her own life once all were sold. A devastated Kupopo asks that you give him some time to process this tragic revelation before you resume your journey...
- ※The next pictomancer quest will be available from Kupopo upon reaching level 88.
Accepting the quest (cutscene)
Kupopo: Oho! The maddened glint in your eyes, the abysmal posture of one who has produced too many works in far too little time─I can tell you've been training hard, kupo. Kupopo: Your aura, too, has burgeoned since last we spoke, lending you the mysterious mien of an artist undergoing a wild and wonderful evolution! Kupopo: Hmm? You think I'm making this up, do you? That I'm stringing together vaguely relevant, affirming words? Oh ye of little faith.
???: Thank the Matron...
Kupopo: Exactly, kupo! We should thank the Matron for...wait─all the best to Nophica and Her bounties, but why are we thanking Her?
Cheerless Hearer: I thank the Matron we may speak before you depart, of course! I have someone here who wishes to express his gratitude. Cheerless Hearer: Our Ishgardian friend has made a full recovery, and it is thanks to the horn you brought.
Upright Knight: Your selfless actions have saved my life. I know not how I can ever repay you.
Kupopo: No need for that, kupo! To see you hale and whole is repayment enough.
Upright Knight: I am given to understand that you are searching for someone─a traveling painter.
Kupopo: Indeed I am! Her name is Beruru, and she's my very best friend.
Upright Knight: Moved by your endeavor, I took the liberty of making inquiries among my comrades. Alas, none recall having seen such an individual. Upright Knight: As patrolling the border is one of our chief duties, we would have noted if your friend passed through. My apologies we could not be of aid...
Kupopo: I see... Still, to have confirmation that Beruru wasn't here is helpful. Thank you, kupo.
Upright Knight: 'Twas the least I could do for my saviors. Now, we must attend our next meeting, but I wish you well on the journey ahead.
Kupopo: <sigh> Where could Beruru be...? Kupopo: We may not have found any clues here, but with some luck, we'll find her at our next destination: Kugane! Kupopo: Getting there, however, will prove a challenge... Unless you've visited the Far East before, Doctor? Kupopo: Wonderful! That makes our lives much easier, kupo. Kupopo: Now listen closely: I have here a lovingly crafted─and blessedly breathable─hempen sack. I want you to stuff me inside and teleport me to Kugane with you. Kupopo: You needn't gawp─it's a well-considered request! While I may not be replete with teleportation anima like you, I can tag along as one of your belongings. So stuff me in the sack! I can take it, kupo!
System: You are now carrying a Kupopo-sized sack. It would be prudent to handle your burden with the utmost care until such time as you reach Kugane.
Open the Kupopo-sized sack at the designated location
System: The Kupopo-sized sack is wiggling rigorously...
Kupopo: Ahhh, what a peaceful nap that was, kupo! And I see we've arrived safely in Kugane. Kupopo: This city is as impossibly picturesque as ever... Kupopo: Why, when I first arrived here with Beruru and Janquetilaque, I thought we were in a waking dream, kupo. Kupopo: We were all fascinated by Far Eastern art─especially the bright, bold presentation of ukiyo-e prints. It was a treat to view so many pieces up close! Kupopo: What of you, Forename? What do you recall most vividly about your first visit here?
What will you say? > How excited I was to travel to distant lands. > How desperate I was to turn the tide of rebellion. > How furious I was at a conniving Namazu.
< How excited I was to travel to distant lands. > Kupopo: So were we, kupo! Everything felt fresh and fascinating... Beruru was so taken with the scenery, she climbed to the highest rooftops she could to behold the city in all its splendor! Kupopo: Immersing ourselves in different cultures stirs the heart and broadens the mind like few other things can!
< How desperate I was to turn the tide of rebellion. > Kupopo: So following a painful defeat, you came here in search of a new path forward... Kupopo: The journey must have been fraught with hardship. But you persevered, and the flames of adversity forged you into the most helpful of heroes!
< How furious I was at a conniving Namazu. > Kupopo: Those pop-eyed pests are nothing but trouble, if you ask me. They think they can get away with all manner of mischief and look cute doing it...but only moogles should be able to do that, kupo! Kupopo: Still, to meet such unusual creatures─walking, talking fishfolk─would have stirred your imagination to no end, and you have your journey to thank for the experience!
Kupopo: Right, then! I'd like to begin searching for Beruru, and I think the teahouses would be a good place to start. The proprietors ought to be able to─
???: Strike down this hapless fool...
Kupopo: Precisely, kupo. The proprietors ought to be able to strike down this hapless... Wait, who's getting struck down? Kupopo: Hold on a moment! It's a soul in need of aid! Kupopo: Ahem! What troubles you, good sir?
Aidless Trader: Oh, turbulent tides take me! I am an art dealer from Ul'dah, you see, and I came to Kugane to sell a masterpiece I acquired in Eorzea... Aidless Trader: But nary a day before we arrived, we were engulfed by a terrible storm. We rocked and rolled, barely able to keep the ship from capsizing, and in the chaos the crate containing my precious piece was cast into the roiling waves!
Kupopo: That's terrible, kupo! Is there any chance that it can be found?
Aidless Trader: Assuming it wasn't dragged into the fathomless depths, the sailors tell me the crate has likely drifted into the Ruby Sea─Confederate waters. No one is willing to go and search for me.
Kupopo: I believe it's your time to shine again, Forename! You can help this poor fellow, yes?
Aidless Trader: ...Well acquainted with the pirates, you say? If you could speak with them about my crate, I would be grateful beyond words!
System: The Confederate pirates on Sakazuki keep a close watch of the nearby waters. If anyone has seen the crate in question, it would be them.
Optional Dialogue
Aidless Trader: Ahhh, what good fortune to meet such a well-connected adventurer so far from home... I shall pray to the Traders for good tidings!
Kupopo: While you scour the Ruby Sea, I'm going to fly about town and see if any passersby have spotted Beruru. Good luck to us both, kupo!
Cautious Confederate: Aren't you the, erm... N-Never mind.
Speak with the Cheery Confederate at Sakazuki
Cheery Confederate: Oho, if it isn't our friend Forename! What brings you back to these parts? Business with Rasho and Tansui, perhaps? Cheery Confederate: A crate containing a piece of art? As a matter of fact, we fished something like that out of the water not long ago. Cheery Confederate: But as you well know, the Ruby Sea's our territory, and anything the tides deliver to us is ours by right. We cannot just hand it over.
Cautious Confederate: B-But we owe so much to Forename...
Cheery Confederate: Aye, I haven't forgotten... That being the case, why don't we make it interesting and have a friendly contest for the crate?
What will you say? > Challenge accepted! > If that's what it takes, I'll do it.
Cheery Confederate: That's the spirit! Cheery Confederate: We'll make it simple: hunting ogre crabs. Both sides will get the same amount of bait. The person who can catch more crabs is the winner!
Cautious Confederate: A-Alright, then. Once you've used up your bait, bring the shells to me as proof. I'll be waiting...
Cheery Confederate: Perfect! Let the contest begin!
Cautious Confederate: <sigh> Always in a rush, that one... You need only lay your bait by the shore and dispatch any ogre crabs that take it. Cautious Confederate: When you've no bait left, come back and show me the shells you collected from your kills.
Optional Dialogue
Cautious Confederate: Th-The ogre crabs should appear if you scatter the bait by the water. Hunt as many of them as you can for their shells, and bring those to me...
Use the ogre crab bait at the designated locations and obtain their shells
Crab-worthy Crag (29.7, 38.1)
System: Aside from being far from the water, there is nary a hiding place for crabs at these outcroppings. This does not seem a promising spot to scatter bait.
1 crab will spawn
Crab-worthy Crag (28.2, 37.3)
System: You spy a trail of tiny tracks in the sand. Perhaps this is a good spot to use the bait.
2 crabs will spawn
Crab-worthy Crag (29.7, 36.0)
System: These rocks might serve as a comfortable hiding spot for ogre crabs. Some are bound to emerge if you scatter bait here.
2 crabs will spawn
Crab-worthy Crag (28.9, 35.6)
System: Peering into the water, you spot a bounty of shellfish─a favorite of crabs. This might be a prime location for baiting your quarry...
3 crabs will spawn
Crab-worthy Crag (28.8, 34.8)
System: The rocky shallows are teeming with life. This would seem an ideal spot to scatter bait.
3 crabs will spawn
Optional Dialogue
Cautious Confederate: Th-The ogre crabs should appear if you scatter the bait by the water. Hunt as many of them as you can for their shells, and bring those to me...
Cheery Confederate: Still fumbling around with that bait? Well, you'd best hurry─I've already handed in my shells!
Deliver the ogre crab shells to the Cautious Confederate
Cautious Confederate: O-Oh, you've brought the shells? I'll take them off your hands, then... Cautious Confederate: And the winner is...
(5 shells) Cautious Confederate: Huh. It appears we have a tie. Well done, both of you.
(6 shells) Cautious Confederate: Forename, and by merely a single shell. Congratulations...
(7+ shells) Cautious Confederate: Forename, and it's not even close. Congratulations...
Cheery Confederate: Gahaha! Good show, Forename! I expected nothing less from you. Cheery Confederate: I'm a man of my word, so the crate's yours. Though it was just a friendly game, it was a privilege to go up against you. I'll be sure to tell everyone about it!
Cautious Confederate: Y-Yes, thank you for humoring us. I hope that crate is what the merchant is after...
Optional Dialogue
Cheery Confederate: Again, I appreciate you indulging my competitive spirit. I'll be bragging about it to all of my friends for days to come!
Cautious Confederate: Ogre crab shells are light and durable─ideal for crafting armor. That's to say, they're good for a bit of coin...
Kupopo: Welcome back, kupo! How fared the search?
Deliver the saltworn crate to the aidless trader
Aidless Trader: Ah, you are returned! Were you able to find my crate...?
Aidless Trader: Oh, Traders be praised! This is the very crate I lost...and it's still intact! Aidless Trader: You are truly a godssend, adventurer! Words fail to express my gratitude!
Kupopo: It's impressive indeed that you could track down the crate. Excellent work, Forename! Kupopo: Remind me─what was in this crate again? A painting? After having been adrift for so long, I hope it hasn't been ruined...
Aidless Trader: Judging by its condition, I want to believe that all is well, but let us see...
Aided Trader: Thank the Traders─'tis unharmed! And there I thought I had packaged it excessively...
Kupopo: P-Pluck my pom... That's one of Janquetilaque's pieces, kupo!
Aided Trader: Oho, you have a keen eye! Indeed, this is the work of the traveling artist Janquetilaque, painted in the winter of his years. Aided Trader: I purchased it a few moons ago from a young lady who was his apprentice.
Kupopo: Beruru, kupo!? I've been searching all over for her! Do you know where she is?
Aided Trader: Oh...she was a friend of yours, I take it...?
Kupopo: Please, tell me everything you know! Where you met, where she might be now─everything!
Aided Trader: I don't know how to say this, but...from what I have heard, your friend has passed on. Aided Trader: She had come to Ul'dah to sell a small trove of Janquetilaque's paintings. His works are extremely rare, so it caused quite a stir among art dealers. Aided Trader: Expensive though the pieces were, it didn't take long for her to sell them all. And once she had, she disappeared... Aided Trader: Her belongings were apparently strewn about her inn room, yet there was nary a sign of foul play. None have seen her since, and...'tis rumored she found a quiet place to end her life.
Kupopo: N-No... I knew Janquetilaque's death left a void in her heart, but Beruru wouldn't have... She couldn't have...
What will you say? > I know it's difficult, but try and remain calm. > This is a rumor, nothing more. We don't know anything for certain.
Kupopo: But... But...
Aided Trader: Forgive me. It was not my intent to cause you distress with these grim tidings. Aided Trader: 'Twas because of them, in fact, that this piece failed to sell in Eorzea. Thus did I bring it all the way to the Far East, hoping to find a buyer here instead. Aided Trader: Now, it isn't much, but please accept this as a token of my gratitude. Aided Trader: With that, I must take my leave of you and go to meet with a prospective client...
Kupopo: I-I'm sorry, Forename... You did well... You did... Kupopo: But if you don't mind, I'd like to be alone for a while, kupo.