Text commands

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Getting started: System requirements –> Servers –> Character creation –> Controls –> User interface –> Text commands –> Classes –> Jobs


See also: Chat text commands
Command Aliases Usage Description
/say /say, /s /say [message] Sends a message to all PCs within a small radius. The message will not be displayed if a PC has deselected [Say] in the chat filter. Typing /say or /s without a message switches the default chat mode to [Say].
/yell /yell, /y /yell [message] Sends a message to all PCs within a large radius. The message will not be displayed if a PC has deselected [Yell] in the chat filter. Typing /yell or /y without a message switches the default chat mode to [Yell].
/shout /shout, /sh /shout [message] Sends a message to all PCs in the same area. The message will not be displayed if a PC has deselected [Shout] in the chat filter.
/tell /tell, /t /tell [PC name]@[World name] [message] Sends a message to a specific PC on a specified World. When specifying a World other than your own, the message can only be sent to PCs that are on your friend list or recruiting party members via the Party Finder. This message cannot be seen by other PCs, and will not be displayed if [Tell] is deselected in the chat filter. Typing /tell or /t [PC name]@[World name] without a message switches the default chat mode to [Tell].

 /tell [PC name]@Bahamut Hello
 (Sends the message "Hello" to
 [PC name] on the World
/reply /reply, /r /r [message] Sends a message to the last player from whom you received a /tell.
/cleartellhistory /cleartellhistory, /cth /cleartellhistory Deletes all record of previous /tell messages.
/party /party, /p /party [message] Sends a message to all members of your current party, regardless of their location. The message will not be displayed if a PC has deselected [Party] in the chat filter. Typing /party or /p without a message switches the default chat mode to [Party].
/alliance /alliance, /a /alliance [message] Sends a message to all members of your current alliance, regardless of their location. The message will not be displayed if a PC has deselected [Alliance] in the chat filter. Typing /alliance or /a without a message switches the default chat mode to [Alliance].
/freecompany /freecompany, /fc /freecompany [message] Sends a message to all members of your free company, regardless of their location. Typing /freecompany or /fc without a message switches the default chat mode to [Free Company].
/pvpteam /pvpteam, /pt /pvpteam [message] Sends a message to all members of your PvP team, regardless of their location. Typing /pvpteam or /pt without a message switches the default chat mode to [PvP Team].

  /pvpteam Hello
 (Sends the message "Hello"
 to your PvP team.)

 (Switches the default chat
 mode to [PvP Team].)
/cwlinkshell /cwlinkshell, /cwl /cwlinkshell [message] Sends a message to all members of your active cross-world linkshell, regardless of their location. Typing /cwlinkshell or /cwl without a message switches the default chat mode to your active cross-world linkshell channel.
/cwlinkshell1 /cwlinkshell1, /cwl1 /cwlinkshell1 [message] Sends a message to all members of the cross-world linkshell you have registered in cross-world linkshell slot 1, regardless of their location. Typing /cwlinkshell1 or /cwl1 without a message switches the default chat mode to [Cross-world Linkshell 1].
/cwlinkshell2 /cwlinkshell2, /cwl2 /cwlinkshell2 [message] Sends a message to all members of the cross-world linkshell you have registered in cross-world linkshell slot 2, regardless of their location. Typing /cwlinkshell2 or /cwl2 without a message switches the default chat mode to [Cross-world Linkshell 2].
/cwlinkshell3 /cwlinkshell3, /cwl3 /cwlinkshell3 [message] Sends a message to all members of the cross-world linkshell you have registered in cross-world linkshell slot 3, regardless of their location. Typing /cwlinkshell3 or /cwl3 without a message switches the default chat mode to [Cross-world Linkshell 3].
/cwlinkshell4 /cwlinkshell4, /cwl4 /cwlinkshell4 [message] Sends a message to all members of the cross-world linkshell you have registered in cross-world linkshell slot 4, regardless of their location. Typing /cwlinkshell4 or /cwl4 without a message switches the default chat mode to [Cross-world Linkshell 4].
/cwlinkshell5 /cwlinkshell5, /cwl5 /cwlinkshell5 [message] Sends a message to all members of the cross-world linkshell you have registered in cross-world linkshell slot 5, regardless of their location. Typing /cwlinkshell5 or /cwl5 without a message switches the default chat mode to [Cross-world Linkshell 5].
/cwlinkshell6 /cwlinkshell6, /cwl6 /cwlinkshell6 [message] Sends a message to all members of the cross-world linkshell you have registered in cross-world linkshell slot 6, regardless of their location. Typing /cwlinkshell6 or /cwl6 without a message switches the default chat mode to [Cross-world Linkshell 6].
/cwlinkshell7 /cwlinkshell7, /cwl7 /cwlinkshell7 [message] Sends a message to all members of the cross-world linkshell you have registered in cross-world linkshell slot 7, regardless of their location. Typing /cwlinkshell7 or /cwl7 without a message switches the default chat mode to [Cross-world Linkshell 7].
/cwlinkshell8 /cwlinkshell8, /cwl8 /cwlinkshell8 [message] Sends a message to all members of the cross-world linkshell you have registered in cross-world linkshell slot 8, regardless of their location. Typing /cwlinkshell8 or /cwl8 without a message switches the default chat mode to [Cross-world Linkshell 8].
/linkshell /linkshell, /l /linkshell [message] Sends a message to all members of your active linkshell, regardless of their location. Typing /linkshell or /l without a message switches the default chat mode to [Linkshell].
/linkshell1 /linkshell1, /l1 /linkshell1 [message] Sends a message to all members of the linkshell you have registered in linkshell slot 1, regardless of their location.
/linkshell2 /linkshell2, /l2 /linkshell2 [message] Sends a message to all members of the linkshell you have registered in linkshell slot 2, regardless of their location.
/linkshell3 /linkshell3, /l3 /linkshell3 [message] Sends a message to all members of the linkshell you have registered in linkshell slot 3, regardless of their location.
/linkshell4 /linkshell4, /l4 /linkshell4 [message] Sends a message to all members of the linkshell you have registered in linkshell slot 4, regardless of their location.
/linkshell5 /linkshell5, /l5 /linkshell5 [message] Sends a message to all members of the linkshell you have registered in linkshell slot 5, regardless of their location.
/linkshell6 /linkshell6, /l6 /linkshell6 [message] Sends a message to all members of the linkshell you have registered in linkshell slot 6, regardless of their location.
/linkshell7 /linkshell7, /l7 /linkshell7 [message] Sends a message to all members of the linkshell you have registered in linkshell slot 7, regardless of their location.
/linkshell8 /linkshell8, /l8 /linkshell8 [message] Sends a message to all members of the linkshell you have registered in linkshell slot 8, regardless of their location.
/novice /novice, /n /novice [message] Sends a message to the [Novice Network]. The message will not be displayed if a PC has deselected [Novice Network] in the chat filter. Typing /novice or /n without a message switches the default chat mode to [Novice Network].

  /novice Hello
 (Sends the message "Hello"
 to the Novice Network.)

 (Switches the default chat
 mode to [Novice Network].)
/echo /echo, /e /echo [message] Displays a message that only you can see.
/clearlog /clearlog, /cl /clearlog Delete all past messages from your entire chat log.
/quickchat /quickchat, /qchat /quickchat [quick chat message] Sends a Quick Chat message. Can only be used during the Feast.

 /quickchat Charge <t>
 (Sends the Quick Chat message
 "Charge" using a specified
/em /emote, /em /em [message] Sends a message to all players nearby which has the same form as typical emotes.

Party and Social

See also: Party and Social text commands
Command Aliases Usage Description
/join /join Accepts a party invite.
/decline /decline Declines a party invite.
/invite /invite [placeholder] Invites the specified PC to your party. Invites current target when no PC is specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders
/kick /kick [placeholder] Kicks the specified PC from your party. Kicks current target when no PC is specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders
/leader /leader [placeholder] Promotes the specified PC to party leader. Promotes current target when no PC is specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders
/leave /leave Leave your current party.
/partycmd /partycmd, /pcmd /partycmd [subcommand] Executes various party commands. Can only be used to display the Party menu or add party members when participating in a cross-world party.

  Accept a party invite.
  Decline a party invite.
 add [placeholder]
  Invite a PC to your party.
  Leave your current party.
 kick [placeholder]
  Oust a PC from your party.
  Dissolve your current party.

Opens and closes the Party menu when no subcommand is specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders
/partysort /partysort, /psort /partysort Sort the party list in the specified order.
/recordready /recordready [subcommand] Opens and closes the Duty Recorder interface.

  Initiate a record ready check
  to begin recording a duty.
  When all party members
  consent to the recording,
  a countdown will start at
  the specified time.
  Subsequent uses of this
  command during the same
  duty will function as both a
  ready check and countdown.

Opens the Duty Recorder interface when no subcommand is specified.
/readycheck /readycheck, /rcheck /readycheck Initiate ready check.
/ready /ready, /rd /ready Indicate that you are ready when a ready check has been initiated.
/hold /hold, /hd /hold Indicate that you are not ready when a ready check has been initiated.
/countdown /countdown, /cd /cd [subcommand] Opens and closes the countdown interface.

 [countdown time]
  Initiates a countdown starting
  at the specified time. Changes
  made via text commands will
  not be saved in the
  countdown interface. Also,
  notifications will not be
  displayed in the log window.

Opens the countdown interface when no subcommand is specified.

 /countdown 10
 Initiates a countdown starting
 at ten seconds.
/friendlist /friendlist, /flist /friendlist [subcommand] Executes various friend list commands.

add [placeholder]
  Send a PC a friend request.
accept [placeholder]
  Accept a friend request from
  a PC.
deny [placeholder]
  Deny a friend request from a
remove [placeholder]
  Remove a PC from your
  friend list.

Opens and closes friend list when no subcommand is specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders
/blacklist /blacklist, /blist /blacklist [subcommand] Executes various blacklist commands.

 add [placeholder]
  Add a PC to your blacklist.
 remove [placeholder]
  Remove a PC from your

Opens and closes blacklist when no subcommand is specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders


See also: Target text commands
Command Aliases Usage Description
/check /check, /c /check [placeholder] Examines the specified PC. Examines current target when no PC is specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders
/trade /trade [placeholder] Initiates a trade with the specified PC. Initiates a trade with your current target when no PC is specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders
/automove /automove [subcommand] Begin moving in the current direction you are facing.

 on Initiate automove.
 off Cancel automove.

Toggle between on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/follow /follow Automatically follow a specified PC. Follow current target when no PC is specified.
/meldrequest /meldrequest [placeholder] Sends a materia meld request to the specified PC. Sends request to current target when no PC is specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders


See also: Hotbar text commands
Command Aliases Usage Description
/action /action, /ac /action "action name" [placeholder] Uses an action on the specified PC. Uses current target when not specified. Target does not need to be specified for certain actions. This cannot be used with actions you have not yet learned, or when restricted by other factors. If action uses ground targeting, then the action will be executed on the specified PC. If no PC is specified, then you will enter ground targeting mode.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>, gtoff

A full list of placeholders

 /action "Heavy Swing" <t>
 (Executes Heavy Swing
 on current target.)

 /action "Cure" <2>
 (Executes cure on second
 player in party list.)
/blueaction /blueaction "blue mage action" [placeholder] Uses the specified blue magic action on the specified target. Uses current target when not specified. Target does not need to be specified for certain actions. This cannot be used with actions you have not yet learned, or when restricted by other factors. If action uses ground targeting, then the action will be executed on the specified target. If no target is specified, then you will enter ground targeting mode.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>, gtoff

A full list of placeholders

 /blueaction "Water Cannon" <t>
 (Executes Water Cannon on
 the specified target.)
/pvpaction /pvpaction, /pvpac /pvpaction "action name" [placeholder] Uses the specified pvp action on the specified target. Uses current target when not specified. Target does not need to be specified for certain actions. This cannot be used with pvp actions you have not yet learned or when restricted by other factors. If the action uses ground targeting, then the action will be executed on the specified target. If no target is specified, then you will enter ground targeting mode.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>, gtoff

A full list of placeholders

 /pvpaction "Storm's Path" <t>
 (Executes Storm's Path
 on current target.)
/generalaction /generalaction, /gaction /gaction "action name" [placeholder] Uses the specified general action on the specified target. The target name can be omitted when the target is yourself.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>, gtoff

A full list of placeholders

 /gaction "Mount Roulette"
 (Executes the Mount Roulette.)

 /gaction "Duty Action I" <t>
 (Executes a duty-specific action
 on the specified target.)
/companionaction /companionaction, /cac /cac "companion action name" Uses a companion action. The target of companion actions cannot be specified. This cannot be used with companion actions you have not yet learned, or when restricted by other factors.

 /cac "free stance"
 (Companion will enter
 free stance.)
/petaction /petaction, /pac /pac "pet action name" [placeholder] Uses a pet action on the specified target. Uses current target when not specified. Target does not need to be specified for certain pet actions. This cannot be used with pet actions you have not yet learned, or when restricted by other factors.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders

 /pac "Crimson Cyclone" <t>
 (Executes Crimson Cyclone
 on current target.)
/mount /mount "mount name" Summon or dismiss the specified mount. Mount name is not necessary when dismissing.

 /mount "Company Chocobo"
 (Summons or dismisses your
 company chocobo.)
/minion /minion "minion name" Summon or dismiss the specified minion. Minion name is not necessary when dismissing.

 /minion "wayward hatchling"
 (Summons or dismisses the
 wayward hatchling minion.)
/fashion /fashion [accessory] Equip a specified fashion accessory.

 /fashion "parasol"
 (Equip the parasol accessory.)
/recast /recast "action name" Displays time remaining until the specified action can be used again.
/additionalaction /additionalaction, /aaction /aaction "action name" [subcommand] Set the specified action as an additional action for your current gatherer or crafter class. This command cannot be used with Disciples of War or Magic.

 on  Set additional action.
 off  Remove additional action.
 clear Remove all additional actions.

Toggle between on and off when no subcommand is specified.

 /aaction "Triangulate"
 (Sets Triangulate as an additional action.)

 /aaction clear
 (Removes all role actions.)
/bluespellbook /bluespellbook [subcommand] Open and register active actions in the Blue Magic Spellbook.

 set "blue mage action" on
  Removes the specified blue
  mage action from the list
  of active actions in the
  current set.
  set "blue mage action" off
  Removes the specified blue
  mage action from the list of
  active actions in the current
 preset [active set 1-5]
  Load the specified set of
  active actions.
  Remove all active actions
  from the current active
  action set.

Opens the Blue Magic Spellbook when no subcommand is specified.

 /bluespellbook set "Water Cannon"
 (Sets the blue mage action
 Water Cannon as an active
 action in the current set.

 /bluespellbook preset 2
 (Loads active set 2.)
/addpvpaction /addpvpaction, /apa /apa "action name 1" "action name 2" Set the specified actions as additional PvP actions. This command requires that you specify two actions.

 /addpvpaction "Weapon Throw" "Full Swing"
 (Sets Weapon Throw and
 Full Swing as additional
 PvP actions.)
/hotbar /hotbar [subcommand] Edit and configure hotbar settings. Only available in PvE areas.

 action "action name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified action to slot [#2] in hotbar page [#1]. If "current" is entered for [#1], then the action will be set in the page displayed in hotbar 1. If [#2] is omitted, the action will be set to the lowest-numbered slot available. If both [#1] and [#2] are omitted, the action will be set to the lowest-numbered slot available on the lowest-numbered hotbar available. This applies to all of the following subcommands.
 blueaction "blue mage action name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified blue mage action to slot [#2] in hotbar [#1].
 general "general action name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified general action to slot [#2] in hotbar [#1].
 item "item name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified item to slot [#2] in hotbar [#1].
 emote "emote name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified emote to slot [#2] in hotbar [#1].
 companion "companion action name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified companion action to slot [#2] in hotbar [#1].
 pet "action name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified pet action to slot [#2] in hotbar [#1].
 minion "minion name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified minion to slot [#2] in hotbar [#1].
 mount "mount name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified mount to slot [#2] in hotbar [#1].
 enemysign "enemy sign name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified enemy sign to slot [#2] in hotbar [#1].
 waymark "waymark name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified waymark to slot [#2] in hotbar [#1].
 change [number]
  Replace current hotbar with hotbar [number]. If "next" or "prev" is entered in [number], then you can scroll through the pages of hotbar 1.
 copy [class 1] [#1] [class 2] [#2]
  Copy the contents of [class 1] hotbar [#1] to the [class 2] hotbar [#2].
  The subcommand "current" can be used to specify your current class.
  The subcommand "share" can be used instead of a class to specify your shared hotbar.
  Class names can be used if a single word, or class abbreviations (ex. WHM for White Mages) can be used instead.
 display [number] on
  Display hotbar [number].
 display [number] off
  Hide hotbar [number].
 display [number]
  Toggle on/off hotbar [number].
 share [number] on
  Make hotbar [number] shared.
 share [number] off
  Unshare hotbar [number] and assign it to your current class/job.
 share [number]
  Toggle between on/off.
 remove [#1] [#2]
  Remove the action assigned to slot [#2] on hotbar [#1].
  Replace [#2] with "all" to remove all actions from hotbar [#1].

 /hotbar action "Mount
 Roulette" 1 1
 (Places Mount Roulette in
 slot [#1] on hotbar [#1].)

 /hotbar change 2
 (Replaces hotbar [#1] with
 hotbar [#2].)
/pvphotbar /pvphotbar [subcommand] Edit and configure hotbar settings. This command can only be used with the PvP hotbar.

 action "action name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified PvP action to slot [#2] in hotbar page [#1]. If "current" is entered for [#1], then the action will be set in the page displayed in hotbar 1. If [#2] is omitted, the action will be set to the lowest-numbered slot available. If both [#1] and [#2] are omitted, the action will be set to the lowest-numbered slot available on the lowest-numbered hotbar available. This applies to all of the following subcommands.
 general "general action name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified general action to slot [#2] in hotbar [#1].
 item "item name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified item to slot [#2] in hotbar [#1].
 emote "emote name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified emote to slot [#2] in hotbar [#1].
 companion "companion action name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified companion action to slot [#2] in hotbar [#1].
 pet "action name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified pet action to slot [#2] in hotbar [#1].
 minion "minion name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified minion to slot [#2] in hotbar [#1].
 mount "mount name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified mount to slot [#2] in hotbar [#1].
 enemysign "enemy sign name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified enemy sign to slot [#2] in hotbar [#1].
 waymark "waymark name" [#1] [#2]
  Set the specified waymark to slot [#2] in hotbar [#1].
 change [number]
  Replace current hotbar with hotbar [number]. If "next" or "prev" is entered in [number], then you can scroll through the pages of hotbar 1.
 copy [class 1] [#1] [class 2] [#2]
  Copy the contents of [class 1] hotbar [#1] to the [class 2] hotbar [#2].
  The subcommand "current" can be used to specify your current class.
  The subcommand "share" can be used instead of a class to specify your shared hotbar.
 display [number] on
  Display hotbar [number].
 display [number] off
  Hide hotbar [number].
 display [number]
  Toggle on/off hotbar [number].
 share [number] on
  Make hotbar [number] shared.
 share [number] off
  Unshare hotbar [number] and assign it to your current class/job.
 share [number]
  Toggle between on/off.
 remove [#1] [#2]
  Remove the action assigned to slot [#2] on hotbar [#1].
  Replace [#2] with "all" to remove all actions from hotbar [#1].

 /pvphotbar action "Purify" 1 1
 (Places Purify in slot [#1]
 on hotbar [#1].)

 /pvphotbar change 2
 (Replaces PvP hotbar [#1]
 with PvP hotbar [#2].)
/crosshotbar /crosshotbar, /chotbar /crosshotbar [subcommand] Edit and configure cross hotbar settings. Only available in PvE areas.

 set "action name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified action to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number]. If "current" is entered for [number], the action will be set in the currently displayed hotbar. If [slot name] is omitted, the action will be set to the lowest-numbered slot available. If both [number] and [slot name] are omitted, the action will be set to the lowest-numbered slot available on the lowest-numbered cross hotbar available. This applies to all of the following subcommands.
 blueaction "blue mage action name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified blue mage action to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number].
 general "general action name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified general action to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number].
 item "item name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified item to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number].
 emote "emote name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified emote to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number].
 companion "companion action name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified companion action to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number].
 pet "action name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified pet action to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number].
 minion "minion name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified minion to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number].
 mount "mount name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified mount to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number].
 enemysign "enemy sign name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified enemy sign to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number].
 waymark "waymark name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified waymark to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number].
 change [number]
  Replace current cross hotbar with cross hotbar [number]. Enter "prev" or "next" for [number] to scroll through the cross hotbars.
 copy [class 1] [number 1] [class 2] [number 2]
  Copy the contents of [class 1] cross hotbar [number 1] to the [class 2] cross hotbar [number 2].
  The subcommand "current" can be used to specify your current class.
  The subcommand "share" can be used instead of a class to specify your shared hotbar.
 share [number] on
  Make cross hotbar [number] shared.
 share [number] off
  Unshare cross hotbar [number] and assign it to your current class/job.
 share [number]
  Toggle between on/off.
 remove [number] [slot name]
  Remove the action assigned to [slot name] on cross hotbar [number]. Replace [slot name] with "all" to remove all actions from cross hotbar [number].

>>Slot Names:

The first letter (L/R) means L2/LT or R2/RT
The second letter (D/A) means D-pad or Face buttons
The third letter/number means which of the four D-pad directions/face buttons to select (Left, Up, Right, Down / 1,2,3,4)

/pvpcrosshotbar /pvpcrosshotbar, /pvpchotbar /pvpcrosshotbar [subcommand] Edit and configure cross hotbar settings. This command can only be used with the PvP cross hotbar.

 set "action name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified PvP action to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number]. If "current" is entered for [number], the action will be set in the currently displayed cross hotbar. If [slot name] is omitted, the action will be set to the lowest-numbered slot available. If both [number] and [slot name] are omitted, the action will be set to the lowest-numbered slot available on the lowest-numbered cross hotbar available. This applies to all of the following subcommands.
 general "general action name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified general action to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number].
 item "item name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified item to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number].
 emote "emote name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified emote to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number].
 companion "companion action name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified companion action to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number].
 pet "action name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified pet action to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number].
 minion "minion name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified minion to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number].
 mount "mount name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified mount to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number].
 enemysign "enemy sign name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified enemy sign to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number].
 waymark "waymark name" [number] [slot name]
  Set the specified waymark to [slot name] in cross hotbar [number].
 change [number]
  Replace current cross hotbar with cross hotbar [number]. Enter "prev" or "next" for [number] to scroll through the cross hotbars.
 copy [class 1] [number 1] [class 2] [number 2]
  Copy the contents of [class 1] cross hotbar [number 1] to the [class 2] cross hotbar [number 2].
  The subcommand "current" can be used to specify your current class.
  The subcommand "share" can be used instead of a class to specify your shared cross hotbar.
 display [number] on
  Display cross hotbar [number].
 display [number] off
  Hide cross hotbar [number].
 display [number]
  Toggle on/off cross hotbar [number].
 share [number] on
  Make cross hotbar [number] shared.
 share [number] off
  Unshare cross hotbar [number] and assign it to your current class/job.
 share [number]
  Toggle between on/off.
 remove [number] [slot name]
  Remove the action assigned to [slot name] on cross hotbar [number]. Replace [slot name] with "all" to remove all actions from cross hotbar [number].

>>Slot Names:
The first letter (L/R) means L2/LT or R2/RT
The second letter (D/A) means D-pad or Face buttons
The third letter/number means which of the four D-pad directions/face buttons to select (Left, Up, Right, Down / 1,2,3,4)

/crosshotbardisplay /crosshotbardisplay, /chotbardisplay /chotbardisplay [subcommand] Toggle on/off the display of the cross hotbar.

 on   Display cross hotbar.
 off   Hide cross hotbar.

Toggle between on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/crosshotbartype /crosshotbartype, /chotbartype /chotbartype [subcommand] Changes the cross hotbar control type.

 hold Enable Hold type.
 toggle Enable Toggle type.
 mix Enable Mixed type.


See also: Battle text commands
Command Aliases Usage Description
/battlemode /battlemode, /bm /battlemode [subcommand] Toggle between active and passive mode.

 on Switch to active mode.
 off Switch to passive mode.

Toggle between active and passive mode when no subcommand is specified.
/target /target, /ta /target [placeholder] Targets the specified PC. Target must be within a certain radius for this command to function.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders

 /target <2>
 (Targets second player
 in player list.)
/targetpc /targetpc, /tpc /targetpc Targets the closest PC within a certain radius.
/targetnpc /targetnpc, /tnpc /targetnpc Targets the closest NPC within a certain radius.
/targetenemy /targetenemy, /tenemy /targetenemy Targets the closest enemy within a certain radius.
/battletarget /battletarget, /bt /battletarget Targets the closest enemy within a certain radius that is attacking you.
/assist /assist, /as /assist [placeholder] Targets the target of another PC. Assists current target when none is specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders
/facetarget /facetarget, /ft /facetarget Immediately turns your PC in the direction of your current target.
/nexttarget /nexttarget, /nt /nexttarget Toggle clockwise through on-screen enemies.
/previoustarget /previoustarget Toggle counterclockwise through on-screen enemies.
/targetlasttarget /targetlasttarget, /tlt /targetlasttarget Re-target your last target.
/targetlastenemy /targetlastenemy, /tle /targetlastenemy Re-target the last enemy you targeted.
/lockon /lockon, /lo /lockon [subcommand] Lock on/off current target.

 on Enable lock-on.
 off Disable lock-on.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/focustarget /focustarget [placeholder] Makes the specified PC your focus target. Makes current target your focus target when none specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders

 /focustarget <t>
 (Makes current target
 your focus target.)
/enemysign /enemysign, /marking, /mk /enemysign [sign type] [placeholder] Set a sign on the specified target. Uses current target when not specified.

>>Sign Types:
  off/clear Turns off sign.

Opens and closes the Signs menu when no subcommand is specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders

 /marking attack2 <t>
 (Assigns "Target to Attack 2"
 to target.)
/waymark /waymark, /wmark /wmark [subcommand] [placeholder] Place a waymark on the ground below a target. If no target is specified, you will enter ground targeting mode ready to place a waymark.

  Place or remove waymark A. Overwrites existing waymark if target is specified.
  Place or remove waymark B. Overwrites existing waymark if target is specified.
  Place or remove waymark C. Overwrites existing waymark if target is specified.
  Place or remove waymark D. Overwrites existing waymark if target is specified.
  Place or remove waymark 1. Overwrites existing wayrmark if target is specified.
  Place or remove waymark 2. Overwrites existing waymark if target is specified.
  Place or remove waymark 3. Overwrites existing waymark if target is specified.
  Place or remove waymark 4. Overwrites existing waymark if target is specified.
  Remove all waymarks.
 save 1-5
  Save waymark placements to slots 1-5 of the Waymarks menu.
  preset 1-5
  Load waymark placements from slots 1-5 of the Waymarks menu.

You will enter ground targeting mode ready to place an unused waymark in the order of A-D, 1, 2 when no subcommand is specified. More than six waymarks cannot be placed at one time. If a target name is specified, a marker name must also be specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders

 /waymark A
 (Enters ground targeting
 mode ready to place
 waymark A.)

 /waymark A <t>
 (Places waymark A at the
 selected target's location.)
/statusoff /statusoff "status" Removes designated beneficial status.

 /statusoff "Bloodbath"
 (Removes Bloodbath.)


See also: Other text commands
Command Aliases Usage Description
/? /? [text command] Gives a detailed explanation of the specified text command.
/title /title [subcommand] Change your currently selected title.

 set "title"
  Change your current title to "title."
  Display no title.

A random title will be set when none is specified.

 /title set "The Heart of the Party" (Set title as "The Heart of the Party.")
/gearset /gearset, /gs /gearset [subcommand] Execute gear set functions.

 change [number 1] [number 2]
  Equip gear in slot [number].
  A gear set name can be
  specified in place of a slot
  number. If glamour plates
  are available, a plate
  number can also be
 view [number]
  List gear in slot [number].
  A gear set name can be
  specified in place of a slot
 save [number]
  Save current gear to slot
  [number]. A gear set name
  can be specified in place
  of a slot number.
 delete [number]
  Delete slot [number]. A
  gear set name can be
  specified in place of a slot

First letter matching can be used when specifying gear sets by name.
Gear sets will be searched in order from lowest slot number to highest.
Gear set list will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.

 /gearset change 1 1
 (Equip gear in slot 1 and
 cast glamour from plate 1.)
 /gearset change warrior
 (Equip gear slot whose
 name begins with warrior.)
/itemsort  /itemsort, /isort  /itemsort [subcommand] Sorts your inventory based on the conditions given. This command does not affect the Sort function.

 condition [Category]
 [Condition] [Order]
  Sets the items to be sorted
  along with sorting order.
 execute [Category]
  Sorts the specified items
  based on the conditions
 clear [Category]
  Clears sort conditions for the
  specified item category.

 inventory, retainer, armoury,
 mh, oh, head, body, hands,
 waist, legs, feet, neck, ears,
 wrists, rings, soul

 id, spiritbond, category, lv, ilv,
 stack, hq, materia, pdamage,
 mdamage, delay, autoattack,
 blockrate, blockstrength,
 defense, mdefense,
 str, dex, vit, int, mnd,
 craftsmanship, control,
 gathering, perception, tab

 asc, des

Defaults to ascending if order is not specified. Cannot be used if one of the conditions is "tab".

 /isort condition mh lv asc
 (Sets main arms to be sorted
 by ascending equipping level.)

 /itemsort condition mh ilv des
 (Sets main arms to be sorted
 by descending item level.)

 /itemsort execute mh
 (Sorts main arms based on
 the above conditions.)
/itemsearch /itemsearch, /isearch /isearch [item name] Conducts a complete search of your inventory for all items you own, including equipped gear, items held or equipped by retainers, and items stored in your Armoury Chest, saddlebag, armoire, and glamour dresser. Command cannot be used in a macro.

 /itemsearch "Potion"
 (Searches your inventory for
 items containing the word
/levelsync /levelsync, /lsync /levelsync [subcommand] Sync your level when the option is available, such as during FATEs.

 on Start level sync.
 off End level sync.

Toggle between on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/visor /visor Open/close helm visor. This function can also be used to toggle on/off helms that light up.

No system message is displayed with this emote.
/legacymark /legacymark, /lmark /legacymark [subcommand] Show or hide the Mark of the Twelve─a brand appearing on the back of the neck of all who survived the Calamity.

 on Show mark.
 off Hide mark.

Toggle between shown and hidden when no subcommand is specified.
/facecamera /facecamera, /fcam /facecamera Gaze continuously at the camera. Execute command again to cancel.
/grouppose /grouppose, /gpose /gpose Pose as a group.

 Open the Camera Settings interface
 , R, NUM*, Mouse Wheel

 Toggle group view on camera
 , Spacebar

 Toggle camera lighting
 , X

 Toggle all character motions
 , 1 Key

 Toggle target character motions
 , 2 Key

 Change focus of camera
 , Tab, Shift+Tab

 Adjust frame composition
 , W, A, S, D, Q, E

 Reset frame composition
 , Z
/idlingcamera /idlingcamera, /icam /icam [placeholder] Activate the idling camera. Target does not need to be specified. If a target is specified, the camera will switch between camera angles focusing on that target. If the specified target cannot be focused on, then a random subject will be chosen.

 Open the Camera Settings interface
 , R, NUM*, Wheel Button

 Pause/unpause camera
 , NUM0, left-click

 Skip scene
 , Tab, Shift+Tab

 Adjust frame composition
 , W, A, S, D, Q, E

 Reset frame composition
 , Z

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders
/petglamour /egiglamour /petglamour "egi name" "glamour" Alter the appearance of select summons. You must resummon the egi for the glamour to take effect. Command not applicable in PvP instances.

>>Summon Name:

 Emerald Carbuncle
 Topaz Carbuncle
 Ruby Carbuncle

The glamour will be removed when no glamour is specified.

 /petglamour "Garuda-Egi" "Ruby Carbuncle"
 (Garuda-Egi will appear glamoured as Ruby Carbuncle.)

 /petglamour "Garuda-Egi" (Remove the glamour from Garuda-Egi.)
/petsize /petsize [summon] [size] Alter the size of select summons. Command not applicable in PvP instances. These settings will not apply to other players.

>>Egi Name:
 Ruby Ifrit
 Topaz Titan
 Emerald Garuda

  Set Demi-Bahamut size to large.
  Set Demi-Bahamut size to medium.
  Set Demi-Bahamut size to small.

Toggles between small, medium, and large when no size is specified.
Returns an error when attempting to toggle using "all."

/petsize "Ruby Ifrit" "small"
(Set Ruby Ifrit's size to small.)
/alarm /alarm "name" [clock type] [repeat] [time] [reminder] Set an alarm for a specified time using local, server, or Eorzea time.

>>Clock Type:
  Set the alarm using local time.
  Set the alarm using server time.
  Set the alarm using Eorzea time.

 Use "repeat" or "rp" to set an hourly alarm.

 Times must be set using the 24-hour clock.
 Time values: 0000-2400
 The hour must be omitted when using the repeat subcommand.

 A notification can be given up to 60 minutes prior to the alarm.
 Time values: 0-60

The repeat and reminder subcommands can be omitted.
The "clear" subcommand can be used to delete all alarms.
Opens the alarm interface when no subcommands are specified.

 /alarm Raid lt 2000 10
 (Sets the "Raid" alarm for
 20:00 local time, with a
 notification given 10
 minutes prior.)

 /alarm Party lt rp 30
 (Sets the "Party" alarm as
 an hourly alarm, 30 minutes
 past the hour in local time.)
/hud /hud [UI element] [subcommand] Toggle on/off various UI elements.

>>UI Elements:
 Target Bar
  TargetBar, tbar
 Target Info (HP)
  TInfoHP, tihp
 Target Info (Progress)
  TInfoProgress, tiprog
 Target Info (Status)
  TInfoStatus, tistat
 Focus Target Bar
  FocusTarget, ftarget
 Party List
  PartyList, plist
 Enemy List
  EnemyList, elist
 Parameter Bar
  ParamBar, param
  Minimap, mmap
 Main Menu
  MainMenu, mmenu
 Server Info
  ServerInfo, server
  Gil, gil
 Inventory Grid
  InventoryGrid, igrid
 Duty List
  DutyList, dlist
 Item Help
  ItemHelp, ihelp
 Action Help
  ActionHelp, ahelp
 Limit Gauge
  LimitGauge, lgauge
 Experience Bar
  ExpBar, ebar
 Status Effects
  StatusEffects, sfx
 Status Info (Enhancements)
  SInfoEnhancements, sienh
 Status Info (Enfeeblements)
  SInfoEnfeeblements, sienf
 Status Info (Other)
  SInfoOther, siother
 Alliance List 1
  AllianceList1, alist1
 Alliance List 2
  AllianceList2, alist2
 Cross Hotbar
 Scenario Guide
 Battle High Gauge
 Rival Wings Alliance List
  RWAlliance, rwa
 Rival Wings Station Info
  RWStation, rwst
 Rival Wings Mercenary Info
  RWMerc, rwmrc
 The Feast Ally Info
  FeastAlly, fally
 The Feast Enemy Info
  FeastEnemy, fenemy

 on Show element.
 off Hide element.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/hudreset /hudreset Reverts the current HUD layout, size, and transparency to the default settings.
/uireset /uireset Reverts all HUD layouts to the default setting, and returns all windows to their default positions, sizes, and transparencies.
/uiscale /uiscale [subcommand] Resize current HUD elements and windows.

 [number] Resize all HUD elements and windows to the percentage equivalent to the number specified. Percentages available: 60, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 140.
 reset Reset all HUD elements to default size.

 /uiscale 140
 (All HUD elements become
 40 percent larger than their
 default size.)
 /uiscale reset
 (Restores all HUD elements
 to their default size.)
/jobhudmode /jobhudmode [subcommand] Toggle job gauges between normal and simple mode.

  Toggle first job gauge between normal and simple mode.
  Toggle second job gauge between normal and simple mode.

Toggles all active job gauges when no subcommand is specified.
/search /search, /sea /search [condition] Executes a player search based on the conditions given. Multiple conditions should be separated with a space. Conducts default search if no conditions are specified.

【PC Name】
 forename "PC name"
  Search for a specific first
 surname "PC name"
  Search for a specific last
【Online Status】
 leader, away, busy, duty,
 event, lookingforparty, recruit,
 lookingtomeld, newadventurer,
 mentor, tradementor,
 pvementor, pvpmentor,
 roleplay, returner
【Class & Job】
Searches all jobs and classes if none specified.
  Search for that level only.
 [number 1]-[number 2]
  Search for players with
  levels between number 1
  and number 2.
Searches all levels if none are specified.
【Grand Company】
 "Immortal Flames",
 "Order of the Twin Adder"
 "Limsa Lominsa", "Gridania",
 "Ul'dah", "Ishgard",
 "The Black Shroud", "Thanalan",
 "La Noscea", "Mor Dhona",
 "Coerthas", "Dravania",
 "Abalathia's Spine", "Kugane",
 "Gyr Abania", "Othard",
 "The Crystarium", "Eulmore",
Searches all locations if none are specified.
Searches current language if none is specified.

 /sea GLA 20-30 "La Noscea"
 (Searches for all gladiators in
 La Noscea between levels 20
 and 30.)
/lookingforparty /lookingforparty, /lfp /lfp [subcommand] [class] Set your online status to Looking for Party/Online.

  Set your status to Looking for
  Set your status to Online.

Toggle between Looking for Party and Online when no subcommand is specified.


Multiple classes/jobs─or none at all─may be specified.
/lookingtomeld /lookingtomeld, /ltm /lookingtomeld [subcommand] Set your online status to Looking to Meld Materia/Online.

  Set your status to Looking to
  Meld Materia.
  Set your status to Online.

Toggle between Looking to Meld Materia and Online when no subcommand is specified.
/searchcomment /searchcomment, /scomment /searchcomment [comment] Change your search comment.
/busy /busy [subcommand] Set your online status to Busy/Online.

 on Set your status to Busy.
 off Set your status to Online.

Toggle between Busy and Online when no subcommand is specified.
/away /away, /afk /away [subcommand] Set your online status to Away/Online.

 on Set your status to Away.
 off Set your status to Online.

Toggle between Away and Online when no subcommand is specified.
/roleplaying /roleplaying [subcommand] Set your online status to Role-playing.

 on Set your status to Role-playing.
 off Set your status to Online.

Toggle between Role-playing and Online when no subcommand is specified.
/dice /dice [chat mode] Displays a random number between 0 and 999 in the specified chat channel. Displays in the current chat mode when no chat mode is specified.

>>Chat Modes:
  party, p
  alliance, al
 Free Company
  freecompany, fc
 PvP Team
  pvpteam, pt
  linkshell1-8, l1-8
 Cross-world Linkshell
  cwlinkshell1-8, cwl1-8

 (Displays a random number
 in the current chat mode.)

 /dice cwl
 (Displays a random number
 in the Cross-world Linkshell 1
/random /random Displays within a /say radius a random number between 0 and 999.

 [upper limit]   Set an upper limit to display a random number between 1 and the specified number. Displays a random number between 0 and 999 when no upper limit is specified.   Upper limit range: 2-999

 /random  (Displays a random number  within a /say radius.)

 /random 16  (Displays a random number  between 1 and 16 within a  /say radius.)

/playtime /playtime, /ptime /playtime Displays your cumulative FINAL FANTASY XIV play time for the currently logged in character.
/logout /logout Begins the logout process.
/shutdown /shutdown Log out and close the game.
/nastatus /nastatus, /nas /nastatus [subcommand] Toggle the New Adventurer status on/off.

  Turns on New Adventurer status.
  Turns off New Adventurer status.

Toggle the New Adventurer status on/off if no subcommand is specified.
/returnerstatusoff /returnerstatusoff Remove the Returner status.
/novicenetworkinvitation /novicenetworkinvitation, /nnetworkinvitation /novicenetworkinvitation [subcommand] Allow or automatically deny invitations to the Novice Network.

  Allow players to invite you to the Novice Network.
  Automatically refuse invitations to the Novice Network.

Toggles between on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/novicenetworkleave /novicenetworkleave, /nnetworkleave /novicenetworkleave Leave the Novice Network.
/novicenetwork /novicenetwork, /nnetwork /nnetwork [subcommand] Toggle auto-join settings for the Novice Network on and off.

  Turn on auto-join and connect to the Novice Network.
  Turn off auto-join and leave the Novice Network.

Toggle auto-join on and off if no subcommand is specified.
/duelswitch /duelswitch [subcommand] Allow or automatically deny challenges to duel from other players.

  Automatically refuse all challenges to duel.
  Allow players to challenge you to duel.

Toggles between on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/magiaright /magiaright Spins your magia board clockwise.
/magialeft /magialeft Spins your magia board counterclockwise.
/magiaattack /magiaattack [placeholder] Spin the magia board to match the elemental weakness of the specified target. If no target is specified, matches based on current target.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders
/magiadefense /magiadefense [placeholder] Spin the magia board to match the elemental affinity of the specified target. If no target is specified, matches based on current target.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders
/magiaauto /magiaauto [subcommand] Set the magia board to automatically spin based on your current target.

 attack (atk)
  Automatically spin the magia
  board to match the elemental
  weakness of current target.
 defense (def)
  Automatically spin the magia
  board to match the elemental
  affinity of current target.
  Disable automatic spinning.

Toggle between attack, defense, and off when no subcommand is specified.
/ridepillion /ridepillion [placeholder] [subcommand] Ride pillion on a selected party member's mount.

[seat number]
Select your desired seat on the mount.
Available options: 1-7

>>Common Placeholders:

If the desired seat is already selected, you will be placed in the next available seat. Seat 1 will be selected if unspecified.

/ridepillion <2> 1
(Ride in seat 1 of party member 2.)
/patchnote /patchnote Opens the Patch Notes page on the official site.

Launches using your default browser.


See also: Macro text commands
Command Aliases Usage Description
/wait /wait [wait time] A macro command for adjusting the pause between commands. A wait time amount of 1 equals one second. The maximum wait time allowed is 60. If the wait time amount is over 60, it will be counted as 60.
/macroicon /macroicon, /micon /micon "icon name" [category] Displays the specified icon as a hotbar icon. If used twice in a single user macro, only the first instance will be recognized.

  If the icon name is an
  action, action recast time
  and required MP will
  be displayed with the icon.
  If the icon name is a blue
  mage action, action recast
  time and required MP
  will be displayed with the
  If the icon name is a
  pvp action, action recast
  time and required MP will
  be displayed with the icon.
  If the icon name is a
  general action, action
  recast time will be
  displayed with the icon.
  If the icon name is an
  emote, its icon will be
  If the icon name is a
  companion action, its icon
  will be displayed.
  If the icon name is a
  pet action, its icon will
  be displayed
  If the icon name is a
  minion, its icon will be
  If the icon name is a
  mount, its icon will be
  If the icon name is an
  enemy sign, its icon will
  be displayed.
  If the icon name is a
  waymark, its icon will
  be displayed.
  If the icon name is a
  gear set number, its
  icon will be displayed.
  If the icon name is a
  class or job, its icon
  will be displayed.
  If the icon name is a
  Quick Chat message,
  its icon will be displayed.

Category defaults to action when none is specified.
/macrolock /macrolock, /mlock /macrolock Prevents the execution of any additional macros until all steps following /macrolock have been executed.
/macroerror /macroerror, /merror /macroerror [subcommand] Display or hide text command errors within a user macro. Any errors are displayed upon macro execution. Setting resets to on after macro is executed.

 on Displays error message.
 off Hides error message.

Toggle between on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/macrocancel /macrocancel, /mcancel /macrocancel Cancel the currently executed macro. Cannot be used in a macro.


See also: Configuration text commands
Command Aliases Usage Description
/autolockon /autolockon [subcommand] Automatically lock on target when initiating auto-attack.

 on Enable auto-lock on.
 off Disable auto-lock on.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/autofacetarget /autofacetarget [subcommand] Automatically face target when using action.

 on Enable auto-face.
 off Disable auto-face.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/targetring /targetring [subcommand] Hide/display target ring.

 on Display target ring.
 off Hide target ring.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/targetline /targetline [subcommand] Hide/display target lines.

 on Display target lines.
 off Hide target lines.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/aggroline /aggroline [subcommand] Hide/display aggro lines.

 on Display aggro lines.
 off Hide aggro lines.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/autotarget /autotarget [subcommand] Enable auto-target when no target specified.

 on Enable auto-target.
 off Disable auto-target.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/displayhead /displayhead [subcommand] Hide/display headgear.

 on Display headgear.
 off Hide headgear.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/displayarms /displayarms [subcommand] Hide/display main and off hand weapons when sheathed.

 on Display arms.
 off Hide arms.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/autosheathe /autosheathe, /asheathe /autosheathe [subcommand] Auto-sheathe weapon when not in battle.

 on Enable auto-sheathe.
 off Disable auto-sheathe.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/targetself /targetself [subcommand] Enable/disable clicking on self.

 on Enable clicking on self.
 off Disable clicking on self.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/rclickpc /rclickpc [subcommand] →Sets right-click selection to allow or ignore PC targets.

>>Subcommands:  on   Disables right-click selection for PCs.  off   Enables right-click selection for PCs.

Toggles between on and off when no subcommand is specified.

/rclickbattlenpc /rclickbattlenpc [subcommand] →Sets right-click selection to allow or ignore battle NPC targets.

>>Subcommands:  on   Disables right-click selection for battle NPCs.  off   Enables right-click selection for battle NPCs.

Toggles between on and off when no subcommand is specified.

/rclickminion /rclickminion [subcommand] →Sets right-click selection to allow or ignore minion targets.

>>Subcommands:  on   Disables right-click selection for minions.  off   Enables right-click selection for minions.

Toggles between on and off when no subcommand is specified.

/groundclick /groundclick [subcommand] Enable clicking on field to remove target.

 on Enable ground clicking.
 off Disable ground clicking.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/chatlog /chatlog [subcommand] Configure log window settings.

 name [number 0-3]
  Change the way names are
  displayed in your log window.
   0 Full Name
   1 Last Name Initialed
   2 First Name Initialed
   3 Initials Only
 fontsize [tab number] [number]
  Adjust [tab number] log
  window font size to
 time [tab number] on
  Add time stamps to all
  messages on [tab number]
  log window.
 time [tab number] off
  Remove time stamps from all
  messages on [tab number]
  log window.
 time [tab number]
  Toggle time stamps on/off
  for all messages on
  [tab number] log window.
 time 12
  Set time display to 12-hour
 time 24
  Set time display to 24-hour
 time local
  Set time stamp clock to local
 time server
  Set time stamp clock to server
 call on
  Play sound upon receiving
 call off
  Play no sound upon receiving
 call [chat channel]
  Toggle /tell sound on/off for
  the specified chat channel.
   emote Emote
   t Tell
   p Party
   fc Free Company
   al Alliance
   l1-8 Linkshell 1-8
   new Novice Network
   pvpteam PvP Team
   cwl Cross-world Linkshell
/battleeffect /battleeffect, /bfx /bfx [subcommand] [setting] Configure battle effects settings.

  Configure own battle effects
  Configure party members'
  battle effects settings.
  Configure other NPCs' battle
  Configure other Players' battle
  effects settings.

 all Show all effects.
 simple Show limited effects.
 off Hide all effects.

Toggles between all and off when no setting is specified.
/actionerror /actionerror, /aerror /actionerror [subcommand] Display error messages when actions fail.

 on Enable messages.
 off Disable messages.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/recasterror /recasterror, /rerror /recasterror [subcommand] Display recast timer error messages.

 on Enable messages.
 off Disable messages.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/tiltcamera /tiltcamera [subcommand] Adjust 3rd person camera angle settings.

 [angle number]
  Set 3rd person camera angle to the specified setting.
  Settings available: 0-100.
/nameplatedisp /nameplatedisp [category] [setting number] Change PC display name settings.

 All Players
 Your Character
 Party Members
 Alliance Members
 Other PCs
 Feast Opponents

>>Setting Number
 1: Always
 2: During Battle
 3: When Targeted
 4: Never

 /nameplatetype all 4
 (Set display names to never
 display for all players.)
/nameplatetype /nameplatetype [category] [setting number] Change PC display type settings.

 All Players
 Your Character
 Party Members
 Alliance Members
 Other PCs
 Feast Opponents

>>Setting Number
 1: Full Name
 2: Surname Abbreviated
 3: Forename Abbreviated
 4: Initials

 /nameplatetype all 4
 (Set display names to
 initials for all players.)
/graphicpresets /graphicpresets, /gpresets /graphicpresets [preset number] Load one of several preset graphics configuration settings.

>>Preset Configurations:
  1: Standard (Laptop)
  2: Standard (Desktop)
  3: High (Laptop)
  4: High (Desktop)
  5: Maximum

  /graphicpresets 2
  (Sets graphics settings to preset 2.)
/mastervolume /mastervolume [subcommand] Adjust master volume settings.

 [volume number]
  Set master volume to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.

Toggles mute on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/bgm /bgm [subcommand] Adjust BGM volume settings.

 [volume number]
  Set BGM to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.

Toggles BGM on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/soundeffects /soundeffects [subcommand] Adjust sound effects volume settings.

 [volume number]
  Set sound effects to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.

Toggles sound effects on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/voice /voice [subcommand] Adjust voice volume settings.

 [volume number]
  Set voice to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.

Toggles voice on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/systemsounds /systemsounds [subcommand] Adjust system sounds volume settings.

 [volume number]
  Set system sounds to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.

Toggles system sounds on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/ambientsounds /ambientsounds [subcommand] Adjust ambient sounds volume settings.

 [volume number]
  Set ambient sounds to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.

Toggles ambient sounds on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/soundeffectsself /soundeffectsself [subcommand] Adjust player effects volume settings for self.

 [volume number]
  Set player effects for self to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.
/soundeffectsparty /soundeffectsparty [subcommand] Adjust player effects volume settings for your party.

 [volume number]
  Set player effects for your party to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.
/soundeffectsother /soundeffectsother [subcommand] Adjust player effects volume settings for other PCs.

 [volume number]
  Set player effects for other PCs to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.
/performsounds /performsounds [subcommand] Adjust the volume settings for performance actions.

 [volume number]
  Set performance actions to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.

Toggles system sounds on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/systemsoundsspeaker /systemsoundsspeaker [subcommand] Adjust system volume settings for speakers (for PlayStation®4 and Windows)
/mountbgm /mountbgm [subcommand] Toggle the "Play music when mounted" setting on and off.

 on Turn on music when mounted.
 off Turn off music when mounted.

Toggle between on and off when no subcommand is specified.


See also: Emotes

General Emotes

Emote Command Description Patch
Aback.png  Aback /aback Act taken aback. 4.2
Advent of light icon1.png  Advent of Light /advent, /adventoflight You leap majestically into the air before making a suitably herioc landing. 6.4
Air Quotes.png  Air Quotes /airquotes Make air quotes with your fingers for added sarcasm, emphasis, etc. 2.0
All saints charm icon1.png  All Saints' Charm /allsaintscharm Swish and flick to cast a spell. 6.4
Angry.png  Angry /angry Be angry. 2.0
Backflip (Emote).png  Backflip /backflip, /bflip Perform a backflip. 3.5
Battle Stance.png  Battle Stance /battlestance, /bstance Prepare yourself for battle. 3.2
Beckon.png  Beckon /beckon Make a beckoning motion. 2.0
Blow Kiss.png  Blow Kiss /blowkiss Throw an airborne smooch in someone's general direction. 2.0
Blush.png  Blush /blush Blush with embarrassment. 2.0
Bow.png  Bow /bow Perform a bow. 2.0
Box.png  Box /box Put up your dukes. 4.1
Eat Bread.png  Break Fast /bread, /breakfast Chow down on a piece of bread. 5.21
Cheer.png  Cheer /cheer Cheer enthusiastically. 2.0
Chuckle.png  Chuckle /chuckle Chuckle in amusement. 2.0
Clap.png  Clap /clap Applaud. 2.0
Clutch Head.png  Clutch Head /clutchhead Seize your head in pain or anguish. 5.45
Comfort.png  Comfort /comfort Make a consoling gesture. 2.0
Congratulate.png  Congratulate /congratulate Offer congratulations. 2.0
Consider.png  Consider /consider Mull over a curious question. 5.35
Converse.png  Converse /converse Strike up a conversation. 4.1
Crimson Lotus.png  Crimson Lotus /crimsonlotus Practice the art of the crimson lotus. 4.3
Cry.png  Cry /cry Break into tears. 2.0
Dance.png  Dance /dance Start dancing. 2.0
Deny.png  Deny /deny Strongly disagree. 2.0
Deride.png  Deride /deride, /pagaga Bare your teeth derisively. 6.2
Determined icon1.png  Determined /determined Punch your own palm with readiness. 6.1
Disappointed.png  Disappointed /disappointed Convey utter disappointment. 2.0
Dote.png  Dote /dote Throw a heartfelt kiss at your beloved. 3.5
Doubt.png  Doubt /doubt Appear doubtful. 2.0
Doze.png  Doze /doze Start dozing off. If a bed is nearby, your character will sleep in it. 2.0
Draw Weapon.png  Draw Weapon /draw Ready your weapon. 5.45
Drink Tea icon1.png  Drink Tea /tea Sip serenely from a teacup. 6.11
Ear wiggle emote.png  Ear Wiggle /earwiggle Wiggle suddenly enormous ears. 6.35
Eastern Bow.png  Eastern Bow /easternbow, /ebow Perform a bow in the Far Eastern fashion. 4.0
Eastern Greeting.png  Eastern Greeting /easterngreeting Perform a greeting common in the Far East. 3.4
Eastern Stretch.png  Eastern Stretch /estretch Stretch your muscles in the Far Eastern fashion. 3.57
Eat Apple.png  Eat Apple /apple, /eatapple Bite into an apple. 5.41
Eat Chicken.png  Eat Chicken /eatchicken Snack on a piece of fried chicken. 6.5
Eat Chocolate.png  Eat Chocolate /choco, /eatchocolate Snack on Valentione's chocolate. 6.2
Eat Egg.png  Eat Egg /eategg, /egg Casually eat a boiled egg. 6.1
Eat Pizza.png  Eat Pizza /eatpizza, /pizza Snack on a slice of pizza. 5.45
Eat pumpkin cookie icon1.png  Eat Pumpkin Cookie /cookie, /eatpumpkincookie Nibble on a pumpkin cookie. 6.2
Eat Rice Ball.png  Eat Rice Ball /eatriceball, /riceball Eat a rice ball. 5.41
Elucidate.png  Elucidate /elucidate Explain yourself to any who will listen. 4.3
Embrace (Emote).png  Embrace /embrace Perform a loving embrace. 2.45
Eureka (Emote).png  Eureka /eureka Experience a brief moment of enlightenment. 3.25
Examine Self.png  Examine Self /examineself Admire yourself. 2.0
Facepalm.png  Facepalm /facepalm Bury your head into your hands in frustration. 3.4
Fist Bump.png  Fist Bump /fistbump Attempt a fistbump. 3.0
Flame Salute.png  Flame Salute /flamesalute Perform an official Immortal Flames salute. 2.0
Flex.png  Flex /flex Flex your muscles. 3.4
Flower shower icon1.png  Flower Shower /flowershower, /petals Toss fragrant flower petals into the air. 5.5
Frighten.png  Frighten /frighten Attempt to appear menacing. 6.35
Fume.png  Fume /fume Express annoyance. 2.0
Furious.png  Furious /furious Be furious. 2.0
Goodbye.png  Goodbye /goodbye Bid farewell. 2.0
Gratuity.png  Gratuity /gratuity, /makeithail Humbly scatter gold coins at the feet of your admirers. 4.56
Greeting.png  Greeting /greet Wave your hand in greeting. 4.2
Grovel.png  Grovel /grovel Fall to your knees in unworthiness. 2.0
Hand Over.png  Hand Over /handover Extend your hand in a giving gesture. 2.35
Handtoheart.png  Hand to Heart /handtoheart Gently place your hand on your heart. 6.4
Happy.png  Happy /happy Display extreme happiness. 2.0
Haurchefant (Emote).png  Haurchefant /haurchefant Express your fervent approval. 3.3
Headache.png  Headache /headache Reel from a terrible headache. 5.15
High Five.png  High Five /hfive, /highfive Give someone a high five. 5.31
Hug.png  Hug /hug Give a warm hug. 2.38
Huh.png  Huh /huh Act bemused. 2.0
Humble Triumph.png  Humble Triumph /humbletriumph, /waitforit Strike a mildly triumphant pose. 6.51
Huzzah.png  Huzzah /hurray, /huzzah Give a hearty cheer. 2.35
Imperial Salute.png  Imperial Salute /imperialsalute Perform an Imperial Garlean Army salute. 2.0
Insist.png  Insist /insist Speak emphatically to get your point across. 5.21
Joy.png  Joy /joy Express joy. 2.0
Jump for Joy 1.png  Jump for Joy 1 /jumpforjoy1 Jump happily for joy. 6.5
Jump for Joy 2.png  Jump for Joy 2 /jumpforjoy2 Jump merrily for joy. 6.5
Jump for Joy 3.png  Jump for Joy 3 /jumpforjoy3 Jump enthusiastically for joy. 6.5
Jump for Joy 4.png  Jump for Joy 4 /jumpforjoy4 Jump cheerfully for joy. 6.5
Jump for Joy 5.png  Jump for Joy 5 /jumpforjoy5 Jump for joy like a sabotender. 6.5
Kneel.png  Kneel /kneel Kneel in respect. 2.0
Lali-ho.png  Lali-ho /laliho Perform a traditional dwarven greeting. 5.0
Laugh.png  Laugh /laugh Burst out laughing. 2.0
Linkpearl emote.png  Linkpearl /linkpearl Make a linkpearl call. 6.3
Little Ladies Dance2.png  Little Ladies' Dance /ladance, /littleladiesdance Perform the Little Ladies' Dance. 6.3
Lookout.png  Lookout /lookout Scan the area. 2.0
Magic Trick emote.png  Magic Trick /magictrick Perform a magic trick 6.4
Me.png  Me /me Motion to yourself. 2.0
Megaflare.png  Megaflare /megaflare Cast Megaflare. 4.25
No.png  No /no Disagree. 2.0
Paint It Black.png  Paint It Black /paintblack Swab the floor with black paint. 5.4
Paint It Blue.png  Paint It Blue /paintblue Swab the floor with blue paint. 5.4
Paint It Red.png  Paint It Red /paintred Swab the floor with red paint. 5.4
Paint It Yellow.png  Paint It Yellow /paintyellow Swab the floor with yellow paint. 5.4
Panic.png  Panic /panic Start to panic. 2.0
Pantomime.png  Pantomime /mime, /pantomime Perform a pantomime. 5.45
Pay Respects.png  Pay Respects /respect Offer up a silent prayer. 4.0
Pet.png  Pet /pet, /stroke Take the love within your heart and focus it into your hand. 2.35
Point.png  Point /point Point at something. 2.0
Poke.png  Poke /poke Make a poking gesture. 2.0
Pose.png  Pose /pose Strike a pose. 2.0
Power Up.png  Power Up /powerup Put your true strength on display. 4.2
Pray.png  Pray /pray Offer solemn words of prayer to the Twelve or whatever gods it is you keep. 2.0
Pretty Please.png  Pretty Please /pplease, /prettyplease Make a pleading motion. 4.1
Psych.png  Psych /psych Psych yourself up. 2.0
Rally.png  Rally /rally Give encouragement. 2.0
Read.png  Read /read Pore over a book. 5.21
Reference emote.png  Reference /reference Consult literature. 6.45
Salute.png  Salute /salute Perform a salute. 2.0
Scheme.png  Scheme /scheme Spin a web of lies and deceit. 4.45
Serpent Salute.png  Serpent Salute /serpentsalute Perform an official Order of the Twin Adder salute. 2.0
Sheathe Weapon.png  Sheathe Weapon /sheathe Put away your weapon. 5.45
Shiver.png  Shiver /shiver Tremble from the cold. 4.36
Shocked.png  Shocked /shocked Act shocked. 2.0
Shrug.png  Shrug /shrug Shrug. 2.0
Shush.png  Shush /shh, /shush Gesture to be quiet. 5.55
Slap.png  Slap /slap Let your hand do the talking. 2.38
Slump.png  Slump /slump Hang your head in defeat. 6.5
Snap.png  Snap /snap Snap your fingers. 5.2
Soothe.png  Soothe /soothe Make a comforting gesture. 2.0
Spectacles.png  Spectacles /spectacles Adjust your spectacles. 3.5
Spirit icon1.png  Spirit /spirit Show off your team spirit. 6.2
Splash.png  Splash /splash Splash playfully when in water. 4.3
Stagger.png  Stagger /stagger Stagger for a moment. 2.0
Stand Up.png  Stand Up /standup 2.0
Storm Salute.png  Storm Salute /stormsalute Perform an official Maelstrom salute. 2.0
Stretch.png  Stretch /stretch Stretch. 2.0
Sulk.png  Sulk /sulk Wallow in self-pity. 2.0
Surprised.png  Surprised /surprised Act surprised. 2.0
Sweat.png  Sweat /sweat Wipe the sweat from your brow. 4.35
Think.png  Think /think Become lost in thought. 2.0
Throw.png  Throw /throw Throw an object. 2.1
Thumbs Up.png  Thumbs Up /thumbsup Strongly agree. 2.0
Toast.png  Toast /toast Raise a toast to those around you. 5.1
Tomestone (Emote).png  Tomestone /tomestone Lovingly tap your tomestone. 4.4
Uchiwasshoi.png  Uchiwasshoi /bigfan, /uchiwasshoi Stir the air with a giant fan. 7.0
Upset.png  Upset /upset Express disgust. 2.0
Vexed icon1.png  Vexed /vexed Appear visibly frustrated. 5.57
Victory.png  Victory /vpose Celebrate victory. 3.2
Victory Reveal.png  Victory Reveal /victoryreveal, /vreveal Await news of your victory. 6.51
Water Flip.png  Water Flip /waterflip Perform a somersault underwater. 4.0
Wave.png  Wave /wave Wave your hand. 2.0
Welcome.png  Welcome /welcome Make a welcoming gesture. 2.0
Wow emote.png  Wow /wow Sparkle with amazement. 6.25
Yes.png  Yes /yes Nod in approval. 2.0

Special Emotes

Emote Command Description Patch
At Ease.png  At Ease /atease Stand relaxed with your feet apart. 4.1
Attention.png  Attention /attention Stand at attention. 4.1
Ball Dance.png  Ball Dance /balldance Perform a ball dance. 2.2
Bee's Knees.png  Bee's Knees /beesknees Perform the bee's knees dance. 5.3
Black Ranger Pose A.png  Black Ranger Pose A /blackrangerposea, /brpa Do the Black Ranger pose A. 3.3
Black Ranger Pose B.png  Black Ranger Pose B /blackrangerposeb, /brpb Do the Black Ranger pose B. 3.3
Bomb Dance.png  Bomb Dance /bombdance Perform a bomb dance. 2.3
Box Step.png  Box Step /boxstep Perform a box step dance. 4.4
Breath Control.png  Breath Control /breathcontrol Take a breath and relax. 4.1
Change Pose.png  Change Pose /changepose Assume the next pose in a series of idle stances. 2.2
Charmed.png  Charmed /charmed Fall into a lovestruck trance. 4.2
Cheer Jump.png  Cheer Jump /cheerjump Jump and cheer enthusiastically. 4.2
Cheer jump green icon1.png  Cheer Jump: Green /cheerjumpgreen, /cheergreen You cheer to the rhythm. 6.4
Cheer On.png  Cheer On /cheeron Wave your hands enthusiastically. 4.2
Cheer on bright icon1.png  Cheer On: Bright /cheeronbright, /cheerbright You cheer to the rhythm. 6.4
Cheer Wave.png  Cheer Wave /cheerwave Wave your hand in the air like you just don't care. 4.2
Cheer wave violet icon1.png  Cheer Wave: Violet /cheerwaveviolet, /cheerviolet You cheer to the rhythm. 6.4
Confirm.png  Confirm /confirm Make sure that all is as it should be. 4.4
Diamond Dust (Emote).png  Diamond Dust /iceheart Envelop yourself in diamond dust. 4.05
Eastern Dance.png  Eastern Dance /edance Perform a Far Eastern dance. 3.57
Fist Pump.png  Fist Pump /fistpump Express an unbridled satisfaction at the crushing defeat of your enemies via a swift pumping motion of your arms. 4.55
Flame Dance.png  Flame Dance /flamedance Perform the flame dance. 5.3
Get Fantasy.png  Get Fantasy /getfantasy Perform the Get Fantasy dance. 4.5
Gold Dance.png  Gold Dance /golddance, /gdance Perform the Gold dance. 3.1
Goobbue Do.png  Goobbue Do /goobbuedo, /mysterymachine Perform the realm-famous "goobbue do" dance step. 5.2
Guard (Emote).png  Guard /guard Keep watch over someone. 5.35
Harvest Dance.png  Harvest Dance /harvestdance Perform a harvest dance. 2.2
Heel Toe.png  Heel Toe /heeltoe Perform a slick heel toe dance step. 5.2
Hum.png  Hum /hum Swing your arms and hum a merry tune. 4.4
Lali Hop.png  Lali Hop /lalihop Perform the lali hop. 5.3
Lean.png  Lean /lean Lean back and get comfortable. No system message is displayed with this emote. 5.11
Lophop.png  Lop Hop /lophop 6.55
Love Heart.png  Love Heart /loveheart, /heart Make a heart shape with your hands. 6.55
Malevolence (emote) icon1.png  Malevolence /malevolence Place a curse on someone. 5.45
Manderville Dance.png  Manderville Dance /mandervilledance Perform the Manderville dance. 2.2
Manderville Mambo.png  Manderville Mambo /mmambo, /mandervillemambo Perform the Manderville Mambo. 4.56
Moogle Dance.png  Moogle Dance /mogdance Perform the moogle dance. 3.3
Moonlift Dance.png  Moonlift Dance /moonlift Perform the moonlift dance. 3.5
Most Gentlemanly.png  Most Gentlemanly /hildy Flex like a gentleman. 2.5
Play Dead.png  Play Dead /playdead, /pdead Feign death. 3.5
Popoto Step.png  Popoto Step /popotostep Perform a popoto step dance. 4.5
Push-ups.png  Push-ups /pushups Do a set of push-ups. 4.1
Red Ranger Pose A.png  Red Ranger Pose A /redrangerposea, /rrpa Do the Red Ranger pose A. 3.3
Red Ranger Pose B.png  Red Ranger Pose B /redrangerposeb, /rrpb Do the Red Ranger pose B. 3.3
Reprimand.png  Reprimand /reprimand Let that special someone know what's for. 4.5
Ritual Prayer.png  Ritual Prayer /ritualprayer Offer a prayer to the gods. 4.1
Senor Sabotender (Emote).png  Senor Sabotender /sabotender Do your finest impression of the Manderville Gold Saucer's mascot Senor Sabotender. 4.58
Show Left icon1.png  Show Left /showleft Show off what's on your left. 6.11a
Show Right icon1.png  Show Right /showright Show off what's on your right. 6.11a
Side Step.png  Side Step /sidestep Perform a side step dance. 4.4
Simulation F.png  Simulation F /simulationf Synthesize a shimmering spear. 5.4
Simulation M.png  Simulation M /simulationm Synthesize a shimmering sword. 5.4
Sit.png  Sit /sit Assume a sitting position. 2.0
Sit on Ground.png  Sit on Ground /groundsit Assume a sitting position. 2.0
Sit-ups.png  Sit-ups /situps Do a set of sit-ups. 4.1
Songbird.png  Songbird /songbird Perform the Songbird's special dance. 3.5
Squats.png  Squats /squats Do a set of squats. 4.1
Step Dance.png  Step Dance /stepdance Perform a step dance. 2.2
Sundering.png  Sundering /sundering The world survives unscathed. 6.5
Sundrop Dance.png  Sundrop Dance /sundance, /sundropdance Perform the sundrop dance. 3.1
Sweep Up.png  Sweep Up /broom, /sweep Sweep the floor. 5.41
Thavnairian Dance.png  Thavnairian Dance /thavnairiandance Perform a Thavnairian dance. 3.1
Tremble.png  Tremble /tremble Tremble with fear. 4.2
Ultima (Emote).png  Ultima /ultima Unleash the savage might of Ultima! 4.5
Visor.png  Visor /visor Open/close helm visor. This function can also be used to toggle on/off helms that light up. 2.2
Wasshoi.png  Wasshoi /wasshoi Let out a joyous "wasshoi." 5.4
Water Float.png  Water Float /waterfloat Perform a back float in water. 4.0
Winded.png  Winded /winded Fall to one knee, exhausted. 4.2
Wring Hands.png  Wring Hands /wringhands Wring your hands obsequiously. 5.55
Yellow Ranger Pose A.png  Yellow Ranger Pose A /yellowrangerposea, /yrpa Do the Yellow Ranger pose A. 3.3
Yellow Ranger Pose B.png  Yellow Ranger Pose B /yellowrangerposeb, /yrpb Do the Yellow Ranger pose B. 3.3
Yol Dance.png  Yol Dance /yoldance Perform the yol dance. 4.3
Zantetsuken (Emote).png  Zantetsuken /zantetsuken, /ztk Perform the Zantetsuken attack. 3.4

Expressions Emotes

Emote Command Description Patch
Alert.png  Alert /alert Sense something amiss. 2.0
Amazed.png  Amazed /amazed Stare in awe. 2.0
Annoyed.png  Annoyed /annoyed Furrow your brow. 2.0
Beam.png  Beam /beam Grin from ear to ear. 4.1
Big Grin.png  Big Grin /biggrin Break into a broad smile. 4.2
Concentrate.png  Concentrate /concentrate Knit your brows in thought. 4.1
Confused.png  Confused /disturbed Twist your face in confusion. 4.1
Content.png  Content /content USAGE:

 /content [subcommand] →Smile in warm satisfaction. >>Subcommands: motion  Display expression only. Both text and expression will be displayed when no subcommand is specified. Expression will return to normal after five seconds or by using the command /straightface.

Endure.png  Endure /endure Grit your teeth and bear all that comes your way. 4.4
Fake Smile.png  Fake Smile /fakesmile Force a smile. 5.4
Furrow.png  Furrow /furrow Furrow your eyebrows. 4.2
Grin.png  Grin /grin Beam with delight. 2.0
Ouch.png  Ouch /ouch Cringe in pain. 2.0
Ponder.png  Ponder /ponder, /makeyougohmmm Lose yourself in thought. 4.3
Pucker Up.png  Pucker Up /puckerup Close your eyes and pucker your lips. 4.0
Reflect.png  Reflect /reflect Close your eyes and gather your thoughts. 4.2
Sad.png  Sad /sad Frown. 2.0
Scared.png  Scared /scared Stare in fear. 2.0
Scoff.png  Scoff /scoff Smile wryly. 4.2
Shut Eyes.png  Shut Eyes /shuteyes Shut your eyes. 2.0
Simper.png  Simper /simper Give a lazy smile. 4.1
Smile.png  Smile /smile Beam with happiness. 2.0
Smirk.png  Smirk /smirk Smirk wryly. 2.0
Sneer.png  Sneer /sneer Sneer contemptuously. 3.4
Straight Face.png  Straight Face /straightface Restore your facial expression to a neutral state. 2.0
Taunt.png  Taunt /taunt Put on a taunting grin. 2.0
Wink (Left).png  Wink (Left) /leftwink Perform the wink emote with your left eye. 3.3
Wink (Right).png  Wink (Right) /wink, /rightwink Perform the wink emote. 3.3
Worried.png  Worried /worried Appear worried. 2.0

Main Menu

See also: Main Menu text commands
Command Aliases Usage Description
/actionlist /actionlist, /alist /actionlist Opens and closes the Actions & Traits interface.
/character /character, /gear /character Opens and closes the Character interface.
/armourychest /armourychest, /armoury /armourychest Opens and closes your Armoury Chest.
/inventory /inventory, /bag /inventory Opens and closes your inventory.
/saddlebag /saddlebag Opens and closes your chocobo saddlebag.
/companion /companion, /comp /companion Opens and closes the Companion interface.
/mountguide /mountguide Opens and closes the Mount Guide interface.
/minionguide /minionguide Opens and closes the Minion Guide interface. If the PC is playing Lord of Verminion, the command will open the Battle List.
/fashionguide /fashionguide Opens and closes the Fashion Accessories interface.
/pvpprofile /pvpprofile, /pvpp /pvpprofile Opens and closes the PvP Profile interface.
/goldsaucer /goldsaucer, /saucer /goldsaucer Opens and closes the Gold Saucer interface.
/achievements /achievements Opens the list of in-game FINAL FANTASY XIV achievements.
/currency /currency Opens and closes the Currency interface.
/recommended /recommended Opens and closes the Recommendations list.
/collection /collection, /coll /collection Opens and closes the Collection interface.
/keyitem /keyitem, /kitem /keyitem Opens and closes the Key Item interface.
/journal /journal Opens and closes the quest journal.
/dutyfinder /dutyfinder, /finder /dutyfinder Opens and closes the Duty Finder.
/timers /timers Opens and closes the Timers interface.
/raidfinder /raidfinder, /rfinder /raidfinder Opens and closes the Raid Finder interface.
/record /record Opens and closes the Duty Recorder interface.
/newgame+ /newgame+, /ng+ /newgame+ Opens the New Game+ interface.
/generaldutykey /generaldutykey, /gdutykey /generaldutykey Activates the General Duty key. When near a FATE, this will level sync the player.
/huntinglog /huntinglog, /hlog /huntinglog Opens and closes the hunting log.
/sightseeinglog /sightseeinglog Opens and closes the Sightseeing Log interface.
/craftinglog /craftinglog, /clog /craftinglog Opens and closes the crafting log.
/gatheringlog /gatheringlog, /glog /gatheringlog Opens and closes the gathering log.
/fishinglog /fishinglog, /flog /fishinglog Opens and closes the fishing log.
/fishguide /fishguide, /fg /fishguide Opens and closes the Fish Guide interface.
/orchestrion /orchestrion Opens and closes the orchestrion list.
/challengelog /challengelog Opens and closes the Challenge Log interface.
/map /map Opens and closes the current area map.
/teleport /teleport Opens the Teleport interface.
/return /return Return to your current home point.
/aethercurrent /aethercurrent, /acurrent /aethercurrent Opens and closes the Aether Currents interface.
/mountspeed /mountspeed Opens and closes the ground mount speed interface.
/partyfinder /partyfinder, /pfinder /partyfinder Opens and closes the Party Finder interface.
/fellowshipfinder /fellowshipfinder, /fsfinder /fellowshipfinder Opens and closes the Fellowship Finder interface.
/emotelist /emotelist, /elist /emotelist Opens and closes the list of available emotes.
/freecompanycmd /freecompanycmd, /fccmd /freecompanycmd Opens and closes the free company interface.
/housing /housing, /hou /housing Opens and closes the Housing interface.
/pvpteamcmd /pvpteamcmd Opens and closes the PvP team menu.
/linkshellcmd /linkshellcmd, /lcmd /linkshellcmd Opens and closes the linkshell menu.
/cwlinkshellcmd /cwlinkshellcmd, /cwlcmd /cwlinkshellcmd Opens and closes the Cross-world Linkshell window.
/fellowship /fellowship, /fs /fellowship Opens and closes the Fellowship interface.
/contactlist /contactlist Opens and closes the contact list.
/supportdesk /supportdesk, /support /supportdesk Opens and closes the Support Desk interface.
/officialsite /officialsite, /site /officialsite Opens and closes the Official Sites interface.
/playguide /playguide, /pguide /playguide Opens and closes the Playguide interface.
/activehelp /activehelp Opens and closes the Active Help interface.
/characterconfig /characterconfig, /cconfig /characterconfig Opens and closes the Character Configuration interface.
/systemconfig /systemconfig, /sconfig /systemconfig Opens and closes the System Configuration interface.
/hudlayout /hudlayout [subcommand] Opens and closes the HUD layout editor.

 "layout number"
 Switches to specified layout.

Opens the HUD layout editor if no subcommand is specified.

  /hudlayout 3
  (Switches to layout 3.)
/macros /macros Opens and closes the user macro editor.
/keybind /keybind, /keyconfig /keybind Opens and closes the Keybind interface.
/logcolor /logcolor, /lcolor /logcolor Opens and closes the Log Text Color interface.


See also: Placeholders
Placeholder Description
<t>, <target> Displays current target name.
<tt>, <t2t> Displays target of current target's name.
<me>, <0> Displays your character's name.
<r>, <reply> Displays the name of the last player to send you a /tell.
<1> - <8> Displays Party Member 1-8's name.
<f>, <focus> Displays your Focus Target's name.
<lt>, <lasttarget> Displays your last target's name.
<le>, <lastenemy> Displays the name of the last enemy you targeted.
<la>, <lastattacker> Displays the name of the last enemy to attack or perform an action on you.
<c>, <comp>, <b>, <buddy> Displays your chocobo companion's name.
<pet> Displays your pet's name.
<attack1> - <attack5> Displays Target to Attack 1–5's name.
<bind1> - <bind3> Displays Target to Bind 1–3's name.
<ignore1> - <ignore2> Displays Target to Ignore 1–2's name.
<square> Displays target marked with a square's name.
<circle> Displays target marked with a circle's name.
<cross> Displays target marked with a cross's name.
<triangle> Displays target marked with a triangle's name.
<mo>, <mouse> Displays mouseover target's name
<hp> Displays current HP and maximum HP.
<hpp> Displays current HP as a percentage.
<mp> Displays current MP and maximum MP.
<mpp> Displays current MP as a percentage.
<tp> Displays current TP.
<class>, <job> Displays current class and level.
<pos>, <where> Displays coordinates of current location.
<se.1> - <se.16> Plays a sound effect when used in party or alliance chat. Use the /echo command to play a sound effect only you can hear.
<comphp>, <chp> Displays your chocobo companion's current HP and maximum HP.
<comphpp>, <chpp> Displays your chocobo companion's current HP as a percentage.
<pethp>, <php> Displays your pet's current HP and maximum HP.
<pethpp>, <phpp> Displays your pet's current HP as a percentage.
<wait.(wait time)> Adjust the pause between macro commands. Only integers can be used with this command. The maximum wait time allowed is 60. If the wait time amount is over 60, it will be counted as 60.
<recast.action name> Displays time remaining until the specified action can be used again.
*The auto-translate function cannot be used to input action names.
<targethpp>, <thpp> Displays current target's HP as a percentage.
<focushpp>, <fhpp> Displays focus target's HP as a percentage.
<targetclass>, <tclass>, <targetjob>, <tjob> Display the class or job name of the selected target.
<focusclass>, <fclass>, <focusjob>, <fjob> Display the class or job name of your focus target.
<e1>, <e2>, <e3>, <e4> Display the names of the first four players on the enemy party list when participating in the Feast.

Related Articles

Emote Guide

Controller Guide


Macro Guides