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Shadows of the First

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Shadows of the First

Shadows of the First Image.png
Quest giver
Fortemps Manor (X:6, Y:6)
Quest line
Post-Dragonsong Main Scenario Quests
Experience 5,000
Gil 5,000
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestPromises Kept
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestTwo Sides of a Coin

Main Scenario Progress: 362 / 953 (38%)


Heavensward Progress: 121 / 138 (87.7%)


As Alphinaud and many others know all too well, there is no rest for the righteous.

— In-game description





  • Regardless of whether or not the Warriors of Darkness intend to kill Garuda, the fact remains that a primal summoning cannot be ignored, and should be prevented if at all possible. After some discussion, it is decided that you and Alphinaud will enter the Ixali homeland of Xelphatol by means of a mountain pass east of Camp Dragonhead. To see you to your destination with all haste, Lord Edmont will order a contingent of knights to secure the entrance and escort you as far as they are able. With the details settled, Alphinaud invites you to accompany him to Camp Dragonhead, where you may procure any additional supplies prior to departing for Xelphatol.
  • In Camp Dragonhead, you are informed that the House Fortemps knights took the initiative to launch an attack on the Ixali forces guarding the entrance to the mountain pass, rendering it safe well in advance of your arrival. The enemy's gate lies open, and you and Alphinaud need only walk through.
  • The knights salute as you approach and state that their scouts have observed increased activity around the First Mountain. Predicting heavy resistance, Alphinaud proposes that he and the knights feign a frontal assault, thereby drawing the defenders' attention so that you -- and any veteran colleagues you may wish to call upon -- can slip past their defenses and search for the site of the summoning ritual. If the gods are good, you will only have to deal with some few patrols, but if not, you may be forced to do battle with the Warriors of Darkness once more...
    • ※Challenge Xelphatol with other players via the Duty Finder, or with a party of NPCs via Duty Support. Both systems are accessible from the main menu as well as the dungeon's entrance point.
  • In the shadow of the First Mountain, you confront the Ixali occultist overseeing the summoning ritual, and in a pitched battle manage to lay him low. Having put an end to the beastmen's ambitions, you prepare to return to Coerthas.
  • Alphinaud rushes to your side, ready to fight, unaware that the threat has passed. You duly inform him that your work is done, but before you can make good your escape, you find yourselves face to face with the Warriors of Darkness. Rather than engaging you in battle a second time, their leader proceeds to set out their reason for consorting with the Ascians.
  • He claims that he and his comrades hail from another world -- a reflection of the Source -- in which the power of Light is far greater than that of Dark. There, they easily bested their Ascian counterparts, only to discover that they had upset the primordial balance in so doing, triggering a flood of Light which now threatens to consume all that they sought to protect. If nothing is done, their world will soon give way to a void... as did the Thirteenth Reflection, when the Dark rose up unopposed. And so, to prevent this fate, they joined hands with the Ascians and came to the Source. Here, they intend to bring about another Umbral Calamity, for only through such unbridled destruction may the barriers between planes be broken down, and the First Reflection and the Source made one.
  • Incredulous, Alphinaud demands further answers, but the Warrior of Darkness will say no more, declaring in parting that he and his comrades will do whatever it takes to see your worlds rejoined.
  • To what ends must we labor for the sake of those we love? Is there any cause so noble that it may be used to justify any deed? Though he is shaken by their words, Alphinaud's resolve remains firm. Regardless of their reasons, the Warriors of Darkness cannot be allowed to achieve their goals. The sacrifice, the loss -- it ends here.


Optional Dialogue

Aymeric: Though I am not sure I grasp the full implications of her words, I know we dare not ignore them.
Count Edmont de Fortemps: Warriors of Darkness? Xelphatol? What is this all about?

Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)

Alphinaud: So the Warriors of Darkness and the Ascians are conspiring to bring about Garuda's summoning, that they might put her to the sword... 
Alphinaud: Then when we first encountered them in Loth ast Gnath... when they were confronting Ravana... Gods, has this been their aim all along? 
Count Edmont De Fortemps: What do you intend to do, Master Alphinaud? 
Alphinaud: There is much and more I do not understand, but I know this: a primal summoning cannot be ignored. 
Alphinaud: Alisaie risked her life to uncover this plot, and we squander her gift at our peril. [Forename], will you accompany me to Xelphatol and help me stop the Ixal's ritual?
Aymeric: Given that Ishgard shares a border with the Ixali homeland, we have a vested interest in the outcome of this ritual. 
Aymeric: We have been willing to suffer the beastmen's intrusions into Coerthan lands to a point, but the summoning of a primal is an escalation we cannot abide. 
Aymeric: You shall have our fastest airship, Master Alphinaud. The mountains of Xelphatol are not easily traversed, and this endeavor demands all haste. 
Alphinaud: The gesture is most appreciated, Ser Aymeric—but I fear an aerial approach is destined to fail. This is their homeland, after all, and Ixali dirigibles are not to be underestimated. 
Alphinaud: No, experience tells me the only conceivable approach is by land. I believe it would be wiser to cross into Xelphatol by way of the mountain pass east of Camp Dragonhead. 
Count Edmont De Fortemps: In that case, I shall send instructions for a contingent of the camp's knights to be placed at your disposal. They will secure you safe passage through the mountains, and escort you thence to Xelphatol. 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: Though my men are unqualified to confront a primal, they are more than capable of contending with the Ixal. 
Alphinaud: We should be glad of their assistance, Lord Edmont. 
Aymeric: In the event Mistress Alisaie regains consciousness, we will share with you any additional information she may provide. May the Fury watch over you and keep you safe. 
Alphinaud: Then let us be off. We can procure any additional supplies we require in Camp Dragonhead.
Count Edmont de Fortemps: I shall send word to the acting commander at Camp Dragonhead of your imminent arrival.
Who knows...this may even spur me to nominate a permanent replacement. I have put off the task for far too long...

Speaking with Alphinaud at Camp Dragonhead

Alphinaud: Have everything you require, then? Excellent. 
Alphinaud: The entrance to the pass is north of Natalan and due east of Camp Dragonhead. 
Alphinaud: Though it is normally guarded by a score of Ixali warriors, I have been informed that House Fortemps knights have already dispatched them. 
Alphinaud: The enemy's gate lies open. We need but walk through. 

Optional Dialogue

Alphinaud: Beyond this gate lies the trail which will lead us into Xelphatol. According to my map, it looks to be a relatively straightforward route, albeit one through exceedingly dangerous territory.
Doughty House Fortemps Knight: Beyond lies Ixali territory. We lower our guard at our peril.
Earnest House Fortemps Knight: We have everything in hand here, miss/sir! No need to worry! and may I say what an honor it is to work with you, miss/sir!

Speaking with the steadfast knight

Steadfast House Fortemps Knight: Mistress/Master [Surname], Master Alphinaud. As you can see, the gate is ours. 
Steadfast House Fortemps Knight: Be advised that our scouts are reporting increased activity around the First Mountain. Simply put, they are up to something, and don't want anyone interfering. 
Steadfast House Fortemps Knight: We stand ready to escort you to Xelphatol and aid you as you see fit. 
Alphinaud: The enemy will be thick on the ground. Upon arriving, let us advance with care as we search for the site of the summoning ritual. 
Alphinaud: If the gods are good, we should only have to contend with Ixal. But if they are not, we may be forced to do battle with the Warriors of Darkness...

Optional Dialogue

Steadfast House Fortemps Knight: I won't lie to you: the trail will be hellish. But stick close and we'll see you safely through.
Alphinaud: Come, my friend, let us make for Xelphatol!

Entering Xelphatol

Duty Dialogue

Nuzal Hueloc: Fly from this sacred place, featherless ones will! 
Nuzal Hueloc: From on high, we rain down death! 
Nuzal Hueloc: Reach us, featherless ones cannot! 
Nuzal Hueloc: Squaaaaaak! Nuzal Hueloc: Fly free, we will... 
Dotoli Ciloc: Sacred winds, come forth! 
Dotoli Ciloc: Fury of the vortex, behold! 
Dotoli Ciloc: One with the wind, we become... 
Tozol Huatotl: Intrude upon sacred ground, who dares!?
Pay with lives, featherless ones will! 
Tozol Huatotl: For the eyes, go! For the eyes!
Tozol Huatotl: Upon sliver of Her glory, we now call! Squaaawk! Squaaawk!    
Tozol Huatotl: O Lady of the Vortex! In Your name, our lives we give... 

Duty Support Dialogue

Alphinaud: Falling rocks to add to the danger... 
House Fortemps Knight: Let us proceed with caution.
Alphinaud: It's over if we're crushed. 
House Fortemps Banneret: We can't lower our guard even in battle.
Alphinaud: Is that a balloon on his back!? 
Nuzal Hueloc: Fly from this sacred place, featherless ones will! 
House Fortemps Knight: Be on guard for attacks from above! 
Nuzal Hueloc: From on high, we rain down death! 
Nuzal Hueloc: Reach us, featherless ones cannot! 
Nuzal Hueloc: Squaaaaaak! Nuzal Hueloc: Fly free, we will... 
Alphinaud: His tactics were unique to say the least...
Alphinaud: They've fortified the very cave. 
House Fortemps Banneret: An impressive feat, I must allow.
Alphinaud: They even have mechanized lifts.
Alphinaud: Does she mean to rouse the wind with that fan!? 
Dotoli Ciloc: Sacred winds, come forth! 
House Fortemps Knight: The knights of our camp have just the defense! 
Dotoli Ciloc: Fury of the vortex, behold! 
Dotoli Ciloc: One with the wind, we become... 
House Fortemps Banneret: <pant> Her attacks were a veritable storm... 
Alphinaud: I daresay she was one of the Galeborne.
Alphinaud: An armored troop transport!
Alphinaud: We're well and truly in the sky now. 
House Fortemps Banneret: I can't be back on solid ground soon enough...
Alphinaud: We can't allow this summoning! 
Tozol Huatotl: Intrude upon sacred ground, who dares!?
Pay with lives, featherless ones will! 
Tozol Huatotl: For the eyes, go! For the eyes!
Tozol Huatotl: Upon sliver of Her glory, we now call! Squaaawk! Squaaawk!    
Tozol Huatotl: O Lady of the Vortex! In Your name, our lives we give... 

Post–duty Cutscene

Alphinaud: So they were unable to see the ritual to its completion... Then Garuda is no longer a threat, and whatever the Ascians and the Warriors of Darkness were planning has come to naught... 
Alphinaud: But we should not tarry. The knights have secured our path to safety. 
???: Well, well... What do we have here? You'd better not have killed the primal without us!
Alphinaud: You!
Ranger of Darkness: Wait, I know you! Still walking, I see. I could have sworn my aim was true...
Knight of Darkness: Just what is your game? Leading us the long way, so these fools could step in and claim our prize? 
Devout of Darkness: Now, now. Let's not make hasty accusations. By the look of things, the ritual was proceeding as planned. 
Devout of Darkness: We arrived at the appointed hour. 'Twas they who erred. 
Alphinaud: It is hopeless. We cannot face them all...
Ranger of Darkness: Do mine ears deceive? A boy! So that's the way of it. Twins! You had me worried for a moment there. 
Ranger of Darkness: Know that I will happily make it quicker for you...if you just stand still. 
Warrior of Darkness: Enough, J'rhoomale. We wouldn't want to upset the man in white with any unnecessary bloodshed, now would we? 
Warrior of Darkness: You've been awfully busy since we were kind enough to spare your lives.
Alphinaud: While you were idly consorting with Ascians, you mean? Seven hells! What could you possibly hope to achieve?  
Warrior of Darkness: Should I explain it to you? Very well. Consider it a reward of sorts for beating us here. 
Warrior of Darkness: You know the tale of Hydaelyn and Zodiark, I take it. Of the great sundering, and the reflections it created? 
Alphinaud: Across ten and three they were divided. Reflections of the Source, each possessed shards of Light and Dark...
Warrior of Darkness: Just so. One of those reflections—the one nearest to the source—is our home. And we were the heroes blessed with Her Light. 
Warrior of Darkness: But not all worlds hold Light and Dark in equal measure. In ours, the power of Light was greater by far. 
Warrior of Darkness: So the Ascians who once threatened our home were no match, and they fell before us, one after another, till none were left. Victory, we thought... 
Warrior of Darkness: ...And then came the Light—a flood of pure, blinding radiance, annihilating shadow and color and life itself. Ere long, it will consume our world, leaving naught in its wake but blank perfection. 
Alphinaud: That—That cannot be! Do you honestly expect us to believe such a story!? 
Warrior of Darkness: Believe what you like. But it has happened before, on a world far removed from ours. The Thirteenth, which was swallowed by the Dark, and transformed into what you call the void. 
Warrior of Darkness: Unchallenged Light would condemn us to a similar fate. And so we joined hands with our former enemies, and with their aid came here...to the Source. 
Warrior of Darkness: For there is but one way to restore the balance and save our home: the Ardor. Calamitous destruction with the power to break down the barriers between planes, and see our worlds rejoined. 
Alphinaud: You would doom our world to save your own!? What would even become of us? Of you?
Warrior of Darkness: Enough. I tire of talking. 
Warrior of Darkness: You know our cause. You know what is at stake. We are prepared to do whatever it takes! Are you? 
Alphinaud: If there is aught you would say, say it. Otherwise, begone. You have no friends here. 

Optional Dialogue

Steadfast House Fortemps Knight: Well fought, well fought indeed! Lord Edmont will be pleased to learn that everything went according to plan.
Doughty House Fortemps Knight: At last I can breathe easy... As accustomed as we are to fighting the Ixal, it isn't every day that we charge into their stronghold.
Earnest House Fortemps Knight: All quiet here, miss/sir! Nary a peep from the birdmen.

Speaking with Alphinaud

Alphinaud: All things considered, we should be grateful to have survived that encounter. 
Alphinaud: ...Do you think it could be true? That to save their world, they must bring ruin to ours? 
Alphinaud: No. No, it matters not. Such wanton destruction is beyond justification. Whatever their reasons, they must be stopped. The sacrifice, the loss—it ends here.