Poieten Oikos
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Poieten Oikos
- Type
- Area
- Zone
- Elpis
(The World Unsundered) - Aetherytes
- Poieten Oikos (10.8, 17.0)
“Beautiful residences line this observation hub nestled in the woods. In addition to being a base for observers, it also serves as a site of conference for taxonomists, whose ofttimes poetic endeavor to name creations earned the hub its appellation.
— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 147
Poieten Oikos is an area in Elpis, The World Unsundered. It is where taxonomists decide on names for creations that have been approved to live on [Hydaelyn|Etheirys]].
Poieten Oikos
- See also: Elpis Sidequests
- The name is Greek for Poet Home, but it does not appear to be conjugated correctly.