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Mourn in Passing

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Mourn in Passing

Mourn in Passing Image.png
Quest giver
The Dravanian Forelands (X:23, Y:19)
Quest line
Heavensward Main Scenario Quests
Experience 49,140
Gil 5,000
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestLord of the Hive
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestBeyond the Clouds

Main Scenario Progress: 279 / 953 (29.3%)


Heavensward Progress: 38 / 138 (27.5%)


Alphinaud is keen to inform Vidofnir of Lord Ravana's defeat.

— In-game description




Note: The quest assumes you are treating the ground floor as the first floor, such as in the US floor numbering system. This may cause confusion for players from regions such as the UK. You should turn left at the gate where you meet Khash Thah (after the first set of ramps), then cross the round hall where Ess Khas dwells (search for the sunlit gate), and go down the short ramp to enter Mourn.



  • Vidofnir listens in disbelief as Ysayle relates the circumstances of Lord Ravana's defeat. True to her word, the dragon vows that she will open the way to Sohm Al... once you have negotiated the cavern of Mourn. Climb the central tower of Anyx Trine to the second floor, then fight your way through Mourn's denizens to join Vidofnir on the threshold of the path to the summit.
  • After battling your way through the cavern of Mourn, Vidofnir opens the path forward, as promised. Before taking her leave, however, the dragon warns that you will not be welcome in the domain beyond. Prepare to face the mightiest of Nidhogg's minions, on your way to the summit of Sohm Al.
    • ※Challenge Sohm Al with other players via the Duty Finder, or with a party of NPCs via Duty Support. Both systems are accessible from the main menu as well as the dungeon's entrance point.
  • You have defeated Tioman, the consort of Nidhogg, and restored light to your Crystal of Earth in so doing. Soon after the dragon's death, however, Estinien is overwhelmed by Nidhogg's feelings of rage and anguish -- an unwelcome reminder of the connection he shares with the great wyrm. Put any doubts you may feel to one side, and continue your journey into the Churning Mists.
  • You have arrived at the summit of Sohm Al. Trouble Alphinaud for his thoughts on finally having reached the mountain's lofty peak.
  • Alphinaud seems awed and humbled to be standing at the summit of Eorzea's highest mountain. The Churning Mists stretch out before you, beckoning you on towards the culmination of your arduous journey.


Optional Dialogue

Estinien: Ahh, you should have seen the boy fretting... 'Twas a sight to behold!
Ysayle: Tease him no more. Master Alphinaud is to be applauded for his sense of responsibility. Given his years, 'tis little wonder the burden weighs heavy upon his shoulders.
Ysayle:  'Tis natural for him to feel concern for his companions.

Accepting the Quest

Alphinaud: Shall we be on our way to Anyx Trine, then? I would not have the dragons think that we have forgotten our bargain.

Optional Dialogue

Estinien: Will the dragon now honor her word? That remains to be seen...
Ysayle: You should be the one to break the news. The victory was yours, after all.
Alphinaud: Vidofnir will be pleased to hear of Lord Ravana's defeat, and of his pledge to recall his soldiers.

Speaking with Vidofnir

Vidofnir: Thou art returned, Little One. Hast thou abandoned thine ill-conceived contest with the Gnath? 
Ysayle: Nay, my friend, we return in triumph. By [Forename]'s hand was the beastmen's god, Lord Ravana, laid low. 
Ysayle: In his overconfidence, the primal swore to withdraw his followers from your lands in the event of his defeat─a promise we believe he will keep. The Gnath shall trouble you no longer. 
Vidofnir: The deity is slain, then...? How didst thou contend with his biting blades!? ...But the particulars matter not. Thou hast fulfilled thy promise, and I shall fulfill mine. 
Vidofnir: Attend me, mortals: hie you unto the deepest reaches of Mourn, and there shall you find Halo─the altar from which you may begin your ascent to the summit of Sohm Al. 
Vidofnir: But be fairly warned: the minions of Nidhogg shall not lightly suffer your presence on that sacred mount. By your struggles within the cavern shall I judge your party possessed of sufficient fortitude to proceed. 
Ysayle: We shall not disappoint you, Vidofnir. 
Ysayle: If memory serves, the cavern of Mourn is entered from the second floor of the central tower. Let us begin the climb. 

Meeting Vidofnir in the cavern of Mourn (Cutscene)

Vidofnir: Well done, Little One. As promised, I shall open the way to Sohm Al's summit for thee and thy companions. 
Vidofnir: Heed me now, children of man: the domain you seek to enter hath not seen visitors of your kind in nigh on a thousand years. Though I freely grant you passage, your presence will not be welcomed. 
Vidofnir: To my kin, this mountain is revered as holy ground and resting place both─ware you the minions of Nidhogg during your ascent, for 'tis certain they shall take great offense at your intrusion. 
Ysayle: We are grateful for your warnings, gentle Vidofnir. 
Vidofnir: My final words are for thee, dragoon: have care to keep the stolen power thou wieldest in check, lest it breed further despair. 
Ysayle: Estinien...? 
Estinien: The way is open. Let us not tarry here. 
Ysayle: A moment! Shall we blindly forge on, knowing the dangers that await us? Tioman herself is said to guard this peak. 
Estinien: I do not fear Nidhogg's consort. Any dragon foolish enough to bar our path shall feel the sting of my lance. 
Ysayle: Spoken like a true butcher! Need I remind you that we are come to parley a peace!? 
Estinien: Let us be clear, heretic: 'twas to save Ishgard and her people that I first lent my support to this doubtful venture. And 'tis for their sake that I go now to speak with Hraesvelgr. 
Estinien: But I said nothing of Tioman. Should the opportunity present itself to rid my people of one of their deadliest enemies, I shall take it. That is my duty as Azure Dragoon. 
Ysayle: You are beyond redemption... 
Alphinaud: We will accomplish nothing by bickering. If we are to meet with Hraesvelgr, our path leads up the mountain. 
Alphinaud: We shall defend ourselves if attacked, but avoid conflict wherever possible. What other choice do we have? 

Sohm Al Duty Dialogue (Duty Support)

Alphinaud: I feel I've seen this plant's like before, but where...? 
Ysayle: Drakespur! Beware its pollen!
Estinien: Bah, more drakespur. 
Alphinaud: Focus on cutting down the plants. I'll provide support.
Estinien: I didn't come all this way to cut down overgrown weeds... 
Ysayle: Nevertheless, I would see if your lance is suited to the task.
Ysayle: We've still a long way to go. 
Estinien: Then let's keep moving.
Ysayle: Stop! We did not come here to do battle. 
Alphinaud: Forgive me, but we have to defend ourselves.
Ysayle: Must we always resort to violence? 
Estinien: We must slay or be slain. Make your choice.
Alphinaud: Its scales are like unto armor. 
Estinien: A thick hide will not spare it from my lance.
Estinien: Hmph, it was a worthy adversary. 
Ysayle: We are not here for you to enjoy sport, dragoon.
Ysayle: Please, I beg you─let us pass! 
Estinien: Your words fall on deaf ears.

Duty Cutscene

Ysayle: Tioman, consort of Nidhogg, we beseech you─grant us safe passage to the mountain's summit. We mean you no harm. 
Estinien: As I thought. Blind to reason like all the rest. If you would see our mission to its conclusion, you know what must be done. 
Ysayle: Such rage and rancor... Is there truly no other way?

Duty Dialogue (Duty Support)

Estinien: If you would flee, now is the time. 
Ysayle: And abandon our mission? Don't be absurd. 

Boss Dialogue

Tioman: You dare intrude upon this sacred mount!?
My jaws shall run red with the blood of men! 
Tioman: Arrogant insects!
Be crushed beneath the weight of my fury! 
Tioman: Nidhogg, my beloved...
Avenge me... 

Post–duty Dialogue

Ysayle: Why did she refuse to listen? Why didn't I...
Estinien: We're nearly to the summit. Let's keep moving.
Alphinaud: ...We should go Ysayle. The summit awaits.

Post Duty Cutscene

Alphinaud: [Forename]!? 
Estinien: 'Twould seem Tioman was the last. I sense no other dragons nearby. 

Alphinaud: What is happening!? 
Estinien: <gasp> Nidhogg... He roars. 
Ysayle: He knows we are here, then? 
Estinien: His fury... <gasp> It bleeds through the Eye. 
Estinien: Fear not, I am yet my own master... 
Estinien: ...But that damned wyrm's wrath burns hotter than flame... Come, the heart of the dragons' homeland yet lies before us. 
Ysayle: Thus do we add another link to the chain of vengeance. Oh, Saint Shiva, when will it end...? 

Cutscene (Voiceover)

Count Edmont de Fortemps:To the peak of Sohm Al, at the end of a perilous mountain path... 
Count Edmont de Fortemps:Whence could be seen a string of pearl-like islands, floating impossibly atop a sea of clouds. 
Count Edmont de Fortemps:To a domain where dragons and men had once lived in harmony, whose majesty no mortal eye had glimpsed for nigh on a thosand years, they came.

Optional Dialogue

Ysayle: We stand within the sacred homeland of dragons, beneath the sky that is Hraesvelgr's domain. Our quest nears its end, [Forename]...
Estinien: Ahhh... I feel the wyrm's anger. His lair is not far...not far at all.

Speaking with Alphinaud

Alphinaud: We have reached it at last... The peak of Sohm Al. 
Alphinaud: 'Tis said to be the highest mountain in all of Eorzea, you know. I thought it cold in Coerthas, but the air here carries the chill of a dozen winters.