Lord of the Whorl
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Lord of the Whorl
- Quest giver
- Eynzahr Slafyrsyn
- Location
- Lower La Noscea (X:24.5, Y:33.1)
- Quest line
- Seventh Astral Era Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 50
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Into the Heart of the Whorl
- Next quest
When Yugiri Met the Fraternity
- Patch
- 2.2
- Links
Main Scenario Progress: 183 / 960 (19.1%)
A Realm Reborn Progress: 183 / 241 (75.9%)
“Eynzahr stands ready to send you off to your encounter with the Lord of the Whorl.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
Despite the (Hard) in the name, the trial is not actually more difficult than any other story-mode trial. It is easily completed blind with the Duty Finder.
- Confront Leviathan on the Whorleater (Hard).
- Report to Merlwyb in the command room in Limsa Lominsa.
- Eynzahr stands ready to send you off to your encounter with the Lord of the Whorl.
- With little more than a look, you signal your readiness to do battle with Leviathan. At your command, the twin vessel Whorleater will be towed out onto the open sea, where the Lord of the Whorl awaits you. The fate of Limsa Lominsa rests upon your shoulders. Do not falter.
- ※the Whorleater (Hard) can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
- Following a titanic struggle on the high seas, you succeed in vanquishing Leviathan. Make your way to Limsa Lominsa, that you might bask in the Admiral's gratitude. As always, speak with Zanthael in Bulwark Hall to be admitted to the command room.
- You report your victory over Leviathan to a grateful Merlwyb, who pronounces you her nation's greatest ally. Apparently inspired by your philanthropic endeavors, she subsequently pledges to send provisions to the Doman refugees at Revenant's Toll. Keen to repay this act of kindness, Yugiri, in turn, offers to share knowledge of her Far Eastern martial art with any who would learn. In response to her concern that the style may seem outlandish to Eorzeans, Thancred reveals that there are individuals in Limsa Lominsa who are more than capable of adapting to the techniques. Though the details yet remain hazy, you sense that interesting times lie ahead for you and your fellow adventurers.
Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)
Eynzahr Slafyrsyn: Ah...I know that look. You are ready! Eynzahr Slafyrsyn: Having been constructed in some haste, the Whorleater may not be pretty, but I assure you she's capable. Eynzahr Slafyrsyn: She has been fitted with what our friends at Naldiq & Vymelli's are calling an “elemental converter.” Assuming the thing works, it will use the power of the corrupted crystals on board to rob Leviathan of his hold over water. Eynzahr Slafyrsyn: Depending on how the battle unfolds, you may well need to activate the device manually. Keep that in mind.
Minfilia: It is expected that the Sahagin and their thralls will attempt to come to Leviathan's defense. Accordingly, the Maelstrom will once again employ diversions. Thancred and Y'shtola, I would have you assist in this effort.
Yugiri: If it is to fulfill its purpose, your diversionary force must not want for numbers. By your leave, I too would volunteer my blade.
Merlwyb: We would welcome it. Having seen you fight in Sapsa, I daresay the fishbacks will find your presence highly diverting. Thancred and Y'shtola, if you would join the 3rd Levy, and Lady Yugiri, the 5th. Merlwyb: ...But what words have I for the man/woman who has made a sport of slaying gods? Only these: go warily, for the sea is an unforgiving place to wage war. May the Navigator guide you through the storm, Warrior of Light.
Minfilia: I would echo the Admiral's sentiments, and add a few words of mine own. Know that we all have the utmost faith in you, Forename. May the Crystal bless and keep you!
Optional Dialogue
Eynzahr: When the battle is won and Leviathan's waves are stilled, we must partake of a barrel of something, you and I! I care not what, so long as it's strong enough to daze a primal, and plentiful enough to drown him! Har har!
Styrnlona: Storm Sergeant Styrnlona, at your service! The Whorleater is loaded and ready, madam/sir! I'll give the signal for the towing vessel to weigh anchor as soon as you're aboard. Styrnlona: There's not a soul among us who wouldn't lay down his life to ensure you reach your target, madam/sir─so you just concentrate on skewering that overgrown sea snake, and leave the rest to us!
Confronting Leviathan on the Whorleater (Hard)
Duty Dialogue
Leviathan: You trespass upon my domain, tainted of the Light! Leviathan: Drink deep of the sea's bitter draught! Leviathan: Mine is the power to cleanse all things! Naught can withstand the relentless onslaught of my waves! Leviathan: You challenge me with trickery? Fools! Your mortal contrivances cannot quell the raging sea! Leviathan: My waters...are stilled... This...this is the blessing of Light?
Optional Dialogue
Styrnlona: By the Navigator...you did it! You defeated Leviathan in his own domain! I witnessed the battle from afar, saw the beast sink lifeless beneath the waves...and still I labor to believe it! Styrnlona: The Admiral had hoped to thank you the moment you came ashore, but she thought it meet to accompany the fleet back to Limsa. Pray present yourself to her at your earliest convenience. She will be eager to hear your account of the day's events!
Main Quest Dialogue
Zanthael: Knowing the urgency of your business, I thought it best to refrain from making conversation during your past few visits. But today I will permit myself a few words. Ahem. I feel truly privileged to have had the honor of admitting a hero such as you. You are an inspiration to us all, madam/sir! And on that note... Zanthael: The Admiral awaits you in the command room. <wink> <Proceed to the command room?> <Yes> <No>
Optional Dialogue
Eynzahr Slafyrsyn: A number of things did not go exactly to plan, I will admit. Leviathan denied us the luxury of ramming him, for one. But let's not quibble over the manner of the victory, eh? If Limsa is safe, and we are yet undrowned, I conclude that it has been a good day. Now go and bask in the Admiral's gratitude, will you? Eynzahr Slafyrsyn: You have certainly earned the right!
Minfilia: So often do you achieve the impossible that I fear my words of congratulations will begin to sound repetitive─if, indeed, they have not already... With this in mind, I shall say only that I am glad of your safe return.
Thancred: Another notch on the old belt, is it? Well done, my friend! Were I a god, I daresay I would tremble at your summoning.
Y'shtola: My congratulations, [Forename]. This victory will serve to quiet the Sahagin...for a time, at least.
Yugiri: That such beings can be defeated runs contrary to all I know... Whence comes your strength and sense of purpose?
Reporting to Merlwyb (Cutscene)
Merlwyb: We Lominsans are sworn to strive “Till sea swallows all”─and swallow all it would have, had Leviathan prevailed. That we still strive now, we owe in no small part to you. Merlwyb: Not for the first time, you have delivered Limsa Lominsa from the wrath of a primal. Never has our nation known a stouter ally. Merlwyb: On behalf of my people, I give you my humblest thanks. Merlwyb: 'Tis meet that I give thanks to old Mistbeard, too, for his fine solution. Whatever else he may have been, 'tis clear he was a resourceful soul. Would that I had a man like him in my service.
Yugiri: Before I set foot in these lands, I had no inkling that the people of Eorzea contended with such mighty foes. Suffice it to say, their existence came as something of a shock─as did the idea that they could be defeated. Yugiri: This experience has served to remind me of the vastness of the world...and the boundless potential of man. Yugiri: Though I am but a refugee in this realm, I would fain be of use to you in your fight. Yugiri: Know that I am tutored in one of the foremost combat arts of the Far East. It may seem...outlandish to the Eorzean eye, but should any of your people care to learn, I would be pleased to initiate them.
Merlwyb: And I will see to it that they are grateful. I have no doubt that your knowledge and skills will serve us well. Merlwyb: Besides, your art is not so outlandish as you think. Would you not agree, Master Thancred?
Thancred: Naught escapes your searching eye, Admiral. Thancred: Few are privy to this information, but Limsa Lominsa is home to a certain...secret fraternity. Its members are trained in a form of combat not unlike your own. Thancred: By my judgment, it should not be beyond such individuals to adapt to the techniques I witnessed you employing with such admirable deftness.
Yugiri: I am heartened to hear this. I, too, noted a kinship between your style and mine own. Though it seemed to me that you fought differently in the beginning.
Thancred: A-Aye, I suppose I did... What can I say? I am a man of many talents. Hahaha...
Y'shtola: Though you may labor to believe it, Thancred was once something of a scoundrel, who fraternized with the criminal class in these parts.
Thancred: Y-Y'shtola! You jest, of course!
Minfilia: But for a chance encounter with Alphinaud's grandsire, he might never have left Limsa Lominsa; or received an education in Sharlayan; or taken up his post in Ul'dah─which is where he trained in the blade, lest you wonder.
Thancred: Minfilia─please!
Yugiri: It would seem there is more to you than meets the eye, Master Thancred.
Merlwyb: Lady Yugiri─I am told that you and yours came to Eorzea seeking permanent resettlement, and that many Domans have since been engaged as frontier hands at Revenant's Toll. Mor Dhona is many things, but a place of refuge it is not. Merlwyb: Know that I would like nothing better than to furnish your people with a new home here on Lominsan soil. Alas, racked by instability as we are, our nation is in no fit state to take you in. Merlwyb: Yet I'll not have it said that we turned a blind eye to your suffering. Until such time as we can do more, I pledge to send provisions.
Yugiri: We are in your debt, Admiral. I realize that it scarce qualifies as repayment, but if it please you, I shall set about sharing my martial knowledge with your people at once.
Merlwyb: You wished a word in private.
Y'shtola: The better not to spoil the festive mood. Y'shtola: History repeats itself, Admiral. As the kobolds did before them, the Sahagin resorted to summoning their god over a territorial feud. They acted in self-preservation. Y'shtola: It may be that the Sahagin initiated this particular clash, but how it begins does not interest me so much as how it ends.
Merlwyb: I have not forgotten our conversation, Y'shtola. I am aware that man bears part of the blame for the primals' existence. Merlwyb: Nor am I ignorant of the Sahagin's reason for acting. They sought to secure a place to breed and multiply, that their kind might survive. Self-preservation, as you say. Merlwyb: But we have as much right to live and thrive as they. If our own survival is threatened, are we to lay down our arms and welcome oblivion? Nay.
Y'shtola: And so you kill, that you might live. Yet if living is a right, then that right belongs to all peoples, be they men or beastmen.
Merlwyb: I'll not deny your reasoning. But when a storm gathers, it falls to me to see my people safely through it. That is my duty, and I shall do it.
Y'shtola: As must we all, Admiral. Stay the course, then, but know that it will lead to no good end.
Yugiri: Man has ever put himself first and foremost. Yugiri: To justify his actions, he clads himself in the armor of righteousness─though it be a fancy of his own making. In this, mayhap the Garleans and we Domans are not so different...
Merlwyb: Eorzea has become as a raging sea. If we are to keep our heads above the waves, we cannot scruple to drown the man next to us. Merlwyb: When hopes of coexistence founder, strength must determine who has the greater right to live.