Limit Break

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Spend energy stored in your party's limit gauge to execute a powerful battle technique. The technique executed is determined by the role of the party member who initiates it.
Tank: Increase party defense (area of effect 50y).
Melee: Single-target attack.
Ranged: Attack to all targets in a straight line (range: 30y).
Caster: Area of effect attack (8y/10y/15y).
Healer: HP restoration. Raise at level 3 (area of effect: 50y).
※If target is not weakened at the time of Raise, the target will be restored in a non-weakened state. If the target is weakened at the time of Raise, the weakness counter will reset.

— In-game description

Limit Break gauge

Limit break icon1.png  Limit Breaks (LB) are group oriented ultimate abilities that can alter the outcome of a battle. They can be performed after charging up a limit break meter.

Limit Breaks are specific to each party role:

The damage dealt by DPS limit breaks is based only on the average weapon item level of the party, meaning it is not possible to express the damage using conventional Potency numbers. While there is damage variance, they cannot deal critical or direct hit damage and are unaffected by party buffs, medicines, or damage-altering statuses such as Weakness icon1.png Weakness. As such, it is preferable for any DPS with resurrection debuffs to use a limit break over other DPS, in a single-target scenario.

All classes and jobs of a given role will have the same level one and two limit breaks, while level three limit breaks are exclusive to jobs and their respective base classes. [fn 1] [fn 2] Limited Jobs are unable to use any limit breaks.

Players who wish to experiment with limit breaks while playing solo may join a duty with Explorer Mode enabled, which allows access to all three limit break levels and a striking dummy.

Limit Breaks are primarily usable in a party environment. The entire party shares the same limit break gauge, with each party in an Alliance raid having its own meter. There are 3 levels of limit breaks (commonly abbreviated LB1, LB2, and LB3): the 1st level can be used in a party with 4 or more members, the 2nd level needs a full party of 8 members, with an additional bar being added under certain conditions:

  • In dungeons, the second bar is added when engaging the final boss.
  • In trials and raids: three unfilled bars are available at the start of the duty, except for older raids that still have some regular enemies to fight through.
  • In alliance raids and similar special duties, the third bar is added for every boss fight separately, and will be unavailable for regular encounters.
  • The exception to this rule is in Trial The Porta Decumana trial, where the 4 member party will gain access to a filled third limit break bar during a scripted event.
  • In some trials and raids, the limit break gauge will reset when reaching a certain point in the duty, which will be indicated by a message on the screen. This indicates that the party has reached a checkpoint that they will restart from if they wipe.

Using the limit break action will automatically execute the highest-level limit break corresponding to the player's role based on the number of filled limit break gauge bars. When the limit break is executed, all gauge bars will be consumed, including partially filled bars.

It is worth noting that the addition of a third bar will also reset the progress of the bar. Its removal at the end of a fight (or due to a player disconnect reducing the party size below the requirement) does not, so only progress into the third bar is lost. As such, it can be beneficial to use a lower tier limit break before conditions change again.

All PvE limit breaks have a noticeable animation lock, the time in which the user is unable to move due to executing the limit break animation, which will continue for a few seconds even after the limit break's effects are applied. Higher-level limit breaks have longer animation locks. This can make the user vulnerable to being hit by avoidable AoEs. The animation lock duration is unaffected by haste, skill speed, spell speed, or statuses that reduce weaponskill/spell recast time. The healer role skill Rescue.png  Rescue can be used to free players stuck in an animation lock. After being freed, the player can move but will still be unable to execute actions until the normal duration of the animation lock expires.

Tank Limit Breaks

Tank Limit Breaks require Gladiator frame icon.png Gladiator, Marauder frame icon.png Marauder, Paladin frame icon.png Paladin, Warrior frame icon.png Warrior, Dark Knight frame icon.png Dark Knight or Gunbreaker frame icon1.png Gunbreaker. Tank Limit Breaks execute instantly but have a short animation lock. These are typically used when required in a specific duty (see below), in anticipation of heavy incoming damage when other party mitigation may not be sufficient, or to "cheese" some mechanics in fights and make them easier to execute.

Level 1

Shield Wall is the level 1 limit break for tanks. It reduces damage taken by self and all party members within 50 yalms by 20% for 10 seconds. It has an animation lock of 1.93 seconds.

Level 2

Stronghold is the level 2 limit break for tanks. It reduces damage taken by self and all party members within 50 yalms by 40% for 15 seconds. It has an animation lock of 3.86 seconds.

Level 3

Varies by class or job:

All level 3 tank limit breaks are functionally identical. They reduce damage taken by self and all party members within 50 yalms by 80% for 8 seconds. They have an animation lock of 3.86 seconds.



Some duties require a Level 3 Tank Limit Break to survive a strong enemy attack or to pass another mechanic. These include:

  1. Level 2 or higher required for phase 2-phase 3 transition. Level 3 required for a "cheese" strategy for Grand Octet.

Healer Limit Breaks

Healer Limit Breaks require Conjurer frame icon.png Conjurer, White Mage frame icon.png White Mage, Scholar frame icon.png Scholar, Astrologian frame icon.png Astrologian or Sage frame icon.png Sage. Healer Limit Breaks execute almost instantly but cause a significant amount of animation lock, especially on an LB3. Level 1 and 2 healer limit breaks are not worth using in most situations. However, level 3 limit breaks can and should be used in emergencies to recover a party on the brink of defeat.

Level 1

Healing Wind is the level 1 limit break for Healers. It has a 2 second cast time and restores 25% of max HP to self and all party members within 50 yalms. It has an animation lock of 2.1 seconds. This renders the user unable to perform any actions for a total of 4.1s.

Level 2

Breath of the Earth is the level 2 limit break for Healers. It has a 2 second cast time and restores 60% of max HP to self and all party members within 50 yalms. It has an animation lock of 5.1 seconds. This renders the user unable to perform any actions for a total of 7.1s.

Level 3

Varies by class or job:

All level 3 healer breaks are functionally identical. They have a 2 second cast time, 50 yalm effect radius, restore 100% of HP to self and all party members, and revive any party members that are KO'd. They also have an 8.1 second animation lock, rendering the user unable to perform actions for a total of 10.1 seconds. Members that are resurrected via the limit break will also have 100% of their HP and MP restored and will not suffer Weakness icon1.png Weakness. If they already had Weakness, it will not be increased to Brink of Death icon1.png Brink of Death. If they already had Weakness or Brink of Death, the debuff timer will be reset. Allies will be revived at their current location, with no prompt to accept the revival, unlike regular revive spells. Because of this, a party member who died in lethal terrain, such as a death zone at the edge of the arena, will die again instantly after being revived, since the lethal damage bypasses Transcendent icon1.png Transcendent (the 5 second invulnerability that players receive when they are revived by any means).


Melee DPS Limit Breaks

Melee DPS Limit Breaks require Lancer frame icon.png Lancer, Pugilist frame icon.png Pugilist, Rogue frame icon.png Rogue, Dragoon frame icon.png Dragoon, Monk frame icon.png Monk, Ninja frame icon.png Ninja, Samurai frame icon.png Samurai, Reaper frame icon.png Reaper, or Viper frame icon.png Viper. Melee Limit Breaks have a short cast time and moderate animation lock with melee range requirements. These are typically used against a single boss enemy.

Level 1

Braver is the level 1 limit break for Melee DPS. It deals x1.85 the damage of the Physical Ranged DPS role.png Physical Ranged DPS LB1 and x1.66 of the Magic Ranged DPS role.png Magical Ranged DPS LB1. Braver has a cast time of 2s and an animation lock of 3.86s. This renders the user unable to perform any actions for a total of 5.86s.

Level 2

Bladedance is the level 2 limit break for Melee DPS. It hits a single target with x2.2 the damage of Braver. Blade Dance has a cast time of 3s and an animation lock of 3.86s. This renders the user unable to perform any actions for a total of 6.86s.


Level 3

Varies by class or job:

All level 3 melee DPS limit breaks are functionally identical. They hit a single target with x3.5 the damage of Braver. They have a cast time of 4.5s and an animation lock of 3.7s. This renders the user unable to perform any actions for a total of 8.2s.


Physical Ranged DPS Limit Breaks

Physical Ranged DPS Limit Breaks require Archer frame icon.png Archer, Bard frame icon.png Bard, Machinist frame icon.png Machinist or Dancer frame icon1.png Dancer. Physical Ranged Limit Breaks have a moderate cast time and animation lock. These are typically used to quickly dispatch multiple "adds" when they can be lined up in raids or trials, or in dungeon pulls. It is usually preferable to use a ranged DPS limit break in dungeons against regular enemy pulls, which have multiple targets, instead of saving a melee limit break for the final boss, due to the higher overall potency of the ranged limit break on multiple targets compared to the single-target melee limit break. Ranged DPS limit breaks can also be used to pull enemies or bosses in alliance raids or other large-scale duties (e.g., Delubrum Reginae), as any leftover limit break gauge will be reset upon engaging a boss.

Level 1

Big Shot is the level 1 limit break for Ranged Physical DPS. It hits all targets in a straight line with x0.54 the damage of the Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS LB1 and x0.9 Magic Ranged DPS role.png Magical Ranged DPS LB1. Big Shot has a cast time of 2s and an animation lock of 3.1s. This renders the user unable to perform any actions for a total of 5.1s. Big Shot does more damage than Braver when it hits 2 targets, more damage than Bladedance when it hits 5 targets and more damage than Melee LB3 when it hits 7 targets.

Level 2

Desperado is the level 2 limit break for Ranged Physical DPS. It hits all targets in a straight line with x2.167 the damage of Big Shot. Desperado has a cast time of 3s and an animation lock of 3.1s. This renders the user unable to perform any actions for a total of 6.1s. Desperado does more damage than Braver, more damage than Bladedance when it hits 2 targets and more damage than Melee LB3 when it hits 3 targets.

Level 3

Varies by class or job:

All level 3 physical ranged DPS limit breaks are functionally identical. They hit all targets in a straight line with x3.5 the damage of Big Shot. Ranged LB3 has a cast time of 4.5s and an animation lock of 3.7s. This renders the user unable to perform any actions for a total of 8.2s. Ranged LB3 does more damage than Braver, more damage than Bladedance when it hits 2 targets and more damage than Melee LB3 when it hits 2 targets.


Magical Ranged DPS Limit Breaks

Magical Ranged DPS Limit Breaks require Thaumaturge frame icon.png Thaumaturge, Arcanist frame icon.png Arcanist, Black Mage frame icon.png Black Mage, Red Mage frame icon.png Red Mage, Summoner frame icon.png Summoner, or Pictomancer frame icon.png Pictomancer. These have the longest cast time and a short animation lock. Unlike the other DPS limit breaks it relies on manual ground targeting and can potentially miss the target if it suddenly moves. Similar, to physical ranged DPS limit breaks, these are typically used to quickly dispatch multiple "adds" in raids or trials, or in dungeon pulls. It is usually preferable to use a ranged DPS limit break in dungeons against regular enemy pulls, which have multiple targets, instead of saving a melee limit break for the final boss, due to the higher overall potency of the ranged limit break on multiple targets compared to the single-target melee limit break. Ranged DPS limit breaks can also be used to pull enemies or bosses in alliance raids or other large-scale duties (e.g., Delubrum Reginae), as any leftover limit break gauge will be reset upon engaging a boss.

Level 1

Skyshard is the level 1 limit break for Magical Ranged DPS. It hits all targets in a radius of 5 yalms, deals x0.6 Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS LB1 and x1.1̅1 Physical Ranged DPS role.png Physical Ranged DPS LB1. Skyshard has a cast time of 2s and an animation lock of 3.1s. This renders the user unable to perform any actions for a total of 5.1s. Skyshard does more damage than Braver when it hits 2 targets, more damage than Blade Dance when it hits 4 targets and more damage than Melee LB3 when it hits 6 targets.

Level 2

Starstorm is the level 2 limit break for Magical Ranged DPS. It hits all targets in a radius of 10 yalms with x2.167 the damage of Skyshard. Starstorm has a cast time of 3s and an animation lock of 5.1s. This renders the user unable to perform any actions for a total of 8.1s. Starstorm does more damage than Braver, more damage than Blade Dance when it hits 2 targets and more damage than Melee LB3 when it hits 3 targets.

Level 3

Varies by class or job:

All level 3 magical ranged DPS limit breaks are functionally identical. They hit all targets in a radius of 15 yalms with x3.5 the damage of Skyshard. Magical Ranged DPS LB3 has a cast time of 4.5s and an animation lock of 8.1s. This renders the user unable to perform any actions for a total of 12.6s. Magical Ranged DPS LB3 does more damage than Braver, more damage than Bladedance when it hits 2 targets and more damage than Melee LB3 when it hits 2 targets.


Squadron Limit Break

The Squadron Limit Break is only available during Command Missions, with the Execute Limit Break command. Your own class or job's Limit Break is also available as normal, but squadron members cannot cast their class's Limit Break.


Ungarmax icon1.png  Ungarmax is the Squadron Limit Break. It deals single-target damage and grants Damage up icon1.png Damage Up to the entire party for 15 seconds. It is a level 1 Limit Break. There is no level 2 Squadron Limit Break.


Limit Breaks can be generated and executed as long as there are at least 4 players in a party. In a 4 player party, the minimum amount of LB gauge that can be generated is one bar, and the maximum two. In an 8 player party, the minimum is two bars and the maximum three. Internally 1 LB bar is filled when 10000 units of LB gauge have accumulated. At that point, a distinct audio notification is played and the bar flashes orange.

LB gauge units can be generated actively and passively. All pre-Shadowbringers content works under the same rules for LB generation, while Shadowbringers content received tweaks to the active LB generation. All forms of LB generation scale in some way with how many LB bars are available in the duty.

Passive Generation

As soon as an encounter starts, LB is passively generated by a certain amount per 3s.

Factors that affect Passive LB Generation:

  • Total number of available LB bars (Positive)
  • Number of duplicate jobs (Negative)1
  • Number of non-standard compositions (Negative)1, 2

Factors that negatively scale with LB generation incur a penalty for each violation. E.g. solo healing and solo tanking counts as 1 penalty each and so both penalties would apply to the same party in a 1Tank role.png 1Healer role.png 6DPS role.png composition.

For 3 bars, the amount of LB gauge gained per tick is 220 > 170 > 160 > 154 > 144 > 140, going one step down for each penalty. You can see the details in the following table:

Number of penalties Units per tick Time until 1 bar fills Time until 2 bars fill Time until 3 bars fill
0 220 2m 18s 4m 33s 6m 51s
1 170 2m 57s 5m 54s 8m 51s
2 160 3m 9s 6m 15s 9m 24s
3 154 3m 15s 6m 30s 9m 45s
4 144 3m 30s 6m 57s 10m 27s
5 or more 140 3m 36s 7m 9s 10m 45s

1Only applicable in duties listed under “High-end duty”

2A standard composition is 1 Tank role.png - 1 Healer role.png - 2 DPS role.png in a light party, and is 2 Tank role.png - 2 Healer role.png - 4 DPS role.png in an full party

For Dungeons or general light party duties, the passive amount is adjusted to 75 gauge units per tick for one bar and 180 for two bars. It would take one bar 6m 42s to fill passively and two bars 5m 32s.

Active Generation

Active LB generation falls into five distinct categories: Critical Health Recovery, Surviving Lethal Damage, Interrupts/Silences, Killing Adds, and Resolving Mechanics. Since these have been tweaked since Shadowbringers, the following will be divided based on content. Keep in mind that any pre-Shadowbringers content still uses the pre-Shadowbringers values.

pre-Shadowbringers Content

Critical Health Recovery

Critical health recovery generation describes an event where a player has less or equal to 10% of their maximum HP and receives a direct heal, which results in LB gauge generation. When successfully healed in this HP range with a direct healing spell or ability, the group is awarded 200 LB gauge units per bar, for up to 600 gauge units. This has no cooldown and is awarded on a per-player basis.

Surviving Lethal Damage

Surviving lethal damage generation describes an event where a player survives damage that is equal to or exceeds their current HP due to on-player mitigation or shields. Effects that lower an enemy’s damage through an enemy debuff, like Addle, Feint or Reprisal etc., do not count for it and can lower the damage enough to miss the “Surviving Lethal” threshold. This gains the group 500 LB gauge units per bar, for up to 1500 gauge units. This has no cooldown and is awarded on a per-player basis.


Interrupting casts with stuns or an interrupt ability such as Head Graze.png  Head Graze can award a certain amount of LB gauge. The amount granted is depending on the duty. It is possible that it awards no gauge units.

Killing Adds

Killing adds can award a certain amount of LB gauge. The amount granted is depending on the duty. For example, killing Infernal Nails in The Bowl of Embers (Extreme) awards a set amount.

Resolving Mechanics

Resolving mechanics generation describes an event where players are awarded a certain amount of LB gauge units since they did a mechanic successfully. The amount of LB granted varies on a duty basis.

Post-Shadowbringers Content

Critical Health Recovery

The number of gauge units generated per LB bar was adjusted to 100 for critical health recovery from direct AoE healing actions and abilities and 200 units for single target. The LB gauge will no longer fill when non-healer jobs use healing actions. That means the maximum amount per person is still the same 600 units, for single target heals.

Surviving Lethal Damage

The number of units per LB bar was adjusted to 100 for surviving lethal damage due to on-player mitigation or shields. Invulns don’t seem to count for it. Effects that lower an enemy’s damage through an enemy debuff, like Addle, Feint or Reprisal etc., do not count for it and can lower the damage enough to miss the “Surviving Lethal” threshold. This means the maximum generation per person equals 300 gauge units.

Killing Adds, Interrupts/Silences, Resolving Mechanics

These all appear to be unchanged or didn’t make an appearance in any encounter.


Limit Break gauge in PvP

In PvP, each player has access to one limit break bar, which is unique to them and not a shared party resource. The bar gradually fills over time in combat at rates that depend on the job. Each job has access to one or more limit break actions with unique effects based on the job and not are shared between roles, unlike in PvE.

Action Acquired Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Phalanx (PvP).png  Phalanx (PvP) Paladin frame icon.png PLD 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 15y
Grants the effect of Hallowed Ground to self and Phalanx to nearby party members.
Hallowed Ground Effect: Renders you impervious to all attacks
Duration: 10s
Phalanx Effect: Reduces damage taken by 33%
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Grants Blade of Faith Ready
Duration: 10s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 120s

※Action changes to Blade of Faith upon execution.
Primal Scream (PvP).png  Primal Scream (PvP) Warrior frame icon.png WAR 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 12y
Conal AoE in front of the user 12y
Let out a bloodcurdling cry in a cone before you, rendering enemies unable to use Guard.
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Grants Inner Release and Thrill of Battle
Inner Release Effect: Increases the potency of Primal Rend and Chaotic Cyclone, while also increasing movement speed by 25%, and granting immunity to Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Half-asleep, Sleep, Deep Freeze, and knockback and draw-in effects
Duration: 15s
Cannot execute Guard while under the effect of Inner Release.
Eventide (PvP).png  Eventide (PvP) Dark Knight frame icon.png DRK 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 0y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 30y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 6,000 to all enemies in a straight line before and behind you.
Potency increases up to 24,000 as HP nears maximum.
HP is reduced to 1 upon execution.
Additional Effect: Grants Undead Redemption
Undead Redemption Effect: Most attacks cannot reduce your HP to less than 1, and you absorb 100% of weaponskill damage dealt as HP
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Grants Blackblood
Duration: 10s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 105s

※Souleater Combo changes to Bloodspiller while under the effect of Blackblood.
Relentless Rush (PvP).png  Relentless Rush (PvP) Gunbreaker frame icon1.png GNB 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 5y
Unleashes a flurry of blade strikes on nearby enemies, dealing damage over time with a potency of 4,000 and reducing damage taken by 25% until effect expires.
Duration: 4s
Activates Terminal Trigger when effect duration expires.
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Relentless Shrapnel, reducing damage dealt by 4% while increasing damage taken by 4% per stack
Duration: 5s
Maximum Stacks: 5
Can be executed while moving.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 60s
※Action changes to Terminal Trigger upon execution.
Terminal Trigger (PvP).png  Terminal Trigger (PvP) Gunbreaker frame icon1.png GNB 30 Limit Break Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 12,000 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 3s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Relentless Rush.
Relentless Rush effect expires upon execution.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Afflatus Purgation (PvP).png  Afflatus Purgation (PvP) White Mage frame icon.png WHM 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 40y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 40y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 18,000 to all enemies in a straight line before you.
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 2s
Additional Effect: Grants Temperance
Temperance Effect: Increases damage dealt and healing potency by 10%, and grants Regen to self and nearby party members within 30 yalms
Cure Potency: 3,000
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 60s
Summon Seraph (PvP).png  Summon Seraph (PvP) Scholar frame icon.png SCH 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 30y
Circle AoE around the ground target 10y
Summons Seraph to fight at a designated location.
Seraph will execute Seraph Flight immediately after being summoned.
Automatically casts Seraphic Veil on party members who suffer damage.
Additional Effect: Grants Recitation
Recitation Effect: Increases the potency of Galvanize, Biolysis, and Biolytic effects
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 90s
※Action changes to Consolation upon execution.
Seraph Flight (PvP).png  Seraph Flight (PvP) Scholar frame icon.png SCH 30 Limit Break Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 10y
Grants Seraph Flight and Excogitation to all nearby party members.
Seraph Flight Effect: Nullifies the next status affliction that can be removed by Purify
Duration: 20s
Excogitation Effect: Restores HP when HP falls below 50% or upon effect duration expiration
Cure Potency: 8,000
Duration: 20s
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Celestial River (PvP).png  Celestial River (PvP) Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 15y
Reduces damage dealt by nearby enemies by 30%. Effect is reduced by 10% every 5 seconds.
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Increases damage dealt by self and nearby party members by 30%. Effect is reduced by 10% every 5s
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 105s
Mesotes (PvP).png  Mesotes (PvP) Sage frame icon.png SGE 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 30y
Circle AoE around the ground target 5y
Erects a magicked barrier at a select location, granting party members the effect of Mesotes and afflicting enemies with the effect of Lype when standing inside.
Duration: 15s
Mesotes Effect: Negates all damage from enemies who are not under the effect of Lype
Duration: 5s
Lype Effect: Damage over time
Potency: 8,000
Duration: 5s
The barrier can be relocated once before its effect expires, but the effect duration will not be reset.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 120s
Sky High (PvP).png  Sky High (PvP) Dragoon frame icon.png DRG 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Jump high into the air, preventing enemies from targeting you.
Movement is still possible before landing.
Duration: 5s
Additional Effect: Removes Heavy, Bind and Half-asleep
Executes Sky Shatter automatically when effect duration expires.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 90s
※Action changes to Sky Shatter upon execution.
Sky Shatter (PvP).png  Sky Shatter (PvP) Dragoon frame icon.png DRG 30 Limit Break Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 10y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 16,000 to all nearby enemies.
Potency is doubled when targets are within 5 yalms.
Additional Effect: Creates a barrier around self that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 24,000 potency.
Duration: 10s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Sky High.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Tenebrae Lemurum (PvP).png  Tenebrae Lemurum (PvP) Reaper frame icon.png RPR 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 10y
Offers your flesh as a vessel to your avatar, gaining 5 stacks of Enshrouded.
Duration: 20s
Additional Effect: Afflicts nearby enemies with Hysteria
Hysteria Effect: Afflicted enemies are unable to act of their own free will
Duration: 2s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 75s
Has no effect on players riding machina or non-player combatants.
※Action changes to Communio while under the effect of Enshrouded.
※Grim Swathe changes to Lemure's Slice while under the effect of Enshrouded.
※Infernal Slice Combo changes to Void Reaping while under the effect of Enshrouded.
Meteodrive (PvP).png  Meteodrive (PvP) Monk frame icon.png MNK 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 20y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Rushes target and delivers an attack with a potency of 12,000.
Additional Effect: Removes target's Guard
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Meteodrive, rendering them unable to move
Duration: 3s
If target does not have an active Guard effect, deals additional damage with a potency of 12,000.
Effect cannot be applied to players riding machina or non-player combatants.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 75s
Cannot be executed while bound.
Zantetsuken (PvP).png  Zantetsuken (PvP) Samurai frame icon.png SAM 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 20y
Circle AoE around the action target 5y
Swiftly charges forward, dealing damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 24,000.
If target is afflicted with Kuzushi, deals damage equal to 100% of their maximum HP.
Ignores the effects of Guard when dealing damage.
The additional effect of Kuzushi cannot be applied to players riding a machina and non-player combatants.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 120s
Cannot be executed while bound.
Seiton Tenchu (PvP).png  Seiton Tenchu (PvP) Ninja frame icon.png NIN 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 20y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Rushes target and delivers an attack with a potency of 12,000, incapacitating foes whose HP is below 50%.
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Death Link.
Duration: 4s
Defeating an enemy with this action, or one under the effect of Death Link, will grant Unsealed Seiton Tenchu, allowing a second execution of this action.
Duration: 8s
Effect duration is reduced by 1s each time it is applied to a target with a minumum duration of 4s.
Effect cannot be applied to players riding machina or non-player combatants.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full or while under the effect of Unsealed Seiton Tenchu.
Gauge Charge Time: 105s
Cannot be executed while bound.
World-swallower (PvP).png  World-swallower (PvP) Viper frame icon.png VPR 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 20y
Circle AoE around the action target 5y
Delivers a jumping physical attack to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 10,000.
Additional Effect: Grants Reawakened
Duration: 20s
Afflicts target with Noxious Gnash
Noxious Gnash Effect: Increases damage you deal target by 20%
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Heavy +75%
Duration: 5s
Final Fantasia (PvP).png  Final Fantasia (PvP) Bard frame icon.png BRD 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 30y
Reduces your weaponskill cast time and recast time by 10% while also increasing movement speed by 25%.
Additional Effect: Increases damage dealt by self and all party members within a radius of 30 yalms by 10% while also gradually filling the limit gauge
Duration: 30s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 120s
Effect can only be activated while target is in combat.
Marksman's Spite (PvP).png  Marksman's Spite (PvP) Machinist frame icon.png MCH 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 50y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 36,000.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 90s
Contradance (PvP).png  Contradance (PvP) Dancer frame icon1.png DNC 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 15y
Charms nearby enemies.
Duration: 2s
Damage you deal to charmed enemies will extend the effect duration by 2s. This effect can only be extended once.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 90s
Soul Resonance (PvP).png  Soul Resonance (PvP) Black Mage frame icon.png BLM 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Grants 6 stacks of Soul Resonance, upgrading Fire to Flare and Blizzard to Freeze.
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Grants Polyglot and Apocatastasis
Polyglot Effect: Action changes to Foul
Duration: 60s
Apocatastasis Effect: Reduces damage taken by 10%
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Reduces the recast time of Superflare by 15 seconds
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 60s
Summon Bahamut (PvP).png  Summon Bahamut (PvP) Summoner frame icon.png SMN 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 30y
Circle AoE around the ground target 15y
Enters Dreadwyrm Trance and summons Demi-Bahamut to fight at a designated location.
Duration: 20s
Demi-Bahamut will execute Megaflare upon being summoned, then execute Wyrmwave automatically, prioritizing targets with the lowest HP within 30 yalms.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 90s
※Action changes to Enkindle Bahamut upon execution.
※Ruin III changes to Astral Impulse while under the effect of Dreadwyrm Trance.
Megaflare (PvP).png  Megaflare (PvP) Summoner frame icon.png SMN 30 Limit Break Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 15y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 18,000 to all nearby enemies.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Summon Phoenix (PvP).png  Summon Phoenix (PvP) Summoner frame icon.png SMN 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 30y
Circle AoE around the ground target 15y
Enters Firebird Trance and summons Demi-Phoenix to fight at a designated location.
Duration: 20s
Demi-Phoenix will execute Everlasting Flight upon being summoned, then execute Scarlet Flame automatically, prioritizing the closest target within 30 yalms.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 90s
※Action changes to Enkindle Phoenix upon execution.
※Ruin III changes to Fountain of Fire while under the effect of Firebird Trance.
Everlasting Flight (PvP).png  Everlasting Flight (PvP) Summoner frame icon.png SMN 30 Limit Break Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 15y
Gradually restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 4,000
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Restores HP when HP falls below 25% or upon effect duration expiration
Cure Potency: 12,000
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Southern Cross (PvP).png  Southern Cross (PvP) Red Mage frame icon.png RDM 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 30y
Cross AoE around target 15y
Emblazons a grand cross on the ground beneath a party member or enemy, restoring HP of party members within range while damaging enemies.
Cure Potency: 8,000
Damage Potency: 8,000
White Shift Effect: Cure potency is increased by 50%
Black Shift Effect: Damage potency is increased by 50%
Targets standing at the cross's center will receive the effects of this action twice.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 90s
Advent of Chocobastion (PvP).png  Advent of Chocobastion (PvP) Pictomancer frame icon.png PCT 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 8y
Render a fat chocobo, knocking back all enemies within range 10 yalms.
Additional Effect: Creates a Chocobastion at your feet, reducing damage taken by 25% while increasing HP recovered by healing actions by 25% for self and all party members within the area
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Grants Starstruck
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 105s

※Advent of Chocobastion changes to Star Prism while Chocobastion is active.


  1. While it is widely assumed that classes cannot use Level 3 Limit Breaks, this is incorrect and is based on a faulty translation of the Japanese Patch 3.0 notes.[1] The English patch notes [2] state "Furthermore, level three limit breaks can now only be used by jobs." The phrase in the Japanese patch notes in question is "レベル3のリミットブレイクがジョブ固有のものに変更されます。" which is closer to "Level 3 limit breaks will be changed to be unique to each job.".
    Previously, each role shared a Limit Break 3: tanks shared Last Bastion, melee shared Final Heaven, magical ranged DPS shared Meteor, and physical ranged DPS and healers shared Pulse of Life. In this context, the word "固有" implies specificness or uniqueness, not necessarily exclusivity. The Japanese notes indicate a shift from shared LB3s among roles to unique LB3s for each job, emphasizing distinctiveness rather than exclusivity.
  2. See also this Reddit thread showing classes executing LB3s in battle.

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