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Into the Aery

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Into the Aery

Into the Aery Image.png
Quest giver
Foundation (X:13, Y:11)
Quest line
Heavensward Main Scenario Quests
Experience 50,700
Gil 5,000
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestReady to Fly
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Main Scenario QuestThe Song Begins
Feature QuestTricks and Stones

Main Scenario Progress: 296 / 953 (31.1%)


Heavensward Progress: 55 / 138 (39.9%)


Estinien is eager to set forth for the Aery.

— In-game description




  • Speak with Cid.


  • At the manufactory, Cid, Wedge, and Biggs take turns reassuring you that their manacutters are equal to the task of piercing the barrier around the Aery. Seeing no further need to delay, Estinien bids you fly with him to Nidhogg's lair forthwith. It would seem that the time has come at last to face the dread wyrm in a battle that could bring an end to a thousand years of suffering.
    • ※Challenge the Aery with other players via the Duty Finder, or with a party of NPCs via Duty Support. Both systems are accessible from the main menu as well as the dungeon's entrance point.
  • Following an aerial encounter with the enraged Nidhogg, you are separated from Estinien and land far from the duel between dragoon and wyrm. Undaunted, you cut a bloody path through the Aery's defenders, and eventually arrive at their master's lofty perch. There, with the Azure Dragoon stifling the source of Nidhogg's strength, you finally succeed in bringing the massive creature down. Speak to Estinien at Monsterie in the Churning Mists.
  • Glorying in victory, the Azure Dragoon gouges out Nidhogg's remaining eye, and sends the lifeless wyrm tumbling into the clouds below. Moments later, your Crystal of Lightning is suffused with new radiance, and you are treated to another vision of the past -- a vision wherein you witness the truth of Nidhogg's defeat at the hands of Haldrath and his knights. When you subsequently relate the tale to Estinien, the dragoon seems greatly perplexed. If Haldrath claimed both eyes from the wyrm, whence came the trophy so recently plucked from Nidhogg's skull? Discuss the matter further with Estinien.
  • Though Estinien has defeated his lifelong nemesis, the mysteries thus uncovered weigh heavily upon his heart. Only by wresting the truth from Hraesvelgr will your triumph be complete.


Accepting the Quest

Estinien: We have tarried long enough. Let us call upon Master Garlond and take possession of the manacutters.

Optional Dialogue

Estinien: The moment is at hand, Warrior of Light.
Wedge: <yawn> ...I guarantee you won't find any loose rivets—we triple–checked!
Biggs: These little beauties are our pride and joy... And now they're yours! So, uh... be careful with 'em, eh!?

Speaking with Cid

Cid: [Forename], old friend! The 'cutters are ready when you are!
Wedge: The finer adjustments cost us a few sleepless nights, but we got there in the end! 
Biggs: Which means you can get where you need to go. I tell you, these little beauties'll tear through that wind barrier like a cement drill through cottage cheese.
Cid: And that, my friends, is a Garlond Ironworks guarantee!
Estinien: You have our thanks. Come, Warrior of Light - the dread wyrm awaits!

Optional Dialogue

Estinien: To the manacutters, Warrior of Light─the dread wyrm awaits!

Cid: Give that overgrown lizard a kick in the tail from me, eh? We'll be waiting for you, [Forename]!

Entering the Aery


Nidhogg: Wicked mortals! I shall melt your flesh, and turn your bones to ash!

Duty Dialogue (Duty Support)

Temple Knight: These lightning strikes... Are they the work of dragons? 
Estinien: Never mind that. We have to hurry.
Estinien: Hmph. More lightning. 
Temple Chirurgeon: We must tread carefully.
Estinien: Your lightning won't save you now.
Estinien: Let's keep moving.
Estinien: They have the advantage here. 
Temple Chirurgeon: Even so, we must remain calm.
Estinien: Your guard is down.
Estinien: They'll not defeat us through sheer numbers.
Estinien: This one appears stronger than the others, but it matters little. 
Temple Knight: I leave the vanguard to you.
Temple Knight: <pant> <pant> ...Is it over? 
Estinien: Nidhogg is close. I sense him.
Estinien: Watch out! 
Temple Chirurgeon: Seven hells!
Estinien: We must rout them quickly, ere they overwhelm us.
Estinien: This ends here, Nidhogg! 
Temple Knight: Halone grant us strength! 
Nidhogg: Impudent mortal! 
Thou wouldst use mine own eye against me!? 
Nidhogg: Tremble at my fury! 
Nidhogg: Attend me, my kindred! 
Slay these treacherous children of man! 
Nidhogg: My rage will consume you! 
Estinien: We shall see whose rage is the greater! 
Nidhogg: Treacherous mortals! 
(Optional Post–duty Bubble)
Estinien: On your guard. Our work here is not yet done.

Post-Duty Cutscene

Nidhogg:Thou wouldst use mine own eye against me!? Time hath done naught to dilute thy kind's depravity!
Nidhogg: I have not forgotten thee, dragoon! Mine essence claimed thee once...and shall do so again!
Estinien: >> No wyrm! This ends here! <<
Estinien: You gifted my people a thousand years of suffering. Now I gift you an eternity in darkness!


Sylvetrel de Dzemael: They are ours, Lord Haldrath... The eyes of Nidhogg!
Haldrath: Aye... The wyrm lies broken and my father is avenged. With the wellspring of his vitality thus denied him, Nidhogg shall not linger long in this world.
Haldrath: But behold the terrible price we have paid. My sire is dead; so many brother knights slain.
Haldrath: We traded our honor for the strength which now courses in our veins. And still we are forced to make such sacrifice.
Sylvetrel de Dzemael: But not in vain, my lord. Hraesvelgr is the only great wyrm left in Dravania, and he dares not leave his lair.
Sylvetrel de Dzemael: With Nidhogg's eye in your possession, who can challenge the might of Ishgard? Ascend the throne, and take your rightful place as the ruler of our people!
Haldrath: Nay, my friend, I must forsake the mantle of king. Though Nidhogg be defeated, his wyrmling horde yet darkens the skies with wings beyond counting.
Haldrath: As one who partook of Ratatoskr's strength, it shall be my penance to bear a knight's arms until death grants me leave to retire. when that day comes, no prince shall perish, but a hells-bound hunter of dragons...
Sylvetrel de Dzemael: But Lord Haldrath! What then shall become of the royal line!?
Flavien de Fortemps: Think of your people, my lord! without a king, who will the common man turn to in his hour of need? How will he find his way without your benevolent hand to guide him?

Haldrath: I thank you, Ser Flavien and Ser Sylvetrel - for dispelling my remaining doubts. With men of such wisdom and compassion in service to the realm, 'tis plain that Ishgard has no need of a king.
Haldrath: But if you must bow to the demands of tradition, you need look no further than yourselves for one worthy to wear the crown.
Haldrath: Fare thee well, my brother knights...my loyal friends. On these shoulders shall I bear the weight of my father's sins; with this lance shall I repay the debt accrued through our misdeeds.
Sylvetrel de Dzemael: What cruel jest has fate played upon us...? Have we seized this desperate victory only to lose a king? 
Flavien de Fortemps: We can but act as our lord has bid. We few who remain must divide between us the rulership of Ishgard and her people.
Brawny Knight: Not I. My oath was to Lord Haldrath, and he alone. If he is not to be king, then I would hang up my shield, as well.
Sylvetrel de Dzemael: Will you abandon us, too, ser? 
Brawny Knight: I would wash my hands of blood and betrayal and take up an honest trade. Mayhap I shall serve ale instead of sharpened steel...
Flavien de Fortemps: We four, then...
Sylvetrel de Dzemael: Fortemps, Haillenarte, Durendaire, and Dzemael...
Sylvetrel de Dzemael: But four houses to rule all of Ishgard...
Flavien de Fortemps: ...And what of the throne?
Sylvetrel de Dzemael: We keep it empty. Until a king rises once more, we must assume the role of stewards.
Sylvetrel de Dzemael: We shall shape our nation anew with a history of our own making—and let the truth of this dark day die here, upon the battlefield.

Echo End

Estinien: What ails you, friend? Are you wounded?
Estinien: You have borne witness to history...to the culmination of the first battle with Nidhogg. 
Estinien: The legend of Ishgard's founding tells that our ancestors were led to the land of Coerthas by the valiant King Thordan. 
Estinien: In the midst of their journey, they came to a wide chasm, where they were set upon by a great wyrm─Nidhogg. A furious battle then ensued, with Thordan leading the van. 
Estinien: Though the brave king was slain defending his people, his son, Haldrath, the first Azure Dragoon, fought on undaunted... 
Estinien: And with a mighty thrust of his lance, he gouged out Nidhogg's eye, forcing the wicked creature into retreat. 
Estinien: Thus did this eldritch orb become a sacred treasure of Ishgard, lending its power to every knight deemed worthy to bear the title of Azure Dragoon. 
Estinien: A rousing tale, is it not? Would that I could still believe it. But your vision, which we must accept as immutable truth, leaves no room for doubt─save on one point. 
Estinien: If Haldrath took both of Nidhogg's eyes, then how came this eye to be lodged in the wyrm's skull? 
Estinien: Beneath every answer we unearth, another question lies buried...
Estinien: 'Twas a fierce battle, but one I knew we would win. Your fame is well deserved, Warrior of Light. Full proud am I to have fought at your side. 
Estinien: I would fain return with all swiftness to Ishgard to inform the lord commander of our triumph... 
Estinien: But we must first have words with Hraesvelgr. There are parts of this tale that the wyrm has kept from us, and I would know wherefore... 

Speaking with Estinien

Estinien: Though Nidhogg is fallen, my heart is yet heavy.
Estinien: ...And this stain of corruption pleases me not.  
...When all has been put to rest, I must needs forge my armor anew.