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His Forgotten Home

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His Forgotten Home

His Forgotten Home Image.png
Quest giver
The Doman Enclave (X:5.0, Y:5.5)
Quest line
Post-Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Experience 10,800
Gil 2,174
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Main Scenario QuestStorm on the Horizon
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Main Scenario QuestA Guilty Conscience

Main Scenario Progress: 518 / 953 (54.4%)


Stormblood Progress: 139 / 162 (85.8%)


Alisaie is pondering how best to make use of your reprieve from the tedium of negotiations.

— In-game description



  • Alisaie is in the middle of suggesting that you take some time to meet the people of Doma when Yugiri approaches with Asahi in tow. While Lord Hien deliberates over the proposed prisoner exchange, Asahi apparently wishes to take a trip around Yanxia. And who better to accompany him than the fabled Warrior of Light. Though you are sure he will be quite safe in Yugiri's company, it is plain that both would welcome your presence. You duly agree to join them, as does Alisaie, and the four of you set out for the town of Monzen.
  • Upon arriving in Monzen, Asahi is shocked to see what has become of the once-proud home of the samurai. Taking in the devastation wreaked under his sister's governance, he reaffirms his determination to put an end to the conflict between Doma and the Empire. That he might have a better view of the remnants of Doma Castle, Yugiri then leads him deeper into the ruins.
  • Doma Castle is no more, and Asahi can but lament the loss of the great keep which once graced Yanxia's skyline. Though Yugiri shares his sentiment, she observes that rebuilding such grand edifices will do little to help the people rebuild their lives. At the mention of Doma's long-suffering citizens, Asahi expresses a desire to visit Namai, recalling that the village is only a short journey away. To this end, Yugiri dutifully heads for the nearby docks to ready a boat to bear you back through the Moon Gates.
  • After a brief trip down the One River, you moor near the Eastern Ryurin Bridge only to hear a voice cry out in the distance. Asahi runs off towards the source of the commotion without hesitation and you follow in turn. Moments later, you are surprised to find Isse and Azami surrounded by a group of Red Kojin. Thankfully, the thick-shelled sellswords prove no match for you, and beat a hasty retreat. The danger having passed, you turn your attention to Isse and Azami, anxious to find out if either one has come to harm.
  • Asahi lays the blame for the Kojin's aggression squarely at the feet of the Empire, and Yugiri is quick to point out the absurdity of his position. Rather than take offense, however, he implores her to look past old allegiances that you might all work towards the common goal of peace.
  • While not under the best of circumstances, Asahi seems glad to have had the opportunity to share his thoughts on how relations between Doma and the Empire might be improved. And, regrettable though the battle was, he admits to having relished the chance to witness your martial prowess firsthand.

Solo Duty Walkthrough

Defeat all enemies and protect Isse to complete the duty.

  • Pick up any enemies targetting Isse as soon as possible to reduce the amount of damage he takes.
  • Try to keep yourself not too close, but not too far from Isse. Red Kojin mages and their captain will periodically cast AoEs targetting you, and he can be caught in the attack.
  • A blue marker above your head indicates an AoE attack that persists on the ground for some time. Make avoiding Isse a priority for this.
  • The Red Kojin captain will place a stack marker on Isse himself, prompting Asahi and you to group together to reduce the damage. Again, do not stray too far so that you can run to them in time, but separate as soon as possible to minimize further AoE attacks on him.


Accepting the Quest

Alisaie: All right, for want of a better suggestion, what say you to a brief tour of the newly liberated Doma? I'd be interested to hear how the people are faring in their own words, and it's not as if we'll be missed here. ...Or will we?

Yugiri: [Player]. A moment, if you would.

Alisaie: Ah, Yugiri. And... Asahi, was it? You have some business with [Player]?

Asahi: Business? No. Pleasure, my lady. I merely wished to exchange a few words with the famed slayer of gods and champion of Eorzea. It is truly an honor.

Alisaie: Such heartfelt admiration. One could almost forget that you're an envoy of the Empire.

Asahi: Oh? Is that so strange? We may have stood on opposing sides in the past, but I see no contradiction in lauding the [man/woman] who would do battle with our common enemy.

Asahi: And lest you forget, this is my homeland. It would be remiss of me not to at least thank [him/her] for containing the threat posed by the Kojin's vile eikon.

Asahi: Now, if I may continue -- as we speak, Lord Hien deliberates over my proposal, and I would take this time to see the land I once called home.

Asahi: Though Lady Yugiri is certain to be a jovial escort, the excursion would be all the more enjoyable for your company -- and safer besides.

Yugiri: ...The ambassador has the right of it. He is not like to come to harm with you at his side. Will you join us?

[Player]: It would be my pleasure. / I am quite sure he will be safe with you, Yugiri.

Alisaie: Come now, [Player]. There is naught else for us to do until Lord Hien has reached his decision. And were we not this moment discussing how best to learn more about the current state of Doma?

Asahi: It's settled, then. The four of us shall make a brief excursion through Yanxia.

Asahi: Might we start at the town of Monzen? I would see what has become of Doma Castle.

Yugiri: Very well. If you will follow me.

At Monzen

Alisaie: I'll admit, I was hoping for a more leisurely trip around Yanxia. But if it's a choice between this or listening to my brother rambling on, well... here I am.

Yugiri: Would that something could be done about these mechanical soldiers.

Asahi: Nay... Can this truly be Monzen, home to the cream of Doma's samurai? I had heard that Yotsuyu intended to send some few of our automatons here, but only by way of warning. It should not have come to this...

Asahi: Indeed, her savagery served only to incense the people and spur them to rise up in protest. It was folly to think such methods of governance could ever prove effective.

Asahi: <sigh> The sooner we can begin to make amends for this senseless destruction the better. Securing supplies and support for the reconstruction effort should not prove difficult -- once our nations are formally at peace, of course.

Yugiri: ...Yes, of course. If you would have a better view of what remains of the castle, we must proceed through the ruins.

At Doma Castle

Alisaie: I don't believe for one moment that he came to see the sights of Yanxia. The question: what did he come for?

Yugiri: Lord Hien would often come here to gaze at the castle. He was but one of many to take inspiration from its majesty.

Asahi: It is a travesty. A travesty. I remember the keep being so beautiful. In the light of the setting sun, one would swear it was aflame...

Yugiri: It is indeed a doleful spectacle. Mayhap we will rebuild it one day...when we have finished helping our people to rebuild their lives.

Asahi: Spoken like a true Popularis. The needs of the people must of course come first.

Asahi: Speaking of whom, would you be opposed to my seeing how they live firsthand? The village of Namai is but a short journey from here, if I'm not mistaken.

Yugiri: By river, yes. If you will follow me, I will ready our boat.

At the Docks

Alisaie: This excursion has proved to be more relaxing than I expected.

Yugiri: It has been some time since I last visited Namai. Yet Isse often visits the enclave with young Azami, so we do not want for news from the village.

Asahi: Ready to cast off?

Near Namai

???: Get back! I'm warning you!

Asahi: Someone's in trouble!

Asahi: Are you all right?

Isse: Aye...

Yugiri: What do they want with you?

Isse: Yugiri!? And you lot, too!? I--

Isse: I don't know. We were returning from the enclave when they came at us.

Alisaie: It seems they won't go quietly.

Asahi: And neither will we.

Solo Duty

Slickshell Captain: Kill them all!

Asahi sas Brutus: I will not let you harm these innocents!

Slickshell Captain: I grow tired of these games. Where are our reinforcements!?

Alisaie: All this for two children? What do they even want with them!?

Asahi sas Brutus: They mean to overwhelm us. See to their reinforcements. Quickly!

Slickshell Captain: Now! Aim for the younglings!

Asahi sas Brutus: Stand in front of them! We'll bear the brunt of it!

Yugiri Mistwalker: If they would call for reinforcements, then so shall we!

Yugiri Mistwalker: Quickly! Protect the children!

Asahi sas Brutus: Hold your ground! I will try to draw away their reinforcements.

After the Battle

Asahi: That seems to be the last of them. You have nothing to fear, child. You are safe now. 
Azami: Thank you, sir...
Isse: You saved us again. Thank you. If you're ever passing by our village, look us up. You'll always be welcome.
Asahi: Thank goodness we arrived when we did.
Alisaie: Indeed. But what could have prompted the Red Kojin to stray so far from the Ruby Sea?
Asahi: I presume these are the sellswords hired by Yotsuyu? If so, the answer is simple: desperation. Bereft of imperial employment, they seek other means to line their coinpurses. Another sad legacy of the Empire's mismanagement.
Yugiri: The Empire to which you have sworn allegiance.
Asahi: Must you always be so pointed? If we are to bring about lasting change, we must look beyond narrow allegiances. You have every right to doubt me, but in time I hope you will come to see that we share a common goal. You and yours have fought fiercely to change the Empire from without, but if we are to end the cycle of conflict, the Empire must change from within. Am I wrong?
[Player]: Not about that. True reform can only come from within. / The Empire will never change.
Asahi: I knew you would understand. You have witnessed such change firsthand, after all, during your time in Ishgard.

Finishing the Quest

Alisaie: Quite the swordsman, isn't he? I wonder, did the Empire train him to kill before or after appointing him ambassador...

Yugiri: The Red Kojin's presence here does not bode well. We must inform Lord Hien.

Asahi: Dear me... I had hoped to convey my views on our nations' shared hopes under more peaceable circumstances.

Asahi: Yet this regrettable little interlude did afford me a chance to see the famed hero of Eorzea in action, and few imperial soldiers can say that. At least, few who lived to tell the tale.