A Simple Plan

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A Simple Plan

Quest giver
Minfilia Warde
The Rising Stones (X:6.1, Y:5.2)
Quest line
Seventh Astral Era Main Scenario Quests
Experience 2,340
Gil 658
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestIn Flagrante Delicto
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Instruments of Our Deliverance

Main Scenario Progress: 212 / 953 (22.2%)


A Realm Reborn Progress: 212 / 241 (88%)


Minfilia has never been one to hesitate when it comes to asking others for aid.

— In-game description



Minfilia is in The Solar.



  • Minfilia has never been one to hesitate when it comes to asking others for aid.
  • It would seem that Minfilia's claims of progress on the matter of finding a way into Iceheart's sanctuary are somewhat premature. After a lengthy discussion with Urianger, the Antecedent has concluded that the Scions in Revenant's Toll lack the expertise to develop a solution and must therefore turn to another for assistance─a Sharlayan colleague who is currently en route to Mor Dhona. Minfilia invites you to accompany her to the northern gates, where she intends to greet the newcomer's arrival.
  • It turns out that Moenbryda's meeting with the other Scions is less an introduction and more a reunion─a particularly emotional one, in the case of Urianger. Setting her mind to the problem of the missing aetheryte, she quickly devises a solution involving white auracite, a material she has been researching for the purpose of capturing Ascian souls. By using it to channel a burst of concentrated aether into the aetheryte by which Iceheart escaped, she believes she can recreate the beacon at the opposite end. If successful, it should theoretically be possible for you to teleport to it. Should it fail, of course, any such attempt would result in your death─a painless death, to be sure, but a permanent one nonetheless.


Accepting the Quest

Minfilia: As you may recall, Iceheart used the aetheryte in the depths of Snowcloak to teleport a short distance to the west─most likely to a sanctuary of some description. It is there that we suspect she means to summon Shiva using the crystals she stole from the House Fortemps caravan.
Minfilia: The heretics believe that they are bringing about the second coming of their patron saint. But if, as we suspect, they mean to hold a summoning ritual of the kind employed by the beast tribes, it seems likely that the result will be something more akin to a primal.
Minfilia: Suffice it to say, they must be stopped─and stop them we shall. But first, we must surmount the obstacle that Iceheart has placed in our path.
Minfilia: Ordinarily, it would be a simple matter to tap into the established Aethernet and thereby follow our quarry. However, despite our best efforts, we have been unable to ascertain the position of the aetheryte to which she teleported.
Minfilia: Our prevailing theory is that she destroyed the second aetheryte upon arrival─a reckless, desperate measure, but also an effective one.
Minfilia: After discussing the matter at length with Urianger, we have concluded that we lack the expertise to develop a solution.
Minfilia: ...Which is why we have called upon the aid of one who does possess such expertise─a colleague of ours who is currently en route to Revenant's Toll from Sharlayan. She should be arriving within the hour, in fact.
Minfilia: Since you are here, mayhap we could welcome her together. I am certain she would appreciate the gesture. Let us make our way to the northern gates and await her coming.

Optional Dialogue

Minfilia: What manner of woman is she, I wonder...? We have spoken before via linkpearl, of course, but it is not the same.
Yda: I can't wait until she gets here! We have so much to talk about!
Papalymo: Master Louisoix did think quite highly of her. On the other hand, so does Yda...
Thancred: The arrival of a newcomer has ever been cause for celebration─doubly so when she's an attractive young lady. A bard could wish for no better audience. Mayhap I shall regale her with the tale of our battle against Leviathan's thralls─how I soared over my opponent's axe and brought him low with my blades...
Y'shtola: Only those with proven expertise receive the mark─as our newcomer has. Pay no heed to her manner.

Waiting for the carriage outside Revenant's Toll (Cutscene)

???: Minfilia, am I right? 
Minfilia: None other. I bid you welcome to Revenant's Toll, and thank you for traveling so far on such short notice. 
???: Hah! As if I could ever say no to Urianger! 
Minfilia: Moenbryda is an accomplished Sharlayan scholar and an authority on aetheryte technologies. 
Minfilia: She has played an invaluable role in our search for a means to capture Ascian souls. 
Moenbryda: Charmed, I'm sure. 

Optional Dialogue

Moenbryda: For an outpost in an aether-rich wasteland, this place is a good deal livelier than I expected. Just goes to show that you never know until you know.

Speaking with Minfilia

Minfilia: Let us return to the Rising Stones at once, then. We have much to discuss.

Optional Dialogue

Moenbryda: Is that Tupsimati on the wall back there? I'm amazed you managed to find all the pieces after...well...you know.

Speaking with Minfilia (Cutscene)

Yda: Moen! Gods, it's been ages! 
Moenbryda: Oh, longer, sister! 
Y'shtola: A joyous reunion indeed. 
Yda: Well, of course it is! Moen and I are like twin sisters! 
Papalymo: ...Save in appearance and aptitude. 
Minfilia: Everyone, if I could have your attention! 
Minfilia: We have with us an esteemed guest who is come from Sharlayan to assist us. 
Minfilia: I bid Moenbryda join us here that she might share with us her extensive knowledge of aetherytes. 
Minfilia: Also, as many of you are already aware, she has been overseeing our research into white auracite─a sample of which she has been good enough to bring with her. 
Moenbryda: Well, I had to come, didn't I? You'd have to be bloody daft to turn your nose up at a chance like this. Where better to conduct my final tests than a land so steeped in aether you can taste it!? 
Urianger: 'Tis plain the passage of the years hath done little to dampen thy youthful spirits... 
Urianger: ...And nothing at all to reform thy youthful manner. 
Moenbryda: Urianger! Where in the hells've you been hiding? 
Urianger: Un...unhand me. 
Moenbryda: I come all this way, and that's what you have to say to me!? 
Moenbryda: I much preferred when you were pleading with me to drop everything and hurry to your side. What was it you said? “None save thee can satisfy this need─” 
Thancred: Go on... 
Urianger: Th-Thine artless attempts to misrepresent mine all-too-innocent motives do thee little credit! 
Urianger: Mine intent, as well thou knowest, was but to impress upon thee the gravity of the circumstance. Lest thou doubt, a deiform entity shall shortly be summoned, save if thou, and no other, grantest my compeers thine aid. 
Moenbryda: You still haven't found it, then? Your missing aetheryte? 
Minfilia: We have not, no. 
Minfilia: We know that Iceheart teleported to an aetheryte not far from the first, yet even after careful analysis, we could not locate the second beacon. 
Minfilia: We now suspect that the heretics destroyed the second aetheryte to impede our pursuit. 
Minfilia: Our allies continue to scour Snowcloak for Iceheart's sanctuary, but we have no guarantee that they will find it. Yet it must be found, for even now Iceheart prepares to call upon Saint Shiva.
Moenbryda: I'm sorry but...if the aetheryte's been destroyed, then that's that. 
Moenbryda: Although... You're absolutely sure she used the first aetheryte, are you? She didn't just use teleportation magicks? 
Minfilia: One of our own bore witness to her escape. I can say with absolute certainty that Iceheart used the aetheryte. 
Moenbryda: In that case, there might be a way─so long as the aetherial current is still flowing. 
Minfilia: Truly? How? 
Moenbryda: We use the current to recreate the beacon. 
Moenbryda: As you know, aetherytes are a bit like lighthouses. We use them to reconstitute our physical forms when crossing the aetherial sea. Without them, we'd lose all sense of direction and our essence would dissipate. 
Moenbryda: However, we don't rely solely on these beacons. There are currents of aether which flow between them─currents which help guide us to our destination. 
Moenbryda: Now, these currents will gradually dwindle away to nothing if an aetheryte is destroyed. But if even a sluggish flow remains, we could theoretically use it to direct a surge of concentrated aether towards the void left by the beacon and thereby fill it up again. 
Thancred: Like opening the floodgates to fill a dry riverbed. Though, correct me if I'm wrong, but would we not need a veritable reservoir of aether? 
Papalymo: In concert, we might manage to channel a sufficient volume, yet that is not my chief concern. 
Papalymo: To direct the flow of so great a volume of aether with the requisite precision would be a nigh-impossible task in itself. 
Y'shtola: I barely succeeded in facilitating travel to an unattuned beacon. That which you describe sounds considerably more difficult. 
Moenbryda: And dangerous! Every person who has attempted to teleport in this fashion has died in the process. They, however, did not have white auracite at their disposal! 
Moenbryda: I can use it to channel all the aether you can give me into the aetheryte. However, white auracite cannot retain aether for an extended period of time, so we would need to infuse it immediately beforehand. 
Moenbryda: Just so you know, I'd confidently give this plan better than even odds of success. And if the worst comes to the worst, your people won't suffer. 
Minfilia: Though it risk the lives of our best and brightest, we have not the time to seek other options. 
Minfilia: If the aetherial current still flows, we shall carry out Moenbryda's plan. 
Moenbryda: That's the spirit! Let's roll the dice!