A Sight to Behold

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A Sight to Behold

Quest giver
Naoh Gamduhla
New Gridania (X:11.8, Y:13.4)
Required quest
Main Scenario QuestSylph-management
Required items
1 Age-worn log icon1.png  Age-worn Log
Experience 870
Gil 320
Next quest
Feature QuestSights of the North
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Naoh Gamduhla wishes the patrons of the Carline Canopy would keep a closer eye on their belongings.

— In-game description






  • Naoh Gamduhla wishes the patrons of the Carline Canopy would keep a closer eye on their belongings.
  • Naoh Gamduhla seeks to return a journal lost at the Carline Canopy to its rightful owner, and suspects that Eral─a regular given to wooing winsome lasses─may have some knowledge as to the girl's whereabouts. Spare Naoh a measure of suffering by questioning the boorish lout in her stead.
  • Amidst a goodly share of empty bluster and braggadocio, Eral offers you just enough information to track down the log's owner, a young lass whose name he has already forgotten. Head to Apkallu Falls and seek out a girl wearing a straw hat.
  • You deliver the journal to Millith Ironheart, who is delighted to be reunited with her sightseeing log─a personal record of the vistas of surpassing beauty that she has seen and heard of in her travels across Eorzea. Believing her words woefully ill-equipped to convey such wonders, she encourages you to visit a local spot that has struck her fancy. Seek out a place where “afore the Fane, beneath the two that are as one, Her divine cup runneth over with light aetherial,” and /lookout upon the scene with your own eyes.
  • You have found the place described to you by Millith. Having taken in its beauty, return to Apkallu Falls and share with her your thoughts.
  • Heartened to have found a kindred spirit, Millith furnishes you with a sightseeing log of your own, that you might see the realm as only a true aesthete can. Travel far and wide to look upon the vistas described in the log's pages, then return to Millith when your journey is complete.
    • ※Paying heed to weather conditions and time of day, seek out the locations described. Perform the designated emote while taking in the sights, and the corresponding entry will be marked as complete.


Accepting the Quest

Naoh Gamduhla: <sigh> As if I'm not busy enough without playing lost and found... Oh─do forgive me, friend. Once again, one of our customers has departed without her belongings, and I'm at a loss for what to do about it.
Naoh Gamduhla: While I understand that adventurers have many cares on their minds, 'twould make my life much easier if they could keep their personal effects in order. But you did not come here to lend an ear to my grumblings.
Naoh Gamduhla: This is the book in question. The face of its owner was unfamiliar to me, but Eral over there seemed quite smitten with her─as with every pretty lass he lays his eyes on, but that's neither here nor there. Might I trouble you to inquire as to the girl's whereabouts? I've found the man to be less than forthcoming ever since I spurned his advances.

Speaking with Eral

Eral: Ah, the sweet little thing with the journal? 'Course I remember her, and remember her well. Had a smile to warm the heart, and a laugh─a lilt, one might say?─to tickle the depths of the soul. And she was most eager to hear tales of my many travels, which speaks to a keen and sensitive mind.
Eral: Jilly, I believe was her name? No, that's not right─Jilly was the redhead from last week. Ah, damned if I can remember! You must understand, no small number of comely lasses seek out my company. I daresay keeping all the names and faces straight is an adventure in itself.
Eral: Anyroad, the girl spoke of paying a visit to Apkallu Falls before traveling on. Like as not you'll find her there now, shedding a tear or two at our parting. Do pass along my regards if you see her─she should be readily recognizable in that charming straw hat of hers.
Eral: If you're looking for the young lass who left behind that log, she spoke of paying a visit to Apkallu Falls before she journeys on. Looked terribly charming in that straw hat of hers. A bit boyish, perhaps, but they can't all be perfect, now can they?

Delivering the Log to Millith Ironheart

Millith Ironheart: Pardon, I don't believe we've met. Hm? You've something of mine, you say?
Millith Ironheart: My journal! Thank the Twelve! In my haste to escape the clutches of that insufferable mutton-monger, it slipped my mind entirely. Might I be so bold as to ask your name?
Millith Ironheart: You have my gratitude, [First name]. It may not look like much, but I count this humble diary among my most prized possessions.
Millith Ironheart: Its pages brim with tales of the most heart-stirring sights to be seen in our realm, as told to me by the sensitive souls I have met in my travels across Eorzea─tales that have struck me with a most incurable case of wanderlust.
Millith Ironheart: As an adventurer, you too have seen the realm, I am sure. But I would ask you, [First name]: have you truly seen her? Borne witness to Eorzea in her myriads of splendor?
Millith Ironheart: Have you stood on the palm-fringed beaches of Costa del Sol just as the sun peeks out over the horizon, its rays kissing the sands beneath your feet? Have you lost yourself in the night sky of the Sagolii, adrift amidst a boundless sea of stars? Ah, but why do I even try to convey with words that which must be seen to be appreciated!
Millith Ironheart: To our fortune, whithersoever we wander, Eorzea's beauty is but a stone's throw away. If I may quote from my journal...yes, this is the one. “Afore the Fane, beneath the two that are as one, Her divine cup runneth over with light aetherial. Such were the conjurer's words, and I would see as she saw.”
Millith Ironheart: I saw for myself before coming here, and I can assure you the conjurer spoke true. Indulge me─go there and look out upon the beauty before you. I would hear your thoughts.
System: You have looked upon one of Eorzea's stirring vistas, as identified by the explorer Millith Ironheart. Return to Apkallu Falls and report your sighting.

Reporting to Millith Ironheart

Millith Ironheart: Welcome back, [First name]. I trust you were as moved by the sight as I was? The great stone that adorns the entrance to Stillglade Fane is none other than the Skyserpent's Egg, cast down from the heavens by Nophica the Matron so long ago.
Millith Ironheart: And those mammoth tree trunks─remnants, no doubt, of a primeval forest. Whence did they come? Why do the two great arbors grow as one? This, I do not know─but what I do know is that the realm is replete with such beauty, if only we know where to look.
Millith Ironheart: This is what compels me to wander─not the promise of power, glory, or riches, but a burning desire to bear witness to all the wonders around us, as wrought by gods and men alike.
Millith Ironheart: Though we have just met, the twinkle in your eye tells me that we share certain aesthetic sensitivities. It would be my pleasure to gift you with a sightseeing log of your own.
Millith Ironheart: In its pages, you will find my record of the most stirring sights in the realm, both those I have seen with my own eyes, and those I have─thus far, at least─only heard of in my travels.
Millith Ironheart: No doubt your adventures keep you occupied, but is this not all the more reason to take in the sights as you travel, that both body and mind might enjoy a moment's respite from time to time? And who can say? Perhaps you will discover glorious new vistas that have eluded even me.
Millith Ironheart: With that, I wish you safe travels, [First name]. When you have seen all there is to see, pray return to me. I would like nothing more than to share impressions with a fellow sensitive soul.

System Dialogue

System: You now have access to the sightseeing log, a compendium of the most beautiful sights to be seen in Eorzea, as compiled by the explorer Millith Ironheart. To open it, select [Logs] from the main menu, followed by [Sightseeing Log].
System: From the snippets of information contained within, identify and seek out the locations described. Note that certain sights may only be properly appreciated at a given time of day, or under ideal weather conditions.
System: Perform the designated emote while taking in the sights, and the entry for the corresponding vista will be marked off. With your sightseeing log in hand, go forth and see Eorzea as few have ever seen her before!