A Glimpse of Madness
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A Glimpse of Madness
- Quest giver
- Liberation Front Guard
- Location
- Yanxia (X:27.0, Y:13.9)
- Quest line
- Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 64
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Life after Doma
- Next quest
The Stubborn Remainder
- Patch
- 4.0
Main Scenario Progress: 436 / 960 (45.4%)
Stormblood Progress: 57 / 162 (35.2%)
“It is not often that the Liberation Front guard welcomes heroes from distant lands, but he is doing his best to compose himself.
— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
- 1 Gyuki Leather Pot Helm
- 1 Koppranickel Temple Chain
- 1 Ruby Cotton Hat of Casting
- 3 Savage Aim Materia V
- It is not often that the Liberation Front guard welcomes heroes from distant lands, but he is doing his best to compose himself.
(Optional) Gosetsu: I...I require but a moment to catch my breath...
Accepting the Quest
Liberation Front Guard: You are [Forename] [Surname], are you not? We were told of your coming. Liberation Front Guard: Heroes of Eorzea, we of the Doman Liberation Front are honored to receive you. If you would be so good as to follow me...
Lyse: This is the House of the Fierce? But there are so few of them...
Gosetsu: Many kindred spirits remain in hiding following the rebellion. Many others gave their lives for their nation. We are the stubborn remainder. Gosetsu: Even accounting for our comrades in the field, we are at a fraction of our former strength, 'tis true. Yet we few are patriots─brothers-in-arms, prepared to fight with every fiber of our being to set our people free.
Yugiri: Ever are we hopeful that others will join our cause. But never did I dream that you would journey so far.
Lyse: Yugiri! Gods, it's good to see you! You look great, by the way! Have you been here long?
Yugiri: I returned but recently, having concluded my mission. Oh, it is good to see you again, my friends.
Gosetsu: Did I hear aright? Your mission is concluded? Then you have found the young master?
Yugiri: Ere we speak of that, I would know by what fortuitous circumstance our friends came to be here. Yugiri: The Empire's crimes are all too familiar. Lyse─my heart goes out to your people.
Lyse: We wanted to stay and fight, believe me, but we knew it wouldn't work. We needed more time to rebuild─and more allies to stand with us against the Empire. Lyse: So we decided to come here and help you free Doma. To show you─to show everyone─that you're not alone, and that the Garleans can be beaten, if we work together. I'd like to think we proved that in the Ruby Sea...
Yugiri: That you did, Lyse, and far more besides. Needless to say, your assistance would be most welcome.
Gosetsu: Hear, hear! Now then, Yugiri─you must tell me of your search for our master!
Yugiri: Lest you wonder, he speaks of Lord Hien, son of Lord Kaien, who perished during the rebellion. Yugiri: When it became clear that all hope of victory had gone, Lord Hien bade us deliver as many of our people as we could to safety beyond our borders. But as his father's heir, he was determined to fight on, and so he did─until he suffered a grievous wound in battle and vanished without a trace... Yugiri: Until now. For I have found Lord Hien─seen and spoken with him. On the Azim Steppe.
Gosetsu: O boundless and merciful kami, the young master lives! Tell me, was he well? Did his wound yet ail him? Where is he now? Have you brought him back to us!?
Yugiri: You may take comfort in the knowledge that he is hale and whole. However, when I invited him to return with me to Doma, he had this to say... Yugiri: "If Doma yet thirsts for the blood of patriots and tyrants, I shall offer unto her my blade. But if she has had her fill of bitter draughts, I shall offer unto her conquerors my head.“ Yugiri: Thrice did I declare to him that no true son or daughter of Doma would ever accept such a sacrifice. But for all my passion, he would not be swayed. Yugiri: "Learn the truth of her heart and return to me," he said. And so I left him.
Gosetsu: The words of one made to wear the mantle of leadership too soon... Gosetsu: Yet there is wisdom in them all the same. If the people no longer yearn to be free, 'twould be folly to rekindle the fires of war.
Yugiri: To suffer our master to surrender his life and forsake all hope of freedom is by far the greater folly. I will not go to face my fallen comrades having done naught to stop it.
Gosetsu: Nor I, shadow walker, nor I. But we need not rouse our comrades to battle this day. Let us instead welcome our honored guests and allow them a moment of respite.
Haname: Is it true that you have come from the far side of the world solely to aid us in our fight? If so, then you have my utmost gratitude.
Yagoro: If the tales are to be believed, you are a warrior of peerless skill. I pray they are no exaggeration.
Motojiro: More allies to aid the Doman Liberation Front? We should be glad to receive you!
Yugiri: Though our resources are limited, our stronghold is secure. You may rest and recover here ins safety.
Aoi: As you have seen, we are few in number and our resources are limited. Our every action must be planned with care, for we can ill afford to suffer losses.
Liberation Front Infantry: To think that warriors such as you journeyed across the seas to aid our cause... We cannot thank you enough!
Kaidate: Eleven...<huff>...twelve...<puff> If I am to help free Doma from the yoke of imperial oppression, I must train my body to its physical peak! A daily regimen of vigorous exercise is essential!
Speaking with your friends
Alisaie: As you can see, they went to great lengths to disable the aetheryte. Apparently, in the twilight days of the rebellion, they feared that Zenos would be willing to risk sending unattuned conscripts. Alisaie: That said, it is hardly irreversible. They have the necessary materials. It would be a challenge to repair it alone, but mayhap with my brother's help... (Optional) Alisaie: Moenbryda could have done it with her eyes closed. What little Alphinaud and I know of aetheryte technology, we learned from her when she came to visit Grandfather.
Speaking with Lyse (Cutscene)
Lyse: You should hear this, [Forename]. He was just telling me about Zenos and the rebellion.
Liberation Front Infantry: What you have to understand is that it was not a simple matter of numbers. The bulk of the XIIth never even took the field. It was Zenos's stratagems that won the war. They were unlike anything we had ever seen. Liberation Front Infantry: His formations were unorthodox─bewildering. We honestly thought we had him on the back foot. One moment we were pressing home our advantage, the next we were surrounded and at his mercy. Liberation Front Infantry: And then he stood before us, his cornered prey. Alone and unarmed. He beckoned us to come forward and fight for our lives. Liberation Front Infantry: One by one, my comrades charged. Fearless and unflinching, he would dance amidst their blades for a time, and then draw close, as if to embrace... Liberation Front Infantry: One...after...another. He made us watch. Do you understand? He made us watch.
Lyse: What kind of monster enjoys killing people?
Liberation Front Infantry: ...I do not think there was any joy in it. Nor justice, nor morality, nor meaning. To him, the weight of one life is no different from that of a thousand. Liberation Front Infantry: A challenge had been issued and was accepted. But on finding us no challenge at all, his objective changed. Liberation Front Infantry: There were tales of imperial soldiers being flayed for slaughtering families. For breaking brave men's spirits. Only later did I come to understand why. He did not desire obedience. He desired hate...and men consumed by it. Liberation Front Infantry: A new battle. A new enemy. A new challenge. The hunt, I am told he called it. A hunt without end. Liberation Front Infantry: And when all our best lay dead and broken, he left. He left, muttering that we had “bored” him. Liberation Front Infantry: But our weapons, at least, held his interest. For he took a fallen samurai's sword, having grown...fond of it. Liberation Front Infantry: Since that day, he has ever wielded Far Eastern blades. He is said to be fascinated by ones with storied histories, and so soldiers who seek to curry his favor often present those of defeated enemies as gifts.
Lyse: It's like it's all a game to him. People are suffering─dying─and he's collecting swords?
Liberation Front Infantry: ...We all feel the same. But my lady, you must understand... Liberation Front Infantry: On the battlefield, reasons do not matter. The victor is not the just, but the strong, and the strong become the heroes of the tale. We were not strong enough. Liberation Front Infantry: It is not sufficient to be right. To be just. Without strength, our path has but one end...
(Optional) Lyse: If it's strength we need, then it's strength we'll get. We can't lose to him again...
Gosetsu: Mayhap a brief respite is in order. Were I twenty years younger, these wounds would not warrant a second glance. Alas, no samurai has the strength to defeat that villain Old Age. Gosetsu: But what say you to the House of the Fierce? Compared to your Rising Stones, I concede it may seem somewhat lacking... Gosetsu: But it has been a haven these past ten years to all who would set Doma free. Gosetsu: Regrettably, our efforts in that time have come to little and less... Gosetsu: <sigh> When the Emperor died, we were so sure the hour of our liberation was at hand. But Zenos soon put paid to that, with the aid of Yotsuyu and the secrets she sold. (Optional) Gosetsu: Before the might of the XIIth Legion, our forces were as cattle to be slaughtered. Not even the shinobi escaped their wrath. Yet somehow our sanctuary remained undiscovered, and we few lived to fight another day.
Speaking with Yugiri
Yugiri: [Forename]. I do hope you have taken this opportunity to rest and recover. Yugiri: It is well that you spoke with one of the survivors of that massacre. To defeat one's foe, one must first understand his true nature. Yugiri: As the Ala Mhigan Resistance has struggled, so too has the Doman Liberation Front. More so, perhaps, given the precarious position in which we find ourselves in the wake of our doomed rebellion. Yugiri: We are few, and our enemies legion. We are weak, and they strong. Yet with your help, I believe that there is little we cannot achieve... I only hope the depth of our predicament has not shaken your commitment to our cause.
< What will you say? > < Never. Victory will be ours! > < No, no. I relish the challenge. > < Not so long as I can expect a suitably generous reward. >
< Never. Victory will be ours! > Yugiri: Aye, that it will. With the hero of Eorzea on our side, we cannot lose!
< No, no. I relish the challenge. > Yugiri: You...relish the thought of facing that monster again? But of course─the hero of Eorzea fears no foe!
< Not so long as I can expect a suitably generous reward. > Yugiri: ...Of course. It may take time, but rest assured you will receive due compensation.