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A Gigantic Undertaking

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A Gigantic Undertaking

Quest giver
Kholusia (X:12.5, Y:20.3)
Quest line
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Experience 227,520
Gil 1,000
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestIn Mt. Gulg's Shadow
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestMeet the Tholls

Main Scenario Progress: 629 / 953 (66%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 88 / 157 (56.1%)


Alisaie would share the findings of your scouting mission with everyone.

— In-game description



What will you say?

  • Dulia is counting on you as well.
  • Things won't improve by themselves. You have to take the first step.
  • We liberated the castle with a strategy that many would call absurd.
  • I'll protect you. I'll protect everyone.



  • Alisaie would share the findings of your scouting mission with everyone.


Quest Acceptance

Thancred: ...In short, there's no path, and the sky is thick with Vauthry's winged devils.
Alphinaud: We might consider amaro, but without extensive training, we cannot hope to contend with the eaters.
Alphinaud: Eulmore's airship fleet, meanwhile, consists solely of transport vessels ill-suited for battle. And without the expertise of one such as Cid, we are in no position to attempt a refit.
Dulia-Chai: Oh, it's so frustrating! That wretched mountain should jolly well come back down to earth!
Chai-Nuzz: Now, now, dearest. We mustn't disturb these good people at their work.
Chai-Nuzz: We've ridden the Ladder and seen the sights. It's past time we took our leave.
Y'shtola: The lady may well have the right of it.
Y'shtola: Mt. Gulg will not soon come down to earth, nor can we compel it to do so. But if the mountain will not come to the land, mayhap the land may be made to come to the mountain...
Y'shtola: ...In the form of a Talos. A Talos large enough to reach out and take the volcano in its grasp.
Urianger: To build such a golem would be an onerous undertaking indeed...yet the principle seemeth sound in itself.
Chai-Nuzz: Balderdash! No one has ever made one even half that size!
Chai-Nuzz: Leaving aside the small matter of logistics─which, by the way, would be no small matter─the design would need to be unimaginably complex!
Chai-Nuzz: Though, I suppose... Hmm... If its only function is to cling to the ruddy mountain, perhaps it needn't be...
Chai-Nuzz: A solid base, firmly rooted to the ground─sacrifice mobility to simplify the construction, reducing materials required...
Chai-Nuzz: Wait, wait, wait! What am I thinking!? We would still need a veritable army of people to do the work!
Chai-Nuzz: Left to the crew that helped down below, it would take decades, if not a nice round century!
Alisaie: So we need more hands. And what sort of things would these hands be required to do?
Chai-Nuzz: Oh? Er... Well, er... Well, let's see... First, we'd need people to procure the stone for the chassis.
Chai-Nuzz: The rock found near the mountain would suit our purposes well enough. It'd be a simple task to quarry the stuff, but given the stupendous quantity required, we'd need all the help we can get.
Thancred: We have friends amongst the miners of Amh Araeng. I will go and petition their aid.
Alisaie: While you do that, I'll make for Mord Souq. I'm sure I'll be able to drum up some support.
Alphinaud: Then I shall return to Kholusia.
Alphinaud: From fishers to carpenters, Eulmore is home to all manner of talented folk. I daresay their skills will avail us.
Ryne: Is there anything else you need?
Chai-Nuzz: Well...yes, actually... Magic. Lots of the stuff. As much as possible. To awaken a Talos of this size would require an entire congregation of mages.
Y'shtola: Many among the Night's Blessed are gifted in the arcane arts. I will recruit them to our cause.
Urianger: The fae folk too, possess surpassing aptitude in magicks. Yet they are not wont to cooperate in the endeavors of men. Leastwise, not without making all manner of mischief.
Urianger: That being the case, I would instead call upon the people of the Crystarium─with thy permission, Exarch.
Crystal Exarch: We are at your disposal, as are our amaro and chocobos.
Chai-Nuzz: I'm sorry─you mean to tell me you can call on not only the people of Eulmore and the Crystarium, but the Night's Blessed, and the Mord, and even those miners!?
Chai-Nuzz: But that's just about everyone in bally Norvrandt!
Chai-Nuzz: Who are you people!? And how did you come to have so many friends!?
What will you say? The saviors of the world. / Adventurers of no import. / The artist Alphinaud and his assistants. ->  The artist Alphinaud and his assistants. 
 the Warrior of Light raises a fist to the sky, Chai-Nuzz falls to the ground in shock
Dulia-Chai: Oh, dearest, have you forgotten already? Alphinaud told us that when we first met.
Chai-Nuzz: Um, actually, that may not have been... Never mind...
Y'shtola: So, as you can see, you will not want for bodies. I trust you will have your design ready in good time for their arrival.
Y'shtola: Norvrandt is counting on you...heir to Daedalus Stoneworks.
Ryne: We'll be back as soon as we can─and we'll bring the whole world with us.
Crystal Exarch: ...I take it we will be assisting Master Chai. Though I am quite sure he has everything under control...

Speak with Chai-Nuzz

Chai-Nuzz: Have the design ready, she says! In good time, she says! Does she even understand what's involved!?
Chai-Nuzz: Before I can even attempt to design anything, I need intimate knowledge of the land─the knowledge of locals. Last I heard, no one lives here!
The Warrior of Light motions, and Chai reels

Chai-Nuzz: What? A village of Eulmoran exiles!?
Chai-Nuzz: B-But...those people have every reason to loathe a free citizen like me! They couldn't possibly be willing to cooperate!
Chai-Nuzz: <sob> This will never work. Never. I never should've fixed that ruddy lift. Never should've ridden it up here... Never should've...never should've... (Chai-Nuzz is shaking)

Speak with Dulia-Chai

Dulia-Chai: Oh dear, darling appears to have lost the plot...
Dulia-Chai: But he has it in him, [Forename]. He's the cleverest man I know─he just wants for confidence sometimes. If you were to give him some words of encouragement, I'm sure he can give you your Talos.
Dulia-Chai: A bit of advice I learned from his mother: he responds poorly to obvious praise. You'll need to find another way to stoke the fires of his motivation─awaken his sense of daring!
Choose words that will best encourage Chai-Nuzz. In order to succeed, you must lift his spirits sufficiently during the conversation. 

Chai-Nuzz is plagued with self-doubt.
Chai-Nuzz: I can't do it. No one can. A Talos of that one's even dreamed of it.
What will you say? Alphinaud once struggled to collect firewood. / Dulia is counting on you as well. / You're a genius! You can do this! -> Alphinaud once struggled to collect firewood.
Chai-Nuzz: He did? But...he's such a capable lad, brimming with confidence.
Chai-Nuzz: Hmmm... I suppose even the most capable among us have struggles to overcome...
What will you say? Alphinaud once struggled to collect firewood. / Dulia is counting on you as well. / You're a genius! You can do this! -> Dulia is counting on you as well.
Chai-Nuzz: I know, I know! You hardly need to tell me that! Do you think I'd disappoint her if I could help it!?
What will you say? Alphinaud once struggled to collect firewood. / Dulia is counting on you as well. / You're a genius! You can do this! -> You're a genius! You can do this!
Chai-Nuzz: Oh, it's simple as that, is it? You say some magic words and I can suddenly do the impossible? Don't make me laugh!
Chai-Nuzz still harbors some misgivings.
Chai-Nuzz: But regardless of my own feelings, I can't do a damn thing without help from those villagers...and they're not bally likely to give it!
Chai-Nuzz: Tristol's among them, you said so yourself! Lest you've forgotten, we essentially sent him to his death! Even if the others don't bear a personal grudge, he would never forgive us!
 What will you say? You don't know until you apologize. I'll come with you. / Don't worry! He'll forgive you for sure! / Things won't improve by themselves. You have to take the first step.  -> You don't know until you apologize. I'll come with you. 
Chai-Nuzz: Hmmm... If you were there too, perhaps he'd be more willing to accept an apology...
Chai-Nuzz: W-Wait... What am I thinking, relying on others to fight my battles? It's disgraceful, is what it is, and it might even make things worse...
Chai-Nuzz still harbors some misgivings.
Chai-Nuzz: And in the end, it's not even a question of forgiveness. Building such an enormous Talos is impossible, and no amount of contrition will change that!
Chai-Nuzz: And even if by some miracle the people of Amity were willing to let bygones be bygones, they'd think that the plan is absurd! I think it's absurd!
What will you say? It's less absurd than the change that's come to Eulmore. / We liberated a castle with a strategy that many would call absurd. / Everything you touch turns to gold! No one would doubt your plan! -> Everything you touch turns to gold! No one would doubt your plan!
Chai-Nuzz: I've no idea where that absolute confidence of yours comes from, but it only makes me feel more wary!
Chai-Nuzz is plagued with self-doubt.
Chai-Nuzz: And even assuming there's a semblance of realism to the plan, have you considered the risks should the venture fail?
Chai-Nuzz: Aye, imagine for a moment that we fail to reach Vauthry and only succeed in provoking him. In his fury, he may well unleash his hordes of eaters and we'll meet a horrible end!
What will you say? It's less absurd than the change that's come to Eulmore. / We liberated a castle with a strategy that many would call absurd. / Everything you touch turns to gold! No one would doubt your plan! -> We liberated a castle with a strategy that many would call absurd.
Chai-Nuzz: Well now, to flood the very castle you sought to reclaim... Such a strategy could indeed be considered absurd. Yet you succeeded not in spite of, but because of it.
Chai-Nuzz: Our own strategy may likewise seem absurd, but maybe─just maybe it stands a better chance of success for it...
Chai-Nuzz: But be that as it may, there are risks to consider should the venture fail.
Chai-Nuzz: Aye, imagine for a moment that we fail to reach Vauthry and only succeed in provoking him. In his fury, he may well unleash his hordes of eaters and we'll meet a horrible end!
What will you say? Then we'll go together! / I'll protect you. I'll protect everyone. / We could build Talos for battle. -> I'll protect you. I'll protect everyone.
Chai-Nuzz: <gasp>
Chai-Nuzz: I-I see what you did there. That's how you win over the masses─with that irrepressible aura of dependability.
Chai-Nuzz: But very well, you've made your conviction clear...and I'm assured in spite of myself. I won't let my fears get the better of me. It's unseemly if nothing else.
Chai-Nuzz still harbors some misgivings.
Chai-Nuzz: Still, I find it astounding that you can have such certainty given the circumstances.
Chai-Nuzz: Tell me, why did you throw yourself into the midst of such a grueling struggle?
Chai-Nuzz is feeling somewhat optimistic.
Chai-Nuzz: Still, I find it astounding that you can have such certainty given the circumstances.
Chai-Nuzz: Tell me, why did you throw yourself into the midst of such a grueling struggle?
What will you say? To protect those I love. / Because I live for adventure. / I got roped into it... -> To protect those I love.
Chai-Nuzz: ...!
Chai-Nuzz: Indeed... What else could compel us to face such dangers? I too have someone I wish to protect, with whom I want to live out my days in peace...
Chai-Nuzz is burning with motivation!
What will you say? To protect those I love. / Because I live for adventure. / I got roped into it... -> I got roped into it...
Chai-Nuzz: So you do not fight willingly. Just like me. We may put on a smile, but behind it there's only doubt. If even your heart isn't in it, there's no hope for any of us. No point in building the Talos.
You failed to encourage Chai-Nuzz. Speak with Dulia-Chai to try again.

Speak with Tristol

Tristol: Y-You!
Chai-Nuzz: You have every right to be angry with us. But please listen to what I have to say.
Chai-Nuzz: I am tasked with delivering these people to Mt. Gulg─by means of a Talos of heretofore unseen proportions.
Chai-Nuzz: However, I cannot do this without the cooperation of those with intimate knowledge of this land. That is, you and your fellow villagers.
Tristol: ...Cooperation? After you ignored my desperate pleas and cast me out, you have the gall to come here and ask for my cooperation? (Chai shakes his head)
Chai-Nuzz: You've every right to be upset. Vauthry's not the one to blame for your suffering─we are.
Chai-Nuzz: We were free citizens without a care in the world, indifferent to the hardship of others. We didn't know what would become of you, and frankly, we didn't care.
Chai-Nuzz: But we know now that what we did to you─to full many─was wrong. Terribly wrong. No words will suffice to make amends, but I want you to know that we are deeply sorry.
Tristol: I'm not sure how I feel.
Tristol: Should I forgive you? Hate you? Perhaps it's not even my place to judge. After all, I sought a place in your city. I wanted to be you, once...
Tristol: But one thing is clear to me.
Tristol: All of that is in the past. And we mustn't let past wrongs stand in the way of a brighter future. (Tristol smiles)
Tristol: And so...I will cooperate with you. Please see our friends to Mt. Gulg.
Chai-Nuzz: You have my word!
Chai-Nuzz: I'll set to work on the design at once. Wouldn't do to have nothing to show the others when they return with help.
Chai-Nuzz: Make no mistake, this venture is unprecedented in the history of Talos building─nay, the history of all mankind! But rest assured this genius of Daedalus Stoneworks will deliver!
Chai-Nuzz: Ah, wicked white!
Crystal Exarch: Is there a problem?
Chai-Nuzz:, you see... I've been promised people to procure the stone as well as imbue magic.
Chai-Nuzz: When I was put on the spot earlier, I thought that was all we required.
Chai-Nuzz: But I forgot about one rather important item needed to bring a Talos to life...
What will you say? The heart? / What is it? -> The heart? 
Chai-Nuzz: That's right, the heart! I'm pleased to see you have some familiarity with Talos!
Chai-Nuzz: So, while I work on the design, I'd be much obliged if you could see to procuring the ore with which to fashion a heart.
Chai-Nuzz: A heart suitable of bringing to life a Talos that shall embrace the very firmament!