Way of the Thaumaturge

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Way of the Thaumaturge

Thaumaturge quest image.png
Quest giver
Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:7.3, Y:12.4)
Experience 400
Gil 0
Previous quest
Feature QuestSo You Want to Be a Thaumaturge
Next quest
Feature QuestMy First Scepter
Feature QuestThe Threat of Intimacy

Yayake wishes you to reaffirm your desire to join the Thaumaturge's Guild.

— In-game description





  • Yayake wishes you to reaffirm your desire to join the Thaumaturge's Guild.
  • Yayake has bid you seek out the eldest of five brothers, thaumaturge siblings who each bear the title of guildmaster. Speak with Cocobygo in the inner sanctum of the Thaumaturges' Guild.
  • Cocobuki has set you a trial to test the limits of your aptitude for channeling thaumaturgy. *Exercise your sorcerous might and slay three huge hornets, three star marmots, and three snapping shrews.
  • You have slain the specified creatures. Return to the Thaumaturges' Guild and report to Cocobuki.
  • Cocobuki has formally accepted you into the ranks of the Thaumaturges' Guild. Continue to train and expand your reserves of magical endurance that you might further explore the yawning abyss of thaumaturgy's mysteries.
  • Yayake has bid you seek out the eldest of five brothers, thaumaturge siblings who each bear the title of guildmaster. Speak with Cocobygo in the inner sanctum of the Thaumaturge's Guild.
  • After some confusion as to which brother you should be speaking to, you are eventually accepted into the Thaumaturge's Guild. Equip your new scepter and speak with Cocobuki once more.


If starting Thaumaturge as a secondary class

Accepting the quest

Yayake: Well, adventurer? Will you join our guild, or do you presume to ignore the urgings of impatient destiny?
Yayake: A wise decision, indeed. To prepare for your initiation, I would have you study the volumes of fundamental thaumaturgical principle. All one hundred and eight of them.
Yayake: ...Or at least, I would if such requirements had not been abolished. "Too great a deterrent to fresh novices," they said. I suppose you shall just have to settle for calling upon the collective wisdom of our guildmasters.
Yayake: We have five, you see——all brothers of the same house. Though they all wield supreme authority, it is the eldest who provides a singular voice for the guild when one is required. Master Coco... Cocoby...? Cocobygo! ...I believe.

Speaking to Cocobygo - cutscene

Cocobygo: Who!? What!? Oh. Thal's teeth, man/miss, did your mother never tell you not to startle a thaumaturge?
Cocobani: Look at that expectant face, Cocobygo! This gentleman/lady is obviously a new applicant for the guild seeking audience with our eldest brother.
Cocobezi: Oh, Prelate Yayake... She can recite the three hundred and seven verses of the Funerary Rites for the Virtuous Fallen, but the simple task of keeping our names straight seems ever beyond her grasp.
Cocoboha: Bwahahahaha! Well, I for one find the constant confusion endlessly entertaining! My apologies, good sir/my dear, my merriment was not meant to mock your mistake. It is our sibling Cocobuki with whom you should speak.
Cocobuki: What's this, what's this? Thal has led to us a new aspirant?
Cocobygo: Aaah! Cocobuki! Were you here the entire time!?
Cocobuki: Greetings, child. I am Cocobuki, the eldest——and, I would venture to say, the wisest——of the five masters of the Thaumaturges' Guild. It is my solemn duty to furnish our would-be initiates with a succinct understanding of our beloved art, thus I would have your fullest attention.
Cocobuki: To wield thaumaturgy is to unleash devastation of the highest magnitude. The lethal force of our spells far exceeds the destructive capability of any other form of arcane manipulation.
Cocobuki: Fire, lightning, blizzards, somnolence——the thaumaturge calls upon an expansive arsenal of offensive incantations to incapacitate and obliterate all manner of adversaries.
Cocobuki: Open your mind to our sorcerous teachings, and you, too, shall soon hold the unparalleled power of our discipline in the palm of your hand.
Cocobuki: Hm hm hm... Of course, such power has a price. You must be willing to plunge headfirst into the forbidding chasm of thaumaturgy's secrets——for advancement in this art comes only with the completion of deadly and terrible trials.
Cocobuki: I ask you now, aspirant: are you prepared to leap into the abyss in pursuit of power unrivaled?

Are you prepared to leap into the abyss?

  • No
Cocobuki: Have my words lodged a splinter of fear in your mind? We are patient, aspirant——return to us again once your undeniable ambition has scoured this wasted terror from your thoughts.
  • Yes
Cocobuki: Hm hm hm... A confident response. Your name, if you will? Very well, [Player], let us mark your initiation with three eminently practical gifts.
Cocobuki: My first gift to you shall be an addition to your hunting log——the names of such enemies that will prove suitable to your training as a thaumaturge.
Cocobuki: The second and third gifts are this scepter and shield——instruments you shall need to focus the destructive force of your will.
Cocobuki: Did you believe your initiation over? My dear disciple, we have only just begun. Take your new weapons in hand, and I will set you forth upon your first trial...