
From Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki
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HairstylesImageGenderUnlock ItemActivityPurchased FromLocationx,yPatchActivityEventAchievementCost-type-Contains itemVendorHas item cost 1Has vendor location
A Close Shave HairstyleA Close Shave front.pngModern Aesthetics - A Close ShaveEureka Orthos6.35Eureka OrthosBronze-tinged Sack
A Half Times Two HairstyleA Half Times Two.pngModern Aesthetics - A Half Times TwoThe Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic)7.15The Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic)Uah'shepya49 (Clouddark Demimateria II, ?, false)Solution Nine
Adventure HairstyleAdventure hair1.jpgModern Aesthetics - AdventureModern Aesthetics SaleswomanThe Gold Saucer5.4, 6.53.1MgpModern Aesthetics Saleswoman14 (MGP, ?, false)The Gold Saucer
Ambitious Ends HairstyleAmbitious Ends front.pngModern Aesthetics - Ambitious Ends6.45Trisassant6 (Rokkon Potsherd, ?, false)Old Sharlayan
Battle-ready Bobs HairstyleBattle-ready Bobs hair1.pngModern Aesthetics - Battle-ready BobsThe Tower at Paradigm's Breach5.5The Tower at Paradigm's Breach
Both Ways HairstyleBoth Ways hair1.pngModern Aesthetics - Both WaysZadnor5.55ZadnorZadnor LockboxItinerant Moogle/Historical100 (Irregular Tomestone of Tenfold Pageantry, ?, false)Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
Controlled Chaos HairstyleControlled Chaos hair1.pngModern Aesthetics - Controlled ChaosIshgardian RestorationEnieThe Firmament12,145.21Ishgardian RestorationSkybuilders scripFête PresentEnie
Itinerant Moogle/Historical
1,800 (Skybuilders Scrip, ?, false)
50 (Irregular Tomestone of Scripture, ?, false)
The Firmament
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
Curls HairstyleCurls hair1.jpgModern Aesthetics - CurlsGold Saucer AttendantThe Gold Saucer5.1, 6.73.1MgpGold Saucer Attendant9,600 (MGP, ?, false)The Gold Saucer
Doing the Wave HairstyleDoing the Wave Hairstyle.pngModern Aesthetics - Doing the WaveTimeworn Br'aaxskin Map7.1Timeworn Br'aaxskin Map
Early to Rise HairstyleEarly to Rise hair1.pngModern Aesthetics - Early to Rise5.45Resistance Supplier (Zadnor)
Itinerant Moogle
5 (Bozjan Gold Coin, ?, false)
50 (Irregular Tomestone of Goetia, ?, false)
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
Eternal Bonding Ceremony HairstyleEternal bonding ceremony hairstyle2.pngCeremony of Eternal BondingFinal Fantasy XIV Online StoreThe Sanctum of the Twelve2.45Ceremony of Eternal BondingUsd
Fashionably Feathered HairstyleFashionably feathered hairstyle1.jpgModern Aesthetics - Fashionably FeatheredPvPMark QuartermasterWolves' Den Pier4.5, 6.04.3PvPWolf marksMark Quartermaster/Wolf Marks (Other)18,000 (Wolf Mark, ?, false)Wolves' Den Pier
Form and Function HairstyleForm and function hairstyle1.jpgModern Aesthetics - Form and FunctionThe Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros
The Forbidden Land, Eureka
4.45The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros
The Forbidden Land, Eureka
Itinerant Moogle/Historical
Itinerant Moogle
50 (Irregular Tomestone of Pageantry, ?, false)
30 (Irregular Tomestone of Phantasmagoria, ?, false)
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
Great Lengths HairstyleGreat Lengths hair1.pngModern Aesthetics - Great LengthsGold Saucer AttendantThe Gold Saucer5.1, 6.65.0MgpGold Saucer Attendant30,000 (MGP, ?, false)The Gold Saucer
Gyr Abanian Plait HairstyleGyr abanian plait hairstyle1.jpgModern Aesthetics - Gyr Abanian PlaitHeaven-on-High4.35Heaven-on-HighSilver-haloed SackItinerant Moogle/Historical50 (Irregular Tomestone of Mendacity, ?, false)
50 (Irregular Tomestone of Pageantry, ?, false)
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
Head Hound HairstyleHead hound hairstyle1.jpgModern Aesthetics - Head HoundFinal Fantasy XIV Online Store7.1Usd
It Takes Two HairstyleIt Takes Two front.pngModern Aesthetics - It Takes TwoTimeworn Br'aaxskin Map7.0Timeworn Br'aaxskin MapTimeworn Br'aaxskin Map
Lexen-tails HairstyleLexen-tails hair1.pngModern Aesthetics - Lexen-tailsReturn to IvaliceGold Saucer AttendantThe Gold Saucer5.1, 6.74.5Return to IvaliceMgpGold Saucer Attendant50,000 (MGP, ?, false)The Gold Saucer
Liberating Locks HairstyleModern Aesthetics - Liberating Locks hair1.jpgFemaleModern Aesthetics - Liberating LocksFinal Fantasy XIV Online Store6.11aUsd
Lucian Locks HairstyleLucian Locks hair1.pngModern Aesthetics - Lucian LocksIronworks VendorThe Gold Saucer5.2,6.34.56MgpIronworks Vendor20,000 (MGP, ?, false)The Gold Saucer
Master & Commander HairstyleMaster and commander hairstyle1.jpgModern Aesthetics - Master & CommanderFinal Fantasy XIV Online Store3.55Usd
Modern Legend HairstyleModern Legend hair1.pngModern Aesthetics - Modern LegendIshgardian RestorationEnieThe Firmament5.4, 6.55.11Ishgardian RestorationSkybuilders scripFête PresentEnie
Itinerant Moogle/Historical
1,800 (Skybuilders Scrip, ?, false)
50 (Irregular Tomestone of Genesis I, ?, false)
The Firmament
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
Ponytails HairstylePonytails hairstyle1.jpgModern Aesthetics - PonytailsGold Saucer AttendantThe Gold Saucer5.1, 6.72.51MgpGold Saucer Attendant8,000 (MGP, ?, false)The Gold Saucer
Practical Ponytails HairstylePractical Ponytails hair1.pngModern Aesthetics - Practical PonytailsIsland SanctuaryHorrendous HoarderUnnamed Island12.6,28.36.2Island SanctuarySeafarer cowrieHorrendous Hoarder6,000 (Seafarer's Cowrie, ?, false)Unnamed Island
Pulse (Lightning) HairstylePulse (lightning) hairstyle1.jpgFemaleModern Aesthetics - PulseFinal Fantasy XIV Online Store3.2Usd
Pulse (Snow) HairstylePulse (snow) hairstyle1.jpgMaleModern Aesthetics - PulseFinal Fantasy XIV Online Store3.2Usd
Rainmaker HairstyleRainmaker hair1.pngModern Aesthetics - RainmakerModern Aesthetics SaleswomanThe Gold Saucer5.4, 6.53.55MgpModern Aesthetics Saleswoman
Campaign Attendant (2017)
Campaign Attendant (2018)
5,000 (MGP, ?, false)
5,000 (MGP, ?, false)
5,000 (MGP, ?, false)
The Gold Saucer
The Gold Saucer
The Gold Saucer
Saintly Style HairstyleSaintly Style hair1.pngModern Aesthetics - Saintly StyleIshgardian RestorationEnieThe Firmament12,145.31Ishgardian RestorationSkybuilders scripFête PresentEnie
Itinerant Moogle/Historical
1,800 (Skybuilders Scrip, ?, false)
50 (Irregular Tomestone of Verity, ?, false)
The Firmament
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
Samsonian Locks HairstyleSamsonian Locks hair1.pngModern Aesthetics - Samsonian LocksPalace of the Dead3.4Palace of the DeadBronze-trimmed Sack
Scanning for Style HairstyleScanning for Style hair1.pngModern Aesthetics - Scanning for StyleThe Tower at Paradigm's Breach5.5The Tower at Paradigm's Breach
Scion Special Issue HairstyleScion special issue hairstyle1.jpgFemaleModern Aesthetics - Scion Special IssueFinal Fantasy XIV Online Store3.1Usd
Scion Special Issue II HairstyleScion special issue ii hairstyle1.jpgMaleModern Aesthetics - Scion Special Issue IIFinal Fantasy XIV Online Store3.35Usd
Scion Special Issue III HairstyleScion special issue iii hairstyle1.jpgFemaleModern Aesthetics - Scion Special Issue IIIFinal Fantasy XIV Online Store3.35Usd
Scion Special Issue IV HairstyleScion Special Issue IV hairstyle1.jpgModern Aesthetics - Scion Special Issue IVFinal Fantasy XIV Online Store7.1Usd
Sharlayan Rebellion HairstyleModern Aesthetics - Sharlayan Rebellion image1.jpgModern Aesthetics - Sharlayan RebellionFinal Fantasy XIV Online Store6.3Usd
Sharlayan Studies HairstyleModern Aesthetics - Sharlayan Studies hair1.jpgModern Aesthetics - Sharlayan StudiesFinal Fantasy XIV Online Store5.4Usd
Strife HairstyleStrife hairstyle1.pngModern Aesthetics - StrifeOfficial contest giveaways4.4Official contest giveaways
Styled for Hire HairstyleStyled for Hire hair1.pngModern Aesthetics - Styled for HirePvPMark QuartermasterWolves' Den Pier4.5, 6.04.4PvPWolf marksMark Quartermaster/Wolf Marks (Other)
Itinerant Moogle/Historical
18,000 (Wolf Mark, ?, false)
50 (Irregular Tomestone of Tenfold Pageantry, ?, false)
50 (Irregular Tomestone of Lore, ?, false)
Wolves' Den Pier
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
Tall Tails HairstyleTall Tails hair1.pngModern Aesthetics - Tall TailsIsland SanctuaryHorrendous HoarderUnnamed Island12.6,28.36.2Island SanctuarySeafarer cowrieHorrendous Hoarder6,000 (Seafarer's Cowrie, ?, false)Unnamed Island
The Bold and the Braid HairstyleThe Bold and the Braid front1.pngModern Aesthetics - The Bold and the Braid6.51Trisassant6 (Aloalo Potsherd, ?, false)Old Sharlayan
Voidswept Strands HairstyleVoidswept Strands hairstyle1.jpgModern Aesthetics - Voidswept StrandsFinal Fantasy XIV Online Store7.1Usd
Wind Caller HairstyleWind Caller hair1.pngModern Aesthetics - Wind CallerThe Bozjan Southern FrontResistance QuartermasterThe Bozjan Southern Front14.2,29.65.35The Bozjan Southern FrontBozjan clusterResistance Quartermaster (The Bozjan Southern Front)
Resistance Quartermaster (Zadnor)
150 (Bozjan Cluster, ?, false)
150 (Bozjan Cluster, ?, false)
The Bozjan Southern Front