Tomes of Regional Folklore
- See also: Folklore Nodes and Master Recipe Tomes
Tomes of Regional Folklore is a system for Gathering classes first implemented in Heavensward. These tomes grant access to additional, otherwise-hidden nodes to gather materials for endgame crafting. They are acquired either directly with Purple Gatherers' Scrips at a Scrip Exchange, or indirectly with expansion-specific Folklore tokens at the Splendors Vendor in the respective expansion's Endgame Hub. The costs are the same with either route, but you cannot mix currencies on the same tome. It must be either all scrips or all tokens. Dawntrail tomes can only be bought via scrips.
Tomes of Regional Folklore are always released with the base patch of each expansion and will cover all Folklore nodes that are added with the expansion's major patches.
- Heavensward (3.0):
125 or 5 Blue Gatherers' Scrip Token each, and there are 9 tomes total (1 for each Heavensward region and gatherer class). These tomes contain items for level 60.
- Stormblood (4.0):
250 or 50 Regional Folklore Trader's Token A each, and there are 6 tomes total (1 for each Stormblood region and gatherer class). These tomes contain items for level 70.
- Shadowbringers (5.0):
400 or 40 Regional Folklore Trader's Token B each, and there are 3 tomes total (1 for each gatherer class). These tomes contain items for level 80.
- Endwalker (6.0):
160 or 16 Regional Folklore Trader's Token C each, and there are 9 new tomes total (1 for each Endwalker region and gatherer class). These new tomes contain items for level 90.
- Dawntrail (7.0):
1,600, and there are 9 new tomes total (1 for each Dawntrail region and gatherer class). These new tomes contain items for level 100.
For Botanist and Miner, using a tome of regional folklore will allow you to discover previously hidden Legendary gathering points. Bear in mind that these gathering points are only available at certain times of the in-game day.
- After the collectable changes in patch 5.4, there are no collectables on the folklore nodes. Collectables have all been consolidated to the Unspoiled Nodes.
For Fisher, using a tome of regional folklore will allow you to discover hidden fishing holes and rare fish (often Legendary Fish) that are otherwise unobtainable. There are still collectable fish in the fisher folklore books.
Types of Tomes of Regional Folklore
- Tome of Geological Folklore - Coerthas -- (Tungstite, Astral Moraine and Violet Quartz)
- Tome of Geological Folklore - Dravania -- (Zeolite Ore, Aurum Regis Ore, Blue Quartz and Lumythrite Ore)
- Tome of Geological Folklore - Abalathia's Spine -- (Luminium Ore, Sun Mica, Red Alumen, Smithsonite Ore and Meteorite)
- Tome of Botanical Folklore - Coerthas -- (Vanilla Beans, Dravanian Paprika and Frost Cotton Boll)
- Tome of Botanical Folklore - Dravania -- (Noble Sage, Teak Log, Brown Mushroom, Seventh Heaven, Snurbleberry, Old-growth Camphorwood Log and Crystallized Sap)
- Tome of Botanical Folklore - Abalathia's Spine -- (Star Cotton Boll, Wattle Bark and Honeydew Almonds)
- Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Coerthas -- too numerous, see item page
- Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Dravania -- too numerous, see item page
- Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Abalathia's Spine -- too numerous, see item page
- Tome of Geological Folklore - Gyr Abania -- (Chromite Ore, Gyr Abanian Spring Water, Gyr Abanian Ore, Evergleam Ore)
- Tome of Geological Folklore - Othard -- (Palladium Ore, Nightsteel Ore, Silvergrace Ore, Hawk's Eye, Azim Spring Water)
- Tome of Botanical Folklore - Gyr Abania -- (Torreya Log, Black Willow Log, Hardened Veteran Tree Sap, Urunday Log, Hingan Flax)
- Tome of Botanical Folklore - Othard -- (Rhea, Azim Cotton Boll, Yanxian Cotton Boll)
- Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Gyr Abania -- too numerous, see item page
- Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Othard -- too numerous, see item page
- Tome of Geological Folklore - Norvrandt -- (Tungsten Ore, Prismstone, Beryllium Ore, Fireheart Cobalt, Brashgold Ore, Dolomite, Hard Water, Purpure Shell Chip, Ashen Alumen, Solstice Stone)
- Tome of Botanical Folklore - Norvrandt -- (Sandalwood Log, Sandalwood Sap, Merbau Log, Silver Beech Log, Wattle Petribark, Ethereal Cocoon, Duskblooms, Imperial Fern, Tender Dill, Raindrop Cotton Boll)
- Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Norvrandt -- too numerous, see item page
- Tome of Geological Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty -- (Stonehard Water, Rime Dolomite, Raw Eblan Danburite, Prime Siderite, Raw Rutilated Quartz, Ash Diatomite, Sublime Siderite, Raw Zoisite, Maghemite)
- Tome of Geological Folklore - The Sea of Stars -- (Stonehard Water, Lunar Adamantite Ore, Ilmenite, Sublime Achondrite, Prime Achondrite, Softsilver Ore)
- Tome of Geological Folklore - The World Unsundered -- (Stonehard Water, Rhodium Sand, Raw Spodumene)
- Tome of Botanical Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty -- (Potent Spice, Golden Cocoon, Thavnairian Corn, Haritaki, Bayberry, Dark Cherry Log, Field Mustard)
- Tome of Botanical Folklore - The Sea of Stars -- (Potent Spice, Double-edged Herb, Prime Crystalbloom, Sublime Crystalbloom, Lovingbloom)
- Tome of Botanical Folklore - The World Unsundered -- (Potent Spice, Mempisang Log, Paldao Log, Prime Sphongos)
- Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty -- see item page
- Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - The Sea of Stars -- see item page
- Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - The World Unsundered -- see item page
- Tome of Geological Folklore - Alexandria -- (Harmonite Ore)
- Tome of Geological Folklore - Xak Tural -- (Fine Silver Ore)
- Tome of Geological Folklore - Yok Tural -- (Turali Alumen)
- Tome of Botanical Folklore - Alexandria -- (Blackseed Cotton Boll)
- Tome of Botanical Folklore - Xak Tural -- (Nopaliflower)
- Tome of Botanical Folklore - Yok Tural -- (Ipe Log)
- Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Alexandria -- (Hydro Louvar, Copper Shark)
- Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Xak Tural -- (Cloud Wasp)
- Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Yok Tural -- (Urqofrog, Yellow Peacock Bass, Chain Shark)