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To Siege or Not to Siege

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To Siege or Not to Siege

Quest giver
The Waking Sands (X:6, Y:6)
Quest line
Heavensward Main Scenario Quests
Experience 47,580
Gil 972
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestKeeping the Flame Alive
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Main Scenario QuestAlphinaud's Way

Main Scenario Progress: 264 / 953 (27.7%)


Heavensward Progress: 23 / 138 (16.7%)


Alphinaud is distracted by a call on his linkpearl.

— In-game description



  • Tataru sends grave tidings from the Holy See. It would seem the Horde gathers once more to renew its assault upon the city. Return to Ishgard, and rendezvous with the receptionist outside Fortemps Manor.
  • After welcoming you back to Ishgard, Tataru bids you enter Fortemps Manor, where Lord Haurchefant and Count Edmont wait to discuss the looming threat.
  • Your Ishgardian allies confirm that a Dravanian invasion is indeed imminent. Concerned for your safety, the count urges you to consider seeking sanctuary elsewhere. Speak with Alphinaud, and decide what the Scions will do.
  • After discussing the matter with Alphinaud, you resolve to do all in your power to aid your friends and allies. Faced with the assembled might of the Horde, however, how can the Holy See's exhausted defenders hope to prevail...?


Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)

Alphinaud: Tataru? ...Yes, General Raubahn is now in safe hands. 
Alphinaud: What? ...Another assault? Very well. We shall return at once. Pray notify the count of our coming. 
Alphinaud: It would seem we face another crisis. The Dravanians are preparing to resume their siege of the Holy See. 
Alphinaud: ...Though I am loath to abandon the sultana to her fate, we lack the necessary evidence to act upon Dewlala's claims. 
Alphinaud: That being the case, I propose we leave Marshal Tarupin and the others to investigate, and return with all haste to Ishgard. 

Optional Dialogue

Slafswys: I heard ye pulled General Aldynn from the graspin' fingers of Thal Himself. It pains me, it does, to see that proud warrior less an arm...
Radolf: It is time for the Scions to strike back! The winds have changed, Warrior of Light, and we must ride this gale as far as it will carry us!
Dewlala: I have taken charge of matters here. Consider yourself free to tend to other, more pressing tasks.
Arenvald: Thanks the gods you're all right. 'Twas a mighty struggle, from what I heard. Would that I could have fought by your side.
Wigstan From the political landscape to our struggles against the beastmen, little is certain and less is within our control. We can but focus on those things that we have the power to change.
Pipin: Pray do not tarry for my father's sake. I will see that he is well looked after. And should we uncover any information on Her Grace's whereabouts, I promise you will be the first to know.
Alphinaud: Let us hear what the count has to say.

Speaking with Tataru outside Fortemps Manor

Tataru: Ah, there you are! Sorry for cutting your reunion with General Raubahn short. 
Tataru: I wouldn't have bothered you, but the city's awash with rumors of another Dravanian attack, and Lord Haurchefant was desperate to get hold of you. Speaking of whom, he and the others are waiting for you inside, so you'd better head in! 

Optional Dialogue

Tataru: We can talk later! Everyone's waiting for you inside!

Entering Fortemps Manor (Cutscene)

Haurchefant: My friend! I thank you for answering our call with such alacrity! As I am sure you are now aware, the Dravanians are once more gathering for war. 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: Mistress/Master [Surname], Master Leveilleur─I must apologize for this abrupt summons, but we thought it best to have Mistress Tataru contact you by the most direct means available. 
Artoirel: When the Observatorium's bells toll, 'tis a warning that cannot be ignored. The Holy See has ordered that we make ready for battle. 
Emmanellain: In case you haven't heard, a band of trappers returning from the west claim they saw a cloud of dragons big enough to dim the midday sky! 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: Nidhogg's minions gather once more for war... 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: But I would not have you take up arms in another of our conflicts. When first you came to Ishgard, I offered you my protection. If I cannot ensure your safety here, I cannot well accept your aid, much less ask for it. 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: Scions of the Seventh Dawn, you are faced with a choice: to remain in a besieged Ishgard, or seek sanctuary elsewhere. I would not presume to influence your decision, but I must ask that you make it swiftly, lest our enemies force your hand. 

Optional Dialogue

Haurchefant: The coming of the Horde spells ruin for Ishgard...but her knights shall fight to the last to shield her citizens from harm!
Artoirel: The Observatorium bells have tolled. Either flee this place or make ready for war.
Count Edmont de Fortemps: I confess, I know not where else you might seek sanctuary, but few places are like to be more perilous than a city under siege.
Emmanellain: How many dragons would it take to darken the midday sky, do you think? A thousand? More? Too many, at any rate...
Tataru: What will become of this place...and us?

Speaking with Alphinaud

Alphinaud: Though we flee to the ends of the world, 'twould seem that no place in this troubled age is free of strife. Once more the Horde descends upon Ishgard, and once more her weary defenders must take up spear and bow. 
Alphinaud: The count would have us seek shelter from this storm, but I, for one, grow tired of running. If we are to shine the light of dawn, we must do so in the sight of our fellow man, not hunkered in a hole. 
Alphinaud: What say you, [Forename]?
<What say you?>
< I would stay and fight.>
<We cannot stay here.>
< I would stay and fight. >
Alphinaud: Then fight we shall! Let it never be said that we abandoned our allies in their hour of need!
<We cannot stay here.>
Alphinaud: ...That is your answer? By the Twelve, how could you─ But, wait. Mayhap remaining in the city would not best serve our friends and allies. Mayhap there is another choice...
Alphinaud: ...That is your answer? By the Twelve, how could you─ But, wait. Mayhap remaining in the city would not best serve our friends and allies. Mayhap there is another choice...