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Their Greatest Contribution

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Their Greatest Contribution

Their Greatest Contribution.png
Quest giver
Elpis (X:32.6, Y:22.2)
Quest line
Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
Experience 488,400
Gil 1,312
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestLives Apart
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestAether to Aether
Feature QuestTouring Anagnorisis, Part I
Side QuestI Order You to Relax
Side QuestLabors of My Fruit
Side QuestNothing to Sneeze At
Side QuestSecond Guest
Side QuestWe'll Meet Again

Main Scenario Progress: 767 / 953 (80.5%)


Endwalker Progress: 69 / 155 (44.5%)


Emet-Selch appears to be deep in thought.

— In-game description




  • Emet-Selch appears to be deep in thought.
  • On account of his conversance with the celestial, Emet-Selch believes that Hermes would be a welcome addition to the Convocation─assuming he is inclined to join. For now, you settle in for more observation as the chief overseer of Elpis goes about his work.
  • Having inspected the ampelos to his satisfaction, Hermes will next look in on a creature that is reportedly having problems─the charybdis. To that end, you make your way to the northern edge of Philomythes Notos.
  • You learn that a third-generation charybdis is unable to fly due to its aetheric balance leaning strongly towards water. Though the observer in charge wishes to revert the specimen and its kind, having deemed them a lost cause, Hermes is loath to give up on them, and offers to transform in order to guide the creature skyward. The proposal is met with shock and dismay, for transforming in public is considered vainglorious and unseemly. While Hermes seems willing to bear the shame if it means saving the creatures, Emet-Selch is not wholly convinced. It is then that Hythlodaeus conceives of a solution. For this, he sends Emet-Selch off with the charybdis, while you and the others remain to assist him with the necessary preparations.
  • Wearing a conspiratorial grin, Hythlodaeus reveals to you his grand plan: having Emet-Selch assist the charybdis. For your part, you are tasked with going to the man and making the initial plea. With the chat mode in Say, say “I have a favor to ask” to indicate to Emet-Selch that you have a request.
  • As you had been warned, Emet-Selch is disinclined to cooperate, but persistence is the key. With the chat mode in Say, say “Please, Emet-Selch” to batter the man's bulwark of petulant defiance.
  • Beneath the combined weight of your incessant nagging, Emet-Selch finally caves and agrees to assist the charybdis. As he tends to the creature, you enjoy a quiet conversation with Hythlodaeus, who speaks of Emet-Selch and their mutual friend with great fondness and admiration. The tale draws to a close just as the charybdis appears to find its wings, and Hythlodaeus bids you signal to Emet-Selch that he may return to the ground. A simple /wave should do the trick.
  • While the observer is impressed that the charybdis can in fact fly, he remains of the opinion that it would be better to simply have their concept adjusted. Hermes, however, is adamant that they continue to be given a chance to prove themselves a worthy addition to the star, and his underling acquiesces before taking his leave. With that, Hermes declares all his present tasks complete, and you set off together back to Anagnorisis.
  • In observing Hermes performing his duties, you have gained some insight into the workings of Elpis, but thus far have uncovered no clear connection to the Final Days. For the sake of the star and all you hold dear, you must keep searching for clues.