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The Whims of the Divine

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The Whims of the Divine

Main Scenario Progress: 430 / 953 (45.1%)


Stormblood Progress: 51 / 162 (31.5%)


As ever, Alisaie is eager to keep moving.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • As ever, Alisaie is eager to keep moving.


Lyse: It's a good thing we found the Magatama before the Red!

Accepting the quest

Alisaie: Much as I would like to return and thank Yugiri's parents for their assistance, time is of the essence. I say we make for Tamamizu at once. 
Alisaie: Hold on to it for now, [Forename]. Once we arrive, present it to the elder, and then we can finally learn how to deal with the Red Kojin.


Soroban: It is good to see you again, my friends! Have you brought the Magatama?
Alisaie: We fulfilled our end of the bargain. Now it is their turn.
Lyse: What do you think it will be? Some sort of secret weapon or elaborate plan? I can't wait to find out!

Delivering the Yasakani–no–Magatama to Bunchin

Bunchin: You are returned, and with the Yasakani-no-Magatama, I trust?
<Hand Over Yasakani–no–Magatama>


Bunchin: Yes, there is no mistake. Well done, well done. 
Lyse: So...about the Red Kojin. You said there was a way to make them retreat into their shells? Are you ready to tell us now? 
Bunchin: I did indeed, and yes...I am.
Bunchin: For you see, divinity resides not only in material vessels, but in individuals. In laying claim to this most sacred of treasures, you have demonstrated an affinity with the divine.
Bunchin: To treat with men and women such as you is to invite fortune into our homes. Gladly will we aid your cause. 
Bunchin: All is ready, Soroban? Then give them what they require. 
Alisaie: This is...a ceremonial knife of some sort? 
Bunchin: Before this blade, that which is sealed shall open. The treasure vault of the Kojin, on the Isle of Zekki.
Bunchin: It is there that our most prized relics, be they of the Red or the Blue, are kept safe. Fiercely do the Red guard it, for its contents are more precious than their lives.
Bunchin: Were the vault to be attacked, their response would by necessity be immediate. Kojin would be summoned from malms around to defend their treasures. 
Alisaie: ...And were we to sow enough chaos, the Reds in service to the imperials would have no choice but to answer the call as well. 
Lyse: Giving the Confederacy the sign they've been waiting for! Without the Kojin, the imperials don't have nearly enough troops in Isari to hold off the pirates. 
Bunchin: must understand that the vault is holy ground: home to a thousand thousand kami. To intrude upon it without paying the proper respects is a sacrilege we cannot condone. 
Lyse: So...if we were to pay the proper respects, it would be all right? Great! How do we do that, again? 
Bunchin: The Yasakani-no-Magatama is one of three most coveted treasures of the Kojin. The other two lie within the vault.
Bunchin: Were you to deliver the jewel unto the others, and thereby make them whole, the kami may forgive your trespass and instead delight in your...mischief-making. 
Alisaie: So...if I understand you correctly, you want us to take the sacred jewel coveted by your Red brothers and deliver it to their treasure vault? 
Soroban: More or less. The Yasakani-no-Magatama belongs on the Isle of Zekki. So long as it finds its way there, we are satisfied.
Soroban: The Magatama has chosen you to bear it to its brothers. Had it not, you would never have found it. And we would not be having this conversation.
Soroban: I shall inform the Confederacy of your plans, and bid them make ready to act when the time is right. 
Bunchin: The Isle of Zekki lies to the west of Sui-no-Sato. Look for a cave beneath the waters. 
Bunchin: May fortune favor you in this and all other endeavors.


Bunchin: Beneath the waters to the west of Sui–no–Sato lies a cave that will lead you to the Isle of Zekki. May the kami watch over and keep you.
Lyse: This is going to work! I'm sure of it! I just hope Gosetsu and the others are all right...

Speaking with Alisaie

Alisaie: Right, then. I am not normally in the habit of sneaking into heavily guarded treasure vaults, but if this is the only way to convince the Confederacy to act, then so be it. 
Alisaie: We should be prepared for a fight. The bigger the better. The kind where you'll wish you had seven of your most battle-hardened friends at your side...