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The View from Above

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The View from Above

The View from Above.png
Quest giver
Kholusia (X:12.3, Y:23.0)
Quest line
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Experience 227,520
Gil 1,157
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Ladder
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestIn Mt. Gulg's Shadow
Side QuestGood, Honest Dirt
Side QuestSisterly Concern
Side QuestSupplying Estimates

Main Scenario Progress: 627 / 953 (65.8%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 86 / 157 (54.8%)


Urianger is wearing a pensive look.

— In-game description




When searching for the mysterious person: The NPC has white/gray long hair and is in the lower/closer area of the field of view, near the left side of a rock toward the center and closer toward the player. Down and to the right of the Shoebill bird.


  • Wait for the work to be completed.
  • Speak with Alphinaud.
  • Speak with Alisaie.
  • Search the area for the mysterious person.
  • Investigate the village. 0/3
  • Speak with Alphinaud.


  • Urianger is wearing a pensive look.
  • Ahead of the coming trials, Urianger bids you take your ease while the others carry out the work on the Ladder.
  • As you observe the final stages of the Ladder's restoration, Emet-Selch arrives unannounced. In the course of waxing sentimental, he raises the prospect of you joining him as an equal─a complete existence in a complete world. No sooner does the Ascian take his leave than Ardbert appears in his place. As the Talos come to life to hearty cheers, he speaks to you of his struggles against solitude, and warns you against making a choice that leaves you alone. At that moment, Alphinaud and Alisaie rush up to you excitedly. The Ladder lives again, and you join the twins as the first souls to ride the lift in twenty years.
  • While you await the others at Top Rung, Alisaie calls to you from the nearby outlook, and you and Alphinaud hurry to join her.
  • According to Alisaie, she witnessed someone emerge from the village to the northeast, even though the area is believed to have been abandoned. Lest you doubt her words, she urges you to take a look for yourself.
  • Scanning the area around the village, you spot the mysterious person, who appeared to be spying in your direction. Uncomfortable at not knowing who is out there, Alisaie suggests that you investigate the village.
  • While the village appears devoid of people, there is evidence to suggest that it is very much inhabited, and you take your findings to Alphinaud.
  • As you ponder what to do about the hiding villagers, a voice calls out. It is revealed to belong to none other than Tristol, the young artist whose life you saved in Kholusia. He informs you that the village, Amity, is a settlement for those who survived being exiled from Eulmore, and upon learning that you are in pursuit of Vauthry, promises to aid you in your quest.


Quest Acceptance

Urianger: Ah, but prematurely do I give myself to sentimental musings. Many more pressing concerns demand our attention, not the least of which is the matter of how we might reach the mountain, detached from the land as it is.
Urianger: For the present, 'twould appear we have matters here well in hand. Perhaps thou shouldst take thine ease for a time? Thou wilt need every onze of thy strength for the trials ahead.

Wait for the work to be completed

Emet-Selch: Would you look at that? The citizens of Eulmore engaging in what can only be described as “manual labor.” Who would have thought it possible?
Emet-Selch: Do you know the most reliable way to deal with those who stubbornly refuse to see reason? (Emet-Selch is slowly walking towards the Warrior of Light)
Emet-Selch: You conquer them─crush them under heel. Such was the trusted method of Allag, and one still favored by Garlemald.
Emet-Selch: But conquest is the easy part. The true challenge begins once the dust has settled─quenching the glowing embers of animosity and maintaining a semblance of peace.
Emet-Selch: This requires the conqueror to treat the conquered with dignity, and the conquered  to let bygones be bygones. A difficult feat to achieve. 
Emet-Selch: But you have achieved just my considerable surprise. (Emet-Selch crosses his arms)
Emet-Selch: It's a compliment. Take it.
Emet-Selch: (acting sentimental)Ahh, the vibrant energy that fills the air when like-minded souls gather. To think back on that time before time fair brings a tear to the eye.
Emet-Selch: What? You thought ancient beings like us incapable of crying?
Emet-Selch: Well, rest assured that if your heart can be broken, then so can mine!
Emet-Selch: (sighing) Back when the world was whole, we had family, friends, loves...
Emet-Selch: Men knew peace and contentment, and with our adamant souls, we could live for an age.
Emet-Selch: There was no conflict born of want or disparity. Our differences paled into insignificance next to all we had in common.
Emet-Selch: And then there was Amaurot... Never was a city more magnificent. From the humblest streets to the highest spires, she fairly gleamed...
Emet-Selch: Not that you would remember any of this.
What wil you say? "Remember?" / Is this story going anywhere? -> "Remember?"
Emet-Selch: Never mind.
Emet-Selch: The point is: the world of old was a far better place than what we have now. I believe you would like it, having witnessed the things you have.
Emet-Selch: Remember, you are of the Source. Unlike the halfmen here, you stand only to gain.
Emet-Selch: Should you survive the remaining calamities, you will become our equal. A complete existence in a complete world.
Emet-Selch: But such talk is a pleasure for later. Back to work, hero. (Emet-Selch starts to walk away, and then turns around)
Emet-Selch: Ah, there was one thing I had meant to ask.
Emet-Selch: How well do you know the Exarch? Has he ever deigned to show you what hides beneath the cowl? (The Warrior of Light shakes their head)
Emet-Selch: What, never? Even to you? How very interesting...
Emet-Selch: I shall enjoy working out what it means. Until next time. (Emet-Selch waves a hand while walking away)
Dulia-Chai: Ohhh, I knew you could do it, dearest! I never doubted you for a moment! (The Talos are now active)
Ardbert: It's alive.
Ardbert: I don't know if you remember, but when we first met in this world, I was all but spent.
Ardbert: I never thought to wonder why until now.
Ardbert: I think it all just got to be too much.
Ardbert: The guilt of causing the Flood... Knowing everyone hated me... But the worst thing was the solitude.
Ardbert: Time wears you down, aye...but solitude eats away at you. It was this close to finishing me off. But as bad as it got, and as empty as I felt...I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like for Emet-Selch.
Ardbert: All of which is a long way of saying: don't make a choice that leaves you alone. Nothing is worth that─especially not eternity.
Alphinaud: Glad tidings, my friend! The Ladder lives again!
Alisaie: The three of us have been invited to do the honors. Are you up for it? Of course, if you're worried that the whole thing might come crashing down, we can always find someone else.
Alisaie: That's the spirit! Come on, then!
Ardbert: (Narrating) We rode the Ladder too, my comrades and I. Once upon a time. Watched the horizon grow and the town shrink below us... Awed and terrified in equal measure, we ascended without a word, the silence broken only by the rhythm of of the gears. No one but me remembers that day. Remembers our journey...and our end. Retread the path - seek and you may yet find...

Speak with Alphinaud

Alphinaud: And here we finally are, at Top Rung.
Alphinaud: The others should arrive ere long─
Alisaie: Alphinaud, [Forename]! Come up here! There's something I need you to see!
Alphinaud: What could this be about?

Speak with Alisaie

Alphinaud: That appears to be a village...
Alisaie: There's a village, [Forename]. Over to the northeast.
Alphinaud: So there is. Yet after two decades without the Ladder in operation, I would not be surprised if such an isolated settlement had long since been abandoned.
Alisaie: Nor I. But that was before I spied someone leave it and proceed to head in our direction, all the while trying to remain unseen...
Alisaie: Whoever this mysterious person is, they should still be out there. Go on and take a look, [Forename].

Search the area for the mysterious person

Search your surroundings for the mysterious person. You may move the camera as well as zoom in and out. Target the figure and inspect them with (interaction button)
You have located the mysterious person! However, it seems he has likewise spotted you, and hurriedly turns back to the village...
(The person looks shocked and runs off)
Alisaie: There's someone, right? And they were spying on us. Personally, I don't feel comfortable not knowing who they are. What do you say we investigate?
Alphinaud: I'm curious too, I must admit. And I daresay we have a bit of time ere the others ascend.
Alisaie: It's settled, then. Let's head to the village and see if it's indeed inhabited.

Investigate the village

Food has been hung out to dry in the sun, and quite recently by your reckoning.
You hear faint sounds from inside the building. However, the door refuses to budge.
Alisaie: I could have sworn I heard a noise...
Alphinaud: The crates and barrels are laden with unknown contents.
The cups are half-empty...or half-full, depending on how you see such things. Behind the counter, a kettle bubbles steadily over the stove.

Speak with Alphinaud

Alphinaud: What news, [Forename]? Were you able to find anything of note?
What will you say? People are definitely still living here. / I couldn't find our mysterious person. / Maybe this place really is abandoned.-> I couldn't find our mysterious person.
Alphinaud: Nor I. But while there's no one to be seen, 'tis plain that this village is anything but abandoned.
Alisaie: If the villagers are trying to conceal themselves, they are doing a rather poor job of it. But if they don't wish to be seen, what are we to do? (someone approaches)
???: I say, aren't you the ones who saved my life?
Alphinaud: You're Tristol, the artist from Eulmore!
Tristol: You remembered! Ever since we parted ways, I've worried for you, bound for the city as you were. Never did I imagine that we would meet again, and here of all places!
Alphinaud: We could say the very same thing to you, my friend. I'm glad to see you hale and whole. But tell me, what is this village?
Tristol: This is Amity, a settlement made up of those who survived being exiled from Eulmore.
Tristol: As I wandered the wilds, I chanced to cross paths with an inhabitant of these parts.
Tristol: He took me through a secret tunnel which led to the top of the Bright Cliff. I've been here ever since. Life is hard, but we know a semblance of peace.
Tristol: Well, we did at any rate─until Mt. Gulg broke away from the earth. Then just as suddenly, the Ladder started moving again...
Alisaie: And you feared whoever was coming up would threaten your lives.
Tristol: Aye... But I see now there's no cause for concern. Will you tell me what has brought you here?
Tristol: So Vauthry is a sin eater, and he's fled to Mt. Gulg...
Tristol: 'Tis a strange tale, but I have no reason to doubt your words.
Tristol: I owe you my life. If there is anything I can do to help, you need but say the word.
Alphinaud: Your help would be most welcome, Tristol. To begin with, we request your people's permission to reconnoiter the area.
Alphinaud: If we are to confront Vauthry, we must find a way to reach Mt. Gulg.
Tristol: Of course, you hardly need our permission to be here. I will tell the others about you and yours.
Tristol: Now, we haven't much to offer in the way of hospitality, but our village is at your disposal. Please use it as you see fit in your quest.